Group of "people" beat a 61 year old woman with a pot and stole her walker and money.

Did he attack him, why should I just take Zimmerman's word?
nah there was other evidence supporting his story, part of it was recorded via 911, as well as testimony from medical experts that supported it

you don’t have to, 12 jurors who heard the evidence did.

you might be able to find the trial transcript on line
You've already been handed your ass on your lies dozens of times, dumbass. The fact that you keep repeating them anyway just shows how dope fries brains.
Your candy ass couldn't hand a hamburger out the drive thru window, you are probably a weak ass dude like that coward Zimmerman. A grown man needing a gun for a teenager that's why you defend him because you are the same kind of bitch.
Your candy ass couldn't hand a hamburger out the drive thru window, you are probably a weak ass dude like that coward Zimmerman. A grown man needing a gun for a teenager that's why you defend him because you are the same kind of bitch.
Oh, just pipe down, fag. Your pleas for Whitey to come save your ass are getting boring now. Your stupid handle says it all; lol at trying to make people think you're some kind of badass. You're more of the prison bitch who likes getting passed around type.
nah there was other evidence supporting his story, part of it was recorded via 911, as well as testimony from medical experts that supported it.
What evidence was that? Most LE said that investigation was screwed up from Day 1.
you don’t have to, 12 jurors who heard the evidence did.
Yea 12 jurors heard the evidence against JW Milam and Roy Bryant as well.
you might be able to find the trial transcript on line.
Watched the whole trial. The one black juror allowed the white folks to intimidate her into voting not guilty.
Did he attack him, why should I just take Zimmerman's word?
nah there was other evidence supporting his story, part of it was recorded via 911, as well as testimony from medical experts that supported it

you don’t have to, 12 jurors who heard the evidence did.

you might be able to find the trial transcript on
Your candy ass couldn't hand a hamburger out the drive thru window, you are probably a weak ass dude like that coward Zimmerman. A grown man needing a gun for a teenager that's why you defend him because you are the same kind of bitch.
why are you talking about this old already adjudicated case when you have hundreds of people being killed, and assaulted daily in DC, Baltimore, Chicago and NYC? How come known if those lives matter to you?
Just another example of the modern society in that culture. At least it was still black on black crime. These kinds of things rarely hit the national news. There is certainly no outrage from the black community. Should we really give a shit? We see this kind of thing often. Not much shock value left. Where is Black Lives Matter?

Black Lives only matter if a white cop is involved, Otherwise, it's all good. :thup:
What evidence was that? Most LE said that investigation was screwed up from Day 1.

Yea 12 jurors heard the evidence against JW Milam and Roy Bryant as well.

Watched the whole trial. The one black juror allowed the white folks to intimidate her into voting not guilty.
nah there was other evidence supporting his story, part of it was recorded via 911, as well as testimony from medical experts that supported it

you don’t have to, 12 jurors who heard the evidence did.

you might be able to find the trial transcript on

why are you talking about this old already adjudicated case when you have hundreds of people being killed, and assaulted daily in DC, Baltimore, Chicago and NYC? How come known if those lives matter to you?
Talk to one of your white buddies that brought it up.
These individuals need to be found and prosecuted to the max that the law can give them, what would be better would be the family finding them and giving them some good old fashioned street Justice.
Do to each one of them the same thing they did to that woman. Eye for an eye, etc. If punishment was dished out to perps EXACTLY what they did to their victims, I'm betting there would be less violence.

Anyway..I hope they are caught, and I hope it's someone that is not law enforcement but instead wants revenge just for general principles. Like..oh...death.
WANTED for ROBBERY: On 7/20, at 8:18 PM, a 61-year-old female was on the corner of W 151 St & 8 Ave in Manhattan when the suspects started kicking, punching, & hit her head with a pot before removing her cash, credit cards, & walker. Any info? Call/DM
at 800-577-TIPS.

Well, it is the law of the Jungle and certainly there are "people" that things like this just come naturally.

I wonder what could have pissed those fat fucks off so much? Maybe the skinny lady they were beating had a box of pork chops. Ah, liberal living at its finest.
Bullshit, you can't show one example on this forum where someone black has defended a black person killing an innocent person.

Yes I can you tard. Your buddy Paul essian has declared his desire to murder white children.


And you said nothing.

Nothing at all.
Yea we saw all the white outrage when a white boy who was mad from jacking off murdered 6 Asian women, I think the police chief said he was having a bad day.
Thats not a good deflection

that shooting was widely reported as a white on asian incident

as it always is when whites are doing the shooting

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