61 year old woman beaten after she runs out of bullets for her gun...magazine limits are stupid...

I have one of these with 2 30 round magazines

Dick Tiny scours the internet every day hoping to find these kind of stories... but he never looks at stories like this one.

Boy, 12, accidentally shoots and kills himself while playing with parents' gun

A 12-year-old boy is dead after shooting himself in the garage of a Gwinnett County home and police are trying to find out how the boy obtained the gun, which family members said was normally locked away in a safe place.

The shooting happened shortly before 6 p.m. at a home in the 4900 block of Appaloosa Trail, according to Gwinnett County police. Investigators said the 12-year-old and a 9-year-old boy were inside the garage playing when the shooting occurred, police spokesman Cpl. Deon Washington said.

The twelve year old was playing with a handgun when it went off by accident,” Washington said. “The mother was inside the home when the shot was fired.”
Just like Tinier Dick scours the interwebz looking for stories like he just posted and never looks at the other stories where people are saved........... See, it works both ways on agenda driven, know nothing hacks. :thup:
2 thugs break into a 61 year old woman's home...so she shoots one but misses the other one....and runs out of bullets......then the other thug beats her......this is why magazine limit laws are stupid, and pointless....

Woman Shoots Suspect, Runs Out of Bullets, Plans to Buy 'Another Gun' - Breitbart

Over the weekend, a 61-year-old woman awoke to two suspects, unloaded her gun on them, and plans to buy “another gun” in case such an incident occurs again.
The woman lives in the vicinity of Terrell, Texas, but wishes to remain unidentified for her own security.

According to CBS DFW, the woman grabbed her gun when she heard the suspects in her home.

Upon seeing them, she opened fire, shooting one in the stomach but emptying every bullet in her gun without hitting the second suspect.

She surmises that the suspects heard her gun as it began to “click” and realized she was out of rounds.

At that point, the uninjured suspect allegedly began to beat her, leaving the woman with “a concussion and her face was covered with cuts and bruises.”

The woman called police after the suspects fled and the injured one — 21-year-old Saul Guzman — was quickly captured at Texas Regional Medical Center in Sunnyvale, seeking treatment for his gunshot wound. The second suspect — 21-year-old Pedro Guzman — was captured sitting in his car at a gas station across the street from the medical center.

The woman said she plans to install a security system so she can know if someone is in her house as soon as they enter.

She also said she plans to buy “another gun.” She urged other woman to do the same, saying, “I hope other women will take note. I am glad I was able to defend myself.”

Thanks to this woman, at least two a**hole thugs are off the streets, at least for a while....

or maybe she shouldn't have had a gun at all.
2 thugs break into a 61 year old woman's home...so she shoots one but misses the other one....and runs out of bullets......then the other thug beats her......this is why magazine limit laws are stupid, and pointless....

Woman Shoots Suspect, Runs Out of Bullets, Plans to Buy 'Another Gun' - Breitbart

Over the weekend, a 61-year-old woman awoke to two suspects, unloaded her gun on them, and plans to buy “another gun” in case such an incident occurs again.
The woman lives in the vicinity of Terrell, Texas, but wishes to remain unidentified for her own security.

According to CBS DFW, the woman grabbed her gun when she heard the suspects in her home.

Upon seeing them, she opened fire, shooting one in the stomach but emptying every bullet in her gun without hitting the second suspect.

She surmises that the suspects heard her gun as it began to “click” and realized she was out of rounds.

At that point, the uninjured suspect allegedly began to beat her, leaving the woman with “a concussion and her face was covered with cuts and bruises.”

The woman called police after the suspects fled and the injured one — 21-year-old Saul Guzman — was quickly captured at Texas Regional Medical Center in Sunnyvale, seeking treatment for his gunshot wound. The second suspect — 21-year-old Pedro Guzman — was captured sitting in his car at a gas station across the street from the medical center.

The woman said she plans to install a security system so she can know if someone is in her house as soon as they enter.

She also said she plans to buy “another gun.” She urged other woman to do the same, saying, “I hope other women will take note. I am glad I was able to defend myself.”

Thanks to this woman, at least two a**hole thugs are off the streets, at least for a while....

or maybe she shouldn't have had a gun at all.

It's her Constitutional right to have a gun.
2 thugs break into a 61 year old woman's home...so she shoots one but misses the other one....and runs out of bullets......then the other thug beats her......this is why magazine limit laws are stupid, and pointless....

Woman Shoots Suspect, Runs Out of Bullets, Plans to Buy 'Another Gun' - Breitbart

Over the weekend, a 61-year-old woman awoke to two suspects, unloaded her gun on them, and plans to buy “another gun” in case such an incident occurs again.
The woman lives in the vicinity of Terrell, Texas, but wishes to remain unidentified for her own security.

According to CBS DFW, the woman grabbed her gun when she heard the suspects in her home.

Upon seeing them, she opened fire, shooting one in the stomach but emptying every bullet in her gun without hitting the second suspect.

She surmises that the suspects heard her gun as it began to “click” and realized she was out of rounds.

At that point, the uninjured suspect allegedly began to beat her, leaving the woman with “a concussion and her face was covered with cuts and bruises.”

The woman called police after the suspects fled and the injured one — 21-year-old Saul Guzman — was quickly captured at Texas Regional Medical Center in Sunnyvale, seeking treatment for his gunshot wound. The second suspect — 21-year-old Pedro Guzman — was captured sitting in his car at a gas station across the street from the medical center.

The woman said she plans to install a security system so she can know if someone is in her house as soon as they enter.

She also said she plans to buy “another gun.” She urged other woman to do the same, saying, “I hope other women will take note. I am glad I was able to defend myself.”

Thanks to this woman, at least two a**hole thugs are off the streets, at least for a while....

or maybe she shouldn't have had a gun at all.

It's her Constitutional right to have a gun.

which doesn't mean she should have one.

if you do have one, you'd better know how to use it.
She should have had more training. Gun ranges are there for a reason. Use them.
The targets at gun ranges do not actively try to avoid being shot.

Most likely it was the first shot that hit the mark.
Dick Tiny scours the internet every day hoping to find these kind of stories... but he never looks at stories like this one.

Boy, 12, accidentally shoots and kills himself while playing with parents' gun

A 12-year-old boy is dead after shooting himself in the garage of a Gwinnett County home and police are trying to find out how the boy obtained the gun, which family members said was normally locked away in a safe place.

The shooting happened shortly before 6 p.m. at a home in the 4900 block of Appaloosa Trail, according to Gwinnett County police. Investigators said the 12-year-old and a 9-year-old boy were inside the garage playing when the shooting occurred, police spokesman Cpl. Deon Washington said.

The twelve year old was playing with a handgun when it went off by accident,” Washington said. “The mother was inside the home when the shot was fired.”

Millions of Americans a year defend themselves with guns. Gun ownership by Americans will be increasingly important in the coming years now that the country is becoming flooded with people from the third world, especially military age muslims. Below is a link of the free ride cubans get escaping to USA. Link below, and look at the freebies only cubans automatically get. And the link is from a left wing site, by the way.
Only a president Trump will try to change this downward trend of goodbye America the great.

2 thugs break into a 61 year old woman's home...so she shoots one but misses the other one....and runs out of bullets......then the other thug beats her......this is why magazine limit laws are stupid, and pointless....

Woman Shoots Suspect, Runs Out of Bullets, Plans to Buy 'Another Gun' - Breitbart

Over the weekend, a 61-year-old woman awoke to two suspects, unloaded her gun on them, and plans to buy “another gun” in case such an incident occurs again.
The woman lives in the vicinity of Terrell, Texas, but wishes to remain unidentified for her own security.

According to CBS DFW, the woman grabbed her gun when she heard the suspects in her home.

Upon seeing them, she opened fire, shooting one in the stomach but emptying every bullet in her gun without hitting the second suspect.

She surmises that the suspects heard her gun as it began to “click” and realized she was out of rounds.

At that point, the uninjured suspect allegedly began to beat her, leaving the woman with “a concussion and her face was covered with cuts and bruises.”

The woman called police after the suspects fled and the injured one — 21-year-old Saul Guzman — was quickly captured at Texas Regional Medical Center in Sunnyvale, seeking treatment for his gunshot wound. The second suspect — 21-year-old Pedro Guzman — was captured sitting in his car at a gas station across the street from the medical center.

The woman said she plans to install a security system so she can know if someone is in her house as soon as they enter.

She also said she plans to buy “another gun.” She urged other woman to do the same, saying, “I hope other women will take note. I am glad I was able to defend myself.”

Thanks to this woman, at least two a**hole thugs are off the streets, at least for a while....

or maybe she shouldn't have had a gun at all.

It's her Constitutional right to have a gun.

which doesn't mean she should have one.

if you do have one, you'd better know how to use it.
Obviously she knew how to use it.
2 thugs break into a 61 year old woman's home...so she shoots one but misses the other one....and runs out of bullets......then the other thug beats her......this is why magazine limit laws are stupid, and pointless....

Woman Shoots Suspect, Runs Out of Bullets, Plans to Buy 'Another Gun' - Breitbart

Over the weekend, a 61-year-old woman awoke to two suspects, unloaded her gun on them, and plans to buy “another gun” in case such an incident occurs again.
The woman lives in the vicinity of Terrell, Texas, but wishes to remain unidentified for her own security.

According to CBS DFW, the woman grabbed her gun when she heard the suspects in her home.

Upon seeing them, she opened fire, shooting one in the stomach but emptying every bullet in her gun without hitting the second suspect.

She surmises that the suspects heard her gun as it began to “click” and realized she was out of rounds.

At that point, the uninjured suspect allegedly began to beat her, leaving the woman with “a concussion and her face was covered with cuts and bruises.”

The woman called police after the suspects fled and the injured one — 21-year-old Saul Guzman — was quickly captured at Texas Regional Medical Center in Sunnyvale, seeking treatment for his gunshot wound. The second suspect — 21-year-old Pedro Guzman — was captured sitting in his car at a gas station across the street from the medical center.

The woman said she plans to install a security system so she can know if someone is in her house as soon as they enter.

She also said she plans to buy “another gun.” She urged other woman to do the same, saying, “I hope other women will take note. I am glad I was able to defend myself.”

Thanks to this woman, at least two a**hole thugs are off the streets, at least for a while....

or maybe she shouldn't have had a gun at all.

It's her Constitutional right to have a gun.

which doesn't mean she should have one.

if you do have one, you'd better know how to use it.

I just read the Second, nowhere does it say "for those that know how to use arms". It's her right to own a weapon. Case closed
When someone doesnt have a gun the OP says "good thing they didnt have a gun *wink wink*" as if thats the end all be all.

Then this lady actually has a gun, doesnt become Bang Bang Jane missing and the OP moves the goal posts to where if only granny had a should strap of ammo like Rambo it wouldve been fine.
Sounds like she needs to work on her shooting skills. While I don't support any sort of mag cap laws, I think that the most restrictive mag cap limit is 7 rounds. That is, you cannot have a mag that holds more than 7 rounds.

If you have 2 home invaders and 7 rounds to use, and the distance between gun muzzle and target is probably 10 ft or less, then 7 shots ought to be plenty. If she had chosen a revolver she would have only had 5-7 rounds (possibly more with a .22 revolver depending on what she has).

So it sounds to me not that the mag cap law caused her beating. It sounds line she was unable to neutralize the threat due to her poor shooting skills. Think about it, if she could not take out 2 perps with 7 rounds, then another 7-8 rounds may not of mattered anyway. She was most likely just pointing her gun, closing her eyes and pulling the trigger as fast as she could. Clearly she lacked training and/or clarity of mind at the time of the attack.

I am with you 99.9% of the time, 2aguy. This is the 0.1%.
2 thugs break into a 61 year old woman's home...so she shoots one but misses the other one....and runs out of bullets......then the other thug beats her......this is why magazine limit laws are stupid, and pointless....

Woman Shoots Suspect, Runs Out of Bullets, Plans to Buy 'Another Gun' - Breitbart

Over the weekend, a 61-year-old woman awoke to two suspects, unloaded her gun on them, and plans to buy “another gun” in case such an incident occurs again.
The woman lives in the vicinity of Terrell, Texas, but wishes to remain unidentified for her own security.

According to CBS DFW, the woman grabbed her gun when she heard the suspects in her home.

Upon seeing them, she opened fire, shooting one in the stomach but emptying every bullet in her gun without hitting the second suspect.

She surmises that the suspects heard her gun as it began to “click” and realized she was out of rounds.

At that point, the uninjured suspect allegedly began to beat her, leaving the woman with “a concussion and her face was covered with cuts and bruises.”

The woman called police after the suspects fled and the injured one — 21-year-old Saul Guzman — was quickly captured at Texas Regional Medical Center in Sunnyvale, seeking treatment for his gunshot wound. The second suspect — 21-year-old Pedro Guzman — was captured sitting in his car at a gas station across the street from the medical center.

The woman said she plans to install a security system so she can know if someone is in her house as soon as they enter.

She also said she plans to buy “another gun.” She urged other woman to do the same, saying, “I hope other women will take note. I am glad I was able to defend myself.”

Thanks to this woman, at least two a**hole thugs are off the streets, at least for a while....

or maybe she shouldn't have had a gun at all.

She had a 50% hit ratio...better than a lot of cops.....2 violent thugs, who are willing to beat a 61 year old woman, are now off the streets, until prosecutors and judges who share your views let them go......
When someone doesnt have a gun the OP says "good thing they didnt have a gun *wink wink*" as if thats the end all be all.

Then this lady actually has a gun, doesnt become Bang Bang Jane missing and the OP moves the goal posts to where if only granny had a should strap of ammo like Rambo it wouldve been fine.

No twit....the thread is in response to anti gun morons who want to limit how much ammo a victim can have....and the lead anti gun moron says they don't need more than 2 bullets since most self defense encounters only need 2.........

Again, she hit 1 out of 2 and put both of them in jail by her actions...she saved who knows how many others from being attacked by these monsters .....good for her...
Sounds like she needs to work on her shooting skills. While I don't support any sort of mag cap laws, I think that the most restrictive mag cap limit is 7 rounds. That is, you cannot have a mag that holds more than 7 rounds.

If you have 2 home invaders and 7 rounds to use, and the distance between gun muzzle and target is probably 10 ft or less, then 7 shots ought to be plenty. If she had chosen a revolver she would have only had 5-7 rounds (possibly more with a .22 revolver depending on what she has).

So it sounds to me not that the mag cap law caused her beating. It sounds line she was unable to neutralize the threat due to her poor shooting skills. Think about it, if she could not take out 2 perps with 7 rounds, then another 7-8 rounds may not of mattered anyway. She was most likely just pointing her gun, closing her eyes and pulling the trigger as fast as she could. Clearly she lacked training and/or clarity of mind at the time of the attack.

I am with you 99.9% of the time, 2aguy. This is the 0.1%.

Sorry......there are stories of trained police officers.....several in the same shooting event missing every single shot on the perp....and hitting everyone else around the perp....she hit 1 out of 2.......she did her job. Had she had more ammo she might have hit the other guy.....

If it was a revolver...which it sounds like....she likely missed 3 times........give her 17+1....and she now has another 14 tries at hitting the other thug...and even if she missed...that much lead coming down range on the asshole would have been more likely to drive him out of the house....

we do not give the anti gunners one more gun, magazine, bullet or piece of equipment.........
okay people 61 is not that damn over the hill...no excuse for this.....hitting one outta 9 shots..thats on her....i will stick with my fathers advice.....shotgun...00....sure its gonna kick me to the floor...but anything in the room with me...is down...i think i like shotguns cause the simple sound of one being racked will put most people off...
When someone doesnt have a gun the OP says "good thing they didnt have a gun *wink wink*" as if thats the end all be all.

Then this lady actually has a gun, doesnt become Bang Bang Jane missing and the OP moves the goal posts to where if only granny had a should strap of ammo like Rambo it wouldve been fine.

No twit....when I say...good thing they don't have a gun....that is to show they should have had a gun since the post will be about some helpless person being horribly victimized by a violent sociopath.......where if they actually had a gun they would have survived the attack.

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