Growing Evidence that the "Novel Coronavirus" is a Military Weapon Researched/Modified by Chicom Ar

Jim, the 20% death rate is for the small number who had severe cases and were hospitalized. The vast majority are "mild cases" and their "outcomes" will probably not be monitored--just like most of us who recover from a cold/flu.
Those who have survived with mild cases are in the larger number, then counted as the survivor population and not the ongoing infected population.
So far 4,000 people have recovered, which counts mild cases as well.
There are over 7,300 cases in ICU, and deaths and recovery cases come from that.

There are at this time over 5,000 cases of recovery and death, or a disease outcome, positive 80% (recovery) or 20% negative (death). Most of the people contracting this disease take some time to resolve the disease, about a week and a half.
It's a bad thing. My grandfather's first wife died in 1918 of the Spanish Influenza, leaving two young boys. I am crossing my fingers for China that they can get a handle on this before too many more die.
Totally seriously, why would you make a bioweapon that gives people a COLD and has only killed two one hundredths of one percent of those affected?

I always thought of bioweapons as being more deadly than that.

That’s because it isn’t a weapon at all.
Whether man-made or not, I strongly suspect the Chinese are using this outbreak as a cover to round up and eliminate dissidents.
Well, so far it seems to have a more severe effect on people of the Asian ethnicity, but that could be solely due to geographical origin.

I'm sure it's purely where it started. Because look how fast it's spreading in that cruise ship the Diamond Princess, and consider that British guy who spread it all across Europe, some 14 people infected by him. There have been several cases like this, and maybe it's "superspreaders," but I think it's just a very enthusiastic virus burning through a 100% susceptible population.
Wuhan province has several Chicom Army biowarfare facilities, and it looks like this one got out.

PROOF: The "Novel Coronavirus" Infecting the World is a MILITARY BIO-WEAPON Developed by China's Army
MORE: a new study shows that elements of HIV have been found in the new "novel coronavirus!" From that study:

We are currently witnessing a major epidemic caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019- nCoV). The evolution of 2019-nCoV remains elusive. We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature.


There is no way in nature that the Bat coronavirus could fortuitously acquire the HIV genetic sequences, without causing a mutation of the Virus Envelope. The ONLY way the virus envelope could obtain the HIV genetics and still remain 100% identical to the 2018 sample, is if the HIV genes were added in a laboratory.

So what the human race is now facing, is an accidentally-released military bio-weapon. The original Bat-SARS-Like Coronavirus was identified by China's People's Liberation Army, through the Institute of Military Medicine, Nanjiang Command in the year 2018. They uploaded the virus sequence and they were the sole entity in possession of the virus.

Here we are, two years later, and the virus they had has been changed in a way that cannot occur in nature without mutating the virus envelope protein.

This isn't rocket science; this is as plain as day. China conducted genetic manipulation of their Bat-SARS-like virus and created a new virus capable of infecting humans. That new virus was apparently accidentally-released and is the "novel coronavirus" the world is now battling.

I am sorry to have to report, many of us are very likely to LOSE this battle. Just like many are already losing their battle inside China and elsewhere.

Then, they didn't do a very good job....hitting their own people and it's effectiveness not being anywhere close as serious as SAR was.

I make that death rate 2.36% (that's 23 dead in a thousand ill). About what they've been reporting all along.

X / 100 as 1,013 / 42,760. You multiply 1,013 times 100 and divide 42,760 into that, which gives the percentage.

Sorry to bring math into this, but it could be important if it becomes pandemic. 20% would be twice the death rate of SARS, which had a death rate of 10% (which is quite high as these things go). There have been diseases with death rates of 1/5 (20%) or higher but they were the big name players. Well, are the big players: Ebola is substantially higher than that. Cholera, too. Smallpox would kill most of us --- real apolcalyse territory --- but smallpox is extinct. Suuuurrrrrre it is...….. except for a couple freezers in Atlanta and Moscow, they tell us.

Anyway, 2.2% death rate is quite bad enough, thank you. It's 22 times the influenza death rate.
How do you explain the HIV viruses that are most commonly used in genetic engineering of DNA and RNA? Just a big coincidence??

I don't know to what you are referring re DNA and RNA and HIV --- not clear about the relevance to this coronavirus?

I'm not saying the virus couldn't have escaped from a Chinese military lab --- this is actually one of the commonest situations. The Soviet anthrax in the Urals when their lab blew up; the anthrax that was sent by mail all over the U.S. after 9/11 and was proven to come from Fort Detrick in Maryland. Weapons, including nuclear, are always exploded first on the developing country's territory. And they get loose; they just do.

I'm agnostic about it. It doesn't feel especially weaponized; if it were, it would have a higher death rate, I would think. I think this is just one of the many, many Chinese plagues. They have several every century, after all.
It's a bad thing. My grandfather's first wife died in 1918 of the Spanish Influenza, leaving two young boys. I am crossing my fingers for China that they can get a handle on this before too many more die.

Remarkable! What a history. I don't know about mine and the Spanish flu.

The death total for Spanish flu has lately been beefed up to 100 million (ten times the death toll of fighting in WWI), which I think is exaggerated --- but even if it was 50 million, that was a lot of people. People are saying 10--20% death rate of people infected, and 3--6% of, you know, everybody on the planet. That's a higher death rate than SARS, and the symptoms were just --- flamboyant. This new disease isn't nearly as spectacular. People develop fairly normal pneumonia and can die of that. Pneumonia is what kills them, not the coronavirus itself.

Only a third of people caught the Spanish flu, and it's never everyone for any disease. This disease is very infective, but warm weather MAY suppress it. Temporarily, till the next winter.

I make that death rate 2.36% (that's 23 dead in a thousand ill). About what they've been reporting all along.

X / 100 as 1,013 / 42,760. You multiply 1,013 times 100 and divide 42,760 into that, which gives the percentage.

Sorry to bring math into this, but it could be important if it becomes pandemic. 20% would be twice the death rate of SARS, which had a death rate of 10% (which is quite high as these things go). There have been diseases with death rates of 1/5 (20%) or higher but they were the big name players. Well, are the big players: Ebola is substantially higher than that. Cholera, too. Smallpox would kill most of us --- real apolcalyse territory --- but smallpox is extinct. Suuuurrrrrre it is...….. except for a couple freezers in Atlanta and Moscow, they tell us.

Anyway, 2.2% death rate is quite bad enough, thank you. It's 22 times the influenza death rate.
Deriving a Death percentage as an indicator of possible outcomes requires only taking data from the outcome category, not all those still in the illness process.

If we had a factory that took 4 weeks to produce a widget, and a whole bunch of these widgets came out defective, to get the rate of defectiveness, you compare the defective count with the finished product total, not including the product still being produced that has an unknown final outcome. You compare products that are compelted, not products still being made.

Same with this virus. You get your survival rate from those who have attained an out come, not all those infected and showing symptoms that as of yet have not attained a final outcome.

the chance of getting a 'You die' outcome is taken from the end results ratios, and that is around 20%.

Dont buy the spin the media is giving the public to minimize panic.
How do you explain the HIV viruses that are most commonly used in genetic engineering of DNA and RNA? Just a big coincidence??
I don't know to what you are referring re DNA and RNA and HIV --- not clear about the relevance to this coronavirus?
All viruses are wrapped in a layer of fat, and on the outside of that they have receptors that are like keys to gain entry into cells.

These HIV variants show a huge amount of genetic evolution, along with chemical markers that are found in engineered DNA and RNA. Viruses though only have RNA, I believe.

But when viruses evolve in nature not only does the RNA mutate, but so does the receptor layer as well.

THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN the Coronavirus' receptor layer.
Lol, the thread is buried in the conspiracy theory forum almost as though the chicoms never engage in conspiracy.


Some of the mods here are just infantile.
Wuhan province has several Chicom Army biowarfare facilities, and it looks like this one got out.

PROOF: The "Novel Coronavirus" Infecting the World is a MILITARY BIO-WEAPON Developed by China's Army
MORE: a new study shows that elements of HIV have been found in the new "novel coronavirus!" From that study:

We are currently witnessing a major epidemic caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019- nCoV). The evolution of 2019-nCoV remains elusive. We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature.


There is no way in nature that the Bat coronavirus could fortuitously acquire the HIV genetic sequences, without causing a mutation of the Virus Envelope. The ONLY way the virus envelope could obtain the HIV genetics and still remain 100% identical to the 2018 sample, is if the HIV genes were added in a laboratory.

So what the human race is now facing, is an accidentally-released military bio-weapon. The original Bat-SARS-Like Coronavirus was identified by China's People's Liberation Army, through the Institute of Military Medicine, Nanjiang Command in the year 2018. They uploaded the virus sequence and they were the sole entity in possession of the virus.

Here we are, two years later, and the virus they had has been changed in a way that cannot occur in nature without mutating the virus envelope protein.

This isn't rocket science; this is as plain as day. China conducted genetic manipulation of their Bat-SARS-like virus and created a new virus capable of infecting humans. That new virus was apparently accidentally-released and is the "novel coronavirus" the world is now battling.

I am sorry to have to report, many of us are very likely to LOSE this battle. Just like many are already losing their battle inside China and elsewhere.

or released?
Well, so far it seems to have a more severe effect on people of the Asian ethnicity, but that could be solely due to geographical origin.

I do not understand what advantage there would be to releasing a mass depopulation bio-warfare engineered virus on your own population.
from a country controlling births? really?
You get your survival rate from those who have attained an out come, not all those infected and showing symptoms that as of yet have not attained a final outcome.

the chance of getting a 'You die' outcome is taken from the end results ratios, and that is around 20%.

Dont buy the spin the media is giving the public to minimize panic.

Nice example -- the widgets -- and I like your reasoning. I think we have to wait and see what a lot of the measures are in the final analysis -- the R0 rate of infection, the death rate, the severe illness vs. mild rate, what proportion of the population actually catches it. But the numbers are just awful in the sense that they are NOT picking up the mild cases (I mean, who would tell they have symptoms in this quarantine and police situation in China?? only really sick people who need help.) I have for some days realized that the numbers are not about the virus: they are about human activity, such as doing difficult tests. That is very possibly unrelated to virus spread.

Note that if we have not yet got the end results, and we don't, we cannot say that the death rate is 20%!! Besides, that's way too high: 20% would be talking Plague of Pericles or Plague of Justinian or the English Sweat in 1485. SARS death rate was only 10% and that IS an end result number. They thought SARS was much higher earlier, but that's just because they were only seeing very sick people who often died.
Note that if we have not yet got the end results, and we don't, we cannot say that the death rate is 20%!! Besides, that's way too high: 20% would be talking Plague of Pericles or Plague of Justinian or the English Sweat in 1485.
Yeah, I mean it is a projection based on past performance, which hopefully will go way down.

I deeply respect the Han Chinese as a culture, but the corruption of the Communist government is shooting them in the ass right now.

This might be a fatal hit below the water line for Beijing.
From Wikipedia

Virus - Wikipedia

Viruses undergo genetic change by several mechanisms. These include a process called antigenic drift where individual bases in the DNA or RNA mutate to other bases. Most of these point mutations are "silent"—they do not change the protein that the gene encodes—but others can confer evolutionary advantages such as resistance to antiviral drugs.[101][102] Antigenic shift occurs when there is a major change in the genome of the virus. This can be a result of recombination or reassortment. When this happens with influenza viruses, pandemics might result.[103] RNA viruses often exist as quasispecies or swarms of viruses of the same species but with slightly different genome nucleoside sequences. Such quasispecies are a prime target for natural selection.[104]

Segmented genomes confer evolutionary advantages; different strains of a virus with a segmented genome can shuffle and combine genes and produce progeny viruses or (offspring) that have unique characteristics. This is called reassortment or viral sex.[105]

Genetic recombination is the process by which a strand of DNA is broken and then joined to the end of a different DNA molecule. This can occur when viruses infect cells simultaneously and studies of viral evolution have shown that recombination has been rampant in the species studied.[106] Recombination is common to both RNA and DNA viruses.​

Jim, the 20% death rate is for the small number who had severe cases and were hospitalized. The vast majority are "mild cases" and their "outcomes" will probably not be monitored--just like most of us who recover from a cold/flu.
Those who have survived with mild cases are in the larger number, then counted as the survivor population and not the ongoing infected population.
So far 4,000 people have recovered, which counts mild cases as well.
There are over 7,300 cases in ICU, and deaths and recovery cases come from that.

There are at this time over 5,000 cases of recovery and death, or a disease outcome, positive 80% (recovery) or 20% negative (death). Most of the people contracting this disease take some time to resolve the disease, about a week and a half.
It's a bad thing. My grandfather's first wife died in 1918 of the Spanish Influenza, leaving two young boys. I am crossing my fingers for China that they can get a handle on this before too many more die.

This is nothing like the Spanish Influenza- otherwise we would have already seen thousands of deaths.
Lol, the thread is buried in the conspiracy theory forum almost as though the chicoms never engage in conspiracy.


Some of the mods here are just infantile.

Considering your 'source' is a Conspiracy theorist Holocaust denier with a high school education- yeah it belongs with the rest of the whacko conspiracy crap.

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