Growing Movement of Democrats Leaving the Party

Some are starting to look around the Dem party and realizing that they are total hypocrites. The left has shown just how hateful and intolerant they are, all the while pointing their fingers at others. They've done nothing for minorities. They've kept them down by making it nearly impossible for them leave the liberal plantation. The left preaches one thing and does another.

They hate freedom of speech. They hate liberty. They hate our rights. They hate America.

They love communist countries and evil dictators. They bash Trump and all Republicans yet sang the praises of Castro and his ilk for decades. They used to praise Russia.

Now they are completely unglued because their plan to destroy America and replace it with an Oligarchy has been derailed. And they will continue to demonstrate pure hatred for Trump and all who voted for him. The "deplorables" stopped them. Now, the violence and propaganda have increased because they are desperate to regain some power so they can get their evil agenda back on track. I am hoping that more people have awakened to see what the Dem party has really become. Most don't hide their true vision anymore. Hillary was open about One World Government. For years, liberals rolled their eyes when this was bought up. The liberals also denied that they wanted socialism or communism for years and bashed anyone who suggested otherwise. Now, we know. The "conspiracy theorists" were right all along.

Some Dems are starting to feel betrayed by the party because they can see that it stands for everything they hate.

Great video at bottom explaining the reasons for the growing movement.

"Manipulating Fear

Straka, who grew up in a small town in Nebraska, was on board with the fear and loathing campaign around Trump until he began asking people back home why they had voted for him. To his astonishment, they told him about Obama-era regulations that had crippled their small businesses.

He started to research media canards like the one about Trump supposedly mocking a disabled reporter. When he found that it was a total distortion, he kept going, his anger rising.

He eventually became “completely ‘red-pilled.'” And isolated. He told himself that he would have to give up his lifelong dream of becoming an actor if he hit the “publish” button on his video, but, encouraged by one conservative gay friend, he decided to go ahead.

“This was a matter of the media specifically using and manipulating people’s deepest fears, based on legitimate traumas,” he explained.

“Many gay people have experienced very serious homophobia and even physical violence. Can you imagine manipulating a domestic violence survivor’s fears just for political purposes? It’s insane.

“I was afraid of losing all my friends. As I began posting about these things on social media, people started attacking me and unfriending me.

“But I thought, ‘You know what, this is too important.’ Maybe it’s the fact that I’m a gay man and I’ve already been through this—people making up lies about what it means to be gay and trying to shame me. I was like, ‘I’m not doing it. I’m not doing this twice.’

“The more resentment I received, the stronger I got. Finally, I thought, ‘To hell with it. I’m just going to blow the lid off this whole thing and make this video.’”


“I reject a system which allows an ambitious, misinformed and dogmatic mob to suppress free speech, create false narratives, and apathetically steamroll over the truth.”

And then this devastating line—the Rosa Parks moment of the video:

“I reject hate.”

If Democratic strategists were still able to watch the rest of the video without suffering a nervous breakdown, they’d see that it quickly got worse.

“These are the reasons why I became a liberal. And these are the same reasons why I am now walking away.”

Tidal Wave

Meet Brandon Straka, the unlikely liberator and new face of the “silent minority” of Americans who’ve been cast out by family and friends, fired from jobs, and forced into silent social ghettos for their failure to “get it” about how hateful and dangerous Donald Trump is, and why he and all his supporters should be subjected to an ever-expanding social and professional fatwah.

Since Straka published his confessional video on May 26, his life as a New York City hairdresser and aspiring actor has been overtaken by a tidal wave.


Viral 'Walk Away' Videos Highlight Growing Movement of Democrats Leaving the Party

I think they have solved it by having the Commies and Sheetheads to join.
The worst tyrants are all on the left.
The Communists are in the running... And the Nazis on the right... I would prefer to be in Nazi Germany to Russia at the same time lol. Capitalism close to socialism but not democratic or civilized.
what makes NAZIS right wing?

History. Historians. Now you're trying your hand at historical revisionism because you can't bring yourself to own your own extremists.

Although to be accurate - while facism is rightwing - extreme ideologies like Hitler's and Stalin's and similar authoritarian extremes are really neither right nor left but a mixture and in their own category.
Oh yes they are... Watch out for Liberal fascism propaganda it's everywhere!!! LOL
The Communists are in the running... And the Nazis on the right... I would prefer to be in Nazi Germany to Russia at the same time lol. Capitalism close to socialism but not democratic or civilized.
what makes NAZIS right wing?

History. Historians. Now you're trying your hand at historical revisionism because you can't bring yourself to own your own extremists.

Although to be accurate - while facism is rightwing - extreme ideologies like Hitler's and Stalin's and similar authoritarian extremes are really neither right nor left but a mixture and in their own category.

Leftwingers all claim national socialism was "rightwing," but they can't give you a coherent explanation of what makes an ideology right or leftwing.

Nazis were socialists. That means they were leftwing.
Capitalism or communism duh...
Nazis were capitalists d u h...
Read something stupid. There are these things called history facts and historians. You are a brainwashed functional morons. Look up messerschmitts heinkel t o d t. Jesus what a jackass... Whoops brainwashed functional jackass dot-dot-dot not your fault change the God damn Channel.
Some are starting to look around the Dem party and realizing that they are total hypocrites. The left has shown just how hateful and intolerant they are, all the while pointing their fingers at others. They've done nothing for minorities. They've kept them down by making it nearly impossible for them leave the liberal plantation. The left preaches one thing and does another.

They hate freedom of speech. They hate liberty. They hate our rights. They hate America.

They love communist countries and evil dictators. They bash Trump and all Republicans yet sang the praises of Castro and his ilk for decades. They used to praise Russia.

Now they are completely unglued because their plan to destroy America and replace it with an Oligarchy has been derailed. And they will continue to demonstrate pure hatred for Trump and all who voted for him. The "deplorables" stopped them. Now, the violence and propaganda have increased because they are desperate to regain some power so they can get their evil agenda back on track. I am hoping that more people have awakened to see what the Dem party has really become. Most don't hide their true vision anymore. Hillary was open about One World Government. For years, liberals rolled their eyes when this was bought up. The liberals also denied that they wanted socialism or communism for years and bashed anyone who suggested otherwise. Now, we know. The "conspiracy theorists" were right all along.

Some Dems are starting to feel betrayed by the party because they can see that it stands for everything they hate.

Great video at bottom explaining the reasons for the growing movement.

"Manipulating Fear

Straka, who grew up in a small town in Nebraska, was on board with the fear and loathing campaign around Trump until he began asking people back home why they had voted for him. To his astonishment, they told him about Obama-era regulations that had crippled their small businesses.

He started to research media canards like the one about Trump supposedly mocking a disabled reporter. When he found that it was a total distortion, he kept going, his anger rising.

He eventually became “completely ‘red-pilled.'” And isolated. He told himself that he would have to give up his lifelong dream of becoming an actor if he hit the “publish” button on his video, but, encouraged by one conservative gay friend, he decided to go ahead.

“This was a matter of the media specifically using and manipulating people’s deepest fears, based on legitimate traumas,” he explained.

“Many gay people have experienced very serious homophobia and even physical violence. Can you imagine manipulating a domestic violence survivor’s fears just for political purposes? It’s insane.

“I was afraid of losing all my friends. As I began posting about these things on social media, people started attacking me and unfriending me.

“But I thought, ‘You know what, this is too important.’ Maybe it’s the fact that I’m a gay man and I’ve already been through this—people making up lies about what it means to be gay and trying to shame me. I was like, ‘I’m not doing it. I’m not doing this twice.’

“The more resentment I received, the stronger I got. Finally, I thought, ‘To hell with it. I’m just going to blow the lid off this whole thing and make this video.’”


“I reject a system which allows an ambitious, misinformed and dogmatic mob to suppress free speech, create false narratives, and apathetically steamroll over the truth.”

And then this devastating line—the Rosa Parks moment of the video:

“I reject hate.”

If Democratic strategists were still able to watch the rest of the video without suffering a nervous breakdown, they’d see that it quickly got worse.

“These are the reasons why I became a liberal. And these are the same reasons why I am now walking away.”

Tidal Wave

Meet Brandon Straka, the unlikely liberator and new face of the “silent minority” of Americans who’ve been cast out by family and friends, fired from jobs, and forced into silent social ghettos for their failure to “get it” about how hateful and dangerous Donald Trump is, and why he and all his supporters should be subjected to an ever-expanding social and professional fatwah.

Since Straka published his confessional video on May 26, his life as a New York City hairdresser and aspiring actor has been overtaken by a tidal wave.


Viral 'Walk Away' Videos Highlight Growing Movement of Democrats Leaving the Party

I think they have solved it by having the Commies and Sheetheads to join.

Mainly intelligent people hate lies Injustice stupidity and thus GOP propaganda... Change the channel ignoramus
Only cronies complain about anyone else.

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

Love the article.

Who gives them that welfare.......????

C'mon can do it.
Which Christian hypocrites complain about the Poor?

You brought up corporate welfare.

I agree with you.

Now answer the questions...who gives it to them.

I don't even understand the question you are asking.

How would I know ?
Should we ask, right wing Bakers about Christian morals regarding the Poor?

Not going to answer the question...?

Didn't think so.

You brought up the corporate welfare afforded by the your beloved government.

That is right. The same guys you think will take care of you are giving corporations huge tax breaks.

It must suck to be you.

And for someone who thinks they are smarter than others.
lol. yet, it is the "false Christian" right wing, that complains about the poor, the most.
Only cronies complain about anyone else.

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

Love the article.

Who gives them that welfare.......????

C'mon can do it.
Which Christian hypocrites complain about the Poor?

You brought up corporate welfare.

I agree with you.

Now answer the questions...who gives it to them.

I don't even understand the question you are asking.

How would I know ?
Should we ask, right wing Bakers about Christian morals regarding the Poor?

I expect you are free to ask anyone anything they will answer.

The fact that you won't answer a questions makes me wonder why you think they'd give you the time of day.
I don't beg the question with irrelevant lines of reasoning; I have Good arguments.
It absolutely amazes me how the right rush to disown their tyrants and revise history. Cowards.

The worst tyrants are all on the left.
The Communists are in the running... And the Nazis on the right... I would prefer to be in Nazi Germany to Russia at the same time lol. Capitalism close to socialism but not democratic or civilized.
what makes NAZIS right wing?
yes; national socialism is Right Wing. Liberal socialism is left wing.

The word "socialism" in "national socialism" should give you a clue that it's leftwing, dumbass.
liberal socialists are left wing; national socialists are to the right of that. You must be on the Right Wing.
what makes NAZIS right wing?

History. Historians. Now you're trying your hand at historical revisionism because you can't bring yourself to own your own extremists.
In other words, you appeal to authority. You can't explain why historians claim the NAZIs were supposedly "right wing." The real reason is that the leftwing historians don't want to admit they endorse many of the same ideas that the Nazis believed in.

Although to be accurate - while facism is rightwing - extreme ideologies like Hitler's and Stalin's and similar authoritarian extremes are really neither right nor left but a mixture and in their own category.

That's just leftwingers deflecting the blame for their dangerous ideas. If you want to see Nazi ideas in play today, just look at the Democrat party. Its agenda is virtually identical to the NAZI agenda. They even hate Jews just as the NAZI's did.

First off: snopes has been discredited as a fake news organ.

Second: The following claim is pure bunk.

The Nazi problem comes down to this: As an ultra-nationalist, socially conservative, anti-egalitarian and fascist ideology, Nazism naturally falls on the extreme far-right end of the political spectrum;

The Nazis were anything but "socially conservative." They had some radical ideas about how society should be structured. For instance, they did the following:

Motherhood in Nazi Germany: History Paper

In addition to propaganda and legislative efforts, the Nazis also created a number of programs that helped mothers raise fit children for the regime. The first of which, Hilfswek ‘Mutter und Kind,’ was created in February 1934 by the NS-Volkswohlfahrt Nazi welfare organization. Mutter und Kind performed many functions: “welfare and recuperation for mothers, welfare for small children and the establishment of help and advice centers” (Pine 23). All mothers were given aid, as long as they and their children were racially pure and valuable. However, this help was not only given in the form of money and food; Nazis went as far as to set up homes for women who recently gave birth, where nurses would take care of them and their needs. An assistant was sent to their house to take care of the children, and the new mother would travel to a recuperation home, which doubled as a Nazi propaganda tool. “Mothers coming to these homes received a large dose of National Socialist ideology,” (Pine 27) as they learned about the proper role of women and were instructed how to raise strong children for the nation.
Do you know any conservative who would approve of setting up groups homes for pregnant women where they would by immersed in government propaganda? In fact, many leftwingers would support that kind of approach to motherhood.

I could go down point by point and debunk the entire article, but that will have to suffice for now.
Fact checkers are inconvenient 4 super duper world LOL... In the whole world, only GOP doops believe your crap, super duper.... This Nazis are socialists BS started with liberal fascism, in 2004 or so, "absolute drivel"says The Economist and everyone else respected. That would not be people like you or where you get your garbage LOL!
You failed to debunk anything I posted.
The Communists are in the running... And the Nazis on the right... I would prefer to be in Nazi Germany to Russia at the same time lol. Capitalism close to socialism but not democratic or civilized.
what makes NAZIS right wing?

History. Historians. Now you're trying your hand at historical revisionism because you can't bring yourself to own your own extremists.

Although to be accurate - while facism is rightwing - extreme ideologies like Hitler's and Stalin's and similar authoritarian extremes are really neither right nor left but a mixture and in their own category.
Oh yes they are... Watch out for Liberal fascism propaganda it's everywhere!!! LOL
what makes NAZIS right wing?

History. Historians. Now you're trying your hand at historical revisionism because you can't bring yourself to own your own extremists.

Although to be accurate - while facism is rightwing - extreme ideologies like Hitler's and Stalin's and similar authoritarian extremes are really neither right nor left but a mixture and in their own category.

Leftwingers all claim national socialism was "rightwing," but they can't give you a coherent explanation of what makes an ideology right or leftwing.

Nazis were socialists. That means they were leftwing.
Capitalism or communism duh...
Nazis were capitalists d u h...
Read something stupid. There are these things called history facts and historians. You are a brainwashed functional morons. Look up Messerschmitts Heinkel t o d t. Jesus what a jackass... Whoops brainwashed functional jackass dot-dot-dot not your fault change the God damn Channel.

When the NAZIs were in power, Messerschmitts and Heinkel were effectively nothing more than arms of the German government. The government determined what they produced, how much they produced, the price they charged, the wages they paid, who they hired and all the other decisions that normally a private business would make for itself. There was no effective ownership of the means of production in NAZI Germany.

Jesus what a jackass... Whoops brainwashed functional jackass dot-dot-dot
History. Historians. Now you're trying your hand at historical revisionism because you can't bring yourself to own your own extremists.
In other words, you appeal to authority. You can't explain why historians claim the NAZIs were supposedly "right wing." The real reason is that the leftwing historians don't want to admit they endorse many of the same ideas that the Nazis believed in.

Although to be accurate - while facism is rightwing - extreme ideologies like Hitler's and Stalin's and similar authoritarian extremes are really neither right nor left but a mixture and in their own category.

That's just leftwingers deflecting the blame for their dangerous ideas. If you want to see Nazi ideas in play today, just look at the Democrat party. Its agenda is virtually identical to the NAZI agenda. They even hate Jews just as the NAZI's did.

First off: snopes has been discredited as a fake news organ.

Second: The following claim is pure bunk.

The Nazi problem comes down to this: As an ultra-nationalist, socially conservative, anti-egalitarian and fascist ideology, Nazism naturally falls on the extreme far-right end of the political spectrum;

The Nazis were anything but "socially conservative." They had some radical ideas about how society should be structured. For instance, they did the following:

Motherhood in Nazi Germany: History Paper

In addition to propaganda and legislative efforts, the Nazis also created a number of programs that helped mothers raise fit children for the regime. The first of which, Hilfswek ‘Mutter und Kind,’ was created in February 1934 by the NS-Volkswohlfahrt Nazi welfare organization. Mutter und Kind performed many functions: “welfare and recuperation for mothers, welfare for small children and the establishment of help and advice centers” (Pine 23). All mothers were given aid, as long as they and their children were racially pure and valuable. However, this help was not only given in the form of money and food; Nazis went as far as to set up homes for women who recently gave birth, where nurses would take care of them and their needs. An assistant was sent to their house to take care of the children, and the new mother would travel to a recuperation home, which doubled as a Nazi propaganda tool. “Mothers coming to these homes received a large dose of National Socialist ideology,” (Pine 27) as they learned about the proper role of women and were instructed how to raise strong children for the nation.
Do you know any conservative who would approve of setting up groups homes for pregnant women where they would by immersed in government propaganda? In fact, many leftwingers would support that kind of approach to motherhood.

I could go down point by point and debunk the entire article, but that will have to suffice for now.
Fact checkers are inconvenient 4 super duper world LOL... In the whole world, only GOP doops believe your crap, super duper.... This Nazis are socialists BS started with liberal fascism, in 2004 or so, "absolute drivel"says The Economist and everyone else respected. That would not be people like you or where you get your garbage LOL!
You failed to debunk anything I posted.
As long as you listen 2 only GOP propaganda, super duper, and ignore every respected media in the world and every respected historian in the world...
what makes NAZIS right wing?

History. Historians. Now you're trying your hand at historical revisionism because you can't bring yourself to own your own extremists.

Although to be accurate - while facism is rightwing - extreme ideologies like Hitler's and Stalin's and similar authoritarian extremes are really neither right nor left but a mixture and in their own category.
Oh yes they are... Watch out for Liberal fascism propaganda it's everywhere!!! LOL
History. Historians. Now you're trying your hand at historical revisionism because you can't bring yourself to own your own extremists.

Although to be accurate - while facism is rightwing - extreme ideologies like Hitler's and Stalin's and similar authoritarian extremes are really neither right nor left but a mixture and in their own category.

Leftwingers all claim national socialism was "rightwing," but they can't give you a coherent explanation of what makes an ideology right or leftwing.

Nazis were socialists. That means they were leftwing.
Capitalism or communism duh...
Nazis were capitalists d u h...
Read something stupid. There are these things called history facts and historians. You are a brainwashed functional morons. Look up Messerschmitts Heinkel t o d t. Jesus what a jackass... Whoops brainwashed functional jackass dot-dot-dot not your fault change the God damn Channel.

When the NAZIs were in power, Messerschmitts and Heinkel were effectively nothing more than arms of the German government. The government determined what they produced, how much they produced, the price they charged, the wages they paid, who they hired and all the other decisions that normally a private business would make for itself. There was no effective ownership of the means of production in NAZI Germany.

Jesus what a jackass... Whoops brainwashed functional jackass dot-dot-dot
The same people were in charge of the corporations as before the Nazis, and were only too happy to get all the money for the War Industry build up... If they resisted they would go to a concentration camp... It's called totalitarianism, right-wing version.
It absolutely amazes me how the right rush to disown their tyrants and revise history. Cowards.

The worst tyrants are all on the left.
The Communists are in the running... And the Nazis on the right... I would prefer to be in Nazi Germany to Russia at the same time lol. Capitalism close to socialism but not democratic or civilized.
what makes NAZIS right wing?
yes; national socialism is Right Wing. Liberal socialism is left wing.
Again you didn't answer what makes them right wing? so what does make fascists right wing?
It absolutely amazes me how the right rush to disown their tyrants and revise history. Cowards.

The worst tyrants are all on the left.
The Communists are in the running... And the Nazis on the right... I would prefer to be in Nazi Germany to Russia at the same time lol. Capitalism close to socialism but not democratic or civilized.
what makes NAZIS right wing?
yes; national socialism is Right Wing. Liberal socialism is left wing.
Liberal socialism, what the fuck is that???

You guys are so ignorant, its breathtaking.
Reality check: No one from the left is suddenly becoming a far right authoritarian trump supporter unless they weren't left from the start.

Reallity Check: You thinking is stunted.There are other worlds out there besides being a slave to the Dems or Reps. Here''s a clue..

You can STOP REWARDING THE STUPIDITY of either party... Just like 44% of registered voters are now Independents or 3rd parties. And WORK for choices that YOU like. There's 2 years left to field an Indie Choice in 2020.. Stop thinking like a caged animal..
I'm not enrolled in a party, I'm an independent voter. I'm making fun of the republicans stupid failed astroturf walkaway campaign.

How about you stop ASSuming I'm a caged animal and can't think for myself.
Because you're not independent, you're a leftwing piece of shit.
There is no astro turf in the campaign. Is this the new talking point after the Russian bot attacked failed.
It absolutely amazes me how the right rush to disown their tyrants and revise history. Cowards.

The worst tyrants are all on the left.
The Communists are in the running... And the Nazis on the right... I would prefer to be in Nazi Germany to Russia at the same time lol. Capitalism close to socialism but not democratic or civilized.
what makes NAZIS right wing?
yes; national socialism is Right Wing. Liberal socialism is left wing.

The word "socialism" in "national socialism" should give you a clue that it's leftwing, dumbass.
It absolutely amazes me how the right rush to disown their tyrants and revise history. Cowards.

The worst tyrants are all on the left.
The Communists are in the running... And the Nazis on the right... I would prefer to be in Nazi Germany to Russia at the same time lol. Capitalism close to socialism but not democratic or civilized.
what makes NAZIS right wing?

History. Historians. Now you're trying your hand at historical revisionism because you can't bring yourself to own your own extremists.

Although to be accurate - while facism is rightwing - extreme ideologies like Hitler's and Stalin's and similar authoritarian extremes are really neither right nor left but a mixture and in their own category.
Again, what makes fascism right wing? Lefties want more government, so naturally less capitalism and more government is leftwing.....aka commies/socialists and fascists.
The worst tyrants are all on the left.
The Communists are in the running... And the Nazis on the right... I would prefer to be in Nazi Germany to Russia at the same time lol. Capitalism close to socialism but not democratic or civilized.
what makes NAZIS right wing?

History. Historians. Now you're trying your hand at historical revisionism because you can't bring yourself to own your own extremists.
In other words, you appeal to authority. You can't explain why historians claim the NAZIs were supposedly "right wing." The real reason is that the leftwing historians don't want to admit they endorse many of the same ideas that the Nazis believed in.

Although to be accurate - while facism is rightwing - extreme ideologies like Hitler's and Stalin's and similar authoritarian extremes are really neither right nor left but a mixture and in their own category.

That's just leftwingers deflecting the blame for their dangerous ideas. If you want to see Nazi ideas in play today, just look at the Democrat party. Its agenda is virtually identical to the NAZI agenda. They even hate Jews just as the NAZI's did.

This is just as retarded as those claiming Trump is a reincarnation of Hitler. Can you get any more stupid? Seriously?

Get back to me when the ovens are running.
The left does hate Jews...especially the leftwing blacks
the left likes bigger government
the left wants the supreme court to rule rather than elected officials.
the left hates capitalism
the left hates religion
the left believes in eugenics
the left loves abortion
the left loves euthanasia
the left loves racism......affirmative action and white hate are very strong, but they still hate blacks as well.

It absolutely amazes me how the right rush to disown their tyrants and revise history. Cowards.

The worst tyrants are all on the left.
The Communists are in the running... And the Nazis on the right... I would prefer to be in Nazi Germany to Russia at the same time lol. Capitalism close to socialism but not democratic or civilized.
what makes NAZIS right wing?
yes; national socialism is Right Wing. Liberal socialism is left wing.
Again you didn't answer what makes them right wing? so what does make fascists right wing?
fascism and nationalism. liberal socialism is about promoting the general welfare, not the general warfare.
It absolutely amazes me how the right rush to disown their tyrants and revise history. Cowards.

The worst tyrants are all on the left.
The Communists are in the running... And the Nazis on the right... I would prefer to be in Nazi Germany to Russia at the same time lol. Capitalism close to socialism but not democratic or civilized.
what makes NAZIS right wing?
yes; national socialism is Right Wing. Liberal socialism is left wing.
Liberal socialism, what the fuck is that???

You guys are so ignorant, its breathtaking.
liberal socialism is about promoting the general welfare not the general warfare.
It absolutely amazes me how the right rush to disown their tyrants and revise history. Cowards.

The worst tyrants are all on the left.
The Communists are in the running... And the Nazis on the right... I would prefer to be in Nazi Germany to Russia at the same time lol. Capitalism close to socialism but not democratic or civilized.
what makes NAZIS right wing?

History. Historians. Now you're trying your hand at historical revisionism because you can't bring yourself to own your own extremists.
In other words, you appeal to authority. You can't explain why historians claim the NAZIs were supposedly "right wing." The real reason is that the leftwing historians don't want to admit they endorse many of the same ideas that the Nazis believed in.

Although to be accurate - while facism is rightwing - extreme ideologies like Hitler's and Stalin's and similar authoritarian extremes are really neither right nor left but a mixture and in their own category.

That's just leftwingers deflecting the blame for their dangerous ideas. If you want to see Nazi ideas in play today, just look at the Democrat party. Its agenda is virtually identical to the NAZI agenda. They even hate Jews just as the NAZI's did.

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