Gruber: Biggest Ass in America?

I keep hearing that from people.

I have seen that email from that one guy to Susan Rice...but I haven't seen anything that shows Hillary or Obama saw that email.

Sump'n I haven't seen out there yet?

Take it from someone who knows.

Bureaucrats do NOT do anything that sensitive and politically explosive WITHOUT clearing it up the chain.
I doubt they did it on their own. Regardless, it's human behavior that has gone, thus far, unpunished.
no, i mean even their criteria for giving certain groups extra scrutiny that was changed - was it against the rules?
Giving the scrutiny based soley on the name...that was never the criteria. That looks like it happened at least some times (to orgs on both sides of the aisle.)
Bullshit. Total misrepresentation.
The IRS clearly targeted groups based on their political beliefs. Then they lied about it, every aspect of it. We know that Democrat Congressmen were urging this. We know Lerner said she was under great pressure to do something. We know the IRS lied about losing the emails. Then they lied about recovering them.
It is entirely a lie.
What are they hiding?

A better question is: Why can't the Republicans trying to make a case make one? Duh. But you continue to invest your future in incompetence?
Because the administration has stonewalled every attempt to find the truth.

How so? What exactly has the Obama admin done to stop really smart people from finding out the truth?
You see, that's the problem, if there's no "there" there then they take you trained seals and move you on to the next shiny object.
I was a career civil servant. The overpoliticization of the Executive Branch (and I don't have time to go back over the Pendleton Act and why we have a professional civil service) in order to advance a pure political agenda as opposed to doing what is right for America regardless was disgusting.

The creation of new victim classes, the incompetent political appointees, the bad decisions, period.

What years were you employed by US taxpayers?

I said 7 Administrations, including Obama. Figure it out.

Jesus, you're older than Methuselah. What's your bitch? You probably have health care for the rest of your life, too.

Yes, and I worked for everything I have.

And nice ageist crack there.

Of course you did. But the idiots you support don't think you are worth a shit. Wake up.

In my experience, it was the Obama Administration and to a lesser extent, the Clinton Administration, that treated us like political pawns.

The Obama Administration was particularly contemptous of the rank and file.

I was a career civil servant. The overpoliticization of the Executive Branch (and I don't have time to go back over the Pendleton Act and why we have a professional civil service) in order to advance a pure political agenda as opposed to doing what is right for America regardless was disgusting.

The creation of new victim classes, the incompetent political appointees, the bad decisions, period.
those are generalizations, not examples.
Oh, missed the racist crack.

No, Obama is the worst. I don't care what color he is or his religion or his national origin or even whether he's closet gay.

He is awful at his job and he is ruining the country.

Even Jimmy Carter wasn't this bad. James Buchanan, however, might be closer.
he's none of the things you're inferring.

Oh, but he is. He is an incompetent Chief Executive.

I had to work in his administration. It was terrible.

You're failing left and right to make your case. And no one MADE you work under his administration, either. [[[[twit]]]

I was a career civil servant. Until I could retire without affecting my standard of living, I had no choice.

Both my parents had civil service jobs that gave me a leg up in life. My father went from active duty to civil service.......his entire adult life serving the country. And the country respected him for it. Today's civil servants are NOT RESPECTED BY CONSERVATIVES.

Figure it out.

Civil servants are respected when they treat the public they serve with respect.

The ones today, not so much....(cf., Lois Lerner).
He also sounds a homosexual elite faggot. Lies, decay, deception, abortion, death, Molech tend to follow close behind these sexual degenerates.
It doesn't change the law.

However, given that he claims that the bill was developed as a bait and switch, it is information useful to those who would pass legislation to amend or repeal the law.
i see. so this is purely political in nature. there is no underlying crime to investigate, no great big conspiracy.

this is purely for republicans to be able to point fingers at democrats and call them names.

that about sum it up?

It's not a crime. It is purely political, but it concerns the integrity of how laws are developed, passed and implemented.

It is an appropriate use of the Congressional investigatory power which is for legislative purposes.

BTW, Congress's investigatory power is not to prosecute crimes. (I know the Constitution is stumbling point for you lefties).
so you're telling me that Congress needs to run an investigation to understand how laws get made?
at least you're willing to admit that this is all political theater.

No, they need to know what errors and mistakes were made in developing certain laws so they can fix them.

(Is this such a hard concept?)
you and i both know that that isn't why they're having gruber testify. what questions about the process did goudy ask? any?

the whole point is to point fingers at democrats call names and feign outrage, but there is no constructive purpose to the hearings.

So you think Congress should just cover up the fact that the people who developed Obamacare have contempt for Americans and used dishonest tactics in implementing it?

I was a career civil servant. The overpoliticization of the Executive Branch (and I don't have time to go back over the Pendleton Act and why we have a professional civil service) in order to advance a pure political agenda as opposed to doing what is right for America regardless was disgusting.

The creation of new victim classes, the incompetent political appointees, the bad decisions, period.
those are generalizations, not examples.
Oh, missed the racist crack.

No, Obama is the worst. I don't care what color he is or his religion or his national origin or even whether he's closet gay.

He is awful at his job and he is ruining the country.

Even Jimmy Carter wasn't this bad. James Buchanan, however, might be closer.
he's none of the things you're inferring.

Oh, but he is. He is an incompetent Chief Executive.

I had to work in his administration. It was terrible.

You're failing left and right to make your case. And no one MADE you work under his administration, either. [[[[twit]]]

I was a career civil servant. Until I could retire without affecting my standard of living, I had no choice.

Both my parents had civil service jobs that gave me a leg up in life. My father went from active duty to civil service.......his entire adult life serving the country. And the country respected him for it. Today's civil servants are NOT RESPECTED BY CONSERVATIVES.

Figure it out.

American "Girl" (given she's worked through seven presidents, she's hardly a girl) doesn't get that her job was perpetuated and insured by the left, not Bush and Cheney.
I disagree, this administration is no more or less balanced then the last one, unless you're racist.
The last administration never promised "if you like your doctor you can ke your doctor."
They never waged war on businesses
They never engaged in the level of crony capitalism we see today
They never openly violated the law like this one.

The old "they all do it" just wont fly here.

The last administration didn't care if you had a doctor or not
They waged war on people--tens of thousands of dead Iraqis can't be wrong
They gave no-bid contracts out in Iraq like popcorn (google Custer Battles)
When Bush lied, people died (or they were outed by the VP's chief of staff)'re right about that.

Bush's lies and lawlessness is the gold standard by which all other admins will be judged.

And NOW the Senate investigative committee is releasing the real Bush and Cheney war crimes. Love it. Hang 'em. Hang 'em high. Go get THE DICK out of Wyoming where he is hiding and put him on trial. Go get THE BUSH out from behind his little painting easel and drag his sorry ass to The Hague.
Remind us what those "crimes" were.
There werent any, Its not like Democrats havent been trotting this old shit out for the last 6 years or more. And it also isnt like they werent fully informed of it the whole time.

I don't have to remind you of anything. The report is out: Senate Torture Report
I was a career civil servant. The overpoliticization of the Executive Branch (and I don't have time to go back over the Pendleton Act and why we have a professional civil service) in order to advance a pure political agenda as opposed to doing what is right for America regardless was disgusting.

The creation of new victim classes, the incompetent political appointees, the bad decisions, period.
those are generalizations, not examples.
he's none of the things you're inferring.

Oh, but he is. He is an incompetent Chief Executive.

I had to work in his administration. It was terrible.

You're failing left and right to make your case. And no one MADE you work under his administration, either. [[[[twit]]]

I was a career civil servant. Until I could retire without affecting my standard of living, I had no choice.

Both my parents had civil service jobs that gave me a leg up in life. My father went from active duty to civil service.......his entire adult life serving the country. And the country respected him for it. Today's civil servants are NOT RESPECTED BY CONSERVATIVES.

Figure it out.

Civil servants are respected when they treat the public they serve with respect.

The ones today, not so much....(cf., Lois Lerner).

You suck up talking points like a fucking Hoover. You don't know shit about Lois Lerner.
I was a career civil servant. The overpoliticization of the Executive Branch (and I don't have time to go back over the Pendleton Act and why we have a professional civil service) in order to advance a pure political agenda as opposed to doing what is right for America regardless was disgusting.

The creation of new victim classes, the incompetent political appointees, the bad decisions, period.


You were a government employee? You sponged off of taxpayers your whole career? You are welcome.
Yeah because working at a job is the same as sponging.
Of course since you've never worked at a job it might seem that way to you.

Weeeeeeeeee! The horns of jealousy popping out of your idiot noggin must be massive.
Thanks for confirming you've never worked a job in your life.
You are a class A idiot.

Did I confirm that? I don't think so. You are dripping with jealousy. Dripping.
You didnt deny it and from your posts it is apparent.

I was a career civil servant. The overpoliticization of the Executive Branch (and I don't have time to go back over the Pendleton Act and why we have a professional civil service) in order to advance a pure political agenda as opposed to doing what is right for America regardless was disgusting.

The creation of new victim classes, the incompetent political appointees, the bad decisions, period.
those are generalizations, not examples.
Oh, missed the racist crack.

No, Obama is the worst. I don't care what color he is or his religion or his national origin or even whether he's closet gay.

He is awful at his job and he is ruining the country.

Even Jimmy Carter wasn't this bad. James Buchanan, however, might be closer.
he's none of the things you're inferring.

Oh, but he is. He is an incompetent Chief Executive.

I had to work in his administration. It was terrible.

You're failing left and right to make your case. And no one MADE you work under his administration, either. [[[[twit]]]

I was a career civil servant. Until I could retire without affecting my standard of living, I had no choice.

Both my parents had civil service jobs that gave me a leg up in life. My father went from active duty to civil service.......his entire adult life serving the country. And the country respected him for it. Today's civil servants are NOT RESPECTED BY CONSERVATIVES.

Figure it out.

You say that like it's a mantra but the facts show that civil servants think it's Obama who disses them,

I was a career civil servant. The overpoliticization of the Executive Branch (and I don't have time to go back over the Pendleton Act and why we have a professional civil service) in order to advance a pure political agenda as opposed to doing what is right for America regardless was disgusting.

The creation of new victim classes, the incompetent political appointees, the bad decisions, period.
those are generalizations, not examples.
Oh, missed the racist crack.

No, Obama is the worst. I don't care what color he is or his religion or his national origin or even whether he's closet gay.

He is awful at his job and he is ruining the country.

Even Jimmy Carter wasn't this bad. James Buchanan, however, might be closer.
he's none of the things you're inferring.

Oh, but he is. He is an incompetent Chief Executive.

I had to work in his administration. It was terrible.

You're failing left and right to make your case. And no one MADE you work under his administration, either. [[[[twit]]]

I was a career civil servant. Until I could retire without affecting my standard of living, I had no choice.

Both my parents had civil service jobs that gave me a leg up in life. My father went from active duty to civil service.......his entire adult life serving the country. And the country respected him for it. Today's civil servants are NOT RESPECTED BY CONSERVATIVES.

Figure it out.
What a crank you are., You denigrate her for sucking off the taxpayer and then say civil servants arent respected by conservatives.
I was a career civil servant. The overpoliticization of the Executive Branch (and I don't have time to go back over the Pendleton Act and why we have a professional civil service) in order to advance a pure political agenda as opposed to doing what is right for America regardless was disgusting.

The creation of new victim classes, the incompetent political appointees, the bad decisions, period.
those are generalizations, not examples.
he's none of the things you're inferring.

Oh, but he is. He is an incompetent Chief Executive.

I had to work in his administration. It was terrible.

You're failing left and right to make your case. And no one MADE you work under his administration, either. [[[[twit]]]

I was a career civil servant. Until I could retire without affecting my standard of living, I had no choice.

Both my parents had civil service jobs that gave me a leg up in life. My father went from active duty to civil service.......his entire adult life serving the country. And the country respected him for it. Today's civil servants are NOT RESPECTED BY CONSERVATIVES.

Figure it out.

You say that like it's a mantra but the facts show that civil servants think it's Obama who disses them,
according to whom?
What years were you employed by US taxpayers?

I said 7 Administrations, including Obama. Figure it out.

Jesus, you're older than Methuselah. What's your bitch? You probably have health care for the rest of your life, too.

Yes, and I worked for everything I have.

And nice ageist crack there.

Of course you did. But the idiots you support don't think you are worth a shit. Wake up.

In my experience, it was the Obama Administration and to a lesser extent, the Clinton Administration, that treated us like political pawns.

The Obama Administration was particularly contemptous of the rank and file. are full of shit. Try harder. In what way is the Obama administration contemptuous of civil servants? Give us something indisputable for a fucking change.
I was a career civil servant. The overpoliticization of the Executive Branch (and I don't have time to go back over the Pendleton Act and why we have a professional civil service) in order to advance a pure political agenda as opposed to doing what is right for America regardless was disgusting.

The creation of new victim classes, the incompetent political appointees, the bad decisions, period.
those are generalizations, not examples.

OK. I'll give you one.

Obama abolished the Federal student employment programs, including the Student Career Experience Program. He replaced them -- they were popular and allowed for flexible recruitment as well as the ability to hire the student into a career job non-competitively upon graduation -- with a system that only allows for use of (if you've ever tried to get a government job that way, you'd know why that's totally dysfunctional.

Agencies objected but the WH insisted.
so he went to a fairer, more competitive system.
the horror.

If you knew anything about USAJobs and the way it has corrupted the merit system, you wouldn't make that comment,

It has not made the system fairer, easier, or more meritorious.

It has made it less of all of those.
how so?

Let me suggest a little exercise to you.

Post your resume on USAJobs and see how far you get.

Then get back to me.
i see. so this is purely political in nature. there is no underlying crime to investigate, no great big conspiracy.

this is purely for republicans to be able to point fingers at democrats and call them names.

that about sum it up?

It's not a crime. It is purely political, but it concerns the integrity of how laws are developed, passed and implemented.

It is an appropriate use of the Congressional investigatory power which is for legislative purposes.

BTW, Congress's investigatory power is not to prosecute crimes. (I know the Constitution is stumbling point for you lefties).
so you're telling me that Congress needs to run an investigation to understand how laws get made?
at least you're willing to admit that this is all political theater.

No, they need to know what errors and mistakes were made in developing certain laws so they can fix them.

(Is this such a hard concept?)
you and i both know that that isn't why they're having gruber testify. what questions about the process did goudy ask? any?

the whole point is to point fingers at democrats call names and feign outrage, but there is no constructive purpose to the hearings.

So you think Congress should just cover up the fact that the people who developed Obamacare have contempt for Americans and used dishonest tactics in implementing it?
i don't think it's congress's job to cover up or expose that. it certainly doesn't necessitate hearings.
those are generalizations, not examples.
Oh, but he is. He is an incompetent Chief Executive.

I had to work in his administration. It was terrible.

You're failing left and right to make your case. And no one MADE you work under his administration, either. [[[[twit]]]

I was a career civil servant. Until I could retire without affecting my standard of living, I had no choice.

Both my parents had civil service jobs that gave me a leg up in life. My father went from active duty to civil service.......his entire adult life serving the country. And the country respected him for it. Today's civil servants are NOT RESPECTED BY CONSERVATIVES.

Figure it out.

You say that like it's a mantra but the facts show that civil servants think it's Obama who disses them,
according to whom?

I just posted the Washington Post article about morale in the civil service.
those are generalizations, not examples.
Oh, but he is. He is an incompetent Chief Executive.

I had to work in his administration. It was terrible.

You're failing left and right to make your case. And no one MADE you work under his administration, either. [[[[twit]]]

I was a career civil servant. Until I could retire without affecting my standard of living, I had no choice.

Both my parents had civil service jobs that gave me a leg up in life. My father went from active duty to civil service.......his entire adult life serving the country. And the country respected him for it. Today's civil servants are NOT RESPECTED BY CONSERVATIVES.

Figure it out.

Civil servants are respected when they treat the public they serve with respect.

The ones today, not so much....(cf., Lois Lerner).

You suck up talking points like a fucking Hoover. You don't know shit about Lois Lerner.

Clearly, the oxygen in you hardened prog bubble is running out.
Take it from someone who knows.

Bureaucrats do NOT do anything that sensitive and politically explosive WITHOUT clearing it up the chain.
no, i mean even their criteria for giving certain groups extra scrutiny that was changed - was it against the rules?
Giving the scrutiny based soley on the name...that was never the criteria. That looks like it happened at least some times (to orgs on both sides of the aisle.)
Bullshit. Total misrepresentation.
The IRS clearly targeted groups based on their political beliefs. Then they lied about it, every aspect of it. We know that Democrat Congressmen were urging this. We know Lerner said she was under great pressure to do something. We know the IRS lied about losing the emails. Then they lied about recovering them.
It is entirely a lie.
What are they hiding?

A better question is: Why can't the Republicans trying to make a case make one? Duh. But you continue to invest your future in incompetence?
Because the administration has stonewalled every attempt to find the truth.

How so? What exactly has the Obama admin done to stop really smart people from finding out the truth?
You see, that's the problem, if there's no "there" there then they take you trained seals and move you on to the next shiny object.
You're joking,r ight?
The administration has failed to hand over millions of documents. They have refused to answer questions of congressional committees. They have refused to send members for questioning. The list goes on and on.
Just look at that smarmy asshole Koskinenen swearing the IRS had lost Lerner's emails and then the Treasury Dept finds them.
I was a career civil servant. The overpoliticization of the Executive Branch (and I don't have time to go back over the Pendleton Act and why we have a professional civil service) in order to advance a pure political agenda as opposed to doing what is right for America regardless was disgusting.

The creation of new victim classes, the incompetent political appointees, the bad decisions, period.
those are generalizations, not examples.
he's none of the things you're inferring.

Oh, but he is. He is an incompetent Chief Executive.

I had to work in his administration. It was terrible.

You're failing left and right to make your case. And no one MADE you work under his administration, either. [[[[twit]]]

I was a career civil servant. Until I could retire without affecting my standard of living, I had no choice.

Both my parents had civil service jobs that gave me a leg up in life. My father went from active duty to civil service.......his entire adult life serving the country. And the country respected him for it. Today's civil servants are NOT RESPECTED BY CONSERVATIVES.

Figure it out.
What a crank you are., You denigrate her for sucking off the taxpayer and then say civil servants arent respected by conservatives.

You fucking moron. I'm "denigrating" her for not supporting her own interests. I mock her in a sarcastic tone as you would mock her in a serious tone. You are too stupid to tell the difference. It is why you suck at this format. You can't hang.

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