Gruber: Biggest Ass in America?

the hearing is just another ploy to stick it to Obama and yes most Americans are none too bright.
the op is a fine example!
You're not outraged that the Democrats conspired to lie to Americans and rig the system to get a favored piece of legislation passed?
there no evidence of that ,if there were it would have come out by now.
you seem to intentionally forget the ACA was pasted 4 years ago.
if it's taken this long to "uncover those lies"
it just proves his point that Americans are stupid

speaking of which

What do you mean there's no evidence of that? Gruber himself was quoted repeatedly as saying exactly that. If that isnt evidence what is it? We know they gamed the CBO, to get them to score Obamacare in a certain way. That was known at the time.
saying what? Americans are stupid that's a statement of fact no lie there.

Do you understand what a fact is?
the hearing is just another ploy to stick it to Obama and yes most Americans are none too bright.
the op is a fine example!
You're not outraged that the Democrats conspired to lie to Americans and rig the system to get a favored piece of legislation passed?
there no evidence of that ,if there were it would have come out by now.
you seem to intentionally forget the ACA was pasted 4 years ago.
if it's taken this long to "uncover those lies"
it just proves his point that Americans are stupid

speaking of which

What do you mean there's no evidence of that? Gruber himself was quoted repeatedly as saying exactly that. If that isnt evidence what is it? We know they gamed the CBO, to get them to score Obamacare in a certain way. That was known at the time.
saying what? Americans are stupid that's a statement of fact no lie there.

Do you understand what a fact is?


You hate Executive Orders when Obama issues them.
You love Executive Orders when a white guy issues them.
You're not outraged that the Democrats conspired to lie to Americans and rig the system to get a favored piece of legislation passed?
Are there any pieces of legislation where that didn't happen?
Prove it.
I thought everyone knew that.

Are you saying that there are Washington politicans that didn't need to conspire and lie to Americans, and rig the system, to get a favored piece of legislation passed?

Not sure where to start if that's the case.
Moving the goal posts=dishonest poster=ignore
dodge .....!
Yes, you did.
I ask again: Prove that every piece of legislation is passed using hte same tricks and obfuscation that was used for Obamacare. Either do that or shut the fuck up.
Are there any pieces of legislation where that didn't happen?
Prove it.
I thought everyone knew that.

Are you saying that there are Washington politicans that didn't need to conspire and lie to Americans, and rig the system, to get a favored piece of legislation passed?

Not sure where to start if that's the case.
Moving the goal posts=dishonest poster=ignore
dodge .....!
Agreed. Rabbi is the biggest ass on the board. His choice of avatar proves it
Prove it.
I thought everyone knew that.

Are you saying that there are Washington politicans that didn't need to conspire and lie to Americans, and rig the system, to get a favored piece of legislation passed?

Not sure where to start if that's the case.
Moving the goal posts=dishonest poster=ignore
dodge .....!
Agreed. Rabbi is the biggest ass on the board. His choice of avatar proves it
D HOM...was that the name of a rapper you blew last night?
Gruber is irrelevant. All that is relevant on this issue is whether the ACA is a net positive or a net negative for healthcare for the American people.
I thought everyone knew that.

Are you saying that there are Washington politicans that didn't need to conspire and lie to Americans, and rig the system, to get a favored piece of legislation passed?

Not sure where to start if that's the case.
Moving the goal posts=dishonest poster=ignore
dodge .....!
Agreed. Rabbi is the biggest ass on the board. His choice of avatar proves it
D HOM...was that the name of a rapper you blew last night?
That's a bit skanky.
Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?

Well, millions of dollars were spent on the two year circus of the Benghazi Hearings, which led to nothing. Therefore, the Congressional Republicans have a lot of spare time on their hands, so they thought "let's go after Obamacare again" and have another dog & pony show. So what if it costs taxpayers, it's great showmanship for political posturing!"
I for one can't wait until the GOP introduces their health care plan. Let's see, it will be healthcare savings account oriented (which particularly benefits the wealthy) and then they'll pass tort reform where the health care industry isn't liable for anything.
Not that I don't want Obamacare to die, I do. I'd rather see either Public Option or letting those who can't afford health care insurance go straight to Medicare. But then Medicare won't be the same either as the GOP will want to privatize Medicare and then offer a subsidy based on the CPI even though health care insurance annually rises by 3-4 times the rate of inflation. That'll really help the seniors who are on fixed incomes (not!), which makes up the majority of seniors, but what the fuck, they can always go out and get a job at McDonalds or Walmart and make up the difference.

Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?

Well, millions of dollars were spent on the two year circus of the Benghazi Hearings, which led to nothing. Therefore, the Congressional Republicans have a lot of spare time on their hands, so they thought "let's go after Obamacare again" and have another dog & pony show. So what if it costs taxpayers, it's great showmanship for political posturing!"
I for one can't wait until the GOP introduces their health care plan. Let's see, it will be healthcare savings account oriented (which particularly benefits the wealthy) and then they'll pass tort reform where the health care industry isn't liable for anything.
Not that I don't want Obamacare to die, I do. I'd rather see either Public Option or letting those who can't afford health care insurance go straight to Medicare. But then Medicare won't be the same either as the GOP will want to privatize Medicare and then offer a subsidy based on the CPI even though health care insurance annually rises by 3-4 times the rate of inflation. That'll really help the seniors who are on fixed incomes (not!), which makes up the majority of seniors, but what the fuck, they can always go out and get a job at McDonalds or Walmart and make up the difference.
What a fucktard you are.
YOu start with an irrelevance. There were and are many questions about Benghazi. Just like about Fast N Furious and the IRS, Bowe Bergdahl and other matters. The Obama Administration's strategy seems to be roll out one scandal after another until people just get tired of them.
Then you engage in more crap. The GOP has put out several health care plans, all of them better than the crap they voted for.
Then you get another irrelevance about what you want. Why you think the people who fucked up passing a bill and implementing it will do better next time is beyond me.

I think you need to go here and check how many points you used/abused in your reply.
Honest and Dishonest Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Rabbi=Complete Tool
Gruber is irrelevant. All that is relevant on this issue is whether the ACA is a net positive or a net negative for healthcare for the American people.
No, what is relevant is how the Democrats have abused the legal process to foist this on people. WHy anyone would ever believe them again is beyond me.
But in answer to your question, almost everyone is worse off. Which is why ACA's numbers keep dropping.
Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.

What do you mean "got caught"? He was on a fucking panel with several other individuals speaking to an audience and KNEW he was being videotaped.
Jesus, do we have to explain EVERYTHING to you idiots?

Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?

Well, millions of dollars were spent on the two year circus of the Benghazi Hearings, which led to nothing. Therefore, the Congressional Republicans have a lot of spare time on their hands, so they thought "let's go after Obamacare again" and have another dog & pony show. So what if it costs taxpayers, it's great showmanship for political posturing!"
I for one can't wait until the GOP introduces their health care plan. Let's see, it will be healthcare savings account oriented (which particularly benefits the wealthy) and then they'll pass tort reform where the health care industry isn't liable for anything.
Not that I don't want Obamacare to die, I do. I'd rather see either Public Option or letting those who can't afford health care insurance go straight to Medicare. But then Medicare won't be the same either as the GOP will want to privatize Medicare and then offer a subsidy based on the CPI even though health care insurance annually rises by 3-4 times the rate of inflation. That'll really help the seniors who are on fixed incomes (not!), which makes up the majority of seniors, but what the fuck, they can always go out and get a job at McDonalds or Walmart and make up the difference.

Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?

Well, millions of dollars were spent on the two year circus of the Benghazi Hearings, which led to nothing. Therefore, the Congressional Republicans have a lot of spare time on their hands, so they thought "let's go after Obamacare again" and have another dog & pony show. So what if it costs taxpayers, it's great showmanship for political posturing!"
I for one can't wait until the GOP introduces their health care plan. Let's see, it will be healthcare savings account oriented (which particularly benefits the wealthy) and then they'll pass tort reform where the health care industry isn't liable for anything.
Not that I don't want Obamacare to die, I do. I'd rather see either Public Option or letting those who can't afford health care insurance go straight to Medicare. But then Medicare won't be the same either as the GOP will want to privatize Medicare and then offer a subsidy based on the CPI even though health care insurance annually rises by 3-4 times the rate of inflation. That'll really help the seniors who are on fixed incomes (not!), which makes up the majority of seniors, but what the fuck, they can always go out and get a job at McDonalds or Walmart and make up the difference.
What a fucktard you are.
YOu start with an irrelevance. There were and are many questions about Benghazi. Just like about Fast N Furious and the IRS, Bowe Bergdahl and other matters. The Obama Administration's strategy seems to be roll out one scandal after another until people just get tired of them.
Then you engage in more crap. The GOP has put out several health care plans, all of them better than the crap they voted for.
Then you get another irrelevance about what you want. Why you think the people who fucked up passing a bill and implementing it will do better next time is beyond me.

I think you need to go here and check how many points you used/abused in your reply.
Honest and Dishonest Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Rabbi=Complete Tool
Tu Quoque fallacy.
You lose.
Gruber is irrelevant. All that is relevant on this issue is whether the ACA is a net positive or a net negative for healthcare for the American people.
No, what is relevant is how the Democrats have abused the legal process to foist this on people. WHy anyone would ever believe them again is beyond me.
But in answer to your question, almost everyone is worse off. Which is why ACA's numbers keep dropping.

The opponents of the ACA have all the access to the legal system that anyone else has.
Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?
Pure political posturing.
Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?

Well, millions of dollars were spent on the two year circus of the Benghazi Hearings, which led to nothing. Therefore, the Congressional Republicans have a lot of spare time on their hands, so they thought "let's go after Obamacare again" and have another dog & pony show. So what if it costs taxpayers, it's great showmanship for political posturing!"
I for one can't wait until the GOP introduces their health care plan. Let's see, it will be healthcare savings account oriented (which particularly benefits the wealthy) and then they'll pass tort reform where the health care industry isn't liable for anything.
Not that I don't want Obamacare to die, I do. I'd rather see either Public Option or letting those who can't afford health care insurance go straight to Medicare. But then Medicare won't be the same either as the GOP will want to privatize Medicare and then offer a subsidy based on the CPI even though health care insurance annually rises by 3-4 times the rate of inflation. That'll really help the seniors who are on fixed incomes (not!), which makes up the majority of seniors, but what the fuck, they can always go out and get a job at McDonalds or Walmart and make up the difference.
What a fucktard you are.
YOu start with an irrelevance. There were and are many questions about Benghazi. Just like about Fast N Furious and the IRS, Bowe Bergdahl and other matters. The Obama Administration's strategy seems to be roll out one scandal after another until people just get tired of them.
Then you engage in more crap. The GOP has put out several health care plans, all of them better than the crap they voted for.
Then you get another irrelevance about what you want. Why you think the people who fucked up passing a bill and implementing it will do better next time is beyond me.
When did I say the people who fucked up passing a bill and implementing it will do better next time?

Why are you so mad?
the hearing is just another ploy to stick it to Obama and yes most Americans are none too bright.
the op is a fine example!
You're not outraged that the Democrats conspired to lie to Americans and rig the system to get a favored piece of legislation passed?
Are there any pieces of legislation where that didn't happen?
Prove it.
I thought everyone knew that.

Are you saying that there are Washington politicans that didn't need to conspire and lie to Americans, and rig the system, to get a favored piece of legislation passed?

Not sure where to start if that's the case.
Moving the goal posts=dishonest poster=ignore
geeze...breathe a little.
If you find one psychotic who opposes abortion,

is pointing him out a sufficient argument to render all opposition to abortion illegitimate? Does that win the abortion argument for the pro-choice side?
He's the poster boy of what the Democrat party has become

Hopefully for more people this will be their WAKE UP
Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?

Well, millions of dollars were spent on the two year circus of the Benghazi Hearings, which led to nothing. Therefore, the Congressional Republicans have a lot of spare time on their hands, so they thought "let's go after Obamacare again" and have another dog & pony show. So what if it costs taxpayers, it's great showmanship for political posturing!"
I for one can't wait until the GOP introduces their health care plan. Let's see, it will be healthcare savings account oriented (which particularly benefits the wealthy) and then they'll pass tort reform where the health care industry isn't liable for anything.
Not that I don't want Obamacare to die, I do. I'd rather see either Public Option or letting those who can't afford health care insurance go straight to Medicare. But then Medicare won't be the same either as the GOP will want to privatize Medicare and then offer a subsidy based on the CPI even though health care insurance annually rises by 3-4 times the rate of inflation. That'll really help the seniors who are on fixed incomes (not!), which makes up the majority of seniors, but what the fuck, they can always go out and get a job at McDonalds or Walmart and make up the difference.
What a fucktard you are.
YOu start with an irrelevance. There were and are many questions about Benghazi. Just like about Fast N Furious and the IRS, Bowe Bergdahl and other matters. The Obama Administration's strategy seems to be roll out one scandal after another until people just get tired of them.
Then you engage in more crap. The GOP has put out several health care plans, all of them better than the crap they voted for.
Then you get another irrelevance about what you want. Why you think the people who fucked up passing a bill and implementing it will do better next time is beyond me.
When did I say the people who fucked up passing a bill and implementing it will do better next time?

Why are you so mad?

He hasn't had a friend since birth and last night his hand fell asleep on him.
so if gruber said we were all asshats with shit for brains who wouldn't know our assholes from our elbows would that in some way change what the ACA is or does?


then why is he getting grilled over remarks he made?
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The idiots on the left are so stupid they don't even realize Gruber was talking about THEM. He sure as hell wasn't talking about those of us who opposed it. Amazing how the man repeatedly called them "stupid" and here they are defending him for insulting them. That sort of confirms what he was saying, doesn't it?
from that answer, it's clear you either weren't watching or were to stupid too understand.
The latter.

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