Alito is right about Godliness

Laws not based on Christian morality are based on atheism. There is nothing in between. This is why separation of church and state is impossible. The choice is Christianity or atheism. Period. And since every officially atheist government has been a complete disastrous evil hell hole, we should just skip the pretenses and declare America a Christian nation once and for all. I would make us a Catholic nation if asked to specify.

this was the dating system used at the time, used to express the date of signing. Now we use CE. Anno Domini is abbreviated AD and is translated to year of the lord.

See post 59

See post 59

the phrase "in the year of our lord" was an idiom. Which is a translation from the latin 'Anno domini nostri Iesu Christi'
It was extensively used at the time by both Christians & non Christians.
Christians dont think of this saying as meaning they own the lord. It means this is the lord they worship.
the phrase "in the year of our lord" was an idiom. Which is a translation from the latin 'Anno domini nostri Iesu Christi'
It was extensively used at the time by both Christians & non Christians.
Christians dont think of this saying as meaning they own the lord. It means this is the lord they worship.

Name one historical figure that was called "Lord" in a religious context.


Which part of universal don't-murder laws, found in each and every society ever, requires Christianity or atheism?
How about abortion? The Christian vs atheist position on that one is easy. Separation of Church and state doesn't work with that one, does it?
How about
How about answering the question that proves the rule false?

There is clearly morality that does not require Christianity or atheism - all that’s needed is practicality of people trying to live together.
So on top of being a radical extremist who does not believe the supremes can be held accountable for their actions in any way, he's a theocrat.
We cheer on any government leader who will make America moral again.
How about answering the question that proves the rule false?

There is clearly morality that does not require Christianity or atheism - all that’s needed is practicality of people trying to live together.
I gave you the counter-example which you dodged. Let's try again. What's the irreligious moral answer on abortion? I guarantee you'll say it's acceptable, which will prove my point.

Nobody harping on so-called separation of church and state ever opposes abortion on moral grounds. Ever notice that?
How did we get to this place in history when a Supreme Court Justice is judged on the basis of compromising with the other side? The Supreme Court protects the Constitution.
I gave you the counter-example

You can’t counter-example this one.

You actually have to refute the example, otherwise it clearly proves that YES, there is morality without Christianity and Atheism.
Not really. But one thing we should not be doing is declaring what kind of christian nation we once were according to those like yourself when that is not the truth. Nor should we be talking about a return to those values.
Fortunately you are wrong.
He also has realized compromising with the other side won't work. Good thing he doesn't have to run for re-election, liberal Democrats would do anything to get him out of there. Now he needs to get to work with Barrett and Kavanaugh and save America.

---He Agrees US Should Be ‘Place Of Godliness’---

No he's not right. Based on what his wife said, I don't think Alito is going to be around much longer

Mrs. Alito said: “And he’s like, ‘Oh, please don’t put up a flag,’” “I said, ‘I won’t do it, because I’m deferring to you. But when you are free of this nonsense, I’m putting it up and I’m going to send them a message every day, maybe every week I’ll be changing the flags.’”

Is Alito right? He said Alito, meanwhile, raised eyebrows for his response to Windor’s question about the polarized state of American politics. “One side or the other is going to win,” Alito said on the recording. “There are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised.”

Win what? What can't be compromised? Two very important questions for Republicans.
Fortunately you are wrong.
Yea, we should go back to being a Christian Nation

Am I Wright?


Or is he not White enough?

Once we decide we're a Christian nation we have to decide which sect. And do we all take the bible stories literally or are they analogies?

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