Alito is right about Godliness

"Our", is an expression of ownership. They could have easily chosen a different way to date the document. And then there's the first amendment, which was the result of their experience with the Crown.

It was the commonly accepted convention of dating a document. It denotes no religious affinity.
We were founded as a Christian nation. Pretty much every community built a Christian church even before the Declaration of Independence.
Then why do you MAGA'S support a known criminal, liar, adulterer, sexual predator & traitor in that maggot Trump?
How about how they expressed the date when it was signed?

done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth. In witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names,

Exactly who was the "Lord" they were referring to? I only know of one.

this was the dating system used at the time, used to express the date of signing. Now we use CE. Anno Domini is abbreviated AD and is translated to year of the lord.
Christians only have one God.
Yes, they do............ now.


MAGA Christianity™. Religion twisted and perverted into politics.

For a template, refer to the Middle East.

Go find the receipts Mac. Not just some random crazy guy in stock photos who made a gold idol of Trump or whatever. Real people, here, who worship Trump or base their Christianity on Trump

Instead of flapping your jaws all over, bring the receipts. Just for once.
He also has realized compromising with the other side won't work. Good thing he doesn't have to run for re-election, liberal Democrats would do anything to get him out of there. Now he needs to get to work with Barrett and Kavanaugh and save America.

---He Agrees US Should Be ‘Place Of Godliness’---

So on top of being a radical extremist who does not believe the supremes can be held accountable for their actions in any way, he's a theocrat.
Think about this folks

Trumpers LOVE the idea of a Supreme Court that rules based on religious grounds

That’s not law folks
Laws not based on Christian morality are based on atheism. There is nothing in between. This is why separation of church and state is impossible. The choice is Christianity or atheism. Period. And since every officially atheist government has been a complete disastrous evil hell hole, we should just skip the pretenses and declare America a Christian nation once and for all. I would make us a Catholic nation if asked to specify.
Love the atheist smoking gun. "We caught Alito agreeing that our country should be more godly". Yeah, go try to run on that. Most Americans agree with Alito.
So all the laws except the ones against murder and stealing are atheist?

The hell you say.
He also has realized compromising with the other side won't work. Good thing he doesn't have to run for re-election, liberal Democrats would do anything to get him out of there. Now he needs to get to work with Barrett and Kavanaugh and save America.

---He Agrees US Should Be ‘Place Of Godliness’---

What does that even mean? What is his definition of "Godliness"? Serving the wealthy at the expense of the poor and working class? Blindly supporting the Jewish State Of Israel? Putting "Israel" first, rather than America first? What's his idea of "Godliness"?

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