Gruber: Biggest Ass in America?

Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.

What do you mean "got caught"? He was on a fucking panel with several other individuals speaking to an audience and KNEW he was being videotaped.
Jesus, do we have to explain EVERYTHING to you idiots?

The videos surfaced recently. WHy do you think this is suddenly news?
What a fucking dolt.
He's the poster boy of what the Democrat party has become

Hopefully for more people this will be their WAKE UP
Gruber is irrelevant. All that is relevant on this issue is whether the ACA is a net positive or a net negative for healthcare for the American people.
No, what is relevant is how the Democrats have abused the legal process to foist this on people. WHy anyone would ever believe them again is beyond me.
But in answer to your question, almost everyone is worse off. Which is why ACA's numbers keep dropping.

The opponents of the ACA have all the access to the legal system that anyone else has.

Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?

Well, millions of dollars were spent on the two year circus of the Benghazi Hearings, which led to nothing. Therefore, the Congressional Republicans have a lot of spare time on their hands, so they thought "let's go after Obamacare again" and have another dog & pony show. So what if it costs taxpayers, it's great showmanship for political posturing!"
I for one can't wait until the GOP introduces their health care plan. Let's see, it will be healthcare savings account oriented (which particularly benefits the wealthy) and then they'll pass tort reform where the health care industry isn't liable for anything.
Not that I don't want Obamacare to die, I do. I'd rather see either Public Option or letting those who can't afford health care insurance go straight to Medicare. But then Medicare won't be the same either as the GOP will want to privatize Medicare and then offer a subsidy based on the CPI even though health care insurance annually rises by 3-4 times the rate of inflation. That'll really help the seniors who are on fixed incomes (not!), which makes up the majority of seniors, but what the fuck, they can always go out and get a job at McDonalds or Walmart and make up the difference.

The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?

Well, millions of dollars were spent on the two year circus of the Benghazi Hearings, which led to nothing. Therefore, the Congressional Republicans have a lot of spare time on their hands, so they thought "let's go after Obamacare again" and have another dog & pony show. So what if it costs taxpayers, it's great showmanship for political posturing!"
I for one can't wait until the GOP introduces their health care plan. Let's see, it will be healthcare savings account oriented (which particularly benefits the wealthy) and then they'll pass tort reform where the health care industry isn't liable for anything.
Not that I don't want Obamacare to die, I do. I'd rather see either Public Option or letting those who can't afford health care insurance go straight to Medicare. But then Medicare won't be the same either as the GOP will want to privatize Medicare and then offer a subsidy based on the CPI even though health care insurance annually rises by 3-4 times the rate of inflation. That'll really help the seniors who are on fixed incomes (not!), which makes up the majority of seniors, but what the fuck, they can always go out and get a job at McDonalds or Walmart and make up the difference.
What a fucktard you are.
YOu start with an irrelevance. There were and are many questions about Benghazi. Just like about Fast N Furious and the IRS, Bowe Bergdahl and other matters. The Obama Administration's strategy seems to be roll out one scandal after another until people just get tired of them.
Then you engage in more crap. The GOP has put out several health care plans, all of them better than the crap they voted for.
Then you get another irrelevance about what you want. Why you think the people who fucked up passing a bill and implementing it will do better next time is beyond me.

I think you need to go here and check how many points you used/abused in your reply.
Honest and Dishonest Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Rabbi=Complete Tool
Tu Quoque fallacy.
You lose.'re taking it from all sides
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?

Their is an obamacare case at the Supreme Court right now.....his confessing to what they did might make some changes in how they rule next time...considering they committed fraud in front of the Court...
Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?

Well, millions of dollars were spent on the two year circus of the Benghazi Hearings, which led to nothing. Therefore, the Congressional Republicans have a lot of spare time on their hands, so they thought "let's go after Obamacare again" and have another dog & pony show. So what if it costs taxpayers, it's great showmanship for political posturing!"
I for one can't wait until the GOP introduces their health care plan. Let's see, it will be healthcare savings account oriented (which particularly benefits the wealthy) and then they'll pass tort reform where the health care industry isn't liable for anything.
Not that I don't want Obamacare to die, I do. I'd rather see either Public Option or letting those who can't afford health care insurance go straight to Medicare. But then Medicare won't be the same either as the GOP will want to privatize Medicare and then offer a subsidy based on the CPI even though health care insurance annually rises by 3-4 times the rate of inflation. That'll really help the seniors who are on fixed incomes (not!), which makes up the majority of seniors, but what the fuck, they can always go out and get a job at McDonalds or Walmart and make up the difference.

The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?

Well, millions of dollars were spent on the two year circus of the Benghazi Hearings, which led to nothing. Therefore, the Congressional Republicans have a lot of spare time on their hands, so they thought "let's go after Obamacare again" and have another dog & pony show. So what if it costs taxpayers, it's great showmanship for political posturing!"
I for one can't wait until the GOP introduces their health care plan. Let's see, it will be healthcare savings account oriented (which particularly benefits the wealthy) and then they'll pass tort reform where the health care industry isn't liable for anything.
Not that I don't want Obamacare to die, I do. I'd rather see either Public Option or letting those who can't afford health care insurance go straight to Medicare. But then Medicare won't be the same either as the GOP will want to privatize Medicare and then offer a subsidy based on the CPI even though health care insurance annually rises by 3-4 times the rate of inflation. That'll really help the seniors who are on fixed incomes (not!), which makes up the majority of seniors, but what the fuck, they can always go out and get a job at McDonalds or Walmart and make up the difference.
What a fucktard you are.
YOu start with an irrelevance. There were and are many questions about Benghazi. Just like about Fast N Furious and the IRS, Bowe Bergdahl and other matters. The Obama Administration's strategy seems to be roll out one scandal after another until people just get tired of them.
Then you engage in more crap. The GOP has put out several health care plans, all of them better than the crap they voted for.
Then you get another irrelevance about what you want. Why you think the people who fucked up passing a bill and implementing it will do better next time is beyond me.

I think you need to go here and check how many points you used/abused in your reply.
Honest and Dishonest Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Rabbi=Complete Tool
Tu Quoque fallacy.
You lose.

Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, you start a thread; ( Honest and Dishonest Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum ) and accuse others of doing what you do every single day. Of course considering how often you post everyday, it's not much of an accomplishment. Ever think about getting a job?
Quit dodging personal responsibility and get a life.
But on the upside, I'm sure glad I'm not you. :2up:
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?

Well, millions of dollars were spent on the two year circus of the Benghazi Hearings, which led to nothing. Therefore, the Congressional Republicans have a lot of spare time on their hands, so they thought "let's go after Obamacare again" and have another dog & pony show. So what if it costs taxpayers, it's great showmanship for political posturing!"
I for one can't wait until the GOP introduces their health care plan. Let's see, it will be healthcare savings account oriented (which particularly benefits the wealthy) and then they'll pass tort reform where the health care industry isn't liable for anything.
Not that I don't want Obamacare to die, I do. I'd rather see either Public Option or letting those who can't afford health care insurance go straight to Medicare. But then Medicare won't be the same either as the GOP will want to privatize Medicare and then offer a subsidy based on the CPI even though health care insurance annually rises by 3-4 times the rate of inflation. That'll really help the seniors who are on fixed incomes (not!), which makes up the majority of seniors, but what the fuck, they can always go out and get a job at McDonalds or Walmart and make up the difference.

Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?

Well, millions of dollars were spent on the two year circus of the Benghazi Hearings, which led to nothing. Therefore, the Congressional Republicans have a lot of spare time on their hands, so they thought "let's go after Obamacare again" and have another dog & pony show. So what if it costs taxpayers, it's great showmanship for political posturing!"
I for one can't wait until the GOP introduces their health care plan. Let's see, it will be healthcare savings account oriented (which particularly benefits the wealthy) and then they'll pass tort reform where the health care industry isn't liable for anything.
Not that I don't want Obamacare to die, I do. I'd rather see either Public Option or letting those who can't afford health care insurance go straight to Medicare. But then Medicare won't be the same either as the GOP will want to privatize Medicare and then offer a subsidy based on the CPI even though health care insurance annually rises by 3-4 times the rate of inflation. That'll really help the seniors who are on fixed incomes (not!), which makes up the majority of seniors, but what the fuck, they can always go out and get a job at McDonalds or Walmart and make up the difference.
What a fucktard you are.
YOu start with an irrelevance. There were and are many questions about Benghazi. Just like about Fast N Furious and the IRS, Bowe Bergdahl and other matters. The Obama Administration's strategy seems to be roll out one scandal after another until people just get tired of them.
Then you engage in more crap. The GOP has put out several health care plans, all of them better than the crap they voted for.
Then you get another irrelevance about what you want. Why you think the people who fucked up passing a bill and implementing it will do better next time is beyond me.

I think you need to go here and check how many points you used/abused in your reply.
Honest and Dishonest Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Rabbi=Complete Tool
Tu Quoque fallacy.
You lose.'re taking it from all sides
And beating all of them without really trying too hard.
Are you ready to substantiate your statement or have you punted on that?
the hearing is just another ploy to stick it to Obama and yes most Americans are none too bright.
the op is a fine example!
You're not outraged that the Democrats conspired to lie to Americans and rig the system to get a favored piece of legislation passed?
there no evidence of that ,if there were it would have come out by now.
you seem to intentionally forget the ACA was pasted 4 years ago.
if it's taken this long to "uncover those lies"
it just proves his point that Americans are stupid

speaking of which

What do you mean there's no evidence of that? Gruber himself was quoted repeatedly as saying exactly that. If that isnt evidence what is it? We know they gamed the CBO, to get them to score Obamacare in a certain way. That was known at the time.
saying what? Americans are stupid that's a statement of fact no lie there.

Do you understand what a fact is?


Fact: Right-Wing Benghazi Fever was fake.
Fact: IRS 'scandal' was fake.
Fact: Fast & Furious was Bush program.
Fact: Eboloa has not become an epidemic in America (thank you President Obama (praise be unto Him!) )
Fact: ISIL is not a threat to America.
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?

Their is an obamacare case at the Supreme Court right now.....his confessing to what they did might make some changes in how they rule next time...considering they committed fraud in front of the Court...
The SCOTUS won't consider that.

They're deciding if federal exchanges can provide ACA plans with subsidies in states that do not have thier own exchanges.

Calling Americans idiots, which I agree is true, has nothing to do with that
Gruber is irrelevant. All that is relevant on this issue is whether the ACA is a net positive or a net negative for healthcare for the American people.
No, what is relevant is how the Democrats have abused the legal process to foist this on people. WHy anyone would ever believe them again is beyond me.
But in answer to your question, almost everyone is worse off. Which is why ACA's numbers keep dropping.

The opponents of the ACA have all the access to the legal system that anyone else has.


I think a dozen monkeys with typewriters could produce something that coherent in a week.
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?

Well, millions of dollars were spent on the two year circus of the Benghazi Hearings, which led to nothing. Therefore, the Congressional Republicans have a lot of spare time on their hands, so they thought "let's go after Obamacare again" and have another dog & pony show. So what if it costs taxpayers, it's great showmanship for political posturing!"
I for one can't wait until the GOP introduces their health care plan. Let's see, it will be healthcare savings account oriented (which particularly benefits the wealthy) and then they'll pass tort reform where the health care industry isn't liable for anything.
Not that I don't want Obamacare to die, I do. I'd rather see either Public Option or letting those who can't afford health care insurance go straight to Medicare. But then Medicare won't be the same either as the GOP will want to privatize Medicare and then offer a subsidy based on the CPI even though health care insurance annually rises by 3-4 times the rate of inflation. That'll really help the seniors who are on fixed incomes (not!), which makes up the majority of seniors, but what the fuck, they can always go out and get a job at McDonalds or Walmart and make up the difference.
What a fucktard you are.
YOu start with an irrelevance. There were and are many questions about Benghazi. Just like about Fast N Furious and the IRS, Bowe Bergdahl and other matters. The Obama Administration's strategy seems to be roll out one scandal after another until people just get tired of them.
Then you engage in more crap. The GOP has put out several health care plans, all of them better than the crap they voted for.
Then you get another irrelevance about what you want. Why you think the people who fucked up passing a bill and implementing it will do better next time is beyond me.
When did I say the people who fucked up passing a bill and implementing it will do better next time?

Why are you so mad?

He hasn't had a friend since birth and last night his hand fell asleep on him.

And his hand is his best friend! :disbelief:
Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.

What do you mean "got caught"? He was on a fucking panel with several other individuals speaking to an audience and KNEW he was being videotaped.
Jesus, do we have to explain EVERYTHING to you idiots?

Well, considering no one in the media found those statements...even thought, as you say, they were out there, and it took a civilian to find and post them....what is meant by getting caught is he said those things expecting them to be ignored by the media....and he was right...he was caught by the regular person who had just been screwed by obamacare....
You're not outraged that the Democrats conspired to lie to Americans and rig the system to get a favored piece of legislation passed?
there no evidence of that ,if there were it would have come out by now.
you seem to intentionally forget the ACA was pasted 4 years ago.
if it's taken this long to "uncover those lies"
it just proves his point that Americans are stupid

speaking of which

What do you mean there's no evidence of that? Gruber himself was quoted repeatedly as saying exactly that. If that isnt evidence what is it? We know they gamed the CBO, to get them to score Obamacare in a certain way. That was known at the time.
saying what? Americans are stupid that's a statement of fact no lie there.

Do you understand what a fact is?


Fact: Right-Wing Benghazi Fever was fake.
Fact: IRS 'scandal' was fake.
Fact: Fast & Furious was Bush program.
Fact: Eboloa has not become an epidemic in America (thank you President Obama (praise be unto Him!) )
Fact: ISIL is not a threat to America.

Benghazi was not fake.
IRS was not fake.
Fast and Furious was not a Bush program.
Obama had nothing to do with Ebola not becoming an epidemic.

ISIL IS a threat to America.
the hearing is just another ploy to stick it to Obama and yes most Americans are none too bright.

Yes, according to Obama and Gruber, they were counting on zealots like you not being too bright and you're attitude clearly shows that you came through for them.
almost that I know you are but what am I kinda way.

Not really. Zealots such as yourself were the ones Obama and Gruber referred to as being stupid and here you are still defending them and attacking the wiser people that never fell for the scam.

You remind me of one of those battered wives that are loyal to the ones that abuses them.
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?

Their is an obamacare case at the Supreme Court right now.....his confessing to what they did might make some changes in how they rule next time...considering they committed fraud in front of the Court...
do his remarks change the law?
then how do they have bearing on what the supreme court does? seriously, that might be the dumbest post of the day.
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?

Well, millions of dollars were spent on the two year circus of the Benghazi Hearings, which led to nothing. Therefore, the Congressional Republicans have a lot of spare time on their hands, so they thought "let's go after Obamacare again" and have another dog & pony show. So what if it costs taxpayers, it's great showmanship for political posturing!"
I for one can't wait until the GOP introduces their health care plan. Let's see, it will be healthcare savings account oriented (which particularly benefits the wealthy) and then they'll pass tort reform where the health care industry isn't liable for anything.
Not that I don't want Obamacare to die, I do. I'd rather see either Public Option or letting those who can't afford health care insurance go straight to Medicare. But then Medicare won't be the same either as the GOP will want to privatize Medicare and then offer a subsidy based on the CPI even though health care insurance annually rises by 3-4 times the rate of inflation. That'll really help the seniors who are on fixed incomes (not!), which makes up the majority of seniors, but what the fuck, they can always go out and get a job at McDonalds or Walmart and make up the difference.

Well, millions of dollars were spent on the two year circus of the Benghazi Hearings, which led to nothing. Therefore, the Congressional Republicans have a lot of spare time on their hands, so they thought "let's go after Obamacare again" and have another dog & pony show. So what if it costs taxpayers, it's great showmanship for political posturing!"
I for one can't wait until the GOP introduces their health care plan. Let's see, it will be healthcare savings account oriented (which particularly benefits the wealthy) and then they'll pass tort reform where the health care industry isn't liable for anything.
Not that I don't want Obamacare to die, I do. I'd rather see either Public Option or letting those who can't afford health care insurance go straight to Medicare. But then Medicare won't be the same either as the GOP will want to privatize Medicare and then offer a subsidy based on the CPI even though health care insurance annually rises by 3-4 times the rate of inflation. That'll really help the seniors who are on fixed incomes (not!), which makes up the majority of seniors, but what the fuck, they can always go out and get a job at McDonalds or Walmart and make up the difference.
What a fucktard you are.
YOu start with an irrelevance. There were and are many questions about Benghazi. Just like about Fast N Furious and the IRS, Bowe Bergdahl and other matters. The Obama Administration's strategy seems to be roll out one scandal after another until people just get tired of them.
Then you engage in more crap. The GOP has put out several health care plans, all of them better than the crap they voted for.
Then you get another irrelevance about what you want. Why you think the people who fucked up passing a bill and implementing it will do better next time is beyond me.

I think you need to go here and check how many points you used/abused in your reply.
Honest and Dishonest Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Rabbi=Complete Tool
Tu Quoque fallacy.
You lose.'re taking it from all sides
And beating all of them without really trying too hard.
Are you ready to substantiate your statement or have you punted on that?
Okay, you have me there...I have no desire to prove every piece of legislation created in Washington over the last 230 years included politicans lieing.
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?

Their is an obamacare case at the Supreme Court right now.....his confessing to what they did might make some changes in how they rule next time...considering they committed fraud in front of the Court...
The SCOTUS won't consider that.

They're deciding if federal exchanges can provide ACA plans with subsidies in states that do not have thier own exchanges.

Calling Americans idiots, which I agree is true, has nothing to do with that

The tape where Gruber admits that the subsidies were meant as a carrot might be evidence in legislative history they will consider.
the hearing is just another ploy to stick it to Obama and yes most Americans are none too bright.

Yes, according to Obama and Gruber, they were counting on zealots like you not being too bright and you're attitude clearly shows that you came through for them.
almost that I know you are but what am I kinda way.

Not really. Zealots such as yourself were the ones Obama and Gruber referred to as being stupid and here you are still defending them and attacking the wiser people that never fell for the scam.

You remind me of one of those battered wives that are loyal to the ones that abuses them.
falling for different scams doesn't make a person wiser.
Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.

What do you mean "got caught"? He was on a fucking panel with several other individuals speaking to an audience and KNEW he was being videotaped.
Jesus, do we have to explain EVERYTHING to you idiots?

Well, considering no one in the media found those statements...even thought, as you say, they were out there, and it took a civilian to find and post them....what is meant by getting caught is he said those things expecting them to be ignored by the media....and he was right...he was caught by the regular person who had just been screwed by obamacare....
Who was that "civilian"?
Well, millions of dollars were spent on the two year circus of the Benghazi Hearings, which led to nothing.

The select committee is actually investigating Bhengazi....Trey Gowdy....and they will actually talk to the people on the ground during the attack...besides....we know obama lied, hilary lied...and they did so for weeks.....and no one cares....that is the problem....

If Bush had been in charge during Bhengazi....24/7 coverage....
there no evidence of that ,if there were it would have come out by now.
you seem to intentionally forget the ACA was pasted 4 years ago.
if it's taken this long to "uncover those lies"
it just proves his point that Americans are stupid

speaking of which

What do you mean there's no evidence of that? Gruber himself was quoted repeatedly as saying exactly that. If that isnt evidence what is it? We know they gamed the CBO, to get them to score Obamacare in a certain way. That was known at the time.
saying what? Americans are stupid that's a statement of fact no lie there.

Do you understand what a fact is?


Fact: Right-Wing Benghazi Fever was fake.
Fact: IRS 'scandal' was fake.
Fact: Fast & Furious was Bush program.
Fact: Eboloa has not become an epidemic in America (thank you President Obama (praise be unto Him!) )
Fact: ISIL is not a threat to America.

Benghazi was not fake.

You're such a dumbass.

Republican-led report debunks Benghazi accusations -

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