Gruber: 'US Citizens too stupid to govern themselves'. Pelosi proves him right.

Liberals believe they are smarter than everyone and that lying to them is their way of twisting the knife in the backs of Americans.

Well yes, but such is the nature of evil.

I wish the Left were 'smart'... if they were, they could state an open and honest argument, sustaining a logically valid point, which when set into public policy would on every level, bear out the results that they predicted which would produce.

That way, when they are elected to office and set their ideas into public policy, we would not be subject to economic catastrophe, moral depravity and the general regression of the culture at large.

Which would be nice... .
Lol. There is shear panic from liberals over Grubers Statements at the website Democratic Underground. Here is one post.

Jonathan Gruber - Democratic Underground


The old DU... The absolute ROCK BOTTOM of the Internet.


The most posts I've contributed there, before getting banned, AGAIN!

There can be no doubt that they're losing their minds. As Gruber has exposed the Left in UNDENIABLE TERMS for what they are.

Which is why NOT ONE of our in-house "Comrades" has found the courage to post here, there's no potential defense... and friend, when your ENTIRE IDEOLOGY rests in the REJECTION OF TRUTH and YOU CAN'T LIE YOUR WAY OUT...

So... My guess is that the next deceit we should expect is the "GRUBER IS A REPUBLICAN PLANT".

Should be coming next week... and what a BLAST it'll be when it gets here.

We saw the beginning of it with Pelosi's INCREDIBLE denial that she even KNEW WHO GRUBER WAS!

They should be in FULL BLOWN OUTRAGE of GOP treachery, right around the time that Gowdy's committee starts it's hearings in December.

The bad news is that the Left needs a HUGE distraction at this point, which most likely means that Ferguson, MO is going up in flames and, it is not unreasonable to expect some poor black guy to be found hangin' from a tree..., or something equally "SHOCKING!" that they can use to change the subject.
FTR: I got TWO posts out before I was AGAIN banned by the DU!

LOL! Truly the Hallmark of "Tolerance and Acceptance of the Differing Ideas of Others...". Proving once again that there is NOTHING "Liberal" about fascism, OKA: Progressivism.
He got paid $390,000 for his advice on obamacare, yet Pelosi and Obama claim they never heard of him,

Who in the hell gets paid $390K in a job and the idiots that hired him....never heard of him.

Gruber also got paid from state contracts. Made a total of around $2 million. Lying pays awful well these days.
Anyone care to defend the key White House Advisor on obamacare, who admitted that the whole thing was a scam, based upon Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance?





Anyone at all?

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