Gruber was merely telling the truth (big mistake!): Democrats MUST lie toget people to vote for them

He confirms what smart people have always known. This is what Democrats think of the American people, especially their own supporters. But you won't see any liberal sycophants on this board admit it even though it's right there in front of them. They are constantly showing us how incredibly stupid they are.
“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
ed they called you stupid and you say nothing about that but go on the defensive trying to redirect the thread.
They called you stupid, what are you going to do about it?
Nope, Gowdy was talking specifically about YOU!
he meant we were smart for getting rid of the Democrats
He confirms what smart people have always known. This is what Democrats think of the American people, especially their own supporters. But you won't see any liberal sycophants on this board admit it even though it's right there in front of them. They are constantly showing us how incredibly stupid they are.
“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
ed they called you stupid and you say nothing about that but go on the defensive trying to redirect the thread.
They called you stupid, what are you going to do about it?
Nope, Gowdy was talking specifically about YOU!

Waaaah? Holy shit you're stupid.
Name the Republicans who supported obammycare.
They flat out duped you dems,just admit it.

They duped all of us.

They met in DC at 1 AM on a Snowy Christmas eve , IN FUCKING SECRET,

NO ONE HAD READ THE 1600 page edict.

Harry Reid (D-USSR) prevented the Republicans from objecting.

That was necessary because we are stupid.

not me I didn't support this shit
He confirms what smart people have always known. This is what Democrats think of the American people, especially their own supporters. But you won't see any liberal sycophants on this board admit it even though it's right there in front of them. They are constantly showing us how incredibly stupid they are.
“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
ed they called you stupid and you say nothing about that but go on the defensive trying to redirect the thread.
They called you stupid, what are you going to do about it?
Nope, Gowdy was talking specifically about YOU!
Yes. He was talking about us. He was refuting Gruber who called the American People stupid by saying "take a look at last Tuesday night". It was a compliment that only those on the defensive, like you, would take as an insult.

Most republicans knew that the administration and its allies were lying to the American People about the ACA (amongst other things). Heck, we would say it on this board day after day after day.

And what did we get in return? Folks like you defending the hell out of it. Telling us that Fox News was the one lying about it.

Well, now you have one of the architects of the ACA telling you the administration lied to you.

Whats it like to support a party that sees you as a tool? Must be disheartening.
He confirms what smart people have always known. This is what Democrats think of the American people, especially their own supporters. But you won't see any liberal sycophants on this board admit it even though it's right there in front of them. They are constantly showing us how incredibly stupid they are.
“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
ed they called you stupid and you say nothing about that but go on the defensive trying to redirect the thread.
They called you stupid, what are you going to do about it?
Nope, Gowdy was talking specifically about YOU!

Waaaah? Holy shit you're stupid.
Name the Republicans who supported obammycare.
They flat out duped you dems,just admit it.

They duped all of us.

They met in DC at 1 AM on a Snowy Christmas eve , IN FUCKING SECRET,

NO ONE HAD READ THE 1600 page edict.

Harry Reid (D-USSR) prevented the Republicans from objecting.

That was necessary because we are stupid.

They didn't dupe many of us. We fought it til it was passed...and criticized it ever since. The ones who were duped were the ones who believed the lies and criticized those who told them they were being lied to.

Nope. They didnt dupe all of us. They dupes some of us. But they SCREWED all of us.
“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
The full quote is:

Yes, it's really serious in a participatory democracy when you tell your fellow citizens that you are either not smart enough to understand the truth or we can't tell you the truth because you wouldn't go along with it. Well if you wouldn't go along with it, maybe you shouldn't pass the law. It's not the responsibility of your viewers to read thousand page bills. Hell, the people who voted on it didn't read it before they voted on it. So, it's not my fellow citizens' responsibility to read this bill.

I would say this to the professor, put down the cognac and the lost writings of J.D. Salinger, you want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are, take a look at last Tuesday night. Because they rejected you, this bill and this administration.

Gowdy slams arrogance of ObamaCare architect for calling Americans stupid Fox News
OMG ya gotta be joking!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On November 30th, Krugman wrote about the CBO report, relying on Gruber's analysis. He, too, concluded it was "good news for reform advocates." That same day, Harry Reid took to the floor of the Senate that same day, saying "just a few days ago an MIT economist -- one of the nation's foremost economists -- a man by the name of Jonathan Gruber, analyzed our bill and concluded it will help Americans pay less and get more."

How the White House Used Gruber s Work to Create Appearance of Broad Consensus Jane Hamsher

From the HUFF POST???????? What's going on here??

So how did it work??

Up until this point, most of the attention regarding the failure to disclose the connection between Jonathan Gruber and the White House has fallen on Gruber himself. Far more troubling, however, is the lack of disclosure on the part of the White House, the Senate, the DNC and other Democratic leaders who distributed Gruber's work and cited it as independent validation of their proposals, orchestrating the appearance of broad consensus when in fact it was all part of the same effort.

The White House is placing a giant collective bet on Gruber's "assumptions" to justify key portions of the Senate bill such as the "Cadillac tax," which they allowed people to believe was independent verification. Now that we know that Gruber's work was not that of an independent analyst but rather work performed as a contractor to the White House and paid for by taxpayers, and economists like Larry Mishel are raising serious questions about its validity, it should be made publicly available so others can judge its merits.

Gruber began negotiating a sole-source contract with the Department of Health and Human Services in February of 2009, for which he was ultimately paid $392,600. The contract called for Gruber to use his statistical model for evaluating alternatives "derived from the President's health reform proposal." It was not a research grant, but rather a consulting contract to advise the White House Office of Health Reform, headed by Obama's health care czar Nancy-Ann DeParle, to "develop proposals" for health care reform.

How did the feedback loop work? Well, take Gruber's appearance before the Senate HELP Committee on November 2, 2009, for which he used his microsimulation model to make calculations about small business insurance coverage. On the same day, Gruber released an analysis of the House health care bill, which he sent to Ezra Klein of the Washington Post. Ezra published an excerpt.

White House blogger Jesse Lee then promoted both Gruber's Senate testimony and Ezra Klein's article on the White House blog. "We thought it would all be a little more open and transparent if we went ahead and published what our focus will be for the day" he said, pointing to Gruber's "objective analysis." The "transparent" part apparently stopped when everyone got to Gruber's contractual relationship to the White House, which nobody in the three-hit triangle bothered to disclose.

But that was child's play compared to the effort that went into selling Gruber's analysis of the bill unveiled by the Senate on Wednesday, November 18. Two days later on Friday November 20, Gruber published a paper entitled "Impacts of the Senate High Cost Insurance Excise Tax on Wages: Updated," claiming that the excise tax would result in wage hikes of $234 billion from 2013 through 2019.

And it was off to the races.

So just pay for the data you want and assume the Democrats are stupid?? OK: it worked.

Jonathan Gruber has violated the Democrat code of Omerta. He told the truth about what the Democrats were really doing... and he did it IN PUBLIC.

Democrats have not mentioned what he said, at all ever since.

Are they making Gruber an offer he can't refuse, right about now?
Democratic party leaders are now throwing Guber under the bus and trying to claim they never heard of him. Pelosi claimed she doesn't know him, even though she repeatedly sighted his contributions in 2009 lol.
Democratic party leaders are now throwing Guber under the bus and trying to claim they never heard of him. Pelosi claimed she doesn't know him, even though she repeatedly sighted his contributions in 2009 lol.
Let me guess: Tomorrow she will announce "You have to vote for Gruber to find out who he is."

She's safe, since he's never run for office.
Democratic party leaders are now throwing Guber under the bus and trying to claim they never heard of him. Pelosi claimed she doesn't know him, even though she repeatedly sighted his contributions in 2009 lol.
awww.....poor Gruber won't be invited to those DC insider parties anymore.....

man those lefties are merciless when anyone missteps in their forward march....
He confirms what smart people have always known. This is what Democrats think of the American people, especially their own supporters. But you won't see any liberal sycophants on this board admit it even though it's right there in front of them. They are constantly showing us how incredibly stupid they are.
“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
ed they called you stupid and you say nothing about that but go on the defensive trying to redirect the thread.
They called you stupid, what are you going to do about it?
Nope, Gowdy was talking specifically about YOU!
It's not Gowdy you fucking moron it's Gurber, he is talking about those who supported Obamacare idiots like you.
It's Gowdy, he's talking about idiots who voted for the GOP earlier this month.
He confirms what smart people have always known. This is what Democrats think of the American people, especially their own supporters. But you won't see any liberal sycophants on this board admit it even though it's right there in front of them. They are constantly showing us how incredibly stupid they are.
“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
ed they called you stupid and you say nothing about that but go on the defensive trying to redirect the thread.
They called you stupid, what are you going to do about it?
Nope, Gowdy was talking specifically about YOU!
It's not Gowdy you fucking moron it's Gurber, he is talking about those who supported Obamacare idiots like you.

Gowdy was responding to the Grubercrats.
Gowdy was talking about stupid GOP voters.
He confirms what smart people have always known. This is what Democrats think of the American people, especially their own supporters. But you won't see any liberal sycophants on this board admit it even though it's right there in front of them. They are constantly showing us how incredibly stupid they are.
“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
ed they called you stupid and you say nothing about that but go on the defensive trying to redirect the thread.
They called you stupid, what are you going to do about it?
Nope, Gowdy was talking specifically about YOU!

Waaaah? Holy shit you're stupid.
Name the Republicans who supported obammycare.
They flat out duped you dems,just admit it.

They duped all of us.

They met in DC at 1 AM on a Snowy Christmas eve , IN FUCKING SECRET,

NO ONE HAD READ THE 1600 page edict.

Harry Reid (D-USSR) prevented the Republicans from objecting.

That was necessary because we are stupid.

Lies, all lies.
No one met in secret.
The bill is not 1600 pages.
The GOP spent months objecting.
You make Gruber look honest!
He confirms what smart people have always known. This is what Democrats think of the American people, especially their own supporters. But you won't see any liberal sycophants on this board admit it even though it's right there in front of them. They are constantly showing us how incredibly stupid they are.
“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
ed they called you stupid and you say nothing about that but go on the defensive trying to redirect the thread.
They called you stupid, what are you going to do about it?
Nope, Gowdy was talking specifically about YOU!
he meant we were smart for getting rid of the Democrats
That's YOUR spin, not what he said.
He was mocking GOP voters because he knew you are too stupid to get that you wqere being mocked!

“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
The full quote is:

Yes, it's really serious in a participatory democracy when you tell your fellow citizens that you are either not smart enough to understand the truth or we can't tell you the truth because you wouldn't go along with it. Well if you wouldn't go along with it, maybe you shouldn't pass the law. It's not the responsibility of your viewers to read thousand page bills. Hell, the people who voted on it didn't read it before they voted on it. So, it's not my fellow citizens' responsibility to read this bill.

I would say this to the professor, put down the cognac and the lost writings of J.D. Salinger, you want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are, take a look at last Tuesday night. Because they rejected you, this bill and this administration.

Gowdy slams arrogance of ObamaCare architect for calling Americans stupid Fox News
Exactly, he is admitting the GOP voters were stupid for rejecting the ACA.
He confirms what smart people have always known. This is what Democrats think of the American people, especially their own supporters. But you won't see any liberal sycophants on this board admit it even though it's right there in front of them. They are constantly showing us how incredibly stupid they are.
“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
ed they called you stupid and you say nothing about that but go on the defensive trying to redirect the thread.
They called you stupid, what are you going to do about it?
Nope, Gowdy was talking specifically about YOU!
It's not Gowdy you fucking moron it's Gurber, he is talking about those who supported Obamacare idiots like you.
It's Gowdy, he's talking about idiots who voted for the GOP earlier this month.

He was clearly talking about the Democrats.

"I would say this to the professor, put down the cognac and the lost writings of J.D. Salinger, you want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are, take a look at last Tuesday night. Because they rejected you, this bill and this administration."

If you don't understand what is written, you are seriously stupid, just as the Professor said.
We need to change qualifying for Presidency to both parents must have been American born / are legal immigrants. Obama is a nice man, But he never ever should have been able to be President. So is Schwarzenegger, but he can't possibly be president. Neither should have Obama. Obama doesn't understand America, he doesn't have roots here and he is outside our heritage. He doesn't understand the zeitgeist, the soul, the heart of America. The people that Obama puts into power reflect his disconnect with American culture.
“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
The full quote is:

Yes, it's really serious in a participatory democracy when you tell your fellow citizens that you are either not smart enough to understand the truth or we can't tell you the truth because you wouldn't go along with it. Well if you wouldn't go along with it, maybe you shouldn't pass the law. It's not the responsibility of your viewers to read thousand page bills. Hell, the people who voted on it didn't read it before they voted on it. So, it's not my fellow citizens' responsibility to read this bill.

I would say this to the professor, put down the cognac and the lost writings of J.D. Salinger, you want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are, take a look at last Tuesday night. Because they rejected you, this bill and this administration.

Gowdy slams arrogance of ObamaCare architect for calling Americans stupid Fox News
Exactly, he is admitting the GOP voters were stupid for rejecting the ACA.
You don't read so well do you?
“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
ed they called you stupid and you say nothing about that but go on the defensive trying to redirect the thread.
They called you stupid, what are you going to do about it?
Nope, Gowdy was talking specifically about YOU!

Waaaah? Holy shit you're stupid.
Name the Republicans who supported obammycare.
They flat out duped you dems,just admit it.

They duped all of us.

They met in DC at 1 AM on a Snowy Christmas eve , IN FUCKING SECRET,

NO ONE HAD READ THE 1600 page edict.

Harry Reid (D-USSR) prevented the Republicans from objecting.

That was necessary because we are stupid.

They didn't dupe many of us. We fought it til it was passed...and criticized it ever since. The ones who were duped were the ones who believed the lies and criticized those who told them they were being lied to.

Nope. They didnt dupe all of us. They dupes some of us. But they SCREWED all of us.
The GOP duped you gullible idiots with their "Death Panel" lie and their "rationing" lie and if you remember when they were pushing the death panels lie they said Ezekiel Emmanuel was the primary architect of Obamacare, now the same liars say it was Gruber. Were they lying then, now or both?

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