Gruber was merely telling the truth (big mistake!): Democrats MUST lie toget people to vote for them

“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
The full quote is:

Yes, it's really serious in a participatory democracy when you tell your fellow citizens that you are either not smart enough to understand the truth or we can't tell you the truth because you wouldn't go along with it. Well if you wouldn't go along with it, maybe you shouldn't pass the law. It's not the responsibility of your viewers to read thousand page bills. Hell, the people who voted on it didn't read it before they voted on it. So, it's not my fellow citizens' responsibility to read this bill.

I would say this to the professor, put down the cognac and the lost writings of J.D. Salinger, you want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are, take a look at last Tuesday night. Because they rejected you, this bill and this administration.

Gowdy slams arrogance of ObamaCare architect for calling Americans stupid Fox News
Exactly, he is admitting the GOP voters were stupid for rejecting the ACA.
You don't read so well do you?
Gowdy says quite clearly that the Citizens were stupid because they rejected the ACA.
He confirms what smart people have always known. This is what Democrats think of the American people, especially their own supporters. But you won't see any liberal sycophants on this board admit it even though it's right there in front of them. They are constantly showing us how incredibly stupid they are.
“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
ed they called you stupid and you say nothing about that but go on the defensive trying to redirect the thread.
They called you stupid, what are you going to do about it?
Nope, Gowdy was talking specifically about YOU!
he meant we were smart for getting rid of the Democrats
That's YOUR spin, not what he said.
He was mocking GOP voters because he knew you are too stupid to get that you wqere being mocked!

“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
No spin you fucking moron Smart people do not support obama or vote democrat
That is exactly what he meant, on the slip side the creator of what you support called you stupid.
“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
The full quote is:

Yes, it's really serious in a participatory democracy when you tell your fellow citizens that you are either not smart enough to understand the truth or we can't tell you the truth because you wouldn't go along with it. Well if you wouldn't go along with it, maybe you shouldn't pass the law. It's not the responsibility of your viewers to read thousand page bills. Hell, the people who voted on it didn't read it before they voted on it. So, it's not my fellow citizens' responsibility to read this bill.

I would say this to the professor, put down the cognac and the lost writings of J.D. Salinger, you want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are, take a look at last Tuesday night. Because they rejected you, this bill and this administration.

Gowdy slams arrogance of ObamaCare architect for calling Americans stupid Fox News
Exactly, he is admitting the GOP voters were stupid for rejecting the ACA. can actually smell the desperation.
The democrats here who are too stupid to understand Gowdy's sarcasm are the stupid people Gruber was referring to and democrats in office depend on.
He was clearly talking about the Democrats.

"I would say this to the professor, put down the cognac and the lost writings of J.D. Salinger, you want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are, take a look at last Tuesday night. Because they rejected you, this bill and this administration."

If you don't understand what is written, you are seriously stupid, just as the Professor said.
No, he is clearly naming the stupid voters who rejected the ACA. The "they" undeniably refers back to his "stupid fellow citizens."
“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
The full quote is:

Yes, it's really serious in a participatory democracy when you tell your fellow citizens that you are either not smart enough to understand the truth or we can't tell you the truth because you wouldn't go along with it. Well if you wouldn't go along with it, maybe you shouldn't pass the law. It's not the responsibility of your viewers to read thousand page bills. Hell, the people who voted on it didn't read it before they voted on it. So, it's not my fellow citizens' responsibility to read this bill.

I would say this to the professor, put down the cognac and the lost writings of J.D. Salinger, you want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are, take a look at last Tuesday night. Because they rejected you, this bill and this administration.

Gowdy slams arrogance of ObamaCare architect for calling Americans stupid Fox News
Exactly, he is admitting the GOP voters were stupid for rejecting the ACA.
Ed you think a republican is calling other republicans stupid for not voting for democrats and not supporting obamacare, something no republican voted for in 2009?
YOU ed are a special kind of stupid.
He was clearly talking about the Democrats.

"I would say this to the professor, put down the cognac and the lost writings of J.D. Salinger, you want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are, take a look at last Tuesday night. Because they rejected you, this bill and this administration."

If you don't understand what is written, you are seriously stupid, just as the Professor said.
No, he is clearly naming the stupid voters who rejected the ACA. The "they" undeniably refers back to his "stupid fellow citizens."
no he's not
Democratic party leaders are now throwing Guber under the bus and trying to claim they never heard of him. Pelosi claimed she doesn't know him, even though she repeatedly sighted his contributions in 2009 lol.
awww.....poor Gruber won't be invited to those DC insider parties anymore.....

man those lefties are merciless when anyone missteps in their forward march....

Dude the left will eat their own wounded.
“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
The full quote is:

Yes, it's really serious in a participatory democracy when you tell your fellow citizens that you are either not smart enough to understand the truth or we can't tell you the truth because you wouldn't go along with it. Well if you wouldn't go along with it, maybe you shouldn't pass the law. It's not the responsibility of your viewers to read thousand page bills. Hell, the people who voted on it didn't read it before they voted on it. So, it's not my fellow citizens' responsibility to read this bill.

I would say this to the professor, put down the cognac and the lost writings of J.D. Salinger, you want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are, take a look at last Tuesday night. Because they rejected you, this bill and this administration.

Gowdy slams arrogance of ObamaCare architect for calling Americans stupid Fox News
Exactly, he is admitting the GOP voters were stupid for rejecting the ACA.
Ed you think a republican is calling other republicans stupid for not voting for democrats and not supporting obamacare, something no republican voted for in 2009?
YOU ed are a special kind of stupid.
Gowdy is undeniably saying the STUPID did the REJECTING.
He was clearly talking about the Democrats.

"I would say this to the professor, put down the cognac and the lost writings of J.D. Salinger, you want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are, take a look at last Tuesday night. Because they rejected you, this bill and this administration."

If you don't understand what is written, you are seriously stupid, just as the Professor said.
No, he is clearly naming the stupid voters who rejected the ACA. The "they" undeniably refers back to his "stupid fellow citizens."
no he's not
You need to go back to grammar school and relearn how to diagram a sentence.
“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
The full quote is:

Yes, it's really serious in a participatory democracy when you tell your fellow citizens that you are either not smart enough to understand the truth or we can't tell you the truth because you wouldn't go along with it. Well if you wouldn't go along with it, maybe you shouldn't pass the law. It's not the responsibility of your viewers to read thousand page bills. Hell, the people who voted on it didn't read it before they voted on it. So, it's not my fellow citizens' responsibility to read this bill.

I would say this to the professor, put down the cognac and the lost writings of J.D. Salinger, you want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are, take a look at last Tuesday night. Because they rejected you, this bill and this administration.

Gowdy slams arrogance of ObamaCare architect for calling Americans stupid Fox News
Exactly, he is admitting the GOP voters were stupid for rejecting the ACA.
Ed you think a republican is calling other republicans stupid for not voting for democrats and not supporting obamacare, something no republican voted for in 2009?
YOU ed are a special kind of stupid.
Gowdy is undeniably saying the STUPID did the REJECTING.
What is more stupid you thinking Gowdy was calling Republicans stupid, or your continued support for what is already know to be supported by idiots.
He was clearly talking about the Democrats.

"I would say this to the professor, put down the cognac and the lost writings of J.D. Salinger, you want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are, take a look at last Tuesday night. Because they rejected you, this bill and this administration."

If you don't understand what is written, you are seriously stupid, just as the Professor said.
No, he is clearly naming the stupid voters who rejected the ACA. The "they" undeniably refers back to his "stupid fellow citizens."
no he's not
You need to go back to grammar school and relearn how to diagram a sentence.
Once again
No he's not.
“You want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are? Take a look at last Tuesday night”
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
The full quote is:

Yes, it's really serious in a participatory democracy when you tell your fellow citizens that you are either not smart enough to understand the truth or we can't tell you the truth because you wouldn't go along with it. Well if you wouldn't go along with it, maybe you shouldn't pass the law. It's not the responsibility of your viewers to read thousand page bills. Hell, the people who voted on it didn't read it before they voted on it. So, it's not my fellow citizens' responsibility to read this bill.

I would say this to the professor, put down the cognac and the lost writings of J.D. Salinger, you want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are, take a look at last Tuesday night. Because they rejected you, this bill and this administration.

Gowdy slams arrogance of ObamaCare architect for calling Americans stupid Fox News
Exactly, he is admitting the GOP voters were stupid for rejecting the ACA.
Ed you think a republican is calling other republicans stupid for not voting for democrats and not supporting obamacare, something no republican voted for in 2009?
YOU ed are a special kind of stupid.
Gowdy is undeniably saying the STUPID did the REJECTING.
What is more stupid you thinking Gowdy was calling Republicans stupid, or your continued support for what is already know to be supported by idiots.
It is stupid to think the GOP did not do the rejecting, and Gowdy clearly says the stupid did the rejecting.

"you want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are, take a look at last Tuesday night. Because they rejected you, this bill and this administration."
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
If Democrats had described Obamacare honestly, no one would have voted for it. The Congressmen's constituents (including Democrats) would have bombarded them with demands that they vote NO, and very few could have resisted the pressure.

And it's not just about Obamacare.

If they had described Social Security honestly (that it would dispossess seniors of enough payments to make every one of them a millionaire, and then spend those payments in the General Fund and wait for later enrollees to pay for today's retirees), the same thing would have happened.

And if they admitted they were lying when they accused Republicans of poisoning the air, starving children, robbing Seniors, etc. etc., the same thing: Normal people would have rejected them in disgust.

And if they acknowledged that they were discouraging oil drilling just to pacify a relatively tiny (but strident) part of their base, the militant enviro-nuts, while remaining indifferent to the rising prices for oil (and for goods delivered by trucks or trains that use oil for fuel), normal people would again vote them ot of office.

And every other program the Democrats have pushed, would have met a similar fate if they described it openly and honestly.

The Democrats MUST lie about these things, and deceive people the way Gruber described.

Gruber was merely telling the truth about what the Democrats have been doing for decades.

But telling the truth is the one thing the Democrats cannot stand. Notice that not a single Democrat has addressed what Gruber said? Some call him names and denigrate his character, but most won't say anything. Those who do say anything about him, never touch what he actually said.

Pelosi tried to claim that Gruber had nothing to do with the bill and that she never heard of him. Stupid bitch will say anything, knowing that the dumbed down idiots who vote for her will believe anything. Pelosi even quoted Gruber when she was trying to get support for Obamacare, right before she said they had to pass it before they could find out what was in it. Anyone who respects or believes that woman should use their subsidized Obamacare insurance to seek help at the nearest mental hospital.

When Gruber talked about the ignorance of people in convincing them that Obamacare was a good thing, he was clearly talking about Democrat voters because no one on the right was fooled by their bullshit. Those who spoke the truth about Obamacare were swiftly reported to Obama's soviet-style site, AttackWatch. Gruber insults Obamacare supporters every time he opens his mouth. They are ignorant and know nothing about economics. Again, he wasn't talking about Republicans, who all voted against Obamacare because some actually bothered to check what was in it. Even those that didn't weren't about to blindly trust this administration and were smart not to.

"The latest shows him speaking at the University of Rhode Island in 2012 about the law’s so-called "Cadillac tax." The "Cadillac tax" mandates that insurance companies be taxed rather than policy holders. He said that taxing individuals would have been "politically impossible," but taxing the companies worked because Americans didn't understand the difference.
"So basically it's the same thing," he said. "We just tax the insurance companies, they pass on higher prices that offsets the tax break we get, it ends up being the same thing. It's a very clever, you know, basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter." "
Last edited:
He was clearly talking about the Democrats.

"I would say this to the professor, put down the cognac and the lost writings of J.D. Salinger, you want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are, take a look at last Tuesday night. Because they rejected you, this bill and this administration."

If you don't understand what is written, you are seriously stupid, just as the Professor said.
No, he is clearly naming the stupid voters who rejected the ACA. The "they" undeniably refers back to his "stupid fellow citizens."
no he's not
You need to go back to grammar school and relearn how to diagram a sentence.

You need to see a shrink and deal with your delusions.
You're positively mental..
The full quote is:

Yes, it's really serious in a participatory democracy when you tell your fellow citizens that you are either not smart enough to understand the truth or we can't tell you the truth because you wouldn't go along with it. Well if you wouldn't go along with it, maybe you shouldn't pass the law. It's not the responsibility of your viewers to read thousand page bills. Hell, the people who voted on it didn't read it before they voted on it. So, it's not my fellow citizens' responsibility to read this bill.

I would say this to the professor, put down the cognac and the lost writings of J.D. Salinger, you want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are, take a look at last Tuesday night. Because they rejected you, this bill and this administration.

Gowdy slams arrogance of ObamaCare architect for calling Americans stupid Fox News
Exactly, he is admitting the GOP voters were stupid for rejecting the ACA.
Ed you think a republican is calling other republicans stupid for not voting for democrats and not supporting obamacare, something no republican voted for in 2009?
YOU ed are a special kind of stupid.
Gowdy is undeniably saying the STUPID did the REJECTING.
What is more stupid you thinking Gowdy was calling Republicans stupid, or your continued support for what is already know to be supported by idiots.
It is stupid to think the GOP did not do the rejecting, and Gowdy clearly says the stupid did the rejecting.

"you want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are, take a look at last Tuesday night. Because they rejected you, this bill and this administration."
- Trey Gowdy, November 11, 2014
“You can’t make that up. He had to lie to people, and then he justified it, so I can’t even get past the irony of that to even get to the arrogance of him calling our fellow citizens stupid.”

“It’s really serious in a participatory democracy when you tell your fellow citizens that you’re either not smart enough to understand the truth or we can’t tell you the truth because you wouldn’t go along with it. Well, if you wouldn’t go along with it, maybe you shouldn’t pass the law.”

“Put down the cognac and the lost writings of J.D. Salinger. If you want to see how stupid our fellow citizens are, take a look at last Tuesday night, because they rejected you, this bill and this administration.”

Speaker? AG? A girl can dream…

BTW The majority of Americans always have and continue to reject Obamacare:
I told you the sycophants on this board wouldn't admit their own leaders are calling them stupid.
I am thoroughly enjoying the Dems being outed!


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