Guam National Guard Visit Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene After Alluding To Guam As A Foreign Land


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
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We are trillions of dollars in debt...we have to borrow money from a nation that just killed over 500,000 Americans to pay for their global pandemic damage...we have a crisis at the border with covid positive people being released into our nation and bad guys taking advantage of busy baby sitter border guards....and Nancy Pelosi brings in a sideshow for the weak minded to suckle on....
We are trillions of dollars in debt...we have to borrow money from a nation that just killed over 500,000 Americans to pay for their global pandemic damage...we have a crisis at the border with covid positive people being released into our nation and bad guys taking advantage of busy baby sitter border guards....and Nancy Pelosi brings in a sideshow for the weak minded to suckle on....

They brought the woman cookies and said just wanted to let you know we are here and been around since 1898.

Perhaps Marjorie Taylor Greene should have read some history? I didn't find it excessive. They were not rude in the least. Nicolas probably did that on his own.
"Appeared" to refer to Guam as a foreign land? What does that mean? Does Media Matters follow this congresswoman around looking for flubs? You could say Guam was a foreign land since they have their own language and the country is located in an area that most people couldn't find on a freaking map. You almost gotta laugh that the president can't seem to figure out where he is most of the time but the media spends it's energy with lame quotes from a republican congresswoman from Georgia.

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