Guess the righties owe HILLARY n Obama a bunch of apologies !


Gold Member
Oct 2, 2015
This is a spin off from that "owe trump an apology thread" . The hypocrisy is too much for one thread !!!

Righties favorite last time is misquoting the prez and Hillary in order to further their bogus talking points . Now they cry cause trump catches flack over his comments ? Playa please!

Here's some quick examples:

"ISIS is contained "
"We we're broke when we left the White House"
"Fundamental change "
"What difference does it make "

All those are routinely taken out of context by the right . U can tell when the quote is just a couple words .
This is a spin off from that "owe trump an apology thread" . The hypocrisy is too much for one thread !!!

Righties favorite last time is misquoting the prez and Hillary in order to further their bogus talking points . Now they cry cause trump catches flack over his comments ? Playa please!

Here's some quick examples:

"ISIS is contained "
"We we're broke when we left the White House"
"Fundamental change "
"What difference does it make "

All those are routinely taken out of context by the right . U can tell when the quote is just a couple words .

Perhaps you can provide the correct context for all those qoutes. I'll wait. This should be good.
"taken out of context" of the left loon's weapons in defense of Dear Leader and Shitlary.

Context matters, to argue that it doesn't is an insult to the intelligence of everyone on this board.

Of course it matters but to use it time and time again to cover for Obama and Clinton's lies is ridiculous. We see what the left is doing, just stop you look foolish
"taken out of context" of the left loon's weapons in defense of Dear Leader and Shitlary.

Context matters, to argue that it doesn't is an insult to the intelligence of everyone on this board.

It would if there was anyway one could show that those statements were taken out of context, but they were not.

Obama's top general testified before Congress that ISIS was never contained.

Hillary claimed that they were broke, unless someone can tell me how broke can be a relative term for someone with millions of dollars.

These are just excuses because Hillary and Obama have foot-in-mouth disease when asked to tell the truth. They cannot do it, even if they would be no harm in it. They have lied so long, they simply cannot quit.
"taken out of context" of the left loon's weapons in defense of Dear Leader and Shitlary.

Context matters, to argue that it doesn't is an insult to the intelligence of everyone on this board.

Of course it matters but to use it time and time again to cover for Obama and Clinton's lies is ridiculous. We see what the left is doing, just stop you look foolish

Because the right tends to take quotes out of context. Treat the disease and the symptoms go away.
This is a spin off from that "owe trump an apology thread" . The hypocrisy is too much for one thread !!!

Righties favorite last time is misquoting the prez and Hillary in order to further their bogus talking points . Now they cry cause trump catches flack over his comments ? Playa please!

Here's some quick examples:

"ISIS is contained "
"We we're broke when we left the White House"
"Fundamental change "
"What difference does it make "

All those are routinely taken out of context by the right . U can tell when the quote is just a couple words .

Perhaps you can provide the correct context for all those qoutes. I'll wait. This should be good.
All you have to do is reading the portions preceding and followed the edited comments. Bingo, you get the context.
"taken out of context" of the left loon's weapons in defense of Dear Leader and Shitlary.

Context matters, to argue that it doesn't is an insult to the intelligence of everyone on this board.

Of course it matters but to use it time and time again to cover for Obama and Clinton's lies is ridiculous. We see what the left is doing, just stop you look foolish

Because the right tends to take quotes out of context. Treat the disease and the symptoms go away.

There you go again, you feel justified screaming "you took it out of context" when we know damn good and well it wasn't taken out of context. It falls back to your inability to defend them and using "you took it out of context" somehow makes it all right. It doesn't
"taken out of context" of the left loon's weapons in defense of Dear Leader and Shitlary.

Context matters, to argue that it doesn't is an insult to the intelligence of everyone on this board.

It would if there was anyway one could show that those statements were taken out of context, but they were not.

Obama's top general testified before Congress that ISIS was never contained.

Hillary claimed that they were broke, unless someone can tell me how broke can be a relative term for someone with millions of dollars.

These are just excuses because Hillary and Obama have foot-in-mouth disease when asked to tell the truth. They cannot do it, even if they would be no harm in it. They have lied so long, they simply cannot quit.
The General was referring to ISIS containment as a global entity. Clinton was referring to the geographic situation in Irag and Syria.

When the Clinton's left the Whitehouse they were deeply in debt. The debt was far more than what they had. It took speaking engagements and book sales to pay off the debts and begin building wealth.
Libtards are like cockroaches. Shine the light on them and step on the scum.

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