Guess what? REAL Laptop! FBI confirms Hunter Biden laptop is authentic.

So much for the truth deniers. The laptop is real.

The contenders are real. And the contents are disgusting and crime filled.

Who gives a shit if it is authentic? What does it have to do with national security? Fuck you mother-fuckers for pushing this Biden nonsense!
Who gives a shit if it is authentic? What does it have to do with national security? Fuck you mother-fuckers for pushing this Biden nonsense!
Why are you so triggered if nobody gives a shit, Simp?
So much for the truth deniers. The laptop is real.

The contenders are real. And the contents are disgusting and crime filled.

Well....maybe that can be little orange golf boy's defense at his felony trial.
"B-b-but.....HUNTER'S LAPTOP!"
Such as.....

In their examinations, Green and Williams found evidence that people other than Hunter Biden had accessed the drive and written files to it, both before and after the initial stories in the New York Post and long after the laptop itself had been turned over to the FBI.

Maxey had alerted The Washington Post to this issue in advance, saying that others had accessed the data to examine its contents and make copies of files. But the lack of what experts call a “clean chain of custody” undermined Green’s and Williams’s ability to determine the authenticity of most of the drive’s contents.
“The drive is a mess,” Green said

Trusting Guiliani and his pals? Give me a break, The man is an admitted liar. Not an accused liar, an admitted one.

and trying paying for news: instead of remaining a thief.
is it?

you have proof?

What Mac Isaac said next, though, is what was most noteworthy. When he did his “deep dive,” he said, he “saw a lot of photos” — but “did not see a lot of photos that are being reported to [have been] seen.”

“I do know that there have been multiple attempts over the past year-and-a-half to insert questionable material into the laptop as in, not physically, but passing off this misinformation or disinformation as coming from the laptop,” he said. “And that is a major concern of mine because I have fought tooth and nail to protect the integrity of this drive and to jeopardize that is going to mean that everything that I sacrificed will be for nothing.”

In other words, Mac Isaac says that he has seen claims about what the laptop contains that don’t actually reflect what he saw on the laptop at the outset. Or, presumably, sees now, as one of the few people that might still have an unlittered copy of its contents.
So much for the truth deniers. The laptop is real.

The contenders are real. And the contents are disgusting and crime filled.

Something ain't right here. Why the apostrophe at verified in the headline and quotation marks at verified in the text.
So much for the truth deniers. The laptop is real.

The contenders are real. And the contents are disgusting and crime filled.

So how do we sane people know when you believe the FBI and when you don’t believe the FBI?

Depends on your agenda, right?

In their examinations, Green and Williams found evidence that people other than Hunter Biden had accessed the drive and written files to it, both before and after the initial stories in the New York Post and long after the laptop itself had been turned over to the FBI.

Maxey had alerted The Washington Post to this issue in advance, saying that others had accessed the data to examine its contents and make copies of files. But the lack of what experts call a “clean chain of custody” undermined Green’s and Williams’s ability to determine the authenticity of most of the drive’s contents.
“The drive is a mess,” Green said

Trusting Guiliani and his pals? Give me a break, The man is an admitted liar. Not an accused liar, an admitted one.

and trying paying for news: instead of remaining a thief.
Unfortunately for you, your link doesn't back up your lies.

From your link:

Thousands of emails purportedly from the laptop computer of Hunter Biden, President Biden’s son, are authentic communications that can be verified through cryptographic signatures from Google and other technology companies, say two security experts who examined the data at the request of The Washington Post.

Neither found clear evidence of tampering in their examinations

:oops8: :oops8: :oops8: :oops8:
So how do we sane people know when you believe the FBI and when you don’t believe the FBI?

Depends on your agenda, right?
On this mainly because they didn't want to verify it. In fact, after they verified it they buried it in hopes the truth would never come out.

If it isn't Crackhead's laptop, why did he send his lawyers to try to get it back, Simp?
The day Joe Biden gets indicted we'll have a serious discussion. Until then, troll your way into HEll.
Michael Coleone was never indicted either...doesn't mean he didn't run a criminal enterprise.
You'd have to ask Tucker, Rudy, and others. They have admitted lying. But why?
when did they admit lying about this? Xiden and the demafacsit were the ones that lied and claimed the laptop was Russian disinformation The Hunter Biden Laptop Disinformation Is Exposed - Opinion: Potomac Watch - WSJ Podcasts
Unfortunately for you, your link doesn't back up your lies.

From your link:

Thousands of emails purportedly from the laptop computer of Hunter Biden, President Biden’s son, are authentic communications that can be verified through cryptographic signatures from Google and other technology companies, say two security experts who examined the data at the request of The Washington Post.

Neither found clear evidence of tampering in their examinations

:oops8: :oops8: :oops8: :oops8:

reading and comprehension fail

and the copy of teh drive the DOJ/FBI have is not corrupted. They had it when Trump was in office.

What Mac Isaac said next, though, is what was most noteworthy. When he did his “deep dive,” he said, he “saw a lot of photos” — but “did not see a lot of photos that are being reported to [have been] seen.”

“I do know that there have been multiple attempts over the past year-and-a-half to insert questionable material into the laptop as in, not physically, but passing off this misinformation or disinformation as coming from the laptop,” he said. “And that is a major concern of mine because I have fought tooth and nail to protect the integrity of this drive and to jeopardize that is going to mean that everything that I sacrificed will be for nothing.”

In other words, Mac Isaac says that he has seen claims about what the laptop contains that don’t actually reflect what he saw on the laptop at the outset. Or, presumably, sees now, as one of the few people that might still have an unlittered copy of its contents.

In June 2021, Maxey, who previously worked as a researcher for Bannon’s “War Room” podcast, delivered to The Washington Post a portable hard drive that he said contained the data. He said he had obtained it from Giuliani.
Responding to findings from news organizations that some material on the drive could be corroborated, Mac Isaac said in a statement: “I am relieved that finally, after 18 months of being persecuted and attacked for my actions, the rest of the country is starting to open their eyes.”

What the experts found​

In their examinations, Green and Williams found evidence that people other than Hunter Biden had accessed the drive and written files to it, both before and after the initial stories in the New York Post and long after the laptop itself had been turned over to the FBI.

Maxey had alerted The Washington Post to this issue in advance, saying that others had accessed the data to examine its contents and make copies of files. But the lack of what experts call a “clean chain of custody” undermined Green’s and Williams’s ability to determine the authenticity of most of the drive’s contents.
“The drive is a mess,” Green said.

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