Guess what Republicans? We really need the Dept of Education, EPA and Energy

And since the depts of energy, education, and the EPA have come in to being... they have showed us such great improvements in those areas... so we should not cut them....



They haven't??


These are just 3 agencies that show flat out how much the government has over-reached, been ineffective, and is about nothing more than power, more favoritism, and big spending to gain favor.... I would venture to guess that about 40% of the federal bureaucracy needs to be beheaded
What do we need the pesky EPA for. We needs lots of chemicals and raw sewage in our water. And lots of chemicals in the air we breathe as well.
Rivers catching on fire were entertaining.
And who needs to swim or eat fish anyway.

How can people get so stupid. Doing away with the EPA? A prime example though of a failed education system.

How can people be so stupid as to believe the sky is gonna fall (literally) if some beauracratic government agency doesn't have oversight over it?

Because we have been there before. We have seen what happens when unregulated business is allowed to dump at will, burn anything they do not care about and sacrifice environmental impact for profit
Thanks for providing a key reason as to why the Dept of Education should go away.


Or else we could just scrap NCLB

Yes we did see the reaction of democrats to NCLB, they hated accountability so they cheated for the students.

Thats a proud moment for you right winger................

So tell us...why is it that the Republicans are the ones freaking out of the President's proposal to allow states to opt out of NCLB?
Or else we could just scrap NCLB

Yes we did see the reaction of democrats to NCLB, they hated accountability so they cheated for the students.

Thats a proud moment for you right winger................

So tell us...why is it that the Republicans are the ones freaking out of the President's proposal to allow states to opt out of NCLB?

From your link....

In order for the states to receive a waiver, the administration is requiring they adopt education policy changes the administration deems necessary.


Real autonomy. This President is fast going from being close to the bottom to being at the bottom.

And more:

The requirements ruffled the feathers of Republican members of Congress, who were quick to criticize the announcement because they feel the administration is exercising too much power on education.

“I am extremely disappointed after spending so many hours working toward a solution that we have reached a point where the president appears to preempt our efforts with waivers. The best way to address these important issues is through legislation,” said Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee ranking member Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.).

“President Obama’s efforts represent a fundamental and dramatic shift in authority from Congress to the administration,” he said. “This action today clearly politicizes education policy, which traditionally has been a bipartisan issue that attracts support from both parties. It is the responsibility of Congress to develop policy, and the president’s proposal is an attempt to effect change outside the legislative process.”


Our constitutional scholar president is a scholar at getting around the document.
Republicans are against energy research, education, clean water, and clean air.

There is a special place in hell for Republicans.
Liberals such as yourself, are against truthfully describing what the opposition (conservatives such as myself) is for or against.

We say do away with the federal influence on education and you say we are against education.

We say do away with the federal department of energy and you say we are against clean energy.

We say do away with the federal environmental regulatory agency and you say we are against a clean earth.

What part of "get rid of federal control of these things" do you not understand? Typical liberal arguments include projection and use of strawman arguments. Basically, this occurs because liberals are incapable of assembling legitimate arguments to support the need to maintain highly inefficient, counter-productive jobs programs for federal government employees.

Washington's entrenched lawmakers are under the control of teachers that not only cannot teach...they refuse to learn from experience and recorded history that big government bleeds the governed entity (be it a village, a city, a county, a state or the entire country) into bankruptcy and mediocrity. But hey! It puts money in their pockets, so what the fuck do they care?

Liberals are just goddamned GREEDY!
Libs have to lie about everything, and with a large does of hysteria too
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What could be worse than closing down key agencies at critical points in our history?

At a time when our children are falling woefully behind other countries, Republicans want to kill the Dept of Education

At a time when Greenhouse gasses are affecting our climate.......Republicans want to close the Environmental Protection Agency

At a time when we are at the whim of an unstable middle east for oil imports......Republicans want to close the Dept of Energy
So eliminating the Department of Education will eliminate education? :confused:

What could be worse than closing down key agencies at critical points in our history?

At a time when our children are falling woefully behind other countries, Republicans want to kill the Dept of Education

At a time when Greenhouse gasses are affecting our climate.......Republicans want to close the Environmental Protection Agency

At a time when we are at the whim of an unstable middle east for oil imports......Republicans want to close the Dept of Energy
So eliminating the Department of Education will eliminate education? :confused:

Wouldn't the states take back control of the school systems?
What could be worse than closing down key agencies at critical points in our history?

At a time when our children are falling woefully behind other countries, Republicans want to kill the Dept of Education

At a time when Greenhouse gasses are affecting our climate.......Republicans want to close the Environmental Protection Agency

At a time when we are at the whim of an unstable middle east for oil imports......Republicans want to close the Dept of Energy
So eliminating the Department of Education will eliminate education? :confused:

Wouldn't the states take back control of the school systems?
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
What do we need the pesky EPA for. We needs lots of chemicals and raw sewage in our water. And lots of chemicals in the air we breathe as well.
Rivers catching on fire were entertaining.
And who needs to swim or eat fish anyway.

How can people get so stupid. Doing away with the EPA? A prime example though of a failed education system.

How can people be so stupid as to believe the sky is gonna fall (literally) if some beauracratic government agency doesn't have oversight over it?
Because we have been there before. We have seen what happens when unregulated business is allowed to dump at will, burn anything they do not care about and sacrifice environmental impact for profit
Unless your a business that gets a waiver from the Obama Administration:
Despite Moratorium, Drilling Projects Move Ahead -
In the days since President Obama announced a moratorium on permits for drilling new offshore oil wells and a halt to a controversial type of environmental waiver that was given to the Deepwater Horizon rig, at least seven new permits for various types of drilling and five environmental waivers have been granted, according to records.
The records also indicate that since the April 20 explosion on the rig, federal regulators have granted at least 19 environmental waivers for gulf drilling projects and at least 17 drilling permits, most of which were for types of work like that on the Deepwater Horizon shortly before it exploded, pouring a ceaseless current of oil into the Gulf of Mexico.
Must be huge Obama donors right? Seems to be the case with him.
What could be worse than closing down key agencies at critical points in our history?

At a time when our children are falling woefully behind other countries, Republicans want to kill the Dept of Education

At a time when Greenhouse gasses are affecting our climate.......Republicans want to close the Environmental Protection Agency

At a time when we are at the whim of an unstable middle east for oil imports......Republicans want to close the Dept of Energy

You cite all these failures as evidence we actually need these agencies?


All you've done is point out what miserable failures these agencies really are.

Shut 'em all down.
What could be worse than closing down key agencies at critical points in our history?

At a time when our children are falling woefully behind other countries, Republicans want to kill the Dept of Education

At a time when Greenhouse gasses are affecting our climate.......Republicans want to close the Environmental Protection Agency

At a time when we are at the whim of an unstable middle east for oil imports......Republicans want to close the Dept of Energy
So eliminating the Department of Education will eliminate education? :confused:



It will reduce our capability to compete internationally in education. American students are falling farther and farther behind their international counterparts in terms of education. We are now competing with third world nations on the quality of our education

What is the Republicans solution? Close the Dept of Education. We don't need it. Let the US Educational standards be set by tens of thousands of independent school systems administered by 50 different states

Do you know how many countries that are beating our brains out in education have such a fractured structure of administering their school systems? NONE

They all rely on a unified education system administered by a strong centralized government

Republican plans for education are a FAIL
What could be worse than closing down key agencies at critical points in our history?

At a time when our children are falling woefully behind other countries, Republicans want to kill the Dept of Education

At a time when Greenhouse gasses are affecting our climate.......Republicans want to close the Environmental Protection Agency

At a time when we are at the whim of an unstable middle east for oil imports......Republicans want to close the Dept of Energy
So eliminating the Department of Education will eliminate education? :confused:



It will reduce our capability to compete internationally in education. American students are falling farther and farther behind their international counterparts in terms of education. We are now competing with third world nations on the quality of our education

What is the Republicans solution? Close the Dept of Education. We don't need it. Let the US Educational standards be set by tens of thousands of independent school systems administered by 50 different states

Do you know how many countries that are beating our brains out in education have such a fractured structure of administering their school systems? NONE

They all rely on a unified education system administered by a strong centralized government

Republican plans for education are a FAIL

Are you suggesting that before the creation of the Dept. of Education that Americans were stupid?

How did we ever put a man on the moon!?!? :cuckoo:
What could be worse than closing down key agencies at critical points in our history?

At a time when our children are falling woefully behind other countries, Republicans want to kill the Dept of Education

At a time when Greenhouse gasses are affecting our climate.......Republicans want to close the Environmental Protection Agency

At a time when we are at the whim of an unstable middle east for oil imports......Republicans want to close the Dept of Energy
So eliminating the Department of Education will eliminate education? :confused:



It will reduce our capability to compete internationally in education. American students are falling farther and farther behind their international counterparts in terms of education. We are now competing with third world nations on the quality of our education

What is the Republicans solution? Close the Dept of Education. We don't need it. Let the US Educational standards be set by tens of thousands of independent school systems administered by 50 different states

Do you know how many countries that are beating our brains out in education have such a fractured structure of administering their school systems? NONE

They all rely on a unified education system administered by a strong centralized government

Republican plans for education are a FAIL

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Nowhere in the constitution is education administration granted as a power
Thanks for providing a key reason as to why the Dept of Education should go away.


Or else we could just scrap NCLB

Scrapping government education altogether would solve 100% of the problems with our government schools.
I know am wasting my time with this message, but I would suggest you actually do just a bit of real research into what these departments actually do, particular in reference to the Dept of Education.

The DOE does not mandate how schools are run, nor what is taught in the schools, nor how it is taught. Except where mandated by federal law, state and local government can turn down federal funding and federal programs. The DOE recommends programs and provides funding for those programs often through competitive grants.

There seems to be three major targets of right, No Child Left Behind, the School Lunch Program, and Head Start. With or without the DOE, these programs would still exist. No Child Left Behind is mandated by Congress. Without the DOE, the personnel responsibility for this program would have to be duplicated in every state increasing the cost or moved to another dept. Head Start is administrated and funded through Health and Human Services, not the DOE. The School Lunch Program is administered through the Dept of Agriculture not the DOE.
Or else we could just scrap NCLB

Scrapping government education altogether would solve 100% of the problems with our government schools.
I know am wasting my time with this message, but I would suggest you actually do just a bit of real research into what these departments actually do, particular in reference to the Dept of Education.

The DOE does not mandate how schools are run, nor what is taught in the schools, nor how it is taught. Except where mandated by federal law, state and local government can turn down federal funding and federal programs. The DOE recommends programs and provides funding for those programs often through competitive grants.

There seems to be three major targets of right, No Child Left Behind, the School Lunch Program, and Head Start. With or without the DOE, these programs would still exist. No Child Left Behind is mandated by Congress. Without the DOE, the personnel responsibility for this program would have to be duplicated in every state increasing the cost or moved to another dept. Head Start is administrated and funded through Health and Human Services, not the DOE. The School Lunch Program is administered through the Dept of Agriculture not the DOE.

Don't forget the Rightwings other pet project. Close public schools and issue vouchers to private schools. Not to mention the ever popular home schooling

The agenda is clear. Cut education down to its smallest common denominator and expect it to succeed in an international marketplace
What do we need the pesky EPA for. We needs lots of chemicals and raw sewage in our water. And lots of chemicals in the air we breathe as well.
Rivers catching on fire were entertaining.
And who needs to swim or eat fish anyway.

How can people get so stupid. Doing away with the EPA? A prime example though of a failed education system.

I have no issue with the early work the EPA did, and making standards for things like air and water pollution, to me, are part of the federal mandate to regulate commerce between states. What I have an issue with is them branching into other areas, and expanding thier scope, without a true legislative mandate. I also have issue with duplication at the state level.

Finally most EPA regulations read more like legal positions than engineering standards. The way regulations work today, you spend more money on lawyers making sure your paperwork is up to date than on engineering making sure your processes are working right. People are more afraid of the amount of forms they have to fill out than the actual results of any excessive release.
As an Environmental Engineer I can honestly say this is the most inept, uninformed post concerning the USEPA I have ever seen.
Scrapping government education altogether would solve 100% of the problems with our government schools.
I know am wasting my time with this message, but I would suggest you actually do just a bit of real research into what these departments actually do, particular in reference to the Dept of Education.

The DOE does not mandate how schools are run, nor what is taught in the schools, nor how it is taught. Except where mandated by federal law, state and local government can turn down federal funding and federal programs. The DOE recommends programs and provides funding for those programs often through competitive grants.

There seems to be three major targets of right, No Child Left Behind, the School Lunch Program, and Head Start. With or without the DOE, these programs would still exist. No Child Left Behind is mandated by Congress. Without the DOE, the personnel responsibility for this program would have to be duplicated in every state increasing the cost or moved to another dept. Head Start is administrated and funded through Health and Human Services, not the DOE. The School Lunch Program is administered through the Dept of Agriculture not the DOE.

Don't forget the Rightwings other pet project. Close public schools and issue vouchers to private schools. Not to mention the ever popular home schooling

The agenda is clear. Cut education down to its smallest common denominator and expect it to succeed in an international marketplace

Home schooling is a right granted to the citizenry.... since schooling, and the administration of it, is not granted to the federal government via the constitution...

As a conservative, I am not against public schools, and I fully support my state funded education for all minors.... BUT, I think that if a parent or family wishes to take their child's education to private schools, they have every right to... but I do not think that the state funds allocated toward public education should be used to exercise that right or choice...

The agenda is clear... keep education in the hands of the states and the responsibility of the parents and families
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I know am wasting my time with this message, but I would suggest you actually do just a bit of real research into what these departments actually do, particular in reference to the Dept of Education.

The DOE does not mandate how schools are run, nor what is taught in the schools, nor how it is taught. Except where mandated by federal law, state and local government can turn down federal funding and federal programs. The DOE recommends programs and provides funding for those programs often through competitive grants.

There seems to be three major targets of right, No Child Left Behind, the School Lunch Program, and Head Start. With or without the DOE, these programs would still exist. No Child Left Behind is mandated by Congress. Without the DOE, the personnel responsibility for this program would have to be duplicated in every state increasing the cost or moved to another dept. Head Start is administrated and funded through Health and Human Services, not the DOE. The School Lunch Program is administered through the Dept of Agriculture not the DOE.

Don't forget the Rightwings other pet project. Close public schools and issue vouchers to private schools. Not to mention the ever popular home schooling

The agenda is clear. Cut education down to its smallest common denominator and expect it to succeed in an international marketplace

Home schooling is a right granted to the citizenry.... since schooling, and the administration of it, is not granted to the federal government via the constitution...

As a conservative, I am not against public schools, and I fully support my state funded education for all minors.... BUT, I think that if a parent or family wishes to take their child's education to private schools, they have every right to... but I do not think that the state funds allocated toward public education should be used to exercise that right or choice...

The agenda is clear... keep education in the hands of the states and the responsibility of the parents and families

Essentially, I agree with you

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