Guess what the Republican plan is to fix our economic woes?

Yeah, damn the gov't for helping to pay to run power lines so we can have electricity, and running water lines and sewer lines so we can have indoor plumbing. Those damn socialist public utility companies!

Are you two done with your "MOMENT"? Its kinda creepy

I can't help but laugh at the ignorance of some conservatives when they get on their kick about gov't (because of President Obama) being involved in things that should be the sole purview of the private sector as if it wasn't always the case.

The two latest dust ups were over light bulbs and the salt content in canned food, or processed food, or restaurant food. I'll only deal with that latter for the moment. Conservatives went absolutely off the rails about how it was none of the govt's business about how much salt was in their food. Really? Aside from the fact that it's a public health issue, AND the fact that the high salt levels were essentially "hidden" from the public except for some labelling, there is absolutely NOTHING stopping conservatives from carrying around a salt shaker with them if that's what they want to do so they can add as much salt to their food as they want. And salt is plenty cheap, so they can add as MUCH as they want without worrying about breaking the bank.

New Campbell’s CEO Bullied Into Putting Salt Back In Soup


Denise Morrison, the new CEO of Campbell’s Soup, who we dubbed the “low-sodium CEO” has announced a major change at the company: she’s bringing back salt. *Cue gasp*

Just a few weeks ago, we told you about Morrison, the straight-laced woman who grew up discussing ”the discipline of test marketing” at the dinner table –- and her trailblazing quest to de-salt Campbell’s Soup while running the U.S. arm of the company. Morrison removed sodium from the soup, and customers revolted! Without salt, the soup tasted like…water! If you didn’t think salt could create scandal, you thought wrong. Morrison’s anti-salt crusade made her a controversial candidate to take over as CEO.

But she got the job anyway. And guess what? She’s curbing to the pressure. You heard it right: she’s bringing back salt.

In anticipation of her official ascension to CEO on August 1 (she’s currently still COO), Morrison spoke today at Campbell headquarters, where she announced that she was planning to add salt back into a number of soups, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer. Rejoice! ”You need to provide products that taste good,” she said. Wise words for the CEO of one of the country’s largest and most famous food brands.

New Campbell's CEO Puts Salt Back In Soup | Mogulite
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you like talking out your ass terrorist dont you?

People talk out of their mouth. At least every person I've met. Maybe you've met some person I've never heard about.

You want to mircromanage what people spend. You want to be able to take money away from people who spend their money on things you don't like. You are a totalitarian. You want to empower government to do this.

I don't know why you have such contempt for the average person to presume that you can't let them make their own decisions. Why? Because they make decisions you don't like?

Are you a fucking moron? You have to be because you keep on going on and on about things i think and do, but never ever say.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? Did you bang your head on rocks as a kid? Go around playing with powerlines or something?

Seriously why the fuck are you so fucking stupid? I have to know.

I understand that you need to make it about me, because you cant defend the fact that tax cuts is a failed policy.

here im going to play your stupid game. You like to fuck goats. You've never actually shown your affection for goats in public,but that doesnt matter, because i can make this assumption based on your moronic thinking...

so from now on you are here by named goat fucker....

I have no idea why you don't see the association between totalitarians and your desire to dictate to people how to spend their money properly. Nor do I understand why you cannot see that constantly empowering government at the expense of the people is dangerous.

I don't see the value of giving up my freedom to determine how to spend my money properly. Nor do I see any value in assuming I should force others to support causes I believe in by using government to take their hard earned money and spend them on my pet causes.

Have you ever supported a policy that eases the tax burden the people suffer from? After all, tax money comes from their hard work and sweat. Have you ever supported being careful stewards of that money and not spending despite not having money? Can you name a single government program you want to stop burdening the people with? Do you care when programs violate the Constitution?

Because I've seen absolutely no evidence of the above in any of your posts. I may have missed something. But you are almost always advocating we give more power to government, we spend more money, we tax the people more. You want to determine whether we spend our money properly, when it's none of your business what we do with our money. I'm sorry if you don't like being called a totalitarian, but this is exactly what totalitarians want: Power out of the hands of the people and centered in government.

Now understandably you're angry because I've struck a chord. You thought attacking me would somehow hurt me and make you feel better. I hope you do feel better. But you really haven't hurt me at all. What you're saying is untrue, so why would it bother me if you say it? I know the truth. God knows the Truth. And I'm fairly certain almost every person who reads what you wrote knows the truth as well. You don't see me getting angry about it because I made a decision long ago to not let lies and false accusations against me bother me. The only thing that would bother me is if what you said was true. And then I'd evaluate it. And if it was true, I'd fix the defect rather than deny it.

You say we can't support tax cuts. But yet we have. You haven't made any convincing counter argument on why we should burden the people more. However, tax cuts are only half the policy. Tax cuts without spending cuts don't nearly create the benefit needed.

Not only that, but tax cuts only work when you additionally make the people more certain about the future. As long as we are have uncertainty with our national finances, as long as we can't keep the administration or Congress from changing the rules in the market place, it wont matter how much money people have, they won't be creating new jobs.

Tax cuts is only one part of a trifecta of policies to ease the burden of government on the american people.

And if you are concerned about making things personal, then I would stop suggesting that people who have to work 4 months for the government before making a dime in net income should be paying even more taxes. The more you tax the people, the more that they will take it personal.
People talk out of their mouth. At least every person I've met. Maybe you've met some person I've never heard about.

You want to mircromanage what people spend. You want to be able to take money away from people who spend their money on things you don't like. You are a totalitarian. You want to empower government to do this.

I don't know why you have such contempt for the average person to presume that you can't let them make their own decisions. Why? Because they make decisions you don't like?

Are you a fucking moron? You have to be because you keep on going on and on about things i think and do, but never ever say.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? Did you bang your head on rocks as a kid? Go around playing with powerlines or something?

Seriously why the fuck are you so fucking stupid? I have to know.

I understand that you need to make it about me, because you cant defend the fact that tax cuts is a failed policy.

here im going to play your stupid game. You like to fuck goats. You've never actually shown your affection for goats in public,but that doesnt matter, because i can make this assumption based on your moronic thinking...

so from now on you are here by named goat fucker....

I have no idea why you don't see the association between totalitarians and your desire to dictate to people how to spend their money properly. Nor do I understand why you cannot see that constantly empowering government at the expense of the people is dangerous.

I don't see the value of giving up my freedom to determine how to spend my money properly. Nor do I see any value in assuming I should force others to support causes I believe in by using government to take their hard earned money and spend them on my pet causes.

Have you ever supported a policy that eases the tax burden the people suffer from? After all, tax money comes from their hard work and sweat. Have you ever supported being careful stewards of that money and not spending despite not having money? Can you name a single government program you want to stop burdening the people with? Do you care when programs violate the Constitution?

Because I've seen absolutely no evidence of the above in any of your posts. I may have missed something. But you are almost always advocating we give more power to government, we spend more money, we tax the people more. You want to determine whether we spend our money properly, when it's none of your business what we do with our money. I'm sorry if you don't like being called a totalitarian, but this is exactly what totalitarians want: Power out of the hands of the people and centered in government.

Now understandably you're angry because I've struck a chord. You thought attacking me would somehow hurt me and make you feel better. I hope you do feel better. But you really haven't hurt me at all. What you're saying is untrue, so why would it bother me if you say it? I know the truth. God knows the Truth. And I'm fairly certain almost every person who reads what you wrote knows the truth as well. You don't see me getting angry about it because I made a decision long ago to not let lies and false accusations against me bother me. The only thing that would bother me is if what you said was true. And then I'd evaluate it. And if it was true, I'd fix the defect rather than deny it.

You say we can't support tax cuts. But yet we have. You haven't made any convincing counter argument on why we should burden the people more. However, tax cuts are only half the policy. Tax cuts without spending cuts don't nearly create the benefit needed.

Not only that, but tax cuts only work when you additionally make the people more certain about the future. As long as we are have uncertainty with our national finances, as long as we can't keep the administration or Congress from changing the rules in the market place, it wont matter how much money people have, they won't be creating new jobs.

Tax cuts is only one part of a trifecta of policies to ease the burden of government on the american people.

And if you are concerned about making things personal, then I would stop suggesting that people who have to work 4 months for the government before making a dime in net income should be paying even more taxes. The more you tax the people, the more that they will take it personal.

Once again, we have the lowest tax rate of any of the industrialized nations except for Spain and Japan.

Only 55% of Americans pay federal income tax.

The richest 400 Americans have had their tax rate lowered to 17%, much lower than the rest of us.

Our taxes are too low. That's why we have a deficit.
Self reliance my friend. Im no govt sheep

How much is your Social Security check?

As you libs told us when it passed there Chris. SS is not welfare. If Grampa is getting SS and worked his whole life. Then he is simply getting back the money he paid in. Now if you want to talk about the Millions of People who never paid in, or didn't pay in much. But Collect anyways, we can. lol

And who would they be? The people that get SSI are the Mentally Ill, developmentally disabled(retarded folk) like I work with, Physically handicapped? Yeah... you fuckers are all heart.

But on the other hand... your right... SSA(what we pay into) is not welfare. But that's not stopping from your side trying to destroy it, is it?
Are you a fucking moron? You have to be because you keep on going on and on about things i think and do, but never ever say.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? Did you bang your head on rocks as a kid? Go around playing with powerlines or something?

Seriously why the fuck are you so fucking stupid? I have to know.

I understand that you need to make it about me, because you cant defend the fact that tax cuts is a failed policy.

here im going to play your stupid game. You like to fuck goats. You've never actually shown your affection for goats in public,but that doesnt matter, because i can make this assumption based on your moronic thinking...

so from now on you are here by named goat fucker....

I have no idea why you don't see the association between totalitarians and your desire to dictate to people how to spend their money properly. Nor do I understand why you cannot see that constantly empowering government at the expense of the people is dangerous.

I don't see the value of giving up my freedom to determine how to spend my money properly. Nor do I see any value in assuming I should force others to support causes I believe in by using government to take their hard earned money and spend them on my pet causes.

Have you ever supported a policy that eases the tax burden the people suffer from? After all, tax money comes from their hard work and sweat. Have you ever supported being careful stewards of that money and not spending despite not having money? Can you name a single government program you want to stop burdening the people with? Do you care when programs violate the Constitution?

Because I've seen absolutely no evidence of the above in any of your posts. I may have missed something. But you are almost always advocating we give more power to government, we spend more money, we tax the people more. You want to determine whether we spend our money properly, when it's none of your business what we do with our money. I'm sorry if you don't like being called a totalitarian, but this is exactly what totalitarians want: Power out of the hands of the people and centered in government.

Now understandably you're angry because I've struck a chord. You thought attacking me would somehow hurt me and make you feel better. I hope you do feel better. But you really haven't hurt me at all. What you're saying is untrue, so why would it bother me if you say it? I know the truth. God knows the Truth. And I'm fairly certain almost every person who reads what you wrote knows the truth as well. You don't see me getting angry about it because I made a decision long ago to not let lies and false accusations against me bother me. The only thing that would bother me is if what you said was true. And then I'd evaluate it. And if it was true, I'd fix the defect rather than deny it.

You say we can't support tax cuts. But yet we have. You haven't made any convincing counter argument on why we should burden the people more. However, tax cuts are only half the policy. Tax cuts without spending cuts don't nearly create the benefit needed.

Not only that, but tax cuts only work when you additionally make the people more certain about the future. As long as we are have uncertainty with our national finances, as long as we can't keep the administration or Congress from changing the rules in the market place, it wont matter how much money people have, they won't be creating new jobs.

Tax cuts is only one part of a trifecta of policies to ease the burden of government on the american people.

And if you are concerned about making things personal, then I would stop suggesting that people who have to work 4 months for the government before making a dime in net income should be paying even more taxes. The more you tax the people, the more that they will take it personal.

Once again, we have the lowest tax rate of any of the industrialized nations except for Spain and Japan.

Only 55% of Americans pay federal income tax.

The richest 400 Americans have had their tax rate lowered to 17%, much lower than the rest of us.

Our taxes are too low. That's why we have a deficit.
No the US has a deficit because it believed Chicago school and Merill lynch,etc knew how the economy worked, and these groups are still running (or should I say ruining) the economy. If the government used the money more efficiently and didn't waste it (aka on stimulus, bailing out banks,etc), the US would never have deficits save during times of government investment into infrastructure or war.
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How much is your Social Security check?

As you libs told us when it passed there Chris. SS is not welfare. If Grampa is getting SS and worked his whole life. Then he is simply getting back the money he paid in. Now if you want to talk about the Millions of People who never paid in, or didn't pay in much. But Collect anyways, we can. lol

And who would they be? The people that get SSI are the Mentally Ill, developmentally disabled(retarded folk) like I work with, Physically handicapped? Yeah... you fuckers are all heart.

But on the other hand... your right... SSA(what we pay into) is not welfare. But that's not stopping from your side trying to destroy it, is it?

Social Security is being destroyed by bad math.
Politicians don't know how to do math? Shocking!
Where in The FUCK did I say we should adopt PRC's policies?


You're too stupid to grasp that the idiotic policies that your Messiah® promotes, that you mindlessly follow, are simply the fascist economic and social structure of the PRC.

I don't excuse ANYONE... unlike you... I don't care if it's GE or Caterpillar... fuck them all.


What about your Messiah® - you know, the stupid fuck that has Immelt as his "Jobs Czar?"
Have you been living in a cave? I have to ask because Gov't and business have both been working together for the benefit of the general public, national security, and national interests since probably forever. Ever hear of NASA, defense contractors, the intestate highway system, Hoover Dam just to name a few?

Oh wow, you've convinced me to embrace fascism and love Dear Leader.....

The open merger of the federal government and corporate power structures is unprecedented in this nation. Obama has openly adopted the policies and methods of Benito Mussolini.

The concept of the federal government mandating the purchase of services from well connected looters such as Kaiser and Blue Cross, using the most feared of the Secret Police, the IRS, to enforce this; ain't defense contracts. This is a major shift in the economic paradigm of the nation, a shift to actual and in-fact fascism.
As opposed to "letting it die" or "sending it to China"? I prefer the Democrats plan, "Save American business saves American jobs".

The way the Obama Job Czar did, by sending 50,000 jobs to China?

You're stupid as a pile of fucking bricks...

I mean that most sincerely.
Considering that conservatives are so fond of quoting the DoI, I would have thought you had heard of promoting the general welfare.

It's a bummer that you leftists have no concept of the meaning of words and phrases. Of course, you're not leftists because you're particularly bright, now are you?

"General Welfare" speaks to the establishment of a society conducive to the over-all well being of a free peoples. It has nothing to do with the SSI and Foodstamps you get every month. Using the term "welfare" for the entitlement payments you get is a euphemism - one the founding fathers would have never guess at.
I am pretty sure Republicans are talking about cutting spending first, simplifying the tax code, and lowering taxes after that. You can say their talk wont end up reality, but it is dishonest to say they only want to cut taxes.
Are you suggesting things are bad right now? Because the Bush Tax cuts are still in place and the stimulus was about 50% tax cuts cuts have been working great for us huh?

Tax cuts do not decrease revenues idiot, and Obama's so-called "tax cuts" were tax credits not cuts there is a differance.

oh good someone failed 2nd grade math.

You make 8 dollars an hour. You make 200 a week and just barely pay your bills.
your job fires you for being a moron who could add correctly. You get another job that only pays 5$ an hour, and you bring home 120 a week.

Its the samething with taxes. You cut the rates and less money comes in. If you do not cut your spending habits when you cut your revenue coming in, you will run into a debt problem.

This doesnt mean you cut taxes and spending and all will be well. Those bills STILL need to be paid. Therefore you raises taxes short term in order to pay down the debt and then lower them when you get in the black.

Its really not that complicated.

Now that is damn funny the dunce trying to teach math. 8x40 is what again? 5x 40 is what again.

Thanks for the laugh though.
if tax cuts are the answer to fix this economy, then why the hell do we have the same tax cuts in place with no dam jobs?

The answer isnt to do it see what the results are.
if tax cuts are the answer to fix this economy, then why the hell do we have the same tax cuts in place with no dam jobs?

The answer isnt to do it see what the results are.

Repeal Obamacare, if you want companies to hire again.
Your going to have to put the brakes on the EPA also.

Another trillion a year in costs and up to an expected 7 million job loss.
oh good someone failed 2nd grade math.

You make 8 dollars an hour. You make 200 a week and just barely pay your bills.
your job fires you for being a moron who could add correctly. You get another job that only pays 5$ an hour, and you bring home 120 a week.

Its the samething with taxes.

No stupid, it isn't.

For those who make it to college, there is a common case study in beginning economics regarding what is known as the "Taco Bell Case."

In 1985, Pepsi Cola owned Taco Bell restaurants. They had a MSRP of $.89 for a taco and $.79 for a bean burrito. The chain was virtually bankrupt, showing losses for 5 consecutive years. Pepsi was ready to shut the entire chain down.

A marketing executive came up with a plan to get people in the store by offering $.29 tacos and burritos on Sundays. Pepsi ran a campaign and it worked, people crowded into Taco Bell on Sundays - the rest of the week suffered.

BUT what Finance found is that the chain was making money on Sudays. You see, the VOLUME was enough to cover the fixed costs, even though the per piece profit was low, enough tacos were sold that it still turned a profit. Pepsi lowered the prices across the board for all days, and Taco Bell became hugely profitable. Pepsi was able to sell it (along with Pizza Hut and KFC) to Yum Foods in 1987 for over $300 million. From bankruptcy to a $300 million profit - by LOWERING prices.

I doubt you have what it takes to grasp this - in fact I know you don't - but the facts remain.

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