Guess what the Republican plan is to fix our economic woes?

Ahh kinda like the fool I ran accross one time who kept putting one fuse after another in a piece of equipment and they just kept blowing.
It has to work eventually!
Ahh kinda like the fool I ran accross one time who kept putting one fuse after another in a piece of equipment and they just kept blowing.
It has to work eventually!

LOL I have done remodels where the penny was behind the fuse.
If the GnOP had accepted the President's offer of 4 billion in cuts AND in revenue increases, it would have worked out fine.

This fucking moron you worship, this Obama piece of shit, played at brinkmanship and destroyed the economy of the nation.

He is a fucking ideologue fool. There is no defense for the putrid sack of shit. You only besmirch yourself by continuing to drone on for the demonstrably worst president in history. He is beyond unqualified, he is a complete cluster-fuck, nuclear annihilation.

Good god, that you defend this pile of shit is beyond belief. Have you no shame? Have you no brains at all? kettle. You could replace the name Obama with Tea Party throughout and be just as accurate.

No you couldn't.
Gee whiz, those wacky Republicans and their tax cuts.

So, how's the alternatives from Barry and the Dimocrats been working out for us?

Are you suggesting things are bad right now? Because the Bush Tax cuts are still in place and the stimulus was about 50% tax cuts cuts have been working great for us huh? kettle. You could replace the name Obama with Tea Party throughout and be just as accurate.

And still you defend him. At least the Republicans stopped defending Bush after 2008.

You really don't care, do you? Your team, right or wrong - no matter the damage, you support your team.

Pathetic, seriously.
Notice I said "AND SECURE MY FUTURE". What good is it going to do me to send $1900 and you assholes fuck it up for me anyway?

BTW... I purposely get more taken out of my check than I need to. I like a nice refund. But you know what? The government collects interest on that money ALL YEAR LONG. so fuck you, I do help out more than you already.

So, let's see. You know absolutely NOTHING about me and yet you state as a fact that you help out more than I do already. What do you base that on if I might be so bold as to ask? And I will also ask you why you think that giving a government that spends tax money on turtle crossings and gay penis studies more of your money is going to somehow "secure your future"?

Let's see, you know absolutely nothing about me but assume I support crap like at the end of your post. I do, however care about SS and Medicare. Those are the things that most of us either do or will rely on, things we've been paying into all our lives. Things that should not be touched. You want cuts, Great... cut the crap you spoke of, stop thinking we need to spend 9X more on defense than the next biggest military budget. Stop paying more than any OTHER COUNTRY in the world on Health Care and still have 62% of our bankruptcies caused by MEDICAL BILLS.

That would be a great start.

Hey.. I assumed nothing. I based everything in my post on your statements. You said that you wouldn't mind giving the federal government an additional $1900.00 per year of your money. No one said that you approved of the penis study, I simply pointed out that these are things that the government spends hard earned tax money on and wondered why you would give them more money when this is how they spend it. Has it occurred to you that the government's seeming unwillingness to " cut the crap I spoke of" is one of the reasons that people like me can't see turning over more money at this point? Why give them more until they learn to spend what they have more wisely?
Healthcare?.....cut taxes
Recession?.....cut taxes
Balance the budget?.....cut taxes
Go to war?........cut taxes
Budget surplus?.......cut taxes
Budget shortfall?....cut taxes

It would be funny if it weren't true

Have you got the message yet, or did you need another whipping in the next election?

Yes we can have wars..medicare part d..the department of homeland security and a plethora of new spending..

So long as we cut taxes.

And then when it comes time to pay for it.

We can put Tea Party Terrorists in Congress to take the economy hostage.

Good plan.

:lol: :clap2:
Healthcare?.....cut taxes
Recession?.....cut taxes
Balance the budget?.....cut taxes
Go to war?........cut taxes
Budget surplus?.......cut taxes
Budget shortfall?....cut taxes

It would be funny if it weren't true

Have you got the message yet, or did you need another whipping in the next election?

Yes we can have wars..medicare part d..the department of homeland security and a plethora of new spending..

So long as we cut taxes.

And then when it comes time to pay for it.

We can put Tea Party Terrorists in Congress to take the economy hostage.

Good plan.

:lol: :clap2:

If I were running the war it would have been over in a few minutes. But we must be civil in fighting them. NOW THATS FUNNY.

Man up and explain the DNC conference call telling members to call any cut extreme.
Healthcare?.....cut taxes
Recession?.....cut taxes
Balance the budget?.....cut taxes
Go to war?........cut taxes
Budget surplus?.......cut taxes
Budget shortfall?....cut taxes

It would be funny if it weren't true

Have you got the message yet, or did you need another whipping in the next election?

Yes we can have wars..medicare part d..the department of homeland security and a plethora of new spending..

So long as we cut taxes.

And then when it comes time to pay for it.

We can put Tea Party Terrorists in Congress to take the economy hostage.

Good plan.

:lol: :clap2: the way the left talking heads get their followers to regurgitate their "catch words and phrases"
This fucking moron you worship, this Obama piece of shit, played at brinkmanship and destroyed the economy of the nation.

He is a fucking ideologue fool. There is no defense for the putrid sack of shit. You only besmirch yourself by continuing to drone on for the demonstrably worst president in history. He is beyond unqualified, he is a complete cluster-fuck, nuclear annihilation.

Good god, that you defend this pile of shit is beyond belief. Have you no shame? Have you no brains at all? kettle. You could replace the name Obama with Tea Party throughout and be just as accurate.

No you couldn't.

yes you could

Think of it as waiting for a hat sale dear, before you shop. You know in the end you will spend more than when you pay list, the up side is that you will have more value for every Penney spent. You forget that the Government makes money every time money changes hands all the way from raw resource, manufacturing, distribution, wholesale, and final sale.
Lower the sale price, increase flow. Increase the Price, slow or stop flow. The Powers that be know this. Could it be there is something else that they are interested in like control and dominance? You are big on dominance, right? you get it. ;)
So, let's see. You know absolutely NOTHING about me and yet you state as a fact that you help out more than I do already. What do you base that on if I might be so bold as to ask? And I will also ask you why you think that giving a government that spends tax money on turtle crossings and gay penis studies more of your money is going to somehow "secure your future"?

Let's see, you know absolutely nothing about me but assume I support crap like at the end of your post. I do, however care about SS and Medicare. Those are the things that most of us either do or will rely on, things we've been paying into all our lives. Things that should not be touched. You want cuts, Great... cut the crap you spoke of, stop thinking we need to spend 9X more on defense than the next biggest military budget. Stop paying more than any OTHER COUNTRY in the world on Health Care and still have 62% of our bankruptcies caused by MEDICAL BILLS.

That would be a great start.

Hey.. I assumed nothing. I based everything in my post on your statements. You said that you wouldn't mind giving the federal government an additional $1900.00 per year of your money. No one said that you approved of the penis study, I simply pointed out that these are things that the government spends hard earned tax money on and wondered why you would give them more money when this is how they spend it. Has it occurred to you that the government's seeming unwillingness to " cut the crap I spoke of" is one of the reasons that people like me can't see turning over more money at this point? Why give them more until they learn to spend what they have more wisely?

Ummm, perhaps because services and programs we need are also included in the money that we pay taxes on.
Let's see, you know absolutely nothing about me but assume I support crap like at the end of your post. I do, however care about SS and Medicare. Those are the things that most of us either do or will rely on, things we've been paying into all our lives. Things that should not be touched. You want cuts, Great... cut the crap you spoke of, stop thinking we need to spend 9X more on defense than the next biggest military budget. Stop paying more than any OTHER COUNTRY in the world on Health Care and still have 62% of our bankruptcies caused by MEDICAL BILLS.

That would be a great start.

Hey.. I assumed nothing. I based everything in my post on your statements. You said that you wouldn't mind giving the federal government an additional $1900.00 per year of your money. No one said that you approved of the penis study, I simply pointed out that these are things that the government spends hard earned tax money on and wondered why you would give them more money when this is how they spend it. Has it occurred to you that the government's seeming unwillingness to " cut the crap I spoke of" is one of the reasons that people like me can't see turning over more money at this point? Why give them more until they learn to spend what they have more wisely?

Ummm, perhaps because services and programs we need are also included in the money that we pay taxes on.

So we should let them waste as much as they wish?
Gee whiz, those wacky Republicans and their tax cuts.

So, how's the alternatives from Barry and the Dimocrats been working out for us?

Are you suggesting things are bad right now? Because the Bush Tax cuts are still in place and the stimulus was about 50% tax cuts cuts have been working great for us huh?

Yeah. LIke Barry's stimulous worked so well right??

Its working so well that UE is at 9.1% and the economy is still in the crapper.

I'm sure you have faith though. It will work. Eventually.
Healthcare?.....cut taxes
Recession?.....cut taxes
Balance the budget?.....cut taxes
Go to war?........cut taxes
Budget surplus?.......cut taxes
Budget shortfall?....cut taxes

It would be funny if it weren't true

Have you got the message yet, or did you need another whipping in the next election?

Yes we can have wars..medicare part d..the department of homeland security and a plethora of new spending..

So long as we cut taxes.

And then when it comes time to pay for it.

We can put Tea Party Terrorists in Congress to take the economy hostage.

Good plan.

:lol: :clap2:

Tea Party Terrorists. Really! Calm down Sallow. Congress took the economy hostage by spending more than we can afford to pay back. We need to change the formula. In the last 2 1/2 years the spending has compounded, Government spending is unprecedented. It is unwarranted.
The more we pay off, the better off we are. The less we borrow in the first place, the better off we are. Reason had little to do with putting us where we are today. Borrowing more to bail out and enable those that put us in this situation in the first place, to screw us all over again compounds the problem. We are rewarding bad behavior while paying interest on what we hand out like candy.
Have you got the message yet, or did you need another whipping in the next election?

Yes we can have wars..medicare part d..the department of homeland security and a plethora of new spending..

So long as we cut taxes.

And then when it comes time to pay for it.

We can put Tea Party Terrorists in Congress to take the economy hostage.

Good plan.

:lol: :clap2:

If I were running the war it would have been over in a few minutes. But we must be civil in fighting them. NOW THATS FUNNY.

Man up and explain the DNC conference call telling members to call any cut extreme.


I'm taking it you would use nukes.

Which would mean the end of civilization.

So..let's just say I, for one, am glad you ain't running it.
Gee whiz, those wacky Republicans and their tax cuts.

So, how's the alternatives from Barry and the Dimocrats been working out for us?

Are you suggesting things are bad right now? Because the Bush Tax cuts are still in place and the stimulus was about 50% tax cuts cuts have been working great for us huh?

Yeah. LIke Barry's stimulous worked so well right??

Its working so well that UE is at 9.1% and the economy is still in the crapper.

I'm sure you have faith though. It will work. Eventually.

Its going to kick in any day now. Then the summer of recovery begins. Just a few more regulations and were there.
Have you got the message yet, or did you need another whipping in the next election?

Yes we can have wars..medicare part d..the department of homeland security and a plethora of new spending..

So long as we cut taxes.

And then when it comes time to pay for it.

We can put Tea Party Terrorists in Congress to take the economy hostage.

Good plan.

:lol: :clap2:

Tea Party Terrorists. Really! Calm down Sallow. Congress took the economy hostage by spending more than we can afford to pay back. We need to change the formula. In the last 2 1/2 years the spending has compounded, Government spending is unprecedented. It is unwarranted.
The more we pay off, the better off we are. The less we borrow in the first place, the better off we are. Reason had little to do with putting us where we are today. Borrowing more to bail out and enable those that put us in this situation in the first place, to screw us all over again compounds the problem. We are rewarding bad behavior while paying interest on what we hand out like candy.

The Solution is pretty simple.

Get rid of the Bush tax cuts..which were meant to be temporary..and put a temporary tax in place to pay for the wars.

There should also be taxes levied for the Department of Homeland security and Medicare part D.
Oh, by the way Intense, the City is contracting out to private snow plough companies and tow truck operators to do the next big snowstorm.

I'd like to see the books on that. Should be funny.

Hiring workers vs. Private Contractors.

Wonder which is cheaper.

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