Guess what the Republican plan is to fix our economic woes?

And Spending cuts. I mean how crazy is it to unleash the power of the people by burdening them less. Because being responsible with our tax money and burdening the people less can't possibly help them in bad economic times. It's just silly.

Burdening them less? how are you gonna do that when about 90% of the citizens of this country either rely or will need to rely on the very things your side wants to cut?

What a bunch of crap. Sorry... I'll pay $1900 more in taxes(what I "saved" through the Bush Tax Cuts at my income level) and secure my future, thank you very much. My wife and I make about $100k, if you make less than that... your tax cut was less.

It's a hell of a lot LESS of a burden to let the cuts expire and get hit a little at a time over the year than it would be to have to work till you die because you can't afford to retire.

So..what's stopping you from sending in that check? No one says you're limited to just contributing the minimum due. Go ahead...we'll watch.

Notice I said "AND SECURE MY FUTURE". What good is it going to do me to send $1900 and you assholes fuck it up for me anyway?

BTW... I purposely get more taken out of my check than I need to. I like a nice refund. But you know what? The government collects interest on that money ALL YEAR LONG. so fuck you, I do help out more than you already.
And Spending cuts. I mean how crazy is it to unleash the power of the people by burdening them less. Because being responsible with our tax money and burdening the people less can't possibly help them in bad economic times. It's just silly.

Burdening them less? how are you gonna do that when about 90% of the citizens of this country either rely or will need to rely on the very things your side wants to cut?

What a bunch of crap. Sorry... I'll pay $1900 more in taxes(what I "saved" through the Bush Tax Cuts at my income level) and secure my future, thank you very much. My wife and I make about $100k, if you make less than that... your tax cut was less.

It's a hell of a lot LESS of a burden to let the cuts expire and get hit a little at a time over the year than it would be to have to work till you die because you can't afford to retire.

So..what's stopping you from sending in that check? No one says you're limited to just contributing the minimum due. Go ahead...we'll watch.

Pay A FAIR SHARE? Thats the other guys job. Jealousy and pettiness are the rules of the day.
The GOP wants not only tax cuts and spending cuts but regulation cuts. In effect it wants to reduce the power and influence of the Federal Government allowing each state to impose laws or nullify laws as its leadership sees fit. It is a reactionary movement, a divisive movement and a movement which threatens the Union which so many have given their lives to protect over the centuries.

Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable."
Daniel Webster, In response to the reactionary forces of South Carolina in 1831.
You got it. Tax cuts, baby!

That ultra-fuckup Obama has now caused the biggest 7 day drop in the stock market since 1929.

He exceeded the 7 day drop of 2008 with his "black Thursday" followed a couple days later with "black Monday."

Ready to admit that he's the worst president in history, yet?
Burdening them less? how are you gonna do that when about 90% of the citizens of this country either rely or will need to rely on the very things your side wants to cut?

What a bunch of crap. Sorry... I'll pay $1900 more in taxes(what I "saved" through the Bush Tax Cuts at my income level) and secure my future, thank you very much. My wife and I make about $100k, if you make less than that... your tax cut was less.

It's a hell of a lot LESS of a burden to let the cuts expire and get hit a little at a time over the year than it would be to have to work till you die because you can't afford to retire.

So..what's stopping you from sending in that check? No one says you're limited to just contributing the minimum due. Go ahead...we'll watch.

Notice I said "AND SECURE MY FUTURE". What good is it going to do me to send $1900 and you assholes fuck it up for me anyway?

BTW... I purposely get more taken out of my check than I need to. I like a nice refund. But you know what? The government collects interest on that money ALL YEAR LONG. so fuck you, I do help out more than you already.

But as you do it for yourself....not for others.....(As I pointed out in bold)
The GOP wants not only tax cuts and spending cuts but regulation cuts. In effect it wants to reduce the power and influence of the Federal Government allowing each state to impose laws or nullify laws as its leadership sees fit. It is a reactionary movement, a divisive movement and a movement which threatens the Union which so many have given their lives to protect over the centuries.

Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable."
Daniel Webster, In response to the reactionary forces of South Carolina in 1831.

LOL Yes the last regs that forced technology worked so well in the auto industry.
Healthcare?.....cut taxes
Recession?.....cut taxes
Balance the budget?.....cut taxes
Go to war?........cut taxes
Budget surplus?.......cut taxes
Budget shortfall?....cut taxes

It would be funny if it weren't true

Ity isnt true.

Got to war....WHo said cut taxes????????
Budget surplus.....a great time to cut taxes especially if in a recession
Budget shortfall.....Who said to cut taxes??????

Why must you make things up? Are you that insecure about your position? Maybe you should consider changing it then.


Republicans were still pushing additional tax cuts as a way to spur the economy

Got to war....WHo said cut taxes????????

Bush cut taxes......His second round of tax cuts happened after we were embroiled in two wars

Budget surplus.....a great time to cut taxes especially if in a recession

It would seem that way if you ended the tax cuts after the surplus was gone

Budget shortfall.....Who said to cut taxes??????

It was in the Ryan Plan...a whole new round of tax cuts
Healthcare?.....cut taxes
Recession?.....cut taxes
Balance the budget?.....cut taxes
Go to war?........cut taxes
Budget surplus?.......cut taxes
Budget shortfall?....cut taxes

It would be funny if it weren't true

Obamas deficits have cost more than the wars. How's that workin out for us?

The wars that added to the deficits along with the tax cuts to pay for them?
Healthcare?.....cut taxes
Recession?.....cut taxes
Balance the budget?.....cut taxes
Go to war?........cut taxes
Budget surplus?.......cut taxes
Budget shortfall?....cut taxes

It would be funny if it weren't true

Obama? ....failed closing of Gitmo
Obama?.....failed withdrawal from Iraq
Obama?.....failed war in Afghanistan
Obama?.....failed fiscal responsibility with more debt than any POTUS in history
Obama?.....failed credit rating
Obama?.....failed stock market
Obama?.....failed presidency

It ain't funny at all - I just hope there is something left of the nation when this colossal fuckup is out in 2013.
The GOP wants not only tax cuts and spending cuts but regulation cuts. In effect it wants to reduce the power and influence of the Federal Government allowing each state to impose laws or nullify laws as its leadership sees fit. It is a reactionary movement, a divisive movement and a movement which threatens the Union which so many have given their lives to protect over the centuries.

Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable."
Daniel Webster, In response to the reactionary forces of South Carolina in 1831.

LOL Yes the last regs that forced technology worked so well in the auto industry.

Regs cost biz ~ $2 Trillion a year.

Only a smart and kind person would want to do away with vast number of these.
And Spending cuts. I mean how crazy is it to unleash the power of the people by burdening them less. Because being responsible with our tax money and burdening the people less can't possibly help them in bad economic times. It's just silly.

We have the lowest tax rate of any industrialized nation except for Japan and Spain.

And Japan has almost no military spending, and Spain is broke.

Our taxes are too low because of the Bush tax cuts, the two unfunded wars he started, and the trillion dollar drug program he started as well.
If the GnOP had accepted the President's offer of 4 billion in cuts AND in revenue increases, it would have worked out fine.

This fucking moron you worship, this Obama piece of shit, played at brinkmanship and destroyed the economy of the nation.

He is a fucking ideologue fool. There is no defense for the putrid sack of shit. You only besmirch yourself by continuing to drone on for the demonstrably worst president in history. He is beyond unqualified, he is a complete cluster-fuck, nuclear annihilation.

Good god, that you defend this pile of shit is beyond belief. Have you no shame? Have you no brains at all?
So..what's stopping you from sending in that check? No one says you're limited to just contributing the minimum due. Go ahead...we'll watch.

Notice I said "AND SECURE MY FUTURE". What good is it going to do me to send $1900 and you assholes fuck it up for me anyway?

BTW... I purposely get more taken out of my check than I need to. I like a nice refund. But you know what? The government collects interest on that money ALL YEAR LONG. so fuck you, I do help out more than you already.

But as you do it for yourself....not for others.....(As I pointed out in bold)

What's wrong with an interest free savings account that actually helps out the government, which collects interest on the money and also gives me a lump sum payment in which I can use to buy needed big ticket items(washer/dryer, help fund my daughter's College tuition, take a vacation, whatever the hell I want)? Sounds like a win/win to me.

Who says that doing more for the country can't help the individual out too?
If the GnOP had accepted the President's offer of 4 billion in cuts AND in revenue increases, it would have worked out fine.

This fucking moron you worship, this Obama piece of shit, played at brinkmanship and destroyed the economy of the nation.

He is a fucking ideologue fool. There is no defense for the putrid sack of shit. You only besmirch yourself by continuing to drone on for the demonstrably worst president in history. He is beyond unqualified, he is a complete cluster-fuck, nuclear annihilation.

Good god, that you defend this pile of shit is beyond belief. Have you no shame? Have you no brains at all? kettle. You could replace the name Obama with Tea Party throughout and be just as accurate.
Burdening them less? how are you gonna do that when about 90% of the citizens of this country either rely or will need to rely on the very things your side wants to cut?

What a bunch of crap. Sorry... I'll pay $1900 more in taxes(what I "saved" through the Bush Tax Cuts at my income level) and secure my future, thank you very much. My wife and I make about $100k, if you make less than that... your tax cut was less.

It's a hell of a lot LESS of a burden to let the cuts expire and get hit a little at a time over the year than it would be to have to work till you die because you can't afford to retire.

So..what's stopping you from sending in that check? No one says you're limited to just contributing the minimum due. Go ahead...we'll watch.

Notice I said "AND SECURE MY FUTURE". What good is it going to do me to send $1900 and you assholes fuck it up for me anyway?

BTW... I purposely get more taken out of my check than I need to. I like a nice refund. But you know what? The government collects interest on that money ALL YEAR LONG. so fuck you, I do help out more than you already.

So, let's see. You know absolutely NOTHING about me and yet you state as a fact that you help out more than I do already. What do you base that on if I might be so bold as to ask? And I will also ask you why you think that giving a government that spends tax money on turtle crossings and gay penis studies more of your money is going to somehow "secure your future"?
Healthcare?.....cut taxes
Recession?.....cut taxes
Balance the budget?.....cut taxes
Go to war?........cut taxes
Budget surplus?.......cut taxes
Budget shortfall?....cut taxes

It would be funny if it weren't true

Obama? ....failed closing of Gitmo
Obama?.....failed withdrawal from Iraq
Obama?.....failed war in Afghanistan
Obama?.....failed fiscal responsibility with more debt than any POTUS in history
Obama?.....failed credit rating
Obama?.....failed stock market
Obama?.....failed presidency

It ain't funny at all - I just hope there is something left of the nation when this colossal fuckup is out in 2013.

You forgot to add that he failed when he agreed to extend the Bush tax cuts
If the GnOP had accepted the President's offer of 4 billion in cuts AND in revenue increases, it would have worked out fine.

This fucking moron you worship, this Obama piece of shit, played at brinkmanship and destroyed the economy of the nation.

He is a fucking ideologue fool. There is no defense for the putrid sack of shit. You only besmirch yourself by continuing to drone on for the demonstrably worst president in history. He is beyond unqualified, he is a complete cluster-fuck, nuclear annihilation.

Good god, that you defend this pile of shit is beyond belief. Have you no shame? Have you no brains at all?

Your hate filled rant suggests a mental disorder. Thought you ought to know how others might perceive you and how foolish - as well as ill - you appear.
So..what's stopping you from sending in that check? No one says you're limited to just contributing the minimum due. Go ahead...we'll watch.

Notice I said "AND SECURE MY FUTURE". What good is it going to do me to send $1900 and you assholes fuck it up for me anyway?

BTW... I purposely get more taken out of my check than I need to. I like a nice refund. But you know what? The government collects interest on that money ALL YEAR LONG. so fuck you, I do help out more than you already.

So, let's see. You know absolutely NOTHING about me and yet you state as a fact that you help out more than I do already. What do you base that on if I might be so bold as to ask? And I will also ask you why you think that giving a government that spends tax money on turtle crossings and gay penis studies more of your money is going to somehow "secure your future"?

Let's see, you know absolutely nothing about me but assume I support crap like at the end of your post. I do, however care about SS and Medicare. Those are the things that most of us either do or will rely on, things we've been paying into all our lives. Things that should not be touched. You want cuts, Great... cut the crap you spoke of, stop thinking we need to spend 9X more on defense than the next biggest military budget. Stop paying more than any OTHER COUNTRY in the world on Health Care and still have 62% of our bankruptcies caused by MEDICAL BILLS.

That would be a great start.
If the GnOP had accepted the President's offer of 4 billion in cuts AND in revenue increases, it would have worked out fine.

This fucking moron you worship, this Obama piece of shit, played at brinkmanship and destroyed the economy of the nation.

He is a fucking ideologue fool. There is no defense for the putrid sack of shit. You only besmirch yourself by continuing to drone on for the demonstrably worst president in history. He is beyond unqualified, he is a complete cluster-fuck, nuclear annihilation.

Good god, that you defend this pile of shit is beyond belief. Have you no shame? Have you no brains at all? kettle. You could replace the name Obama with Tea Party throughout and be just as accurate.

LOL Just once, man up and explain why the DNC conferenced called any cut as extreme.

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