Guess who gave the Clinton's $100 million?

And just who "bought" her?

Oh, the usual suspects which means, not you and other little people.
Hillary Clinton is the Biggest Whore in human history.

She has been bought and rented by just about every foreign government and multinational corporation on the planet.


Don't dispute that at all, but it's the entire system, not one "side" or the "other".
Oh, you are so precxhing to the choir, dude.

BOTH Party's national leadership is entirely bought by the Wall Street banks and multinationals.

This is why I love me Bernie Sanders, and I am hoping Trump will bust up this crony capitalist network also.

ok------you have evidence of "THE WALL STREET BANKS"? and their political support system? as to "MULTINATIONALS" ok-----could you be more specific?
Ummm, you have not heard how these banksters will pay people outrageous sums for lunch speeches? Why do you think they pay so damned much? Because they really like the jokes?

I have heard about LOTS of huge sums as "HONORARIUMS" for speeches---but
I did not know that the custom is confined to "BANKSTERS"
The article you have brought to our attention has more to do with the labor rights of Dubai than Bill Clinton's "alleged" income from an investment firm partnership that was set up 13 years ago and lasted 5 years.

So what you are ACTUALLY supporting is the position taken by the American Labor Federation by offering this link.

Do you even read the crap you bring to USMB? Or do you just troll the internet looking at pictures?
Translation; if it is a candidate I dont support taking $100 million in bribes from foreign governments, hang the bastard. But if it is MY candidate, well thats OK and here is some contrived bullshit to make it look like I am anything more than a partisan hack.

Bowie you are nothing if not an idiot. I have made it crystal sparkling clear on numerous posts that I despise Bill Clinton. Do try to get your head out of your ass.
Lol, so you think Bill Clinton is running for President?

Of course you dont, which is why your Bill Clinton reference is immaterial.

You are taking it up the ass for Hillary.

Just own it.

Do try to get a mental heath professional to look at your pea brain for the obvious defect in your ability to get a fucking clue how to understand plain fucking English. The so called article WAS about BILL CLINTON. Hillary wasn't even mentioned in it.

I have said NUMEROUS times that I will not vote for HILLARY. You are speaking straight out of your butt better than Jim Carey. So what do you save more on TP or napkins seeing as for you they serve the same purpose?

Lol, so I did the unpardonable sin of calling you a Hillary supporter?

Please forgive my attrocity, lol.

This is getting bookmarked for later reference when you change yourmind.
Hillary Clinton is the Biggest Whore in human history.

She has been bought and rented by just about every foreign government and multinational corporation on the planet.


Don't dispute that at all, but it's the entire system, not one "side" or the "other".
Oh, you are so precxhing to the choir, dude.

BOTH Party's national leadership is entirely bought by the Wall Street banks and multinationals.

This is why I love me Bernie Sanders, and I am hoping Trump will bust up this crony capitalist network also.

ok------you have evidence of "THE WALL STREET BANKS"? and their political support system? as to "MULTINATIONALS" ok-----could you be more specific?
Ummm, you have not heard how these banksters will pay people outrageous sums for lunch speeches? Why do you think they pay so damned much? Because they really like the jokes?

I have heard about LOTS of huge sums as "HONORARIUMS" for speeches---but
I did not know that the custom is confined to "BANKSTERS"
I dont know of anyone else paying over $250k for a single speech. Do you?
Don't dispute that at all, but it's the entire system, not one "side" or the "other".
Oh, you are so precxhing to the choir, dude.

BOTH Party's national leadership is entirely bought by the Wall Street banks and multinationals.

This is why I love me Bernie Sanders, and I am hoping Trump will bust up this crony capitalist network also.

ok------you have evidence of "THE WALL STREET BANKS"? and their political support system? as to "MULTINATIONALS" ok-----could you be more specific?
Ummm, you have not heard how these banksters will pay people outrageous sums for lunch speeches? Why do you think they pay so damned much? Because they really like the jokes?

I have heard about LOTS of huge sums as "HONORARIUMS" for speeches---but
I did not know that the custom is confined to "BANKSTERS"
I dont know of anyone else paying over $250k for a single speech. Do you?

I don't ' KNOW of anyone-----off-hand
Hillary Clinton is the Biggest Whore in human history.

She has been bought and rented by just about every foreign government and multinational corporation on the planet.


Don't dispute that at all, but it's the entire system, not one "side" or the "other".
Oh, you are so precxhing to the choir, dude.

BOTH Party's national leadership is entirely bought by the Wall Street banks and multinationals.

This is why I love me Bernie Sanders, and I am hoping Trump will bust up this crony capitalist network also.

ok------you have evidence of "THE WALL STREET BANKS"? and their political support system? as to "MULTINATIONALS" ok-----could you be more specific?
Ummm, you have not heard how these banksters will pay people outrageous sums for lunch speeches? Why do you think they pay so damned much? Because they really like the jokes?

I have heard about LOTS of huge sums as "HONORARIUMS" for speeches---but
I did not know that the custom is confined to "BANKSTERS"
Honorariums are quite normal.

I donate mine to charity.
Oh, you are so precxhing to the choir, dude.

BOTH Party's national leadership is entirely bought by the Wall Street banks and multinationals.

This is why I love me Bernie Sanders, and I am hoping Trump will bust up this crony capitalist network also.

ok------you have evidence of "THE WALL STREET BANKS"? and their political support system? as to "MULTINATIONALS" ok-----could you be more specific?
Ummm, you have not heard how these banksters will pay people outrageous sums for lunch speeches? Why do you think they pay so damned much? Because they really like the jokes?

I have heard about LOTS of huge sums as "HONORARIUMS" for speeches---but
I did not know that the custom is confined to "BANKSTERS"
I dont know of anyone else paying over $250k for a single speech. Do you?

I don't ' KNOW of anyone-----off-hand

I am not sure what the average speaking fee is for a former government official who has not ever been elected PResident.

A sample:
Top Political Speakers for keynote speaking engagements

But Hillary has sure turned getting donations for undocumented favors into a high priced art.

EXCLUSIVE: Persian Gulf Sheikhs Gave Bill & Hillary $100 Million
As a presidential candidate, the amount of foreign cash the Clintons have amassed from the Persian Gulf states is “simply unprecedented,” says national security analyst Patrick Poole.

“These regimes are buying access. You’ve got the Saudis. You’ve got the Kuwaitis, Oman, Qatar and the UAE. There are massive conflicts of interest. It’s beyond comprehension,” Poole told TheDCNF in an interview.

$153 million in Bill and Hillary Clinton speaking fees, documented -

Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, combined to earn more than $153 million in paid speeches from 2001 until Hillary Clinton launched her presidential campaign last spring, a CNN analysis shows.

In total, the two gave 729 speeches from February 2001 until May, receiving an average payday of $210,795 for each address. The two also reported at least $7.7 million for at least 39 speeches to big banks, including Goldman Sachs and UBS, with Hillary Clinton, the Democratic 2016 front-runner, collecting at least $1.8 million for at least eight speeches to big banks.

So it would seem that two thirds of Hillarys money came from Persian Gulf Arab nations.

IS this a national security concern?
The corrupt actions by these two, is even worse than we thought...certainly this will make the lib network news...:confused::rolleyes:o_O:wink:

Did they receive American dollars? If so, why are you complaining? Money equals free speech. The more money, the louder it talks.

This guy is allowed to speak freely.

You all should be glad there is unlimited spending allowed in political campaigns. It's what you cons wanted.
ok------you have evidence of "THE WALL STREET BANKS"? and their political support system? as to "MULTINATIONALS" ok-----could you be more specific?
Ummm, you have not heard how these banksters will pay people outrageous sums for lunch speeches? Why do you think they pay so damned much? Because they really like the jokes?

I have heard about LOTS of huge sums as "HONORARIUMS" for speeches---but
I did not know that the custom is confined to "BANKSTERS"
I dont know of anyone else paying over $250k for a single speech. Do you?

I don't ' KNOW of anyone-----off-hand

I am not sure what the average speaking fee is for a former government official who has not ever been elected PResident.

A sample:
Top Political Speakers for keynote speaking engagements

But Hillary has sure turned getting donations for undocumented favors into a high priced art.

EXCLUSIVE: Persian Gulf Sheikhs Gave Bill & Hillary $100 Million
As a presidential candidate, the amount of foreign cash the Clintons have amassed from the Persian Gulf states is “simply unprecedented,” says national security analyst Patrick Poole.

“These regimes are buying access. You’ve got the Saudis. You’ve got the Kuwaitis, Oman, Qatar and the UAE. There are massive conflicts of interest. It’s beyond comprehension,” Poole told TheDCNF in an interview.

$153 million in Bill and Hillary Clinton speaking fees, documented -

Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, combined to earn more than $153 million in paid speeches from 2001 until Hillary Clinton launched her presidential campaign last spring, a CNN analysis shows.

In total, the two gave 729 speeches from February 2001 until May, receiving an average payday of $210,795 for each address. The two also reported at least $7.7 million for at least 39 speeches to big banks, including Goldman Sachs and UBS, with Hillary Clinton, the Democratic 2016 front-runner, collecting at least $1.8 million for at least eight speeches to big banks.

So it would seem that two thirds of Hillarys money came from Persian Gulf Arab nations.

IS this a national security concern?

The corrupt actions by these two, is even worse than we thought...certainly this will make the lib network news...:confused::rolleyes:o_O:wink:

Did they receive American dollars? If so, why are you complaining? Money equals free speech. The more money, the louder it talks.

This guy is allowed to speak freely.

You all should be glad there is unlimited spending allowed in political campaigns. It's what you cons wanted.
That has to be the most contrived rationalization of being bribed by a group of foreign governments I have ever seen.

It had to be sarcasm.

Thank you!
The Saudis have been dumping money down politician's gullets for years, across various administrations and political affiliations.

Seems to indicate that they are indeed getting something for all that money, despite the caterwauling of the politicians that it just ain't so, as if they were getting nothing for those 'donations' it wouldn't be going on to the point where it's become expected. Same is true of wall st., the Koch brothers, Soros and the endless list of influence buyers that own our politicians.

And I know most people will think, 'well, no shit', but the next time you see any one of them, including your guy, spouting that utter shite that this money doesn't influence their decisions one bit, know you're being lied to; that they are taking that money and returning favors that likely go against the best interests of the country, and all of us, in direct contradiction of the job they are hired and sworn to do. They don't work for us any longer. Any of them.
In much of the world a bribe is just a normal part of the transaction, Since that's what you've turned American politics into, stop all the bitching.
In much of the world a bribe is just a normal part of the transaction, Since that's what you've turned American politics into, stop all the bitching.

who is YOU in your post---JILL? there is no question that BAKSHEEESH rules the Islamic world------who brought that filth HERE?
The Saudis have been dumping money down politician's gullets for years, across various administrations and political affiliations.

Seems to indicate that they are indeed getting something for all that money, despite the caterwauling of the politicians that it just ain't so, as if they were getting nothing for those 'donations' it wouldn't be going on to the point where it's become expected. Same is true of wall st., the Koch brothers, Soros and the endless list of influence buyers that own our politicians.

And I know most people will think, 'well, no shit', but the next time you see any one of them, including your guy, spouting that utter shite that this money doesn't influence their decisions one bit, know you're being lied to; that they are taking that money and returning favors that likely go against the best interests of the country, and all of us in direct contradiction of the job they are hired and sworn to do. They don't work for us any longer. Any of them.
The Saudis have been joined at the hip to Wahabiism, in fact, that is why they gained control of the entire Arabian Peninsula and made an agreement witht he Brits to flank the Turks from the desert and rolled those bastards up from Aden to Mosul.

And we pretend that this is not a big deal, when Wahabi's preach that all Christians and Jews, and most Muslims are infidels and shirk (idolaters). This is the root of the Jihadi movement against Western influence and it is fed by our own cultural degeneracy.
In much of the world a bribe is just a normal part of the transaction, Since that's what you've turned American politics into, stop all the bitching.

who is YOU in your post---JILL? there is no question that BAKSHEEESH rules the Islamic world------who brought that filth HERE?
Muslims are filth? No.

I described a SOCIAL REALITY of the Islamic world-----its CULTURE. ----ruinous
dowries plague the HINDU WORLD -------you want to say "NO" to that too----ask some hindus
It had to be sarcasm.

Really? Why?

What's the difference between being bribed by a foreign government whose ass we have been kissing for years and a "bribe" by a large multi national America corporation whose as s the government has been kissing for years?

You really expect honesty and integrity from today's plutocrats?
It should be clear that nearly all of today's politicians line their pockets thru their office by some means or another. It is part of the dirty business of politics. That is why we should limit the influence of the federal government and leave much of what the US government now does to the states.
The Saudis have been dumping money down politician's gullets for years, across various administrations and political affiliations.

Seems to indicate that they are indeed getting something for all that money, despite the caterwauling of the politicians that it just ain't so, as if they were getting nothing for those 'donations' it wouldn't be going on to the point where it's become expected. Same is true of wall st., the Koch brothers, Soros and the endless list of influence buyers that own our politicians.

And I know most people will think, 'well, no shit', but the next time you see any one of them, including your guy, spouting that utter shite that this money doesn't influence their decisions one bit, know you're being lied to; that they are taking that money and returning favors that likely go against the best interests of the country, and all of us in direct contradiction of the job they are hired and sworn to do. They don't work for us any longer. Any of them.
The Saudis have been joined at the hip to Wahabiism, in fact, that is why they gained control of the entire Arabian Peninsula and made an agreement witht he Brits to flank the Turks from the desert and rolled those bastards up from Aden to Mosul.

And we pretend that this is not a big deal, when Wahabi's preach that all Christians and Jews, and most Muslims are infidels and shirk (idolaters). This is the root of the Jihadi movement against Western influence and it is fed by our own cultural degeneracy.

sorry JIM BOWIE KNIFE-------Shiites say the same thing--------In fact----with even MORE fervor than do many sunni wahabi nuts---------Iranian Shiite is-----very shitty

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