Guess who gave the Clinton's $100 million?

And BTW - people voting for Hillary let this kind of thing roll right of their back....not even giving it a milli-second of thought.
They do not care. At all.
No one named Bush is running for president. A bought and paid for Clinton IS.
And just who "bought" her?

Oh, the usual suspects which means, not you and other little people.
Hillary Clinton is the Biggest Whore in human history.

She has been bought and rented by just about every foreign government and multinational corporation on the planet.


Don't dispute that at all, but it's the entire system, not one "side" or the "other".
Oh, you are so precxhing to the choir, dude.

BOTH Party's national leadership is entirely bought by the Wall Street banks and multinationals.

This is why I love me Bernie Sanders, and I am hoping Trump will bust up this crony capitalist network also.

ok------you have evidence of "THE WALL STREET BANKS"? and their political support system? as to "MULTINATIONALS" ok-----could you be more specific?

Hillary, from 2013 to 2015 made more money from speeches delivered to banks than some people make in a lifetime.
Details here. And during Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state, Bill Clinton earned $17 million in talks to banks, insurance companies, hedge funds, real estate businesses, and other financial firms.


From The Wall St. Journal


Feb. 19, 2015 10:30 p.m. ET

"Among recent secretaries of state, Hillary Clinton was one of the most aggressive global cheerleaders for American companies, pushing governments to sign deals and change policies to the advantage of corporate giants such as General Electric Co., Exxon MobilCorp., Microsoft Corp. and Boeing Co.

At the same time, those companies were among the many that gave to the Clinton family’s global foundation set up by her husband, former President Bill Clinton. At least 60 companies that lobbied the State Department during her tenure donated a total of more than $26 million to the Clinton Foundation, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of public and foundation disclosures."

"The Wall Street Journal identified the companies involved with both Clinton-family charitable endeavors and with Mrs. Clinton’s State Department by examining large corporate donations to the Clinton Foundation, then reviewing lobbying-disclosure reports filed by those companies. At least 44 of those 60 companies also participated in philanthropic projects valued at $3.2 billion that were set up though a wing of the foundation called the Clinton Global Initiative, which coordinates the projects but receives no cash for them.

Mrs. Clinton’s connections to the companies don’t end there. As secretary of state, she created 15 public-private partnerships coordinated by the State Department, and at least 25 companies contributed to those partnerships. She also sought corporate donations for another charity she co-founded, a nonprofit women’s group called Vital Voices.

Mrs. Clinton’s spokesman, Nick Merrill, says: “She did the job that every secretary of state is supposed to do and what the American people expect of them—especially during difficult economic times. She proudly and loudly advocated on behalf of American business and took every opportunity she could to promote U.S. commercial interests abroad.”
No one named Bush is running for president. A bought and paid for Clinton IS.
And just who "bought" her?

Oh, the usual suspects which means, not you and other little people.
Hillary Clinton is the Biggest Whore in human history.

She has been bought and rented by just about every foreign government and multinational corporation on the planet.


Don't dispute that at all, but it's the entire system, not one "side" or the "other".
Oh, you are so precxhing to the choir, dude.

BOTH Party's national leadership is entirely bought by the Wall Street banks and multinationals.

This is why I love me Bernie Sanders, and I am hoping Trump will bust up this crony capitalist network also.

ok------you have evidence of "THE WALL STREET BANKS"? and their political support system? as to "MULTINATIONALS" ok-----could you be more specific?

That work for ya?
It should be clear that nearly all of today's politicians line their pockets thru their office by some means or another. It is part of the dirty business of politics. That is why we should limit the influence of the federal government and leave much of what the US government now does to the states.
The states and counties and cities are corrupt, too, from bottom up. We need a populist revolution. Term limits in Congress and in the State Houses would limit much of the dirt.
"A Daily Caller News Foundation investigation reveals"

This is as far as I could go without ... :lmao:
And blind partisans coming in to call this another right-wing conspiracy in ..5...4..3..2..

It is another rw conspiracy!! It is an attempt to paint the Clinton's as pets to Rich Muslims when the truth is the Clinton's are no more their pets than the Bushes!!
No one named Bush is running for president. A bought and paid for Clinton IS.

So is a bought and paid for Trumpery.

Oh wait- you idiots still believe he's "self-funded".

So is a bought and paid for Trumpery.

Oh wait- you idiots still believe he's "self-funded".


Your very partisan...let me ask you...what is it like that the Republican candidate is more left than the Democrat candidate (Clinton)
And yet many on the Left think Trump is the Devil. How is it that they can be so consistently duped?
The Clinton foundation is not "the clintons". You remember Bill was the prez . They often have charities after leaving office . Bush and other ex prez's work with the foundation also .
So is a bought and paid for Trumpery.

Oh wait- you idiots still believe he's "self-funded".


Your very partisan...let me ask you...what is it like that the Republican candidate is more left than the Democrat candidate (Clinton)
And yet many on the Left think Trump is the Devil. How is it that they can be so consistently duped?
Because they know that Trump is a conservative, but not a Neocon vulture capitalist who would eat his own children to make a profit.
The corrupt actions by these two, is even worse than we thought...certainly this will make the lib network news...:confused::rolleyes:o_O:wink:

EXCLUSIVE: Persian Gulf Sheikhs Gave Bill & Hillary $100 Million
And that makes her ineligible for president as she cannot accept foreign funds.
The corrupt actions by these two, is even worse than we thought...certainly this will make the lib network news...:confused::rolleyes:o_O:wink:

EXCLUSIVE: Persian Gulf Sheikhs Gave Bill & Hillary $100 Million
And that makes her ineligible for president as she cannot accept foreign funds.
That is why they took the donations with their charity instead of directly to themselves.
So is a bought and paid for Trumpery.

Oh wait- you idiots still believe he's "self-funded".


Your very partisan...let me ask you...what is it like that the Republican candidate is more left than the Democrat candidate (Clinton)
And yet many on the Left think Trump is the Devil. How is it that they can be so consistently duped?
Because they know that Trump is a conservative, but not a Neocon vulture capitalist who would eat his own children to make a profit.
What?!?! Trump is the furthest thing from a conservative that I have ever seen. And he would rape his own daughters, then slit their throats, then urinate on their dead bodies if it meant an extra $100 in his pocket.

Seriously dude....what world are you living in that you could have the facts that backwards?!?
The corrupt actions by these two, is even worse than we thought...certainly this will make the lib network news...:confused::rolleyes:o_O:wink:

EXCLUSIVE: Persian Gulf Sheikhs Gave Bill & Hillary $100 Million
And that makes her ineligible for president as she cannot accept foreign funds.
The corrupt actions by these two, is even worse than we thought...certainly this will make the lib network news...:confused::rolleyes:o_O:wink:

EXCLUSIVE: Persian Gulf Sheikhs Gave Bill & Hillary $100 Million
And that makes her ineligible for president as she cannot accept foreign funds.
That is why they took the donations with their charity instead of directly to themselves.

Does the Clinton foundation fund her campaign???
The corrupt actions by these two, is even worse than we thought...certainly this will make the lib network news...:confused::rolleyes:o_O:wink:

EXCLUSIVE: Persian Gulf Sheikhs Gave Bill & Hillary $100 Million
And that makes her ineligible for president as she cannot accept foreign funds.
The corrupt actions by these two, is even worse than we thought...certainly this will make the lib network news...:confused::rolleyes:o_O:wink:

EXCLUSIVE: Persian Gulf Sheikhs Gave Bill & Hillary $100 Million
And that makes her ineligible for president as she cannot accept foreign funds.
That is why they took the donations with their charity instead of directly to themselves.

Does the Clinton foundation fund her campaign???
Probably, but we can always count on our MSM getting to the truth...right?

Ops...but only if the candidate is an R.

Woodward: Washington Post Assigns 20 Reporters to Dig Into Trump's Past
Woodward: Washington Post Assigns 20 Reporters to Dig Into Trump's Past

...and lefties get duped again.
The corrupt actions by these two, is even worse than we thought...certainly this will make the lib network news...:confused::rolleyes:o_O:wink:

EXCLUSIVE: Persian Gulf Sheikhs Gave Bill & Hillary $100 Million
And that makes her ineligible for president as she cannot accept foreign funds.
The corrupt actions by these two, is even worse than we thought...certainly this will make the lib network news...:confused::rolleyes:o_O:wink:

EXCLUSIVE: Persian Gulf Sheikhs Gave Bill & Hillary $100 Million
And that makes her ineligible for president as she cannot accept foreign funds.
That is why they took the donations with their charity instead of directly to themselves.

Does the Clinton foundation fund her campaign???
Probably, but we can always count on our MSM getting to the truth...right?

Ops...but only if the candidate is an R.

Woodward: Washington Post Assigns 20 Reporters to Dig Into Trump's Past
Woodward: Washington Post Assigns 20 Reporters to Dig Into Trump's Past

...and lefties get duped again.

And ? Trump himself sent people to Hawaii to investigte obamas birth record ( so he says) .
okee dokie. The Clinton foundation is a charity, it is NOT "The Clinton's" money and as much money as the foundation can get from anyone, anywhere, is alright with me....the foundation uses 89% of the money donated, to various charitable causes and the 11% is for overhead, worker salaries and travel expenses.... I'm fine with that, in fact, that's pretty darn good for a charity in my book.

Yes, I'll say it....another fake scandal by the right wing from a right wing rag trying to create their own news out of nothin'.
The corrupt actions by these two, is even worse than we thought...certainly this will make the lib network news...:confused::rolleyes:o_O:wink:

EXCLUSIVE: Persian Gulf Sheikhs Gave Bill & Hillary $100 Million
And that makes her ineligible for president as she cannot accept foreign funds.
The corrupt actions by these two, is even worse than we thought...certainly this will make the lib network news...:confused::rolleyes:o_O:wink:

EXCLUSIVE: Persian Gulf Sheikhs Gave Bill & Hillary $100 Million
And that makes her ineligible for president as she cannot accept foreign funds.
That is why they took the donations with their charity instead of directly to themselves.

Does the Clinton foundation fund her campaign???
Probably, but we can always count on our MSM getting to the truth...right?

Ops...but only if the candidate is an R.

Woodward: Washington Post Assigns 20 Reporters to Dig Into Trump's Past
Woodward: Washington Post Assigns 20 Reporters to Dig Into Trump's Past

...and lefties get duped again.

And ? Trump himself sent people to Hawaii to investigte obamas birth record ( so he says) .
Means nothing except to you. The MSM is far different than any individual, but you likely don't understand that. The media is suppose to inform the American people about their government, not propagandize people like you.

You, like most lefties, don't realize the MSM dupes you over and over again.
It should be clear that nearly all of today's politicians line their pockets thru their office by some means or another. It is part of the dirty business of politics. That is why we should limit the influence of the federal government and leave much of what the US government now does to the states.
The states and counties and cities are corrupt, too, from bottom up. We need a populist revolution. Term limits in Congress and in the State Houses would limit much of the dirt.

I agree that politics is corrupt at all levels, no doubt. Therefore, doesn't it makes since to decentralize the power from the overgrown federal level, and let the states deal with more (repeal of the 17th Amendment would have the greatest effect, imo). In that manner the citizenry of each state can clean house as they need. To me, term limits is fixing a flat when the axle is broken.

I like the idea of a revolt.....non violent preferably.

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