Guess who is gearing- up for "the Party of Family Values" convention?

Maybe they can do a investigation on people who get lapdances right after they get their lapdance? Like Gingrich did with Clinton lmao
At the Democrat convention, they will be bringing in boy's choirs and Boy Scouts and boy's Little League baseball teams to sexually satisfy lustful Democrats. Democrats aren't interested in normal sex with normal women. Not anymore.
Maybe they can do a investigation on people who get lapdances right after they get their lapdance? Like Gingrich did with Clinton lmao
Democrats don't have to worry about that since that behavior enhances the political careers of their wives.
Republicans hate their own gay children. For every Cheney, there are dozens of Alan Keyes.
At the Democrat convention, they will be bringing in boy's choirs and Boy Scouts and boy's Little League baseball teams to sexually satisfy lustful Democrats. Democrats aren't interested in normal sex with normal women. Not anymore.

Josh Duggar was having sex with regular women? Or was that Larry Craig having "normal sex with Normal women"?

Strippers are normal women...Republicans are a changing.
It must be nice to run as a democrat. You don't have to worry about family values.
At the Democrat convention, they will be bringing in boy's choirs and Boy Scouts and boy's Little League baseball teams to sexually satisfy lustful Democrats. Democrats aren't interested in normal sex with normal women. Not anymore.
deflect much?
I wonder if anyone has pictures from Epsteins Lolita Sex Island?


"she's 16? Wow, she looked at least 17"
One of my favorite Conservative commentator made the statement that some Republicans don't always follow their own standards but at least we acknowledge that a standard for behavior exists.

"Why do you guys have standards, they're so confining" - progs asking Republican
So according to liberals Republicans aren't allowed to enjoy sex? LOL Now I've heard it all.
At the Democrat convention, they will be bringing in boy's choirs and Boy Scouts and boy's Little League baseball teams to sexually satisfy lustful Democrats. Democrats aren't interested in normal sex with normal women. Not anymore.

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