Guess who is gearing- up for "the Party of Family Values" convention?

Ol' Teddy Nugent going to be at the Convention? Maybe the NRA can bring in a few 12 year olds for that family values fellow.
Do democrats expect anyone to believe that prostitutes won't be crawling all over the democratic convention?
You'd have to be a bitch, a fag, or a fairy to start a thread like this.

And when I say "bitch" I mean the kind that gets raped in prison.
One of my favorite Conservative commentator made the statement that some Republicans don't always follow their own standards but at least we acknowledge that a standard for behavior exists.
thats worse Skippy
Do democrats expect anyone to believe that prostitutes won't be crawling all over the democratic convention?

Stay on it
The Democrats won't be interested in normal woman prostitutes, they will go for transgenders and little boys. So yes, there's a difference. Republicans are normal men with normal needs. Democrats are sex perverts and child rapists.
I would imagine the whole hospitality industry is gearing up for the convention. It should bring quite a few dollars to the local economy.
Every little boy in Philadephia with Democratic parents up to the age of twelve will be buttsore after the Democratic National Convention. Democratic women voting for Hillary will bring their young sons to be buttfucked by Democratic convention homosexual delegates. It will be a mass rape of thousands of underaged boys, and they will all need intensive therapy for the rest of their lives. Tragically, many of these young boys will be forced by their Hillary supporting mothers to declare themselves to be women, and then they will end their lives through suicide.

Republicans, on the other hand, are attracted to normal women for normal sex.
Democrats have arranged for convenience that the Child Pornography Viewers Convention be held in Philadelphia at the same time as the Democratic National Convention.
There will also be complimentary abortions for all women delegates at the Democratic National Convention, and the dead fetuses will be put in jars and there will be a ritual sacrificial dance on the convention as they worship their baby-killing pagan gods.
At the DNC, there will be prayers to Satan, while Christians are stoned to death and/or fed to lions. It will be great fun for Democrats as they sever their last pretence to worship the Christian God.
Big Diaper should notice a slight uptick in sales with Vitter's attendance.
At the DNC they will fuck little boys in the ass on national TV and we will all learn that this is a new "civil rights" cause and every liberal Democrat will get on board and there will be mass rapes in every town as every Democrat man in America comes out as a boy rapist and every Democrat woman in America will help tie these little boys down.

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