Guess Who Just Kicked Obama In The Butt!

He looks to be back in business, if he can cut the deals necessary that is.
"I don't really give a damn, neither does [Obama]"
" Like Sharon maybe Bibi will just stroke out."
You don't care that he won, but you hope he dies.
I don't really care, since it changes very little, and I said maybe he will stoke out, I didn't wish for since it hardly matters either way. You are happy, Bibi is happy, and Iran is happy. The fact that I really couldn't care less you just have to deal with. He's an asshole but he's a Zionist, which is the same thing. many times did you rush to post in a thread about which you now claim you have no concern with?
Reality, my poor, sad, pal, is defined by actions, not by words.
I keep posting because you keep failing to understand, it doesn't really matter but Iran is certainly happy, their enemy is back.
No, you are sorely wounded by the win that is the subject of the OP.
Your denials, diaphanous.
Not a single thing you've said is true.
You live in denial,. I can't help it that you reject the truths when it's presented, and I'm done trying.
Yeah, Netanyahu kicked some Communist ass. Good for him. And it really is shameful the Communist in Chief sent his henchmen over there to help oust him. Israel is a sovereign nation. He had no right to interfere with its Election. It was wrong. Period, end of story.
Tell us some more about how wealth should be redistributed because you don't think workers are being paid enough. Who the hell do you think you're kidding? You've been exposed for the communist you are. Obama is your comrade.

I've never argued for that. And the Dear Leader should apologize for interfering with a sovereign nation's Election. That would be the right thing to do. But doing the right thing isn't his thang. So don't hold your breath.
Then what did you argue? Because you sure were sounding like a commie on the Seattle thread. Please, I want to be wrong about you.

You're wrong about him.
You didn't see the populist crap he was spewing on that thread.
Terrorist threats like that, once they're posted, remain on the internet forever. That means 10 years from now when we've been hit again and the FBI is hunting down all wannabe terrorists, they will be kicking down your door. Maybe even sooner.

lol...ya if ever get a rocket up my bunghole you will be the first one they look for....
just because you a paranoid dont mean they aint after you
You're the one making terrorist threats online. You think they aren't watching for that? When a battering ram crashes in your door and you hear "FBI search warrant!" You'll know you fucked up. I hope it happens sooner than later.

Uh, they're gonna do that anyway. Haven't you heard? '9/11 changed everything.' Police States loves thems some Police. All Americans are guilty till proven innocent now. Police States are fun, huh?
Some people deserve to be raided by the feds, like this clown. I'll feel my family is safer when he's in cuffs.
My kids would feel safer if you did not threaten to fire rockets up my bung hole.....thats it I am calling big sis !
next time you fly...leave early....lmao
When did I do that, jackass?
Patience children, patience.

Jews have spoken and they want to keep their Land. Elections have consequences.
I'm sure the Jewish squatters do want all that land, that isn't theirs.
Ahh..The racist and anti Semite chimes in.....
Congrats. You just went from stupid to moron in one post.
Anti-Zionist, like these Jews: Zionism is not the Answer

Jesus weeped for Jerusalem because of people like you
Patience children, patience.

Jews have spoken and they want to keep their Land. Elections have consequences.
I'm sure the Jewish squatters do want all that land, that isn't theirs.
Ahh..The racist and anti Semite chimes in.....
Congrats. You just went from stupid to moron in one post.
Anti-Zionist, like these Jews: Zionism is not the Answer

Jesus weeped for Jerusalem because of people like you
Your kind nailed Jesus to the cross. Concern yourself with that.
Jews have spoken and they want to keep their Land. Elections have consequences.
I'm sure the Jewish squatters do want all that land, that isn't theirs.
Ahh..The racist and anti Semite chimes in.....
Congrats. You just went from stupid to moron in one post.
Anti-Zionist, like these Jews: Zionism is not the Answer

Jesus weeped for Jerusalem because of people like you
Your kind nailed Jesus to the cross. Concern yourself with that.[/
Jews have spoken and they want to keep their Land. Elections have consequences.
I'm sure the Jewish squatters do want all that land, that isn't theirs.
Ahh..The racist and anti Semite chimes in.....
Congrats. You just went from stupid to moron in one post.
Anti-Zionist, like these Jews: Zionism is not the Answer

Jesus weeped for Jerusalem because of people like you
Your kind nailed Jesus to the cross. Concern yourself with that.

My kind is a follower of Jesus. What followers of Jesus nailed him to the Cross?
Jews have spoken and they want to keep their Land. Elections have consequences.
I'm sure the Jewish squatters do want all that land, that isn't theirs.
Ahh..The racist and anti Semite chimes in.....
Congrats. You just went from stupid to moron in one post.
Anti-Zionist, like these Jews: Zionism is not the Answer

Jesus weeped for Jerusalem because of people like you
Your kind nailed Jesus to the cross. Concern yourself with that.
Nobody killed Jesus, he laid down his life for the ransom of many. This is what real Christians understand.
Oh, wow.....

Sending his lap dogs to Israel to see that Netanyahu loses, and that would support his sell-out Iran deal....

....Obama just took one in the tail!!!

"JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared victory after a tight national election appeared to give him the upper hand in forming the country's next coalition government.

In a statement released on Twitter, Netanyahu says that "against all odds" his Likud party and the nationalist camp secured a "great victory."
My Way News - Israel s Netanyahu declares victory in tight race

My master will get his revenge on Israel....
1. "V15 has drawn international attention for partnering with One Voice, a US.-U.K. non-profit that has previously received funding from the State Department.

It was OneVoice that reportedly hired 270 Strategies, a consulting firm whose senior leadership is comprised mostly of former top staffers for President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign. 270 Strategies has been consulting in V15′s campaign."
OUTRAGEOUS Obama violating US policy to oust Netanyahu Tea Party

2. "WND exposed the purported scheme last month in an article documenting a State Department-financed nonprofit based in Israel has been engaged in a major effort to get young Arab citizens to the voting booths in the upcoming Israeli elections."
U.S.-backed anti-Netanyahu group denies Arab busing scheme

Imagine the petty dictator using taxpayer funds to send 270 Obama-lawyers to Israel to arrange for Netanyahu's defeat.....

I wish the GOP had the stones to take this right up to the White House, where it belongs.

"....high crimes and misdemeanors....."

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