Guess Who Just Kicked Obama In The Butt!

Obama is the type of person who never forgets and never forgives. Every slight, every defiance shall be punished. It's why he's sabotaging Clinton's campaign. There isn't an ounce of grace or decency in the man. He's permanently pissed off.

And that makes me happy.
It would be right to gloat here:






You need 61 seats to govern in the Knesset. Bibi's got 27, his opponent 26.

This is the first victory on the world stage in memory where the presumed winner's status is diminished by the fact of his narrowest of wins.

He has a clearer path to 61 at the moment because Kahlon, the government's former communications point man, formed a centrist party that did much better than expected. He had been projected to win 7-8 seats but took 10. He was offered the Finance Ministry by Bibi a few days ago in exchange for Kahlon's support to build a coalition. It is assumed by Bibi's crowd that Kahlon will indeed support him, but tonight Kahlon said he'd wait til all the results were in on Thursday. Kahlon's politics are the most at odds with the coalition Bibi is hoping to build.

The thing is, the 2nd and 3rd place parties are more aligned and together did far better than Bibi's narrow 1st place party. Kahlon finished a healthy 5, just a sliver behind 4th, who are aligned with Bibi.

The President of Israel will no doubt allow Bibi to form a coalition, but if Kahlon backs out, then the President would then have to go with a unity gov't made of the center-left.

This thing is technically not over yet, though it looks more promising for Bibi.

Personally, I think it's a historic moment for Kahlon. His party's platform is for a two-state solution. As we know, Bibi came out swinging from the very hard right at the end to exclaim in no uncertain terms that there would never be a Palestinian state on his watch. It's precariously at odds with Kahlon, who now gets to choose whether he puts his name to peace or to constant conflict. It's up to him.
Oh, wow.....

Sending his lap dogs to Israel to see that Netanyahu loses, and that would support his sell-out Iran deal....

....Obama just took one in the tail!!!

"JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared victory after a tight national election appeared to give him the upper hand in forming the country's next coalition government.

In a statement released on Twitter, Netanyahu says that "against all odds" his Likud party and the nationalist camp secured a "great victory."
My Way News - Israel s Netanyahu declares victory in tight race

Strange how you goyim think the Israeli people cared anything about what you rightwing pork stenech goyim trash in america wanted or, had anything to do with the israeli elections

Cut the fake Jew act you fucking moron. It's tiring

you would make a good Shabbos goy

You'd make a creepy Jew.
Oh, wow.....

Sending his lap dogs to Israel to see that Netanyahu loses, and that would support his sell-out Iran deal....

....Obama just took one in the tail!!!

"JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared victory after a tight national election appeared to give him the upper hand in forming the country's next coalition government.

In a statement released on Twitter, Netanyahu says that "against all odds" his Likud party and the nationalist camp secured a "great victory."
My Way News - Israel s Netanyahu declares victory in tight race

Strange how you goyim think the Israeli people cared anything about what you rightwing pork stenech goyim trash in america wanted or, had anything to do with the israeli elections
strange how you fake Jews love muslims:)
Oh, wow.....

Sending his lap dogs to Israel to see that Netanyahu loses, and that would support his sell-out Iran deal....

....Obama just took one in the tail!!!

"JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared victory after a tight national election appeared to give him the upper hand in forming the country's next coalition government.

In a statement released on Twitter, Netanyahu says that "against all odds" his Likud party and the nationalist camp secured a "great victory."
My Way News - Israel s Netanyahu declares victory in tight race

Strange how you goyim think the Israeli people cared anything about what you rightwing pork stenech goyim trash in america wanted or, had anything to do with the israeli elections

Cut the fake Jew act you fucking moron. It's tiring

you would make a good Shabbos goy

You'd make a creepy Jew.
Fake Jew..Jews don't use the word goy every other sentence
So, it's beginning to look like the Rookie Community Organizer got smoked?
Nobody's falling for Oblahblah's BS any longer. There will be even worse news for Democrats in the 2016 elections as payback for Oblahblah's treasonous behavior. Hillary or no Hillary.

We ain't fallin' for no banana in the tail pipe!

Oh, wow.....

Sending his lap dogs to Israel to see that Netanyahu loses, and that would support his sell-out Iran deal....

....Obama just took one in the tail!!!

"JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared victory after a tight national election appeared to give him the upper hand in forming the country's next coalition government.

In a statement released on Twitter, Netanyahu says that "against all odds" his Likud party and the nationalist camp secured a "great victory."
My Way News - Israel s Netanyahu declares victory in tight race

Strange how you goyim think the Israeli people cared anything about what you rightwing pork stenech goyim trash in america wanted or, had anything to do with the israeli elections
strange how you fake Jews love muslims:)
How about some real ones instead of the Zionist pigs then?
Latest update:

Bibi 29
Herzog 24
Joint Arab List 14
Yesh Atid 11
Kahlon 10

I had been looking at an older update. It still comes down to Kahlon.
Oh, wow.....

Sending his lap dogs to Israel to see that Netanyahu loses, and that would support his sell-out Iran deal....

....Obama just took one in the tail!!!

"JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared victory after a tight national election appeared to give him the upper hand in forming the country's next coalition government.

In a statement released on Twitter, Netanyahu says that "against all odds" his Likud party and the nationalist camp secured a "great victory."
My Way News - Israel s Netanyahu declares victory in tight race

Strange how you goyim think the Israeli people cared anything about what you rightwing pork stenech goyim trash in america wanted or, had anything to do with the israeli elections

Cut the fake Jew act you fucking moron. It's tiring
you would make a good Shabbos goy

You make a poor fake Jew:)
You need 61 seats to govern in the Knesset. Bibi's got 27, his opponent 26.

This is the first victory on the world stage in memory where the presumed winner's status is diminished by the fact of his narrowest of wins.

He has a clearer path to 61 at the moment because Kahlon, the government's former communications point man, formed a centrist party that did much better than expected. He had been projected to win 7-8 seats but took 10. He was offered the Finance Ministry by Bibi a few days ago in exchange for Kahlon's support to build a coalition. It is assumed by Bibi's crowd that Kahlon will indeed support him, but tonight Kahlon said he'd wait til all the results were in on Thursday. Kahlon's politics are the most at odds with the coalition Bibi is hoping to build.

The thing is, the 2nd and 3rd place parties are more aligned and together did far better than Bibi's narrow 1st place party. Kahlon finished a healthy 5, just a sliver behind 4th, who are aligned with Bibi.

The President of Israel will no doubt allow Bibi to form a coalition, but if Kahlon backs out, then the President would then have to go with a unity gov't made of the center-left.

This thing is technically not over yet, though it looks more promising for Bibi.

Personally, I think it's a historic moment for Kahlon. His party's platform is for a two-state solution. As we know, Bibi came out swinging from the very hard right at the end to exclaim in no uncertain terms that there would never be a Palestinian state on his watch. It's precariously at odds with Kahlon, who now gets to choose whether he puts his name to peace or to constant conflict. It's up to him.

Well, that's al sorta mitigated by the fact that he has the money and criminal cult that stole two US elections, one of which was in the most sweeping losses in election history, wherein that party lost across the board, at every level... except for the team that ran against Bibi... who beat their ass.

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