
Did anybody see Kimboobly Guilfoyles speech at the RNC?? Was that for real?? I couldn’t help but laugh and cringe at the same time. I was one of the most unnatural and uncomfortable talks I’ve heard in a while. Anybody agree or disagree?

Who is that person?

No I'm not watching that convention. I didn't watch the democratic one either.

I have better things to do with my time.
She used to host a show called The Five on Fox News and then she shacked up with Don Jr and now she’s his mommy girlfriend. You should look up her speech and watch it... if you make it past 30 seconds without laughing I’ll give you kudos

I got as far as her lying about trump building the greatest economy in America.

When people lie to me I stop paying any attention to them. I no longer believe a word from their mouth.

I also find it insulting that she thinks that I'm that stupid as to actually believe the lies.

I don't think I made it as far as 30 seconds before I clicked her off.
Did anybody see Kimboobly Guilfoyles speech at the RNC?? Was that for real?? I couldn’t help but laugh and cringe at the same time. I was one of the most unnatural and uncomfortable talks I’ve heard in a while. Anybody agree or disagree?

Who is that person?

No I'm not watching that convention. I didn't watch the democratic one either.

I have better things to do with my time.
She used to host a show called The Five on Fox News and then she shacked up with Don Jr and now she’s his mommy girlfriend. You should look up her speech and watch it... if you make it past 30 seconds without laughing I’ll give you kudos
Wheres my kudos?

Did you seriously watch it without laughing?
Did anybody see Kimboobly Guilfoyles speech at the RNC?? Was that for real?? I couldn’t help but laugh and cringe at the same time. I was one of the most unnatural and uncomfortable talks I’ve heard in a while. Anybody agree or disagree?

Who is that person?

No I'm not watching that convention. I didn't watch the democratic one either.

I have better things to do with my time.
She used to host a show called The Five on Fox News and then she shacked up with Don Jr and now she’s his mommy girlfriend. You should look up her speech and watch it... if you make it past 30 seconds without laughing I’ll give you kudos

I got as far as her lying about trump building the greatest economy in America.

When people lie to me I stop paying any attention to them. I no longer believe a word from their mouth.

I also find it insulting that she thinks that I'm that stupid as to actually believe the lies.

I don't think I made it as far as 30 seconds before I clicked her off.
At least you tried... half a kudos :)
Did anybody see Kimboobly Guilfoyles speech at the RNC?? Was that for real?? I couldn’t help but laugh and cringe at the same time. I was one of the most unnatural and uncomfortable talks I’ve heard in a while. Anybody agree or disagree?

Who is that person?

No I'm not watching that convention. I didn't watch the democratic one either.

I have better things to do with my time.
She used to host a show called The Five on Fox News and then she shacked up with Don Jr and now she’s his mommy girlfriend. You should look up her speech and watch it... if you make it past 30 seconds without laughing I’ll give you kudos

I got as far as her lying about trump building the greatest economy in America.

When people lie to me I stop paying any attention to them. I no longer believe a word from their mouth.

I also find it insulting that she thinks that I'm that stupid as to actually believe the lies.

I don't think I made it as far as 30 seconds before I clicked her off.

I am with you. When people lie, I stop listening. Just as I am now with you. Kimberly did not lie. You should be ashamed. But, can you be? I doubt it. Got to have some scruples for that.
Did anybody see Kimberly Guilfoyles speech at the RNC?? Was that for real?? I couldn’t help but laugh and cringe at the same time. I was one of the most unnatural and uncomfortable talks I’ve heard in a while. Anybody agree or disagree?

I can’t believe you’d find her funny

So serious question. She said how bad California is and that it was all destroyed by the Democrats, but then said under Trump he'd change it all. Trump has been in power for 4 years, at what point does the current state of California become Trump's California? Then if you say he has no control over California, then why did she say it would change under him?

It's almost like they want their cake and eat it too.
I didn't see it so I clicked the link. Noted that she was wearing a long dress, so I closed the link.

I don't really care what any of them have to say. I care about what they will do. The Democrats will destroy America. So far, the Republicans have kept it together, but with the fucking 9 trillion dollars of spending in the past year, they're doing a fucked up job too.
Not defending her, the speech, or the RNC, but the fact that you people are trying to make light that she was screaming into the microphone is bizarre as hell.

Have you never felt so passionate about something that your voice rises without you being aware of it? Do you need to have an audience to be passionate about something? Does the room have to have people in it for you to get fired up?

Well, that last question was rhetorical. The left couldn't fill a room even if there was no pandemic restrictions.

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