
Now America gets sees what Real Americans have to say.

A STAR IS BORN! Kimberly Guilfoyle Brings THE FIRE! Her Amazing ‘Guns Blazing’ Speech at RNC Raises the Roof!

You are joking, right?
Now America gets sees what Real Americans have to say.

A STAR IS BORN! Kimberly Guilfoyle Brings THE FIRE! Her Amazing ‘Guns Blazing’ Speech at RNC Raises the Roof!

Kim IS something else, isn't she? I'm familiar with her because I used to watch The Five on Fox, and she was usually one of the five. She's smart, attractive, and has an incredible fire burning in her, and so much passion. Something that those on the Left lack.

You know she is really a liberal... She is just a conservative by opportunity... Pay for play...

The woman is an Irish Citizen....
Was that an intentional LIE, or are you repeating what another tard told you?

Those with long memories might recall that Guilfoyle was once married to former San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, a liberal Democrat, so it's natural to wonder: Is Guilfoyle a Republican or Democrat?

She's a Republican, and according to The Mercury News, she has been since she was young. The Mercury News reported in 2017 that Guilfoyle registered as a Republican when she was a student at University of California Davis, and later joined the school's Young Republicans club. She now hosts the The Five, a conservative TV show on a conservative channel, and was rumored in 2017 to be in the running to serve as President Trump's press secretary. Now, according to Page Six (and Us Weekly, which spoke to a source that confirmed the initial report), she's dating President Donald Trump's eldest son.

Supported same sex marriage and campaigned for husband for Mayor of San Fransisco... Yea, she was a republican....

As I said she is more of an opportunist than a conservative... She is not stupid (probably hell of a lot smarter than the Trumps), she has little to no morals and would piss on your grave to get higher... Look at her during the Ailes debacle in Fox News, She supported Ailes...

Seriously, she is using Trump Jr. more than he is of her and that is scary. She will spit him out when he is useless or she doesn't want to climb any more. She makes Melania look like a rank amateur...
hey the cowboy has a point.....
just found out she used to be married to gavin newsom

Not defending her, the speech, or the RNC, but the fact that you people are trying to make light that she was screaming into the microphone is bizarre as hell.

Have you never felt so passionate about something that your voice rises without you being aware of it? Do you need to have an audience to be passionate about something? Does the room have to have people in it for you to get fired up?

Well, that last question was rhetorical. The left couldn't fill a room even if there was no pandemic restrictions.

Anytime someone speaks truth to the democrats it grates on their noives.....the truth scalds them like boiling water.
Now America gets sees what Real Americans have to say.

A STAR IS BORN! Kimberly Guilfoyle Brings THE FIRE! Her Amazing ‘Guns Blazing’ Speech at RNC Raises the Roof!

Kimberly was great on The Five. Still miss her
Did anybody see Kimberly Guilfoyles speech at the RNC?? Was that for real?? I couldn’t help but laugh and cringe at the same time. I was one of the most unnatural and uncomfortable talks I’ve heard in a while. Anybody agree or disagree?

Poor guy. Just had to keep sitting there thinking wow, that isn't what the Democrat Party told you to think {cringe, cringe}
Did anybody see Kimboobly Guilfoyles speech at the RNC?? Was that for real?? I couldn’t help but laugh and cringe at the same time. I was one of the most unnatural and uncomfortable talks I’ve heard in a while. Anybody agree or disagree?

Who is that person?

No I'm not watching that convention. I didn't watch the democratic one either.

I have better things to do with my time.
She used to host a show called The Five on Fox News and then she shacked up with Don Jr and now she’s his mommy girlfriend. You should look up her speech and watch it... if you make it past 30 seconds without laughing I’ll give you kudos

I think your Trump Derangement Syndrome popped and is oozing down your clothes. You may want to see a doctor about that before it gets infected.

You hate her. Got it. Don't care, but I got it
Did anybody see Kimberly Guilfoyles speech at the RNC?? Was that for real?? I couldn’t help but laugh and cringe at the same time. I was one of the most unnatural and uncomfortable talks I’ve heard in a while. Anybody agree or disagree?

Poor guy. Just had to keep sitting there thinking wow, that isn't what the Democrat Party told you to think {cringe, cringe}
I sat there laughing and shaking my head wondering if anybody was taking that speech seriously. Apparently you did. Haha, how embarrassing
Did anybody see Kimboobly Guilfoyles speech at the RNC?? Was that for real?? I couldn’t help but laugh and cringe at the same time. I was one of the most unnatural and uncomfortable talks I’ve heard in a while. Anybody agree or disagree?

Who is that person?

No I'm not watching that convention. I didn't watch the democratic one either.

I have better things to do with my time.
She used to host a show called The Five on Fox News and then she shacked up with Don Jr and now she’s his mommy girlfriend. You should look up her speech and watch it... if you make it past 30 seconds without laughing I’ll give you kudos

I think your Trump Derangement Syndrome popped and is oozing down your clothes. You may want to see a doctor about that before it gets infected.

You hate her. Got it. Don't care, but I got it
I got no hate. Just think she’s a joke just like Donnieboi
I think Alex Jones wrote her speech

The only thing she didn't mention was contrails
Did anybody see Kimberly Guilfoyles speech at the RNC?? Was that for real?? I couldn’t help but laugh and cringe at the same time. I was one of the most unnatural and uncomfortable talks I’ve heard in a while. Anybody agree or disagree?

Poor guy. Just had to keep sitting there thinking wow, that isn't what the Democrat Party told you to think {cringe, cringe}
I sat there laughing and shaking my head wondering if anybody was taking that speech seriously. Apparently you did. Haha, how embarrassing

I don't know what you mean by "seriously," but it was a speech. I didn't buy and sell stocks off it. Not even sure what you're getting at, Captain Hyperbole
Now America gets sees what Real Americans have to say.

A STAR IS BORN! Kimberly Guilfoyle Brings THE FIRE! Her Amazing ‘Guns Blazing’ Speech at RNC Raises the Roof!

Kim IS something else, isn't she? I'm familiar with her because I used to watch The Five on Fox, and she was usually one of the five. She's smart, attractive, and has an incredible fire burning in her, and so much passion. Something that those on the Left lack.

You know she is really a liberal... She is just a conservative by opportunity... Pay for play...

The woman is an Irish Citizen....
Was that an intentional LIE, or are you repeating what another tard told you?

Those with long memories might recall that Guilfoyle was once married to former San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, a liberal Democrat, so it's natural to wonder: Is Guilfoyle a Republican or Democrat?

She's a Republican, and according to The Mercury News, she has been since she was young. The Mercury News reported in 2017 that Guilfoyle registered as a Republican when she was a student at University of California Davis, and later joined the school's Young Republicans club. She now hosts the The Five, a conservative TV show on a conservative channel, and was rumored in 2017 to be in the running to serve as President Trump's press secretary. Now, according to Page Six (and Us Weekly, which spoke to a source that confirmed the initial report), she's dating President Donald Trump's eldest son.

Supported same sex marriage and campaigned for husband for Mayor of San Fransisco... Yea, she was a republican....

As I said she is more of an opportunist than a conservative... She is not stupid (probably hell of a lot smarter than the Trumps), she has little to no morals and would piss on your grave to get higher... Look at her during the Ailes debacle in Fox News, She supported Ailes...

Seriously, she is using Trump Jr. more than he is of her and that is scary. She will spit him out when he is useless or she doesn't want to climb any more. She makes Melania look like a rank amateur...
You better get through all of those Progs also. The V.P. candidate as one example. The DNC had all those actors last week. And they were outdone by the RNC in one night. Just proving the actors need instructions. The y think that people are living a skit or TV show or movie.
Did anybody see Kimboobly Guilfoyles speech at the RNC?? Was that for real?? I couldn’t help but laugh and cringe at the same time. I was one of the most unnatural and uncomfortable talks I’ve heard in a while. Anybody agree or disagree?

Who is that person?

No I'm not watching that convention. I didn't watch the democratic one either.

I have better things to do with my time.
She used to host a show called The Five on Fox News and then she shacked up with Don Jr and now she’s his mommy girlfriend. You should look up her speech and watch it... if you make it past 30 seconds without laughing I’ll give you kudos

I think your Trump Derangement Syndrome popped and is oozing down your clothes. You may want to see a doctor about that before it gets infected.

You hate her. Got it. Don't care, but I got it
I got no hate. Just think she’s a joke just like Donnieboi

You're a raging misogynist. There's nothing wrong with her. You just don't like some chick that defied the directive to women to be Democrats or be targeted
Did anybody see Kimboobly Guilfoyles speech at the RNC?? Was that for real?? I couldn’t help but laugh and cringe at the same time. I was one of the most unnatural and uncomfortable talks I’ve heard in a while. Anybody agree or disagree?

Who is that person?

No I'm not watching that convention. I didn't watch the democratic one either.

I have better things to do with my time.
She used to host a show called The Five on Fox News and then she shacked up with Don Jr and now she’s his mommy girlfriend. You should look up her speech and watch it... if you make it past 30 seconds without laughing I’ll give you kudos

I think your Trump Derangement Syndrome popped and is oozing down your clothes. You may want to see a doctor about that before it gets infected.

You hate her. Got it. Don't care, but I got it
I got no hate. Just think she’s a joke just like Donnieboi

You're a raging misogynist. There's nothing wrong with her. You just don't like some chick that defied the directive to women to be Democrats or be targeted
I’m not a misogynist. Nothing I’ve said has anything to do with her being a woman. Why would you say such a thing?
Did anybody see Kimboobly Guilfoyles speech at the RNC?? Was that for real?? I couldn’t help but laugh and cringe at the same time. I was one of the most unnatural and uncomfortable talks I’ve heard in a while. Anybody agree or disagree?

Who is that person?

No I'm not watching that convention. I didn't watch the democratic one either.

I have better things to do with my time.
She used to host a show called The Five on Fox News and then she shacked up with Don Jr and now she’s his mommy girlfriend. You should look up her speech and watch it... if you make it past 30 seconds without laughing I’ll give you kudos

I think your Trump Derangement Syndrome popped and is oozing down your clothes. You may want to see a doctor about that before it gets infected.

You hate her. Got it. Don't care, but I got it
I got no hate. Just think she’s a joke just like Donnieboi

You're a raging misogynist. There's nothing wrong with her. You just don't like some chick that defied the directive to women to be Democrats or be targeted
I’m not a misogynist. Nothing I’ve said has anything to do with her being a woman. Why would you say such a thing?

Because you're being ridiculous. She's like Palin, you're using her gender traits against her. No one is as disgusting as Nadler, but he's a guy. Women have a shrill voice and they become a target for that. Yes, it's sexist, totally. There's nothing wrong with what she said
"He built the greatest economy the world has ever known".

Oh, my goodness. 25 seconds in, that's enough.

That is longer than I watched the dnc fiasco
Why would anyone waste their time watching any of it?
Seriously, check out Guilfoyle's rant. It's a microcosm of the last four years. Impossible to define, impossible to take your eyes off the carnage, head shaking, embarrassing, mortifying, mind blowing, circus-like, you can't believe it's actually happening.
She’s hard to watch with all that crazy makeup on.
Did anybody see Kimboobly Guilfoyles speech at the RNC?? Was that for real?? I couldn’t help but laugh and cringe at the same time. I was one of the most unnatural and uncomfortable talks I’ve heard in a while. Anybody agree or disagree?

Who is that person?

No I'm not watching that convention. I didn't watch the democratic one either.

I have better things to do with my time.
She used to host a show called The Five on Fox News and then she shacked up with Don Jr and now she’s his mommy girlfriend. You should look up her speech and watch it... if you make it past 30 seconds without laughing I’ll give you kudos

I think your Trump Derangement Syndrome popped and is oozing down your clothes. You may want to see a doctor about that before it gets infected.

You hate her. Got it. Don't care, but I got it
I got no hate. Just think she’s a joke just like Donnieboi

You're a raging misogynist. There's nothing wrong with her. You just don't like some chick that defied the directive to women to be Democrats or be targeted
I’m not a misogynist. Nothing I’ve said has anything to do with her being a woman. Why would you say such a thing?

Because you're being ridiculous. She's like Palin, you're using her gender traits against her. No one is as disgusting as Nadler, but he's a guy. Women have a shrill voice and they become a target for that. Yes, it's sexist, totally. There's nothing wrong with what she said
Nadler is a joke as well. So is Mike Pence with the way he delivers his ass kissing, fake emotion speeches. I have no problem critiquing men, Dems, or Republicans. I made fun of Kim’s speech because her energy and delivery was awkward. Has nothing to do with her being a woman.
Did anybody see Kimboobly Guilfoyles speech at the RNC?? Was that for real?? I couldn’t help but laugh and cringe at the same time. I was one of the most unnatural and uncomfortable talks I’ve heard in a while. Anybody agree or disagree?

Who is that person?

No I'm not watching that convention. I didn't watch the democratic one either.

I have better things to do with my time.
She used to host a show called The Five on Fox News and then she shacked up with Don Jr and now she’s his mommy girlfriend. You should look up her speech and watch it... if you make it past 30 seconds without laughing I’ll give you kudos

I think your Trump Derangement Syndrome popped and is oozing down your clothes. You may want to see a doctor about that before it gets infected.

You hate her. Got it. Don't care, but I got it
I got no hate. Just think she’s a joke just like Donnieboi

You're a raging misogynist. There's nothing wrong with her. You just don't like some chick that defied the directive to women to be Democrats or be targeted
I’m not a misogynist. Nothing I’ve said has anything to do with her being a woman. Why would you say such a thing?

Because you're being ridiculous. She's like Palin, you're using her gender traits against her. No one is as disgusting as Nadler, but he's a guy. Women have a shrill voice and they become a target for that. Yes, it's sexist, totally. There's nothing wrong with what she said
Nadler is a joke as well. So is Mike Pence with the way he delivers his ass kissing, fake emotion speeches. I have no problem critiquing men, Dems, or Republicans. I made fun of Kim’s speech because her energy and delivery was awkward. Has nothing to do with her being a woman.
She was passionate,, we don’t want to burn down America like you democrats are burning down black neighborhoods

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