GUILTY: Bill Cosby Convicted on 3 Counts. America's #Metoo Girls can claim a new WIN!

He is going to prison, probably to live out the rest of his life he's 80. And if it hasn't already happened there will now be an avalanche of civil suits against him and his estate. His life, career, and legacy are vapor.
It's kind of sad. I remember him from way back when his comedy routines were on 33's. NOAH..... that was a good one. LOL
He heralded education and strong family values, valued children.
All completely forgotten because he liked playing necro fucking.
He shouldn't have gotten away with it; don't get me wrong. It's just that he is more than just that, and this should not have happened when he was 80. Well, times have changed. The next "Cosby" will hopefully get convicted while the iron is still hot, not at the bitter end of his life.

I'm glad my parents aren't alive to see this, he was their favorite.

This legal lynching will be reversed on appeal. The whole trial was a racist feminist passion play. From the very beginning of the empanelment of this kangaroo court, the extra legal lengths the prosecution went to in persecuting this Black man were disturbing. First, all of the accusers claims save one, were beyond the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution. The majority of claims made were more than 30 years old, and all of the claimants sought monetary damages together as a group, through a media spectacle orchestrated by high profile celebrity attorney Gloria Allred. Their wholly unsubstantiated claims were trumpeted nightly on media outlets from coast to coast for nearly two years. Despite the avalanche of negative coverage, none of these lawsuits were successful. Allred was successful however in poisoning public opinion and future jury pools. Enter Andrea Constand, who Cosby had agreed to pay 3 plus million dollars in a civil settlement brokered by the previous D.A. and sealed under the usual agreements on confidentiality. A Republican prosecutor, in a neighboring Pennsylvania county running for re-election, seized on the long settled case to fire up his supporters and win re-election. Against the objections of the previous D.A. who had declined to file charges when the case was first investigated, the agreement with Constand was abrogated and unsworn statements made by Cosby in the agreement, used against him. Even with the advantages of massive negative pre-trial publicity and the questionable introduction of Cosby’s unsworn statements, the first trial ended with no verdict. The prosecution then regrouped, had a clearly compromised jurist appointed to hear the case, whereupon he unprecedentedly allowed four accusers to give hearsay testimony in their unrelated cases against Cosby. There was no factual evidence given in this case, none. Only the self serving statements of five white women, and even those assertions riddled with inconsistencies and contradictions. Every accuser stated that while alone with Cosby he drugged them and took carnal advantage. A common sense analysis of that assertion should have pointed out that all these women claim that of their own volition they swallowed an unknown drug, while trysting alone with a married Black man. We’re supposed to believe that? That they voluntarily swallowed an unknown drug proffered by a Black man is a lie believed by a white audience because the women were white and the accused black. If it was four black women claiming the same facts against a white man, they would have been prosecuted for perjury and ridiculed publicly for inventing such a totally fantastic and unbelievable lie. Cosby for his part, has denied any such contact with Allred’s Army, and claimed his contact with Constand was consentional.

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LOL! Dang!

He is going to prison, probably to live out the rest of his life he's 80. And if it hasn't already happened there will now be an avalanche of civil suits against him and his estate. His life, career, and legacy are vapor.
It's kind of sad. I remember him from way back when his comedy routines were on 33's. NOAH..... that was a good one. LOL
He heralded education and strong family values, valued children.
All completely forgotten because he liked playing necro fucking.
He shouldn't have gotten away with it; don't get me wrong. It's just that he is more than just that, and this should not have happened when he was 80. Well, times have changed. The next "Cosby" will hopefully get convicted while the iron is still hot, not at the bitter end of his life.

I'm glad my parents aren't alive to see this, he was their favorite.
My mom died just in time to miss the sex addiction with Tiger Woods, too. That would have upset her terribly.
I have a mother.
I have a hammer and a song but I don’t have a bell.
Can an NDA be broken after a Scumbag is convicted on assault, really on rape charges?

They need to make Cosby pay the state back all Prosecution expenses!
He is going to prison, probably to live out the rest of his life he's 80. And if it hasn't already happened there will now be an avalanche of civil suits against him and his estate. His life, career, and legacy are vapor.
It's kind of sad. I remember him from way back when his comedy routines were on 33's. NOAH..... that was a good one. LOL
He heralded education and strong family values, valued children.
All completely forgotten because he liked playing necro fucking.
He shouldn't have gotten away with it; don't get me wrong. It's just that he is more than just that, and this should not have happened when he was 80. Well, times have changed. The next "Cosby" will hopefully get convicted while the iron is still hot, not at the bitter end of his life.

I'm glad my parents aren't alive to see this, he was their favorite.

This legal lynching will be reversed on appeal. The whole trial was a racist feminist passion play. From the very beginning of the empanelment of this kangaroo court, the extra legal lengths the prosecution went to in persecuting this Black man were disturbing. First, all of the accusers claims save one, were beyond the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution. The majority of claims made were more than 30 years old, and all of the claimants sought monetary damages together as a group, through a media spectacle orchestrated by high profile celebrity attorney Gloria Allred. Their wholly unsubstantiated claims were trumpeted nightly on media outlets from coast to coast for nearly two years. Despite the avalanche of negative coverage, none of these lawsuits were successful. Allred was successful however in poisoning public opinion and future jury pools. Enter Andrea Constand, who Cosby had agreed to pay 3 plus million dollars in a civil settlement brokered by the previous D.A. and sealed under the usual agreements on confidentiality. A Republican prosecutor, in a neighboring Pennsylvania county running for re-election, seized on the long settled case

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What does the fact that Cosby's a black man have to do with the case? With a little luck a few fat Alberts in the slammer will use this pig as their sex toy. Hey, hey, hey...
He is going to prison, probably to live out the rest of his life he's 80. And if it hasn't already happened there will now be an avalanche of civil suits against him and his estate. His life, career, and legacy are vapor.
It's kind of sad. I remember him from way back when his comedy routines were on 33's. NOAH..... that was a good one. LOL
He heralded education and strong family values, valued children.
All completely forgotten because he liked playing necro fucking.
He shouldn't have gotten away with it; don't get me wrong. It's just that he is more than just that, and this should not have happened when he was 80. Well, times have changed. The next "Cosby" will hopefully get convicted while the iron is still hot, not at the bitter end of his life.

I'm glad my parents aren't alive to see this, he was their favorite.

This legal lynching will be reversed on appeal. The whole trial was a racist feminist passion play. From the very beginning of the empanelment of this kangaroo court, the extra legal lengths the prosecution went to in persecuting this Black man were disturbing. First, all of the accusers claims save one, were beyond the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution. The majority of claims made were more than 30 years old, and all of the claimants sought monetary damages together as a group, through a media spectacle orchestrated by high profile celebrity attorney Gloria Allred. Their wholly unsubstantiated claims were trumpeted nightly on media outlets from coast to coast for nearly two years. Despite the avalanche of negative coverage, none of these lawsuits were successful. Allred was successful however in poisoning public opinion and future jury pools. Enter Andrea Constand, who Cosby had agreed to pay 3 plus million dollars in a civil settlement brokered by the previous D.A. and sealed under the usual agreements on confidentiality. A Republican prosecutor, in a neighboring Pennsylvania county running for re-election, seized on the long settled case

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What does the fact that Cosby's a black man have to do with the case? With a little luck a few fat Alberts in the slammer will use this pig as their sex toy. Hey, hey, hey...

"What does the fact that Cosby's a black man have to do with the case?

Bill Cosby is a Black man, he raped the wimmens because he was psychologically traumatised by The Slave Trade that ended more than 200 years ago, get with the programme already :smoke:
Most of the victims were white. Ironic that a black woman would be the one to bring him down.
He is going to prison, probably to live out the rest of his life he's 80. And if it hasn't already happened there will now be an avalanche of civil suits against him and his estate. His life, career, and legacy are vapor.
It's kind of sad. I remember him from way back when his comedy routines were on 33's. NOAH..... that was a good one. LOL
He heralded education and strong family values, valued children.
All completely forgotten because he liked playing necro fucking.
He shouldn't have gotten away with it; don't get me wrong. It's just that he is more than just that, and this should not have happened when he was 80. Well, times have changed. The next "Cosby" will hopefully get convicted while the iron is still hot, not at the bitter end of his life.

I'm glad my parents aren't alive to see this, he was their favorite.

This legal lynching will be reversed on appeal. The whole trial was a racist feminist passion play. From the very beginning of the empanelment of this kangaroo court, the extra legal lengths the prosecution went to in persecuting this Black man were disturbing. First, all of the accusers claims save one, were beyond the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution. The majority of claims made were more than 30 years old, and all of the claimants sought monetary damages together as a group, through a media spectacle orchestrated by high profile celebrity attorney Gloria Allred. Their wholly unsubstantiated claims were trumpeted nightly on media outlets from coast to coast for nearly two years. Despite the avalanche of negative coverage, none of these lawsuits were successful. Allred was successful however in poisoning public opinion and future jury pools. Enter Andrea Constand, who Cosby had agreed to pay 3 plus million dollars in a civil settlement brokered by the previous D.A. and sealed under the usual agreements on confidentiality. A Republican prosecutor, in a neighboring Pennsylvania county running for re-election, seized on the long settled case

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He was convicted of sexual assault that occurred in 2004.
:11_2_1043: :thankusmile: ALL the Jurors! :thewave:

The Pink Happy Face, as more need to FALL!
#metoo.. Girls please come forward and take these
assholes down. We need more Great Douche girls
to exposed the Orange Turd!

Btw: Time for this guy too join the Great Douche Team!
Bill Cosby’s lawyer falls asleep during testimony
What are you babbling about tard? Cosby was on trial not trump?:CryingCow:
Does not own a airplane like the Left Hollywood type who fled to Europe over having sex with a 13 year old. The left seems to have approved that person fleeing the country.
No use putting him in jail now.....I guess the pudding pops are gone forever

These women were willing too it’s just unfair
:11_2_1043: :thankusmile: ALL the Jurors! :thewave:

The Pink Happy Face, as more need to FALL!
#metoo.. Girls please come forward and take these
assholes down. We need more Great Douche girls
to exposed the Orange Turd!

Btw: Time for this guy too join the Great Douche Team!
Bill Cosby’s lawyer falls asleep during testimony
What are you babbling about tard? Cosby was on trial not trump?:CryingCow:
Does not own a airplane like the Left Hollywood type who fled to Europe over having sex with a 13 year old. The left seems to have approved that person fleeing the country.

You forgot to post this below, with that above. FFS!


Where do DOPers get these crazy idea's?
:11_2_1043: :thankusmile: ALL the Jurors! :thewave:

The Pink Happy Face, as more need to FALL!
#metoo.. Girls please come forward and take these
assholes down. We need more Great Douche girls
to exposed the Orange Turd!

Btw: Time for this guy too join the Great Douche Team!
Bill Cosby’s lawyer falls asleep during testimony
What are you babbling about tard? Cosby was on trial not trump?:CryingCow:
Does not own a airplane like the Left Hollywood type who fled to Europe over having sex with a 13 year old. The left seems to have approved that person fleeing the country.

BTW! Did not the DOPers Hire the Great Douche Crime Family?

WTAF is with that title. You're giving new meaning to the word 'inflammatory.'

he's eighty years old. He will definitely die in prison. I'm not exactly in a rejoicing kind of place.

Bill Cosby found guilty of sexual assault in retrial

:11_2_1043: :thankusmile: ALL the Jurors! :thewave:

The Pink Happy Face, as more need to FALL!
#metoo.. Girls please come forward and take these
assholes down. We need more Great Douche girls
to exposed the Orange Turd!

Btw: Time for this guy too join the Great Douche Team!
Bill Cosby’s lawyer falls asleep during testimony

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