GUILTY: Bill Cosby Convicted on 3 Counts. America's #Metoo Girls can claim a new WIN!

So Bill's going to be Fat Albert's cell mate , maybe talk to Weird Harold and Mushroom across the hall, etc.....there's gotta be a racist bent to all this, where's IM2 when ya need him? Is he off burning lawn jockey's again? :) ~S~
It's only a matter of time before the #metoo movement demands the extradition of Roman Polanski to serve his time for raping a 12-year-old child after drugging her in his home. Right? RIGHT?
now if they would only go after Bill Clinton like they did Bill Cosby.

hell, clinton did way worse.

Yet Ken Starr spent 70 million on a panty-sniffing investigation and couldn't prove any of it.
proved all of it.

time ran out of bill would have been doing 20 years to life.

but it's different b/c he was a (D) Pres, so he gets to be a rapist, poor Cosby goes to jail for being black and old
"Time ran out." Rewrite history much? LOL

Nice to see your happy the black guy got prison while the white man walked.

I'm not calling you a racist, just pointing out the facts.
A racist, funny. Two of my ex's are black and my nephews are black. Has nothing to do with race asshole. Has to do with facts. Clinton was investigated by a special counsel; everything in his life was examined. There is no proof of what you are saying; otherwise, Starr would have uncovered it.

You need to distinguish propaganda from fact. You are obviously soft brained and easily manipulated.
Bill Cosby found guilty of sexual assault in retrial

:11_2_1043: :thankusmile: ALL the Jurors! :thewave:

The Pink Happy Face, as more need to FALL!
#metoo.. Girls please come forward and take these
assholes down. We need more Great Douche girls
to exposed the Orange Turd!

Btw: Time for this guy too join the Great Douche Team!
Bill Cosby’s lawyer falls asleep during testimony
now if they would only go after Bill Clinton like they did Bill Cosby.

hell, clinton did way worse.
Even if the accusations against Clinton are true, in no way did he do 'way worse' than Cosby. Cosby RAPED dozens of women.
clinton used the Ark state police to pick women up for him.

are you saying the women went willingly and freely had sex with clinton while armed police officers were in the other room?

or are you saying since he raped fewer women, he's not as evil?
If there was actually any actual proof of those things, he would have been convicted of it long, long ago. Ken Starr spent 80 million tax payer dollars investigating everything Clinton ever did and found no proof of any of that. You are believing what you want to believe.
you forget what hillary did to cover it up.

I know I know, he's a (D) with no morals, so it's all good

No, no. He is a democrat. No way. Lol. He is a GREAT man. (sarcasm).
Bill Cosby found guilty of sexual assault in retrial

:11_2_1043: :thankusmile: ALL the Jurors! :thewave:

The Pink Happy Face, as more need to FALL!
#metoo.. Girls please come forward and take these
assholes down. We need more Great Douche girls
to exposed the Orange Turd!

Btw: Time for this guy too join the Great Douche Team!
Bill Cosby’s lawyer falls asleep during testimony
now if they would only go after Bill Clinton like they did Bill Cosby.

hell, clinton did way worse.
Even if the accusations against Clinton are true, in no way did he do 'way worse' than Cosby. Cosby RAPED dozens of women.
clinton used the Ark state police to pick women up for him.

are you saying the women went willingly and freely had sex with clinton while armed police officers were in the other room?

or are you saying since he raped fewer women, he's not as evil?
If there was actually any actual proof of those things, he would have been convicted of it long, long ago. Ken Starr spent 80 million tax payer dollars investigating everything Clinton ever did and found no proof of any of that. You are believing what you want to believe.
you forget what hillary did to cover it up.

I know I know, he's a (D) with no morals, so it's all good
Neither of them are above the law. All the BS about their criminality is just that: BS. They have been investigaged by Congress, a special counsel, and just about every other entity that can. To believe they are beyond the law is ludicrous.
now if they would only go after Bill Clinton like they did Bill Cosby.

hell, clinton did way worse.

Yet Ken Starr spent 70 million on a panty-sniffing investigation and couldn't prove any of it.
proved all of it.

time ran out of bill would have been doing 20 years to life.

but it's different b/c he was a (D) Pres, so he gets to be a rapist, poor Cosby goes to jail for being black and old
"Time ran out." Rewrite history much? LOL

Nice to see your happy the black guy got prison while the white man walked.

I'm not calling you a racist, just pointing out the facts.
A racist, funny. Two of my ex's are black and my nephews are black. Has nothing to do with race asshole. Has to do with facts. Clinton was investigated by a special counsel; everything in his life was examined. There is no proof of what you are saying; otherwise, Starr would have uncovered it.

You need to distinguish propaganda from fact. You are obviously soft brained and easily manipulated.
I lived in Ark while billy was the gov, we all knew he was doing it.

but yea, it's cool to terrorize people into not coming forward, that's what hillary did for bill, not that you care as long as the black guy goes to jail
Yet Ken Starr spent 70 million on a panty-sniffing investigation and couldn't prove any of it.
proved all of it.

time ran out of bill would have been doing 20 years to life.

but it's different b/c he was a (D) Pres, so he gets to be a rapist, poor Cosby goes to jail for being black and old
"Time ran out." Rewrite history much? LOL

Nice to see your happy the black guy got prison while the white man walked.

I'm not calling you a racist, just pointing out the facts.
A racist, funny. Two of my ex's are black and my nephews are black. Has nothing to do with race asshole. Has to do with facts. Clinton was investigated by a special counsel; everything in his life was examined. There is no proof of what you are saying; otherwise, Starr would have uncovered it.

You need to distinguish propaganda from fact. You are obviously soft brained and easily manipulated.
I lived in Ark while billy was the gov, we all knew he was doing it.

but yea, it's cool to terrorize people into not coming forward, that's what hillary did for bill, not that you care as long as the black guy goes to jail

Hillary also defended a man who she suspected was guilty of raping a child and got him off, and she laughed it off when questioned about it in interviews. She actually LAUGHED about it.
He is going to prison, probably to live out the rest of his life he's 80. And if it hasn't already happened there will now be an avalanche of civil suits against him and his estate. His life, career, and legacy are vapor.
It is actually like a Greek tragedy:

The basic characteristics of a tragic hero, as explained by Aristotle~
  • Hamartia – a tragic flaw that causes the downfall of a hero.
  • Hubris – excessive pride and disrespect for the natural order of things.
  • Peripeteia – The reversal of fate that the hero experiences.
The reversal of fate in Greek tragedy usually results in the 'hero's' death: this will result in Cosby's death in prison (most likely), and the destruction of his status. He has nothing but sadness and misery ahead of him.

90% + of Hollywood movies follow the 'hero's journey' scenario in one form or another. The classic three act play still holds to this day. Sometimes there is a variation where the hero becomes the villain at the end. Richard Dent in The Dark Knight for instance.
proved all of it.

time ran out of bill would have been doing 20 years to life.

but it's different b/c he was a (D) Pres, so he gets to be a rapist, poor Cosby goes to jail for being black and old
"Time ran out." Rewrite history much? LOL

Nice to see your happy the black guy got prison while the white man walked.

I'm not calling you a racist, just pointing out the facts.
A racist, funny. Two of my ex's are black and my nephews are black. Has nothing to do with race asshole. Has to do with facts. Clinton was investigated by a special counsel; everything in his life was examined. There is no proof of what you are saying; otherwise, Starr would have uncovered it.

You need to distinguish propaganda from fact. You are obviously soft brained and easily manipulated.
I lived in Ark while billy was the gov, we all knew he was doing it.

but yea, it's cool to terrorize people into not coming forward, that's what hillary did for bill, not that you care as long as the black guy goes to jail

Hillary also defended a man who she suspected was guilty of raping a child and got him off, and she laughed it off when questioned about it in interviews. She actually LAUGHED about it.
I recall.

Cosby is a big win for the left. He left the plantation and earned his spot at the top. He never spewed hate, never heard him use the word ******, only heard him cuss on stage once.

so the left needs him destroyed while they look the other way from clinton
"Time ran out." Rewrite history much? LOL

Nice to see your happy the black guy got prison while the white man walked.

I'm not calling you a racist, just pointing out the facts.
A racist, funny. Two of my ex's are black and my nephews are black. Has nothing to do with race asshole. Has to do with facts. Clinton was investigated by a special counsel; everything in his life was examined. There is no proof of what you are saying; otherwise, Starr would have uncovered it.

You need to distinguish propaganda from fact. You are obviously soft brained and easily manipulated.
I lived in Ark while billy was the gov, we all knew he was doing it.

but yea, it's cool to terrorize people into not coming forward, that's what hillary did for bill, not that you care as long as the black guy goes to jail

Hillary also defended a man who she suspected was guilty of raping a child and got him off, and she laughed it off when questioned about it in interviews. She actually LAUGHED about it.
I recall.

Cosby is a big win for the left. He left the plantation and earned his spot at the top. He never spewed hate, never heard him use the word ******, only heard him cuss on stage once.

so the left needs him destroyed while they look the other way from clinton

Right. He isn't the picture of victimhood and oppression that the leftists like to portray. His successes go against their rhetoric.
Yet Ken Starr spent 70 million on a panty-sniffing investigation and couldn't prove any of it.
proved all of it.

time ran out of bill would have been doing 20 years to life.

but it's different b/c he was a (D) Pres, so he gets to be a rapist, poor Cosby goes to jail for being black and old
"Time ran out." Rewrite history much? LOL

Nice to see your happy the black guy got prison while the white man walked.

I'm not calling you a racist, just pointing out the facts.
A racist, funny. Two of my ex's are black and my nephews are black. Has nothing to do with race asshole. Has to do with facts. Clinton was investigated by a special counsel; everything in his life was examined. There is no proof of what you are saying; otherwise, Starr would have uncovered it.

You need to distinguish propaganda from fact. You are obviously soft brained and easily manipulated.
I lived in Ark while billy was the gov, we all knew he was doing it.

but yea, it's cool to terrorize people into not coming forward, that's what hillary did for bill, not that you care as long as the black guy goes to jail
I don't believe you. He won Arkansas, a Republican state, in '92 and '96. You're trying to rewrite history for partisan purposes.
proved all of it.

time ran out of bill would have been doing 20 years to life.

but it's different b/c he was a (D) Pres, so he gets to be a rapist, poor Cosby goes to jail for being black and old
"Time ran out." Rewrite history much? LOL

Nice to see your happy the black guy got prison while the white man walked.

I'm not calling you a racist, just pointing out the facts.
A racist, funny. Two of my ex's are black and my nephews are black. Has nothing to do with race asshole. Has to do with facts. Clinton was investigated by a special counsel; everything in his life was examined. There is no proof of what you are saying; otherwise, Starr would have uncovered it.

You need to distinguish propaganda from fact. You are obviously soft brained and easily manipulated.
I lived in Ark while billy was the gov, we all knew he was doing it.

but yea, it's cool to terrorize people into not coming forward, that's what hillary did for bill, not that you care as long as the black guy goes to jail
I don't believe you. He won Arkansas, a Republican state, in '92 and '96. You're trying to rewrite history for partisan purposes.

WE know. He is just an innocent victim of some trailer park trash whores, right?
proved all of it.

time ran out of bill would have been doing 20 years to life.

but it's different b/c he was a (D) Pres, so he gets to be a rapist, poor Cosby goes to jail for being black and old
"Time ran out." Rewrite history much? LOL

Nice to see your happy the black guy got prison while the white man walked.

I'm not calling you a racist, just pointing out the facts.
A racist, funny. Two of my ex's are black and my nephews are black. Has nothing to do with race asshole. Has to do with facts. Clinton was investigated by a special counsel; everything in his life was examined. There is no proof of what you are saying; otherwise, Starr would have uncovered it.

You need to distinguish propaganda from fact. You are obviously soft brained and easily manipulated.
I lived in Ark while billy was the gov, we all knew he was doing it.

but yea, it's cool to terrorize people into not coming forward, that's what hillary did for bill, not that you care as long as the black guy goes to jail
I don't believe you. He won Arkansas, a Republican state, in '92 and '96. You're trying to rewrite history for partisan purposes.
I was a teenager, I had the same party as my parents; dem union members.

Bill just a good ol' boy, he aint doin' nuthin with those women they would want to do.

that was the defense of his rapes. not that you care, clearly
"Time ran out." Rewrite history much? LOL

Nice to see your happy the black guy got prison while the white man walked.

I'm not calling you a racist, just pointing out the facts.
A racist, funny. Two of my ex's are black and my nephews are black. Has nothing to do with race asshole. Has to do with facts. Clinton was investigated by a special counsel; everything in his life was examined. There is no proof of what you are saying; otherwise, Starr would have uncovered it.

You need to distinguish propaganda from fact. You are obviously soft brained and easily manipulated.
I lived in Ark while billy was the gov, we all knew he was doing it.

but yea, it's cool to terrorize people into not coming forward, that's what hillary did for bill, not that you care as long as the black guy goes to jail
I don't believe you. He won Arkansas, a Republican state, in '92 and '96. You're trying to rewrite history for partisan purposes.
I was a teenager, I had the same party as my parents; dem union members.

Bill just a good ol' boy, he aint doin' nuthin with those women they would want to do.

that was the defense of his rapes. not that you care, clearly

A man who would stick a cigar up an intern's vagina while in the oval office should be held in the HIGHEST regard! :D Lol! Of course he would NEVER sexually assault any women! That is just insane! :dunno:
Bill Cosby found guilty of sexual assault in retrial

:11_2_1043: :thankusmile: ALL the Jurors! :thewave:

The Pink Happy Face, as more need to FALL!
#metoo.. Girls please come forward and take these
assholes down. We need more Great Douche girls
to exposed the Orange Turd!

Btw: Time for this guy too join the Great Douche Team!
Bill Cosby’s lawyer falls asleep during testimony
No,happy face here an american icon of responsibility goes down! We all had respect for the man. Next they will be telling us Ward and June were freaks too!

Nice to see your happy the black guy got prison while the white man walked.

I'm not calling you a racist, just pointing out the facts.
A racist, funny. Two of my ex's are black and my nephews are black. Has nothing to do with race asshole. Has to do with facts. Clinton was investigated by a special counsel; everything in his life was examined. There is no proof of what you are saying; otherwise, Starr would have uncovered it.

You need to distinguish propaganda from fact. You are obviously soft brained and easily manipulated.
I lived in Ark while billy was the gov, we all knew he was doing it.

but yea, it's cool to terrorize people into not coming forward, that's what hillary did for bill, not that you care as long as the black guy goes to jail
I don't believe you. He won Arkansas, a Republican state, in '92 and '96. You're trying to rewrite history for partisan purposes.
I was a teenager, I had the same party as my parents; dem union members.

Bill just a good ol' boy, he aint doin' nuthin with those women they would want to do.

that was the defense of his rapes. not that you care, clearly

A man who would stick a cigar up an intern's vagina while in the oval office should be held in the HIGHEST regard! :D Lol! Of course he would NEVER sexually assault any women! That is just insane! :dunno:

and then make millions with 'em.....



Nice to see your happy the black guy got prison while the white man walked.

I'm not calling you a racist, just pointing out the facts.
A racist, funny. Two of my ex's are black and my nephews are black. Has nothing to do with race asshole. Has to do with facts. Clinton was investigated by a special counsel; everything in his life was examined. There is no proof of what you are saying; otherwise, Starr would have uncovered it.

You need to distinguish propaganda from fact. You are obviously soft brained and easily manipulated.
I lived in Ark while billy was the gov, we all knew he was doing it.

but yea, it's cool to terrorize people into not coming forward, that's what hillary did for bill, not that you care as long as the black guy goes to jail
I don't believe you. He won Arkansas, a Republican state, in '92 and '96. You're trying to rewrite history for partisan purposes.
I was a teenager, I had the same party as my parents; dem union members.

Bill just a good ol' boy, he aint doin' nuthin with those women they would want to do.

that was the defense of his rapes. not that you care, clearly

A man who would stick a cigar up an intern's vagina while in the oval office should be held in the HIGHEST regard! :D Lol! Of course he would NEVER sexually assault any women! That is just insane! :dunno:
Fucking paragon of restraint and morality.

all those women and the former cops were all just hillbilly liars out for fame.

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