GUILTY: Bill Cosby Convicted on 3 Counts. America's #Metoo Girls can claim a new WIN!

A racist, funny. Two of my ex's are black and my nephews are black. Has nothing to do with race asshole. Has to do with facts. Clinton was investigated by a special counsel; everything in his life was examined. There is no proof of what you are saying; otherwise, Starr would have uncovered it.

You need to distinguish propaganda from fact. You are obviously soft brained and easily manipulated.
I lived in Ark while billy was the gov, we all knew he was doing it.

but yea, it's cool to terrorize people into not coming forward, that's what hillary did for bill, not that you care as long as the black guy goes to jail
I don't believe you. He won Arkansas, a Republican state, in '92 and '96. You're trying to rewrite history for partisan purposes.
I was a teenager, I had the same party as my parents; dem union members.

Bill just a good ol' boy, he aint doin' nuthin with those women they would want to do.

that was the defense of his rapes. not that you care, clearly

A man who would stick a cigar up an intern's vagina while in the oval office should be held in the HIGHEST regard! :D Lol! Of course he would NEVER sexually assault any women! That is just insane! :dunno:

and then make millions with 'em.....



Nothing like capitalizing on a White House scandal! That is besides the point, however. I know all of the critical thinkers are considering my comments. :)
I lived in Ark while billy was the gov, we all knew he was doing it.

but yea, it's cool to terrorize people into not coming forward, that's what hillary did for bill, not that you care as long as the black guy goes to jail
I don't believe you. He won Arkansas, a Republican state, in '92 and '96. You're trying to rewrite history for partisan purposes.
I was a teenager, I had the same party as my parents; dem union members.

Bill just a good ol' boy, he aint doin' nuthin with those women they would want to do.

that was the defense of his rapes. not that you care, clearly

A man who would stick a cigar up an intern's vagina while in the oval office should be held in the HIGHEST regard! :D Lol! Of course he would NEVER sexually assault any women! That is just insane! :dunno:

and then make millions with 'em.....



Nothing like capitalizing on a White House scandal! That is besides the point, however. I know all of the critical thinkers are considering my comments. :)

No, that IS the point of #metoo Chris

A racist, funny. Two of my ex's are black and my nephews are black. Has nothing to do with race asshole. Has to do with facts. Clinton was investigated by a special counsel; everything in his life was examined. There is no proof of what you are saying; otherwise, Starr would have uncovered it.

You need to distinguish propaganda from fact. You are obviously soft brained and easily manipulated.
I lived in Ark while billy was the gov, we all knew he was doing it.

but yea, it's cool to terrorize people into not coming forward, that's what hillary did for bill, not that you care as long as the black guy goes to jail
I don't believe you. He won Arkansas, a Republican state, in '92 and '96. You're trying to rewrite history for partisan purposes.
I was a teenager, I had the same party as my parents; dem union members.

Bill just a good ol' boy, he aint doin' nuthin with those women they would want to do.

that was the defense of his rapes. not that you care, clearly

A man who would stick a cigar up an intern's vagina while in the oval office should be held in the HIGHEST regard! :D Lol! Of course he would NEVER sexually assault any women! That is just insane! :dunno:
Fucking paragon of restraint and morality.

all those women and the former cops were all just hillbilly liars out for fame.

What were the exact words that Hillhag used to describe those accusers anyways? Was it "deplorables"? Oh no, wait, that applies to the American citizens who supported her opposition. :D
I don't believe you. He won Arkansas, a Republican state, in '92 and '96. You're trying to rewrite history for partisan purposes.
I was a teenager, I had the same party as my parents; dem union members.

Bill just a good ol' boy, he aint doin' nuthin with those women they would want to do.

that was the defense of his rapes. not that you care, clearly

A man who would stick a cigar up an intern's vagina while in the oval office should be held in the HIGHEST regard! :D Lol! Of course he would NEVER sexually assault any women! That is just insane! :dunno:

and then make millions with 'em.....



Nothing like capitalizing on a White House scandal! That is besides the point, however. I know all of the critical thinkers are considering my comments. :)

No, that IS the point of #metoo Chris


Exploiting scandals?
Hey, I'm not doubting Cosby's guilt. I am pointing out the voracity in which the leftists will go after one while completely ignoring or giving a pass to another, or even going SO low as to call the alleged victims names. What kind of a person . . . .
Polanski is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. I've had so many leftists defend that POS child rapist, while blaming the child. Yet these poor women are to be felt sorry for? Fuck that kid though. She was just a slut. *rolls eyes*
Another idea for the ladies. Don't go up to a man's hotel room with him alone unless you are wanting to get some. Because THAT is the message he is going to get from you when you agree to go to his room alone with him.
Bill Cosby found guilty of sexual assault in retrial

:11_2_1043: :thankusmile: ALL the Jurors! :thewave:

The Pink Happy Face, as more need to FALL!
#metoo.. Girls please come forward and take these
assholes down. We need more Great Douche girls
to exposed the Orange Turd!

Btw: Time for this guy too join the Great Douche Team!
Bill Cosby’s lawyer falls asleep during testimony
now if they would only go after Bill Clinton like they did Bill Cosby.

hell, clinton did way worse.
Even if the accusations against Clinton are true, in no way did he do 'way worse' than Cosby. Cosby RAPED dozens of women.

Cosby convicted of sexual assault with no evidence in a kangaroo court solely on the hearsay testimony of accusers with monetary motives.”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was a teenager, I had the same party as my parents; dem union members.

Bill just a good ol' boy, he aint doin' nuthin with those women they would want to do.

that was the defense of his rapes. not that you care, clearly

A man who would stick a cigar up an intern's vagina while in the oval office should be held in the HIGHEST regard! :D Lol! Of course he would NEVER sexually assault any women! That is just insane! :dunno:

and then make millions with 'em.....



Nothing like capitalizing on a White House scandal! That is besides the point, however. I know all of the critical thinkers are considering my comments. :)

No, that IS the point of #metoo Chris


Exploiting scandals?

Exploiting women & equal rights

It's backfiring ,and actually counterproductive

you'd like to point out leftist examples , well #metoo is going down the very same avenue

A man who would stick a cigar up an intern's vagina while in the oval office should be held in the HIGHEST regard! :D Lol! Of course he would NEVER sexually assault any women! That is just insane! :dunno:

and then make millions with 'em.....



Nothing like capitalizing on a White House scandal! That is besides the point, however. I know all of the critical thinkers are considering my comments. :)

No, that IS the point of #metoo Chris


Exploiting scandals?

Exploiting women & equal rights

It's backfiring ,and actually counterproductive

you'd like to point out leftist examples , well #metoo is going down the very same avenue


Err. Cosby is going to jail. Roman Polanski is living free in another country with support of a whole SLEW of leftists who are actually part of this #metoo movement if you can believe THAT hypocrisy!
A man who would stick a cigar up an intern's vagina while in the oval office should be held in the HIGHEST regard! :D Lol! Of course he would NEVER sexually assault any women! That is just insane! :dunno:

and then make millions with 'em.....



Nothing like capitalizing on a White House scandal! That is besides the point, however. I know all of the critical thinkers are considering my comments. :)

No, that IS the point of #metoo Chris


Exploiting scandals?

Exploiting women & equal rights

It's backfiring ,and actually counterproductive

you'd like to point out leftist examples , well #metoo is going down the very same avenue


I'm sorry, but the hypocrisy is blatant and there is no way of digging out of the hole created.
According to the typical leftist, it depends upon your political ideologies on whether you are a "rapist" or not. :D If you are leftist/democrat voter, then no way in hell. You are just a conspiracy victim. If you are a conservative/republican voter, then you are guilty even with flimsy "evidence" and sometimes even with no evidence at all. This seems to be getting worse and worse.
Really Chris?
I was around for the original women's lib movement. It was a good thing which anyone short of an Archie Bunker 'tude signed onto

Women gained a lot of ground , we're more accepted, etc.

When it had nowhere left to go, the femanazi's took the helm

and basically trashed much of the good that had been done

a 'leftist' example ,if i ever saw one

#metoo is well on it's way , infiltrated with like extremists

but hey. anyone whop remembers the 60's & 70's really wasn't there , right?

Really Chris?
I was around for the original women's lib movement. It was a good thing which anyone short of an Archie Bunker 'tude signed onto

Women gained a lot of ground , we're more accepted, etc.

When it had nowhere left to go, the femanazi's took the helm

and basically trashed much of the good that had been done

a 'leftist' example ,if i ever saw one

#metoo is well on it's way , infiltrated with like extremists

but hey. anyone whop remembers the 60's & 70's really wasn't there , right?


And most "feminazis" are hardcore leftists.
I don't think this is ANYTHING to celebrate or to be "happy" about. The OP's delight in another person's life basically ending is just sickening to me. Even if guilty, it is a very SAD and BAD thing and not anything to celebrate. The whole situation is disgusting and sickening.
Typical leftist: The justice system is CORRUPT, and that is why I'm against the death penalty. Too many innocent people are convicted of crimes that they didn't really commit.

Unless it's someone they don't like . . . then they are GUILTY, sometimes no trial is even needed and neither is any hard physical evidence needed.

I am glad I'm not a guy and don't have to deal with all of the things that you guys have to deal with today, especially if you are a guy that the leftists hate and have a high public profile. Chances are they will find someone somewhere to accuse of you sexually assaulting them and that is all that is needed to determine guilt nowadays if you are a conservative/republican apparently, perhaps even a centrist/moderate/independent. If you don't tow the leftist line, then you are an enemy to be taken out at any cost, even their own integrity.

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