GUILTY: Bill Cosby Convicted on 3 Counts. America's #Metoo Girls can claim a new WIN!

:11_2_1043: :thankusmile: ALL the Jurors! :thewave:

The Pink Happy Face, as more need to FALL!
#metoo.. Girls please come forward and take these
assholes down. We need more Great Douche girls
to exposed the Orange Turd!

Btw: Time for this guy too join the Great Douche Team!
Bill Cosby’s lawyer falls asleep during testimony
What are you babbling about tard? Cosby was on trial not trump?:CryingCow:
Does not own a airplane like the Left Hollywood type who fled to Europe over having sex with a 13 year old. The left seems to have approved that person fleeing the country.
And the leftist Hollyweird pigs applauded raucously a few years ago when they "honored" the scumbag at their annual circle jerk Oscars gathering.
:11_2_1043: :thankusmile: ALL the Jurors! :thewave:

The Pink Happy Face, as more need to FALL!
#metoo.. Girls please come forward and take these
assholes down. We need more Great Douche girls
to exposed the Orange Turd!

Btw: Time for this guy too join the Great Douche Team!
Bill Cosby’s lawyer falls asleep during testimony
What are you babbling about tard? Cosby was on trial not trump?:CryingCow:
Does not own a airplane like the Left Hollywood type who fled to Europe over having sex with a 13 year old. The left seems to have approved that person fleeing the country.
And the leftist Hollyweird pigs applauded raucously a few years ago when they "honored" the scumbag at their annual circle jerk Oscars gathering.

There is LITTLE that is more disgusting than that, if you ask me. Shameful hypocrite sick fuckers, selecting their "victims."
He is going to prison, probably to live out the rest of his life he's 80. And if it hasn't already happened there will now be an avalanche of civil suits against him and his estate. His life, career, and legacy are vapor.
It's kind of sad. I remember him from way back when his comedy routines were on 33's. NOAH..... that was a good one. LOL
He heralded education and strong family values, valued children.
All completely forgotten because he liked playing necro fucking.
He shouldn't have gotten away with it; don't get me wrong. It's just that he is more than just that, and this should not have happened when he was 80. Well, times have changed. The next "Cosby" will hopefully get convicted while the iron is still hot, not at the bitter end of his life.

I'm glad my parents aren't alive to see this, he was their favorite.

This legal lynching will be reversed on appeal. The whole trial was a racist feminist passion play. From the very beginning of the empanelment of this kangaroo court, the extra legal lengths the prosecution went to in persecuting this Black man were disturbing. First, all of the accusers claims save one, were beyond the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution. The majority of claims made were more than 30 years old, and all of the claimants sought monetary damages together as a group, through a media spectacle orchestrated by high profile celebrity attorney Gloria Allred. Their wholly unsubstantiated claims were trumpeted nightly on media outlets from coast to coast for nearly two years. Despite the avalanche of negative coverage, none of these lawsuits were successful. Allred was successful however in poisoning public opinion and future jury pools. Enter Andrea Constand, who Cosby had agreed to pay 3 plus million dollars in a civil settlement brokered by the previous D.A. and sealed under the usual agreements on confidentiality. A Republican prosecutor, in a neighboring Pennsylvania county running for re-election, seized on the long settled case

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What does the fact that Cosby's a black man have to do with the case? With a little luck a few fat Alberts in the slammer will use this pig as their sex toy. Hey, hey, hey...

You'd have to be incredibly desparate before you'd consider sticking your dick up an ugly old black man's ass.
Can't get much more desperate IMO than being locked up in the slammer when one's in a get-a-little-lovin' mood.
It's kind of sad. I remember him from way back when his comedy routines were on 33's. NOAH..... that was a good one. LOL
He heralded education and strong family values, valued children.
All completely forgotten because he liked playing necro fucking.
He shouldn't have gotten away with it; don't get me wrong. It's just that he is more than just that, and this should not have happened when he was 80. Well, times have changed. The next "Cosby" will hopefully get convicted while the iron is still hot, not at the bitter end of his life.

I'm glad my parents aren't alive to see this, he was their favorite.

This legal lynching will be reversed on appeal. The whole trial was a racist feminist passion play. From the very beginning of the empanelment of this kangaroo court, the extra legal lengths the prosecution went to in persecuting this Black man were disturbing. First, all of the accusers claims save one, were beyond the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution. The majority of claims made were more than 30 years old, and all of the claimants sought monetary damages together as a group, through a media spectacle orchestrated by high profile celebrity attorney Gloria Allred. Their wholly unsubstantiated claims were trumpeted nightly on media outlets from coast to coast for nearly two years. Despite the avalanche of negative coverage, none of these lawsuits were successful. Allred was successful however in poisoning public opinion and future jury pools. Enter Andrea Constand, who Cosby had agreed to pay 3 plus million dollars in a civil settlement brokered by the previous D.A. and sealed under the usual agreements on confidentiality. A Republican prosecutor, in a neighboring Pennsylvania county running for re-election, seized on the long settled case

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What does the fact that Cosby's a black man have to do with the case? With a little luck a few fat Alberts in the slammer will use this pig as their sex toy. Hey, hey, hey...

You'd have to be incredibly desparate before you'd consider sticking your dick up an ugly old black man's ass.
Can't get much more desperate IMO than being locked up in the slammer when one's in a get-a-little-lovin' mood.

What is WRONG with men anyways? Good grief. SMH.
I'm glad my parents aren't alive to see this, he was their favorite.

This legal lynching will be reversed on appeal. The whole trial was a racist feminist passion play. From the very beginning of the empanelment of this kangaroo court, the extra legal lengths the prosecution went to in persecuting this Black man were disturbing. First, all of the accusers claims save one, were beyond the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution. The majority of claims made were more than 30 years old, and all of the claimants sought monetary damages together as a group, through a media spectacle orchestrated by high profile celebrity attorney Gloria Allred. Their wholly unsubstantiated claims were trumpeted nightly on media outlets from coast to coast for nearly two years. Despite the avalanche of negative coverage, none of these lawsuits were successful. Allred was successful however in poisoning public opinion and future jury pools. Enter Andrea Constand, who Cosby had agreed to pay 3 plus million dollars in a civil settlement brokered by the previous D.A. and sealed under the usual agreements on confidentiality. A Republican prosecutor, in a neighboring Pennsylvania county running for re-election, seized on the long settled case

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What does the fact that Cosby's a black man have to do with the case? With a little luck a few fat Alberts in the slammer will use this pig as their sex toy. Hey, hey, hey...

You'd have to be incredibly desparate before you'd consider sticking your dick up an ugly old black man's ass.
Can't get much more desperate IMO than being locked up in the slammer when one's in a get-a-little-lovin' mood.

What is WRONG with men anyways? Good grief. SMH.
Well for one thing, to quote the late Robin Williams, God gave man a big head and a little head, but only enough blood to operate one at a time.
This legal lynching will be reversed on appeal. The whole trial was a racist feminist passion play. From the very beginning of the empanelment of this kangaroo court, the extra legal lengths the prosecution went to in persecuting this Black man were disturbing. First, all of the accusers claims save one, were beyond the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution. The majority of claims made were more than 30 years old, and all of the claimants sought monetary damages together as a group, through a media spectacle orchestrated by high profile celebrity attorney Gloria Allred. Their wholly unsubstantiated claims were trumpeted nightly on media outlets from coast to coast for nearly two years. Despite the avalanche of negative coverage, none of these lawsuits were successful. Allred was successful however in poisoning public opinion and future jury pools. Enter Andrea Constand, who Cosby had agreed to pay 3 plus million dollars in a civil settlement brokered by the previous D.A. and sealed under the usual agreements on confidentiality. A Republican prosecutor, in a neighboring Pennsylvania county running for re-election, seized on the long settled case

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What does the fact that Cosby's a black man have to do with the case? With a little luck a few fat Alberts in the slammer will use this pig as their sex toy. Hey, hey, hey...

You'd have to be incredibly desparate before you'd consider sticking your dick up an ugly old black man's ass.
Can't get much more desperate IMO than being locked up in the slammer when one's in a get-a-little-lovin' mood.

What is WRONG with men anyways? Good grief. SMH.
Well for one thing, to quote the late Robin Williams, God gave man a big head and a little head, but only enough blood to operate one at a time.

I always just thought of those as jokes, but now I am seeing things in a different light!
I can totally understand now why women sometimes refer to men as "dogs." They really are kind of like dogs. They will do it with whatever, whenever the whim strikes them. They aren't nearly as "choosy" as they like to think they are when the mood strikes, I guess. I'm just glad I don't have these issues which can really REALLY complicate your life and make things really really sucky for you. :D
I'm really surprised some men don't try and shove their noses in you know where and try to hump our legs. :dunno:
:11_2_1043: :thankusmile: ALL the Jurors! :thewave:

The Pink Happy Face, as more need to FALL!
#metoo.. Girls please come forward and take these
assholes down. We need more Great Douche girls
to exposed the Orange Turd!

Btw: Time for this guy too join the Great Douche Team!
Bill Cosby’s lawyer falls asleep during testimony
What are you babbling about tard? Cosby was on trial not trump?:CryingCow:
Does not own a airplane like the Left Hollywood type who fled to Europe over having sex with a 13 year old. The left seems to have approved that person fleeing the country.
And the leftist Hollyweird pigs applauded raucously a few years ago when they "honored" the scumbag at their annual circle jerk Oscars gathering.


The followers of the Christain type Faiths. Who worship fake overlords and fake self-appointed
humans, made in their fake Lord's image, and rule over them as their priest. Just WOW! Dang, how sad!
As they fully sponsor and support their fake overlord still with fresh young virgin meats and monetary
funds, after they were exposed as really just a huge Child Sex Pedophile Organization. This sounds like a
blanket assertion. And totally true.


There are no fake lords' running any of our American political parties. (Okay almost none) Just many followers of many fake religions bringing their weak gullible training by these fake religions into our American Political systems. Some of their chosen leaders here, hang around for a time. But they die and go away. And a new leader is elected to rule over them As there are NO gods/lords etc. So all these leaders of our
political parties are individuals, responsible for their personal crimes/deeds. As are their followers of that party, individuals responsible for their personal crimes/deeds.


Churches kept all their sexual predators after being exposed.
Hollywood kicks all their sexual predators out after being exposed.
Most all political parties kick out their sexual predators. Or do they?
Or do they make legal sex an issue, that the morals of any church
does worse as a fake benchmark?
Dang! Here we are, 35!...NICE Cover.

I one time most of those women were pretty.
I know many 45-60 plus females that ROCK.
But, please don't get the idea over 60 are not.
As over 50 most men are just not attractive.
I really never saw why girls can do the ugly guys.
Some get the ugliest pet dogs you ever saw.
Hmm? Is this a pattern for females?
Whee! Here we GO!


I really feel these need to be recorded.
So the public can see and hear what they say, after sentencing.
He's a rapist, and the accusations came a long time before the 'scolding' black people for their 'non-white' behavior.

Um, yeah. I guess. and here's the thing, Hollywood gave him a pass on it for decades, because he made them money.

clinton used the Ark state police to pick women up for him.

Yes, because a handsome, charming, articulate and confident guy would have so much trouble getting women otherwise.

are you saying the women went willingly and freely had sex with clinton while armed police officers were in the other room?

I'm saying you guys have been circulating lists of non-existent women for years claiming they really existed. When all you really have are three women who had dubious claims at best.

In Cosby's case, 62 women have gone on the public record that he did these things.
Great thread. Two words to demonstrate leftist hypocrisy towards females (especially female CHILDREN). Roman Polanski. :D

These guys don't care about women. Lol. They care about their politics. It is blatantly obvious and transparent. They are using women as just another "special interest" group.

Yawn, Crazy Cat Lady. You guys have been riding Roman Polanski for 40 years now.

I saw a great picture today. It was 'How can they convict Bill Cosby on 30 year old evidence but can't convict cops who are caught on videotape shooting people."
It's only a matter of time before the #metoo movement demands the extradition of Roman Polanski to serve his time for raping a 12-year-old child after drugging her in his home. Right? RIGHT?

She wasn't 12. She was 13.

It wasn't his home, it was Jack Nicholson's house.

The girl knew she was taking drugs

oh, yeah, and here's the key thing. Polanski plead guilty and served 42 days of a 90 day prison sentence. You guys keep leaving that part out.

Probably more time behind bars than Cosby will serve.

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