Guliani hero Mellissa Carone’s sex video harassment

Right Wing Hero and drunk testifying “expert” of paper jams has a criminal history of harassment. She pled guilty to sending sex videos of her and her boyfriend to the ex wife of said boyfriend. She lied to police and tried to cover it up in very poor fashion by using a fake email account and trying to switch out their router and internet service. Harassment continued for two years.

She’d be a fun one night stand for sure but expert witness? The clown train has jumped the tracks.

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One night stand? Ok she's hot and crazy fucks in way undescribable. But its hard to get rid of. I suppose if you give her an assumed name and take her to a hotel room way away from where you live. You know this is the kind of stuff that gets me into trouble.
Now it turns out she’s a paid actor playing a part! She’s not even real.

Ok.. now this rock solid star witness of Rudy G is claiming an even more cockamamie story... as if that was even possible. Now she claims the Boyfriend did it and tried to frame his ex wife from her phone so she just pled guilty to expedite the whole affair. What. The. Fuck.

Police records obtained by HuffPost, which were first reported by Deadline Detroit, say that Carone lied to police about sending explicit videos of herself to her fiancé’s ex-wife, but then confessed that she had done so after being confronted with information obtained from search warrants. Carone even confessed that she had told her fiancé “to get a new router and get a new wifi company” to cover her tracks, police said.

Mellissa Carone, police say, confessed to sending her fiancé's ex-wife pornographic videos of herself.

Mellissa Carone, police say, confessed to sending her fiancé's ex-wife pornographic videos of herself. (Southgate Police)
But Carone, in an interview with HuffPost on Saturday, claimed that it was actually her fiancé, Matthew Stackpoole, who sent the explicit videos to his ex-wife and that she took a plea deal only because they didn’t want to spend any more time in court. Stackpoole also admitted to HuffPost in a text message that he sent the videos and suggested that police officers knew he had done so when officers “took [Carone’s] official ‘confession.’”
“The reason I got charged for it is it was sent off of my phone,” Carone, a self-proclaimed cybersecurity analyst, told HuffPost. “I just said screw it, I’m going to have to take it.

Can't rebut her statements regarding her employment with Dominion, then by all means attack her personally.
I can. She has no idea what she’s talking about because she got an hour of training the day before. There’s no way these ballots could have been double counted because the poll books would have been off by thousands and thousands. They weren’t.

So you can't rebut her statements regarding her employment with Dominion either?

She wasn't a poll watcher or poll worker.

She was IT working for Dominion.

Can't rebut her statements regarding her employment with Dominion, then by all means attack her personally.

Even if the allegations are true - and it appears that some are - SO WHAT?

omg...she sent revenge sex tapes...wait, omg her boyfriend sent the sex tapes....omg really....

This is a typical tactic of the liberal/dems.

Her testimony was ruled not credible by a judge

and her public relations appearance (fraudulently deemed a hearing) has been discredited beyond reproach. She now has a history of lying to authorities and attempting to falsify and hide evidence. What exactly is unclear?

Incorrect, but please, I'm dying to see your link to the bolded portion of your post
Right Wing Hero and drunk testifying “expert” of paper jams has a criminal history of harassment. She pled guilty to sending sex videos of her and her boyfriend to the ex wife of said boyfriend. She lied to police and tried to cover it up in very poor fashion by using a fake email account and trying to switch out their router and internet service. Harassment continued for two years.

She’d be a fun one night stand for sure but expert witness? The clown train has jumped the tracks.

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I don't consider her any more or less credible because she'd just gotten off probation.

I find her less credible because her affidavit was contradicted by EVERY other affidavit offered from the same Detroit vote processing center. Democrat, republican, official, poll worker, challenger or observer.....they ALL contradicted her account.

I find her less credible because in the middle of her testimony she arbitrarily TRIPLED her assessment of affected ballots, leaping from 30,000 (backed by nothing) to 100,000 (also, backed by nothing).

I find her less credible because she made demonstrably false statements in her testimony, claiming for example, that there were zero registered voters in the Detroit facility poll book. When that was demonstrably not true.

Universal contradiction by all other affidavits, random embellishment of her claims, and demonstrably false statements.

And this was their 'smoking gun'.
Can't rebut her statements regarding her employment with Dominion, then by all means attack her personally.
I can. She has no idea what she’s talking about because she got an hour of training the day before. There’s no way these ballots could have been double counted because the poll books would have been off by thousands and thousands. They weren’t.

So you can't rebut her statements regarding her employment with Dominion either?

She wasn't a poll watcher or poll worker.

She was IT working for Dominion.
She was a level 1 paper jam expert. Level 1 tech support is “Did you turn off your computer? Oh you did... I’ll escalate this to level 2”.

Can't rebut her statements regarding her employment with Dominion, then by all means attack her personally.

Even if the allegations are true - and it appears that some are - SO WHAT?

omg...she sent revenge sex tapes...wait, omg her boyfriend sent the sex tapes....omg really....

This is a typical tactic of the liberal/dems.

Her testimony was ruled not credible by a judge

and her public relations appearance (fraudulently deemed a hearing) has been discredited beyond reproach. She now has a history of lying to authorities and attempting to falsify and hide evidence. What exactly is unclear?

Incorrect, but please, I'm dying to see your link to the bolded portion of your post
Right Wing Hero and drunk testifying “expert” of paper jams has a criminal history of harassment. She pled guilty to sending sex videos of her and her boyfriend to the ex wife of said boyfriend. She lied to police and tried to cover it up in very poor fashion by using a fake email account and trying to switch out their router and internet service. Harassment continued for two years.

She’d be a fun one night stand for sure but expert witness? The clown train has jumped the tracks.

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Sexual deviance + extramarital affairs+ threats + tampering with Internet devices to be used as evidence + lying to police...... how many times did we hear all of this when it came to Hillary Clinton and her team and never a word from you people about concern for credibility?
Right Wing Hero and drunk testifying “expert” of paper jams has a criminal history of harassment. She pled guilty to sending sex videos of her and her boyfriend to the ex wife of said boyfriend. She lied to police and tried to cover it up in very poor fashion by using a fake email account and trying to switch out their router and internet service. Harassment continued for two years.

She’d be a fun one night stand for sure but expert witness? The clown train has jumped the tracks.

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Sexual deviance + extramarital affairs+ threats + tampering with Internet devices to be used as evidence + lying to police...... how many times did we hear all of this when it came to Hillary Clinton and her team and never a word from you people about concern for credibility?
None regarding election fraud witnesses. Not sure what you’re talking about. You dorks cry both sides after Trump slips under a new lower bar. Bull shit is called.
Right Wing Hero and drunk testifying “expert” of paper jams has a criminal history of harassment. She pled guilty to sending sex videos of her and her boyfriend to the ex wife of said boyfriend. She lied to police and tried to cover it up in very poor fashion by using a fake email account and trying to switch out their router and internet service. Harassment continued for two years.

She’d be a fun one night stand for sure but expert witness? The clown train has jumped the tracks.

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Sexual deviance + extramarital affairs+ threats + tampering with Internet devices to be used as evidence + lying to police...... how many times did we hear all of this when it came to Hillary Clinton and her team and never a word from you people about concern for credibility?
None regarding election fraud witnesses. Not sure what you’re talking about. You dorks cry both sides after Trump slips under a new lower bar. Bull shit is called.

Everything you mentioned with respect to character flaws and behavior of this woman are consistent with what came out from the Hillary Camp in 2016. SEE Anthony Weiner and his wife. SEE tampered Internet devices; smashed and bleached. These are behavior and character flaws you call on this woman which I don’t dispute. I was simply the first to call egregious bullshit on your side for now saying that these are character and behavior flaws yet they were ignored in 2016. If you deny this behavior existed in 2016 in the Hillary camp, then you are really full of shit.
Right Wing Hero and drunk testifying “expert” of paper jams has a criminal history of harassment. She pled guilty to sending sex videos of her and her boyfriend to the ex wife of said boyfriend. She lied to police and tried to cover it up in very poor fashion by using a fake email account and trying to switch out their router and internet service. Harassment continued for two years.

She’d be a fun one night stand for sure but expert witness? The clown train has jumped the tracks.

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Sexual deviance + extramarital affairs+ threats + tampering with Internet devices to be used as evidence + lying to police...... how many times did we hear all of this when it came to Hillary Clinton and her team and never a word from you people about concern for credibility?
Feel free to indict Hillary.......but stop gargling her pussy in your mouth every time you want to "both sides" a situation....

There is no both sides to this -- there is no "liberal" equivalent to what Carrone tried to do....this is always in the wheel house of conservatives.....she is just one of many

Can't rebut her statements regarding her employment with Dominion, then by all means attack her personally.

Even if the allegations are true - and it appears that some are - SO WHAT?

omg...she sent revenge sex tapes...wait, omg her boyfriend sent the sex tapes....omg really....

This is a typical tactic of the liberal/dems.

Her testimony was ruled not credible by a judge

and her public relations appearance (fraudulently deemed a hearing) has been discredited beyond reproach. She now has a history of lying to authorities and attempting to falsify and hide evidence. What exactly is unclear?

Incorrect, but please, I'm dying to see your link to the bolded portion of your post

What judge?
For what?
All by her lonesome?

Needs further investigation, by you. :)

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