Gullible Americans, Obama, Hillary and the Democrats


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Democrats are the biggest fuckups when it comes to foreign policy. It's obvious that Obama inside his heart dislikes what capitalist America stands for and blames it for oppressing its own people as well as weaker nations of the world, which is why the first thing he did was to apologize to Muslims for America's "sins" of the past. Since that apology the Middle East has been on fire, and the world has witnessed the rise of ISIS and Islamic terrorist groups like never before. While America and the West have suffered terrorist attack after terrorist attack in the last 7.5 years. Not to mention our ratio ship with Russia and many critical countries has deteriorated dramatically, and we've turned our back on many of our allies.

To be honest it's hard to believe that Americans are so gullible to even consider Hillary Clinton as a viable cadidate after her disastrous record as Secretary of State....her lying to the American people about the cause of Ben Gahazi, corruption with the Clinton Foundation, and breach of trust and endangering our national security by having a private server and then destroying 38,000 emails so that the truth doesn't get out.

Normally, somebody like this should be behind bars for at least 50 years, but the president who is as corrupt and deceitful as she is, and the leftist controlled media which is a propaganda arm of the Democrat party are doing an amazing job promoting a criminal named Hillary Clinton to the presidency.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, partisanshit will deliver us from nothing.

There's no more fanatical partisans than Leftists, it's because of fanatical Leftist partisans that we can't all get together and demolish ISIS, because of the Leftist love-in with Islam.

The Orlando massacre illustrated that everyone else is on a different page than the Leftists.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, partisanshit will deliver us from nothing.

There's no more fanatical partisans than Leftists, it's because of fanatical Leftist partisans that we can't all get together and demolish ISIS, because of the Leftist love-in with Islam.

The Orlando massacre illustrated that everyone else is on a different page than the Leftists.

Yes of course, it's always the "other guys are worse than us". What you "see" in Orlando is what you want to see, and nothing more.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, partisanshit will deliver us from nothing.

There's no more fanatical partisans than Leftists, it's because of fanatical Leftist partisans that we can't all get together and demolish ISIS, because of the Leftist love-in with Islam.

The Orlando massacre illustrated that everyone else is on a different page than the Leftists.

Yes of course, it's always the "other guys are worse than us". What you "see" in Orlando is what you want to see, and nothing more.

Whatever Fenton Dum :rolleyes-41:
Democrats are the biggest fuckups when it comes to foreign policy. It's obvious that Obama inside his heart dislikes what capitalist America stands for and blames it for oppressing its own people as well as weaker nations of the world, which is why the first thing he did was to apologize to Muslims for America's "sins" of the past. Since that apology the Middle East has been on fire, and the world has witnessed the rise of ISIS and Islamic terrorist groups like never before. While America and the West have suffered terrorist attack after terrorist attack in the last 7.5 years. Not to mention our ratio ship with Russia and many critical countries has deteriorated dramatically, and we've turned our back on many of our allies.

To be honest it's hard to believe that Americans are so gullible to even consider Hillary Clinton as a viable cadidate after her disastrous record as Secretary of State....her lying to the American people about the cause of Ben Gahazi, corruption with the Clinton Foundation, and breach of trust and endangering our national security by having a private server and then destroying 38,000 emails so that the truth doesn't get out.

Normally, somebody like this should be behind bars for at least 50 years, but the president who is as corrupt and deceitful as she is, and the leftist controlled media which is a propaganda arm of the Democrat party are doing an amazing job promoting a criminal named Hillary Clinton to the presidency.
Yea its gonna make your sorry ass, bitch party the laughing stock of the World when the little old weak Lady, who's a criminal, theif, blah, blah, blah, beats the living shit out of that fat blob of Orange excrement, who was scared to debate a feeble 75yr old socialist..
Democrats are the biggest fuckups when it comes to foreign policy. It's obvious that Obama inside his heart dislikes what capitalist America stands for and blames it for oppressing its own people as well as weaker nations of the world, which is why the first thing he did was to apologize to Muslims for America's "sins" of the past. Since that apology the Middle East has been on fire, and the world has witnessed the rise of ISIS and Islamic terrorist groups like never before. While America and the West have suffered terrorist attack after terrorist attack in the last 7.5 years. Not to mention our ratio ship with Russia and many critical countries has deteriorated dramatically, and we've turned our back on many of our allies.

To be honest it's hard to believe that Americans are so gullible to even consider Hillary Clinton as a viable cadidate after her disastrous record as Secretary of State....her lying to the American people about the cause of Ben Gahazi, corruption with the Clinton Foundation, and breach of trust and endangering our national security by having a private server and then destroying 38,000 emails so that the truth doesn't get out.

Normally, somebody like this should be behind bars for at least 50 years, but the president who is as corrupt and deceitful as she is, and the leftist controlled media which is a propaganda arm of the Democrat party are doing an amazing job promoting a criminal named Hillary Clinton to the presidency.
Yea its gonna make your sorry ass, bitch party the laughing stock of the World when the little old weak Lady, who's a criminal, theif, blah, blah, blah, beats the living shit out of that fat blob of Orange excrement, who was scared to debate a feeble 75yr old socialist..
It still doesn't explain why the Democrats are promoting a corrupt criminal who is on record for lying and deceiving Americans to become president of the US. You can beat up Trump all that you want.
So you want a criminal with a history of betraying the country and lying to Americans to become president?

Looks like those are the two candidates we'll get, doesn't it.

Trump has not betrayed this country, or deceived Americans while in office, or endangered our national security. He might be a little brash, obnoxious and arrogant, but so were many great leaders in history.
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I see partisan politics is live and well with the fanatics in the zoo. Maybe one should consider the following:
7.5 years of growth in Islamic Fascism.
7.5 years of increased domestic terrorist activities.
7.5 years without a coherent strategy to defeat terrorism.
7.5 years of failed foreign policy.
7.5 years of reducing our military readiness.
7.5 years of falsified unemployment numbers.
7.5 years of rapidly increasing dependence on food stamps and government housing.
7.5 years of of a decline in private sector worker participation.
7.5 years of massive increase in government oversight and control of the economy.
7.5 years of decline in the middle class.
7.5 years of the largest growth in disparity between wealth an poverty.
7.5 years of failed domestic policy.
7.5 years of failing to secure our boarder.
7.5 years of usurping Federal immigration law.
7.5 years of escalating gun violence in our streets.
7.5 years of rising racial tension orchestrated from the White House.
7.5 years of the campaigning by the president.
7.5 years of blaming someone else for their lack of leadership and vision.
7.5 years of political gamesmanship at the expense of the American people.
7.5 years of orchestrated and manipulated divisiveness policy.
7.5 years of attacks on the very freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
7.5 years of abusive use of executive orders by the President.
7.5 years of usurping the checks and balances of government.
7.5 years of failed Keynesian economic policy.
7.5 years of progressive liberal policies crippling this country.
7.5 years of ignoring the need to reduce corporate tax rates and government regulation to rekindle job growth in our private sector.

So how long will this continue until such time Americans recognize the time to change course has come? Electing a proven pathological, narcissistic, liar is not the answer.
I didn't see a conservative politicizing, exploiting, the massacre in Orlando for political gain, only the president, Missy wanna be, and his sidekick, the three stooges!
Democrats are the biggest fuckups when it comes to foreign policy. It's obvious that Obama inside his heart dislikes what capitalist America stands for and blames it for oppressing its own people as well as weaker nations of the world, which is why the first thing he did was to apologize to Muslims for America's "sins" of the past. Since that apology the Middle East has been on fire, and the world has witnessed the rise of ISIS and Islamic terrorist groups like never before. While America and the West have suffered terrorist attack after terrorist attack in the last 7.5 years. Not to mention our ratio ship with Russia and many critical countries has deteriorated dramatically, and we've turned our back on many of our allies.

To be honest it's hard to believe that Americans are so gullible to even consider Hillary Clinton as a viable cadidate after her disastrous record as Secretary of State....her lying to the American people about the cause of Ben Gahazi, corruption with the Clinton Foundation, and breach of trust and endangering our national security by having a private server and then destroying 38,000 emails so that the truth doesn't get out.

Normally, somebody like this should be behind bars for at least 50 years, but the president who is as corrupt and deceitful as she is, and the leftist controlled media which is a propaganda arm of the Democrat party are doing an amazing job promoting a criminal named Hillary Clinton to the presidency.
Yea its gonna make your sorry ass, bitch party the laughing stock of the World when the little old weak Lady, who's a criminal, theif, blah, blah, blah, beats the living shit out of that fat blob of Orange excrement, who was scared to debate a feeble 75yr old socialist..
It still doesn't explain why the Democrats are promoting a corrupt criminal who is on record for lying and deceiving Americans to become president of the US. You can beat up Trump all that you want.
You know why we are promoting her BECAUSE THE BROAD CAN WIN, and generate votes like nobody else in the country, and if can't can't figure that easy shit out by now, then your just fucking dumb..

Now i know why you bitch Repugs hate her so much BECAUSE NONE OF YOU HAVE EVER BEATEN HER:laugh:

And what the fuck are you hating trolls gonna do for the next 4 long years after she kicks Trumps ass in the fall?? continue your loser life bitching the same as you have for the last 8 years, regarding the Black guy every RepubliKKKon loves to hate, not to mention your tea maggot buddies??

Please continue your anti Hillary Clinton hate all the way thru the fall, it will do nothing but raise your Misery when she becomes President:deal:..:clap2:And ill be the 1st one on here to rub that shit in your face when the time comes..

It's easy to own suckers like you , who bring a knife to a gun fight:laugh:
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, partisanshit will deliver us from nothing.

There's no more fanatical partisans than Leftists, it's because of fanatical Leftist partisans that we can't all get together and demolish ISIS, because of the Leftist love-in with Islam.

The Orlando massacre illustrated that everyone else is on a different page than the Leftists.

Yes of course, it's always the "other guys are worse than us". What you "see" in Orlando is what you want to see, and nothing more.
Orlando illustrates that conservatives are for the most part reprehensible scum, attempting to exploit the tragedy for some perceived partisan gain
It actually illustrates that Democrats and the media are partisan hacks with no interest for what's best for this country. They are shamefully turning the Orlando massacre into a gun control issue as opposed to an Islamic terrorist issue. The scumbags keep forgetting that the Boston Bombing had nothing to do with "gun control" and neither did the Paris massacre.
Democrats are the biggest fuckups when it comes to foreign policy. It's obvious that Obama inside his heart dislikes what capitalist America stands for and blames it for oppressing its own people as well as weaker nations of the world, which is why the first thing he did was to apologize to Muslims for America's "sins" of the past. Since that apology the Middle East has been on fire, and the world has witnessed the rise of ISIS and Islamic terrorist groups like never before. While America and the West have suffered terrorist attack after terrorist attack in the last 7.5 years. Not to mention our ratio ship with Russia and many critical countries has deteriorated dramatically, and we've turned our back on many of our allies.

To be honest it's hard to believe that Americans are so gullible to even consider Hillary Clinton as a viable cadidate after her disastrous record as Secretary of State....her lying to the American people about the cause of Ben Gahazi, corruption with the Clinton Foundation, and breach of trust and endangering our national security by having a private server and then destroying 38,000 emails so that the truth doesn't get out.

Normally, somebody like this should be behind bars for at least 50 years, but the president who is as corrupt and deceitful as she is, and the leftist controlled media which is a propaganda arm of the Democrat party are doing an amazing job promoting a criminal named Hillary Clinton to the presidency.
Yea its gonna make your sorry ass, bitch party the laughing stock of the World when the little old weak Lady, who's a criminal, theif, blah, blah, blah, beats the living shit out of that fat blob of Orange excrement, who was scared to debate a feeble 75yr old socialist..
It still doesn't explain why the Democrats are promoting a corrupt criminal who is on record for lying and deceiving Americans to become president of the US. You can beat up Trump all that you want.
You know why we are promoting her BECAUSE THE BROAD CAN WIN, and generate votes like nobody else in the country, and if can't can't figure that easy shit out by now, then your just fucking dumb..

Now i know why you bitch Repugs hate her so much BECAUSE NONE OF YOU HAVE EVER BEATEN HER:laugh:

And what the fuck are you hating trolls gonna do for the next 4 long years after she kicks Trumps ass in the fall?? continue your loser life bitching the same as you have for the last 8 years, regarding the Black guy every RepubliKKKon loves to hate, not to mention your tea maggot buddies??

Please continue your anti Hillary Clinton hate all the way thru the fall, it will do nothing but raise your Misery when she becomes President:deal:..:clap2:And ill be the 1st one on here to rub that shit in your face when the time comes..

It's easy to own suckers like you , who bring a knife to a gun fight:laugh:
Well the way the media is constantly fawns over Hillary the criminal and constantly bashes ANY republican as either racist or greedy, even Charles Manson could become nominee of the Democrat party. The media would argue that he did what he did because he was oppressed and suffering from income equality and therefore justified.

It isn't really an accomplishment for Hillary to be where she is when the media that is holding the entire country hostage to their lies and propaganda is rooting for her 24/7.
Thanks Heavens, The Bitch won't be available in the near future! :dunno:;)


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