Gun Control Activist Caught Carrying Gun into School

Then you'll have no problems pointing out what words and actions led you to make that retarded comment.

This is when you disappear from this thread forever.

Judge rules Chicago gun ban is unconstitutional

Judge rules Chicago gun ban is unconstitutional -

"The same law also prohibited the possession of handguns, even in private citizens' own homes, unless they were registered before 1976. However, the handgun ban was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 2008 case District of Columbia v. Heller."

Gun laws in the District of Columbia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"More recently, Martinez has embraced New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun crusade. On April 7, 2013, Martinez spoke at the Bloomberg sponsored Texas Rally for Gun Sense. As he took to the podium, he pointed out a man in the audience that was holding up a stop sign that read ‘Stop the Gun Ban.’ Then he uttered the truth that is behind all of the current anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment legislation that is being pushed at the state and federal level. Martinez said:
“Someone needs to inform him that there is no gun ban currently, but because of the work we’re doing here today, we will make your sign legitimate shortly, so you hang on to that.”"

Read more at Texas Democrat Tells Crowd That Total Gun Ban Is Coming Soon

Video blogger Jason Mattera has Illinois Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky saying that an assault weapons ban is just the beginning. She also says that a complete ban on handguns could be possible through state and local action.

[ame=""]Rep. Jan Schakowsky: Assault Weapons ban 'Just the Beginning' - YouTube[/ame]

Dianne Feinstein, the senior Senator from California, who is leading the gun control push in the Senate said in a 1995 interview, after getting her assault weapons ban passed, “If I could have banned them all – ‘Mr. and Mrs. America turn in your guns’ – I would have!” Video below

[ame=""]Diane Feinstein on Gun ban in 1995 -Mr. and Mrs. America, turn your guns in! - YouTube[/ame]

Former top Democratic mayor Ed Koch said he wants to ban all guns for everyone except law enforcement.

[ame=""]EX-NYC MAYOR ED KOCH : BAN ALL GUNS - YouTube[/ame]

I could go on.

This is when you disappear from this thread forever.

Lol and how do you possibly make the leap that because a few people want a total gun ban that means all gun control advocates want the same thing?

That's neat you quoted a few people's opinions. Should I find the opinion of a few conservatives on any given topic and assume you and all others share that opinion?

You want me to believe that because a few gun control people are say reasonable things that the people who have publicly said that their intent is to ban all guns suddenly changed their minds.

Let's see if you can be honest, which actually sounds less insane to you?
So in your mind, someone can't be in favor of gun control and still own a gun?

Maybe it's because you've been told to believe that "gun control" = "nobody can have guns"

I have a gun safe full of guns, but I realize that there needs to be some reasonable controls on types of guns and ammunition that the general public should be able to possess. Metal health and reasonable gun laws are very much needed.

Feel free to explain how mental health is a reasonable restriction on gun ownership. I had this argument with another poster, and he eventually ended up running away because I proved that it is unreasonable to restrict guns based on something that only exists in the minds of idiots, and he refused to admit he was wrong.
So in your mind, someone can't be in favor of gun control and still own a gun?

Maybe it's because you've been told to believe that "gun control" = "nobody can have guns"

I have a gun safe full of guns, but I realize that there needs to be some reasonable controls on types of guns and ammunition that the general public should be able to possess. Metal health and reasonable gun laws are very much needed.

Exactly, any reasonable person would agree.

In fact, if you don't agree with this I would venture to say that you are probably not mature enough to own a gun in the first place.

Aren't you the same guy that can't even point out what a effective gun law is? Doesn't the fact that you can't point out what is effective, yet still insist that only an unreasonable person would disagree with you? Isn't that, to say the least, outright insane? Would you think a person that wanted to restrict cars based on nothing more than color they are unreasonable?
Another "responsible gun owner" being irresponsible.

Go figure.

Lock his ass up for life.

Really? Because he forgot he had his gun on him when he walked into a school he should be locked up for life? Well, that's very Gestapo of you. You're only proving our point what a bunch nutters the gun grabber crowd is.

I think he should be locked up because he would demand that anyone else who did the same thing be locked up.
You're an idiot.

Idiots shouldn't be able to possess a firearm.

Get it?

Really?? How about voting? Should idiots be able to vote?

I think if you don't pay taxes, you don't vote..



Voting doesn't kill people. Guns do. Hence why idiots such as yourself should be allowed to possess a gun.

But excellent comparison otherwise. Truly.

52.8% of the voters in California voted to keep the death penalty in that sate.
This guy is a typical hypocrite. Supports gun control - for the rest of us - yet he apparently never leaves home without something to protect himself. He says he forgot he had his gun with him when he walked into a school.

Actually, I think it would be safer if people were allowed to carry a concealed gun anywhere, if they have a permit. I really doubt that the nutjobs who plan to shoot up schools and theaters would be so bold if they thought for one second that they'd end up being the one getting shot.

This guy supports liberal legislation for gun control, but like the liberal politicians, he doesn't want those new laws to apply to him.

It shows an innate need to feel safe, something that the liberals understand well when it comes to themselves, yet they have no problem taking that away from the rest of us. Sometimes it's like they don't think that other people feel the way they do about things.

It's inexplicable.

Politics: Anti 2nd Amendment activist carries gun into school - says he 'forgot' he had it | Best of Cain

Uh, no. Its very explicable.

Nothing hypocritical in wanting to keep guns away from criminals, known terrorists, illegals, mentally ill ... You know, all the people the nutters want to arm.

Jeezus. What a bizarre and stupid position for the nutters to take.

Except that isn't what he wanted. He specifically said that the SAFE Act didn't go far enough because it didn't ban pistols the way it does assault weapons, and advocated for stiffer penalties on people who violate the law.
Has anyone considered not making so many guns in the first place?
They make to meet the demand. If less people wanted them, less would be manufactured.
In my opinion it is all about why people who buy them want them to begin with. Some may think that this is a dumb idea, but right now this is the only thing that makes any sense to me. Before a person can make such a purchase, they should be tested to see if they have any mental issues first and they should also be hooked up to a lie detector when they are asked why they are wanting to buy the gun or guns in the first place.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Hey, when there is nothing to hide, nobody minds. :) :) :)
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Judge rules Chicago gun ban is unconstitutional

Judge rules Chicago gun ban is unconstitutional -

"The same law also prohibited the possession of handguns, even in private citizens' own homes, unless they were registered before 1976. However, the handgun ban was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 2008 case District of Columbia v. Heller."

Gun laws in the District of Columbia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"More recently, Martinez has embraced New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun crusade. On April 7, 2013, Martinez spoke at the Bloomberg sponsored Texas Rally for Gun Sense. As he took to the podium, he pointed out a man in the audience that was holding up a stop sign that read ‘Stop the Gun Ban.’ Then he uttered the truth that is behind all of the current anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment legislation that is being pushed at the state and federal level. Martinez said:
“Someone needs to inform him that there is no gun ban currently, but because of the work we’re doing here today, we will make your sign legitimate shortly, so you hang on to that.”"

Read more at Texas Democrat Tells Crowd That Total Gun Ban Is Coming Soon

Video blogger Jason Mattera has Illinois Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky saying that an assault weapons ban is just the beginning. She also says that a complete ban on handguns could be possible through state and local action.

Rep. Jan Schakowsky: Assault Weapons ban 'Just the Beginning' - YouTube

Dianne Feinstein, the senior Senator from California, who is leading the gun control push in the Senate said in a 1995 interview, after getting her assault weapons ban passed, “If I could have banned them all – ‘Mr. and Mrs. America turn in your guns’ – I would have!” Video below

Diane Feinstein on Gun ban in 1995 -Mr. and Mrs. America, turn your guns in! - YouTube

Former top Democratic mayor Ed Koch said he wants to ban all guns for everyone except law enforcement.


I could go on.

This is when you disappear from this thread forever.

Lol and how do you possibly make the leap that because a few people want a total gun ban that means all gun control advocates want the same thing?

That's neat you quoted a few people's opinions. Should I find the opinion of a few conservatives on any given topic and assume you and all others share that opinion?

You want me to believe that because a few gun control people are say reasonable things that the people who have publicly said that their intent is to ban all guns suddenly changed their minds.

Let's see if you can be honest, which actually sounds less insane to you?

WTF? :confused:

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I have a gun safe full of guns, but I realize that there needs to be some reasonable controls on types of guns and ammunition that the general public should be able to possess. Metal health and reasonable gun laws are very much needed.

Exactly, any reasonable person would agree.

In fact, if you don't agree with this I would venture to say that you are probably not mature enough to own a gun in the first place.

Aren't you the same guy that can't even point out what a effective gun law is? Doesn't the fact that you can't point out what is effective, yet still insist that only an unreasonable person would disagree with you? Isn't that, to say the least, outright insane? Would you think a person that wanted to restrict cars based on nothing more than color they are unreasonable?
Take it easy on him -- he enjoys helping to prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty; as such, he does us a great service.
So in your mind, someone can't be in favor of gun control and still own a gun?

Maybe it's because you've been told to believe that "gun control" = "nobody can have guns"

I have a gun safe full of guns, but I realize that there needs to be some reasonable controls on types of guns and ammunition that the general public should be able to possess. Metal health and reasonable gun laws are very much needed.

"Metal health".., that's the ticket ! they need metal health, a 230 grain copper jacketed lead slug where it will be most effective. :up: .... :lmao:

as for your safe full of guns tells me a whole lot about you and that stupid statement about reasonable gun laws

reasonable by whose standards ?
So in your mind, someone can't be in favor of gun control and still own a gun?

Maybe it's because you've been told to believe that "gun control" = "nobody can have guns"

I have a gun safe full of guns, but I realize that there needs to be some reasonable controls on types of guns and ammunition that the general public should be able to possess. Metal health and reasonable gun laws are very much needed.

"Metal health".., that's the ticket ! they need metal health, a 230 grain copper jacketed lead slug where it will be most effective. :up: .... :lmao:

as for your safe full of guns tells me a whole lot about you and that stupid statement about reasonable gun laws

reasonable by whose standards ?

By reasonable people standards. You'd know nothing about that.
I have a gun safe full of guns, but I realize that there needs to be some reasonable controls on types of guns and ammunition that the general public should be able to possess. Metal health and reasonable gun laws are very much needed.

"Metal health".., that's the ticket ! they need metal health, a 230 grain copper jacketed lead slug where it will be most effective. :up: .... :lmao:

as for your safe full of guns tells me a whole lot about you and that stupid statement about reasonable gun laws

reasonable by whose standards ?

By reasonable people standards. You'd know nothing about that.

Maybe not, but at least he understands honest, unlike you.
"Metal health".., that's the ticket ! they need metal health, a 230 grain copper jacketed lead slug where it will be most effective. :up: .... :lmao:

as for your safe full of guns tells me a whole lot about you and that stupid statement about reasonable gun laws

reasonable by whose standards ?

By reasonable people standards. You'd know nothing about that.

Maybe not, but at least he understands honest, unlike you.

Let's be serious for just a minute. Look at your thread title. Look at your quote in my signature. You are anything but honest.

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