Gun Control Activist Caught Carrying Gun into School

So in your mind, someone can't be in favor of gun control and still own a gun?

Maybe it's because you've been told to believe that "gun control" = "nobody can have guns"

well obviously this guy is an idiot
So in your mind, someone can't be in favor of gun control and still own a gun?

Maybe it's because you've been told to believe that "gun control" = "nobody can have guns"


The Boiling Frog Syndrome

If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, he'll jump out. But if you place a frog into a pot of lukewarm water and slowly turn up the heat, it will boil to death.

In other words, if people become acclimated to some policy or state of affairs over a sufficient period of time, they come to accept the policy or state of affairs as normal. "

That is the ultimate goal of the gun control crowd. Anybody claiming otherwise is either willingly fooling themselves or a blatant liar.

And you know

Oh that's right. You don't.

I pay attention to people's words and actions.

Oh, that's right. You don't.

Then you'll have no problems pointing out what words and actions led you to make that retarded comment.

This is when you disappear from this thread forever.
So in your mind, someone can't be in favor of gun control and still own a gun?

Maybe it's because you've been told to believe that "gun control" = "nobody can have guns"


The Boiling Frog Syndrome

If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, he'll jump out. But if you place a frog into a pot of lukewarm water and slowly turn up the heat, it will boil to death.

In other words, if people become acclimated to some policy or state of affairs over a sufficient period of time, they come to accept the policy or state of affairs as normal. "


You could have just said yes
So in your mind, someone can't be in favor of gun control and still own a gun?

Maybe it's because you've been told to believe that "gun control" = "nobody can have guns"


The Boiling Frog Syndrome

If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, he'll jump out. But if you place a frog into a pot of lukewarm water and slowly turn up the heat, it will boil to death.

In other words, if people become acclimated to some policy or state of affairs over a sufficient period of time, they come to accept the policy or state of affairs as normal. "


You could have just said yes

I love that old said story said again and again.
And you know

Oh that's right. You don't.

I pay attention to people's words and actions.

Oh, that's right. You don't.

Then you'll have no problems pointing out what words and actions led you to make that retarded comment.

This is when you disappear from this thread forever.

Judge rules Chicago gun ban is unconstitutional

Judge rules Chicago gun ban is unconstitutional -

"The same law also prohibited the possession of handguns, even in private citizens' own homes, unless they were registered before 1976. However, the handgun ban was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 2008 case District of Columbia v. Heller."

Gun laws in the District of Columbia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"More recently, Martinez has embraced New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun crusade. On April 7, 2013, Martinez spoke at the Bloomberg sponsored Texas Rally for Gun Sense. As he took to the podium, he pointed out a man in the audience that was holding up a stop sign that read ‘Stop the Gun Ban.’ Then he uttered the truth that is behind all of the current anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment legislation that is being pushed at the state and federal level. Martinez said:
“Someone needs to inform him that there is no gun ban currently, but because of the work we’re doing here today, we will make your sign legitimate shortly, so you hang on to that.”"

Read more at Texas Democrat Tells Crowd That Total Gun Ban Is Coming Soon

Video blogger Jason Mattera has Illinois Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky saying that an assault weapons ban is just the beginning. She also says that a complete ban on handguns could be possible through state and local action.

[ame=]Rep. Jan Schakowsky: Assault Weapons ban 'Just the Beginning' - YouTube[/ame]

Dianne Feinstein, the senior Senator from California, who is leading the gun control push in the Senate said in a 1995 interview, after getting her assault weapons ban passed, “If I could have banned them all – ‘Mr. and Mrs. America turn in your guns’ – I would have!” Video below

[ame=]Diane Feinstein on Gun ban in 1995 -Mr. and Mrs. America, turn your guns in! - YouTube[/ame]

Former top Democratic mayor Ed Koch said he wants to ban all guns for everyone except law enforcement.

[ame=]EX-NYC MAYOR ED KOCH : BAN ALL GUNS - YouTube[/ame]

I could go on.

This is when you disappear from this thread forever.
I pay attention to people's words and actions.

Oh, that's right. You don't.

Then you'll have no problems pointing out what words and actions led you to make that retarded comment.

This is when you disappear from this thread forever.

Judge rules Chicago gun ban is unconstitutional

Judge rules Chicago gun ban is unconstitutional -

"The same law also prohibited the possession of handguns, even in private citizens' own homes, unless they were registered before 1976. However, the handgun ban was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 2008 case District of Columbia v. Heller."

Gun laws in the District of Columbia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"More recently, Martinez has embraced New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun crusade. On April 7, 2013, Martinez spoke at the Bloomberg sponsored Texas Rally for Gun Sense. As he took to the podium, he pointed out a man in the audience that was holding up a stop sign that read ‘Stop the Gun Ban.’ Then he uttered the truth that is behind all of the current anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment legislation that is being pushed at the state and federal level. Martinez said:
“Someone needs to inform him that there is no gun ban currently, but because of the work we’re doing here today, we will make your sign legitimate shortly, so you hang on to that.”"

Read more at Texas Democrat Tells Crowd That Total Gun Ban Is Coming Soon

Video blogger Jason Mattera has Illinois Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky saying that an assault weapons ban is just the beginning. She also says that a complete ban on handguns could be possible through state and local action.

[ame=]Rep. Jan Schakowsky: Assault Weapons ban 'Just the Beginning' - YouTube[/ame]

Dianne Feinstein, the senior Senator from California, who is leading the gun control push in the Senate said in a 1995 interview, after getting her assault weapons ban passed, “If I could have banned them all – ‘Mr. and Mrs. America turn in your guns’ – I would have!” Video below

[ame=]Diane Feinstein on Gun ban in 1995 -Mr. and Mrs. America, turn your guns in! - YouTube[/ame]

Former top Democratic mayor Ed Koch said he wants to ban all guns for everyone except law enforcement.

[ame=]EX-NYC MAYOR ED KOCH : BAN ALL GUNS - YouTube[/ame]

I could go on.

This is when you disappear from this thread forever.

Lol and how do you possibly make the leap that because a few people want a total gun ban that means all gun control advocates want the same thing?

That's neat you quoted a few people's opinions. Should I find the opinion of a few conservatives on any given topic and assume you and all others share that opinion?
So in your mind, someone can't be in favor of gun control and still own a gun?

Maybe it's because you've been told to believe that "gun control" = "nobody can have guns"

I have a gun safe full of guns, but I realize that there needs to be some reasonable controls on types of guns and ammunition that the general public should be able to possess. Metal health and reasonable gun laws are very much needed.
Kinda like trying to hide guns amidst toys and candy for children to find in the classroom eh? Geez.
So in your mind, someone can't be in favor of gun control and still own a gun?

Maybe it's because you've been told to believe that "gun control" = "nobody can have guns"

I have a gun safe full of guns, but I realize that there needs to be some reasonable controls on types of guns and ammunition that the general public should be able to possess. Metal health and reasonable gun laws are very much needed.

Metal health is crucial to the function of any firearm. Clean them regularly!
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So in your mind, someone can't be in favor of gun control and still own a gun?

Maybe it's because you've been told to believe that "gun control" = "nobody can have guns"

gun control= background checks=registration=confiscation

No thanks

Zzzzzzz. Gun Free Zones are a joke. That doesn't mean all gun control laws are equally ineffective. But feel free to actually respond to what I actually said in my post this time.

Ok what ones do work and why?

Pick any other 1st world country that has proven gun control laws can work. Go ahead..I'll let you pick.

These other countries all combined only contain 50% of the worlds firearms. With that said, you are 12x more likely to die outside the borders of the U.S by homicide yet we own half the worlds guns...

Hint- That means its not the gun

This guy is a typical hypocrite. Supports gun control - for the rest of us - yet he apparently never leaves home without something to protect himself. He says he forgot he had his gun with him when he walked into a school.

Actually, I think it would be safer if people were allowed to carry a concealed gun anywhere, if they have a permit. I really doubt that the nutjobs who plan to shoot up schools and theaters would be so bold if they thought for one second that they'd end up being the one getting shot.

This guy supports liberal legislation for gun control, but like the liberal politicians, he doesn't want those new laws to apply to him.

It shows an innate need to feel safe, something that the liberals understand well when it comes to themselves, yet they have no problem taking that away from the rest of us. Sometimes it's like they don't think that other people feel the way they do about things.

It's inexplicable.

Politics: Anti 2nd Amendment activist carries gun into school - says he 'forgot' he had it | Best of Cain

He never fessed up on his own.

imagine that
So in your mind, someone can't be in favor of gun control and still own a gun?

Maybe it's because you've been told to believe that "gun control" = "nobody can have guns"

I have a gun safe full of guns, but I realize that there needs to be some reasonable controls on types of guns and ammunition that the general public should be able to possess. Metal health and reasonable gun laws are very much needed.

Exactly, any reasonable person would agree.

In fact, if you don't agree with this I would venture to say that you are probably not mature enough to own a gun in the first place.
So in your mind, someone can't be in favor of gun control and still own a gun?

Maybe it's because you've been told to believe that "gun control" = "nobody can have guns"

gun control= background checks=registration=confiscation

No thanks


LOL. Just LOL.

Thanks for outing yourself as someone not mature enough to own a gun.
Ok what ones do work and why?

Pick any other 1st world country that has proven gun control laws can work. Go ahead..I'll let you pick.

These other countries all combined only contain 50% of the worlds firearms. With that said, you are 12x more likely to die outside the borders of the U.S by homicide yet we own half the worlds guns...

Hint- That means its not the gun


Weeeee it's fun to make up facts!

98.2% of gun owners are convicted felons.

97.6% of homicides are performed by members of the NRA.

Lol and how do you possibly make the leap that because a few people want a total gun ban that means all gun control advocates want the same thing?

How do you possibly come to the conclusion that I have nothing better to do than post 2,000 links for you? You asked for evidence and I gave it to you.

That's neat you quoted a few people's opinions.

You're just not man enough to admit that you're wrong because you're dishonest and dishonorable and reacting exactly like I knew you would.

Should I find the opinion of a few conservatives on any given topic and assume you and all others share that opinion?

Do what ever you want. I'm not a conservative so why would I give a shit? It's your time if you want to waste it. :lol:

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