Gun Control Advocates & Liberal Media Bias Evident in Coverage of Mass Shootings


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
good point
lots of links in artilce at site

2nd Amendment
February 16, 2013
By: Winston Dorian

Fort Hood shooting victims ignored and forgotten all too quickly because of media bias

When you look at recent mass shootings that have occurred recently there is one specific incident that is very rarely if ever mentioned by the liberal media and Gun Control advocates.

The Ft. Hood Shooting is never cited or discussed or even mentioned by the Anti's and Gun grabbers like Bloomberg, Schumer, Boxer, Feinstein, McCarthy or Cuomo. They only cite the Tucson, Aurora and Sandy Hook events as reason to restrict law abiding citizens their rights. WHY?

One must make a few assumptions to uncover why they rarely if ever cite the Ft. Hood mass shooting in their quest to deny law abiding citizens their 2nd Amendment rights.
1.It has not received the attention nor coverage that other mass shooting have received because it occurred on a military installation while Obama was the Commander in Chief.

2.It has not received the attention nor coverage that other mass shooting have received because the perpetrator was Muslim and it is not politically correct because the President himself sympathizes with the Muslim plight across the world.

3.It has not received the attention nor coverage that other mass shooting have received because the victims were military personnel and they just don't have the same impact as civilians and children for good demagoguery.

Regardless of your thoughts or politics this was a mass shooting despite how the President, his administration or the lame stream state run media want to categorize it. What's interesting and even more intriguing is the WHY?

Why has the media and many of the gun control anti's and gun grabbers stayed clear of calling this exactly what it was, a mass shooting or better yet an "Act of Terrorism" that was in the form of a mass shooting? WHY?

First off and most importantly this President and his administration didn't want the cloud of a "Terror Attack" hanging over or clouding their image. Secondly, the umbrella of work place violence is a better niche to place this incident because after all the military and people serving comprise a small percentage of the US population approximately 2% if that, so no real risk to the President electorally speaking. Lastly not calling this what it truly was both a mass shooting and an "act of terror" fits the mantra that only civilian shootings work best to truly demagogue this issue and advance gun control legislation.

all of it here
Gun Control Advocates & Liberal Media Bias Evident in Coverage of Mass Shootings - Albuquerque Firearms |

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