Gun Control and Logic

You don't have it in you to do anything for anyone but you kid.

No. I’ve worked shit paying jobs that actually helped my fellow Americans.

No, you've been on welfare most of your life.

Did I have the taxpayer pay for all my food , shelter , healthcare ? No. How about you Mr. Vet?

Maybe instead of us thanking you, maybe you should be thanking us !

Maybe you should thank those who will do what you are too scared to do.
Give up years of your life to be at the call to go wherever and do whatever the country needs you to do

How is joining the military “serving “ the county? Yet , according to the cons ,if you work for then government you are some leech on the taxpayer .

You are joining to be at the call of your country, to go wherever and do whatever you are told. That is service.

And that you think you can compare a soldier to some paper pusher then you have a lot to learn
You don't have it in you to do anything for anyone but you kid.

No. I’ve worked shit paying jobs that actually helped my fellow Americans.

No, you've been on welfare most of your life.

Did I have the taxpayer pay for all my food , shelter , healthcare ? No. How about you Mr. Vet?

Maybe instead of us thanking you, maybe you should be thanking us !

Maybe you should thank those who will do what you are too scared to do.
Give up years of your life to be at the call to go wherever and do whatever the country needs you to do

Why should he, you won't.

You don't know jack shit about me or what I have done do you?
They were trying to remove the Cult of the Military Weapons that was running rampant. Yes some were cosmetic. But the folding stock is not cosmetic, it's functional. And placing the pistol grip where the forward handgrip normally would go is also functional. Putting a handgrip where the trigger is is stupid but that was part of the cult. The mounts to mount all the military hardware was not cosmetic, it was functional. The lowering the number of shots in the mags were not cosmetic, that was functional. In the end, the ARs function as a "Sporting Rifle" was not affected one bit. But it's affect as a mass murder weapon was. And the primary affect was it was the cult weapon of choice for mass murder. Since you are affected by the sickness you have no idea what the illness is. But the rest of us are well aware it just got out of hand.
You bought the NRA sales pitch lock stock and barrel (pardon the pun). You didn't go out and murder people enmass. But some others bought into the same thing and did and would have continued. They are still out there. But the Cult is much lower today than it was before. Charles Manson was very proud of the NRA who were wildly successful and never spent a single day in prison or their converts.
You can repeat this propaganda as frequently as you like, but it doesn't affect reality. .223 Remington/5.56×45mm NATO is the single most popular center fire rifle cartridge in the USA, and has been for a long time. The vast majority of rifles chambered for this cartridge are based on the AR15 action, with pistol grip, rails, and 30 round magazine. And there is no "Cult of the Military Weapons", that appears to be your personal fabrication.

Then you don't mind if we remove some of the Military features do you? Hate to break it to you, but that's the law here, not my personal fabrication. The alternative is for them to be banned completely. Would you rather have the alternative? Or would you rather just have some of the military features removed to break the cult status of the gun.

Try and answer what I have asked honestly without any pro-panda and name calling.
They were trying to remove the Cult of the Military Weapons that was running rampant. Yes some were cosmetic. But the folding stock is not cosmetic, it's functional. And placing the pistol grip where the forward handgrip normally would go is also functional. Putting a handgrip where the trigger is is stupid but that was part of the cult. The mounts to mount all the military hardware was not cosmetic, it was functional. The lowering the number of shots in the mags were not cosmetic, that was functional. In the end, the ARs function as a "Sporting Rifle" was not affected one bit. But it's affect as a mass murder weapon was. And the primary affect was it was the cult weapon of choice for mass murder. Since you are affected by the sickness you have no idea what the illness is. But the rest of us are well aware it just got out of hand.
You bought the NRA sales pitch lock stock and barrel (pardon the pun). You didn't go out and murder people enmass. But some others bought into the same thing and did and would have continued. They are still out there. But the Cult is much lower today than it was before. Charles Manson was very proud of the NRA who were wildly successful and never spent a single day in prison or their converts.
You can repeat this propaganda as frequently as you like, but it doesn't affect reality. .223 Remington/5.56×45mm NATO is the single most popular center fire rifle cartridge in the USA, and has been for a long time. The vast majority of rifles chambered for this cartridge are based on the AR15 action, with pistol grip, rails, and 30 round magazine. And there is no "Cult of the Military Weapons", that appears to be your personal fabrication.

Then you don't mind if we remove some of the Military features do you? Hate to break it to you, but that's the law here, not my personal fabrication. The alternative is for them to be banned completely. Would you rather have the alternative? Or would you rather just have some of the military features removed to break the cult status of the gun.

Try and answer what I have asked honestly without any pro-panda and name calling.
Do you still wear diapers?

No .

But I’ll cut to the chase . If you weren’t in ww2 or you weren’t drafted , you didn’t “ serve “ anyone . You joined of your own free will and for your own benefit.

LOL, you're not a bright one kid.

I dint fall for the war machine propaganda.

You don't have it in you to do anything for anyone but you kid.

should liberal Americans thank vets for their service if the vets are conservatives who hate liberals and think they are treasonous traitors?

My butler does everything I pay him and ask him to do.

Should I kiss HIS arse, too?

We have a system;

we need some men and women to be soldiers

you volunteered to do the job

we paid you, paid for your training and education, paid for your clothes, food and weapons, pay you military retirement $ (if you stay in a mere 20 years), and YOU get first choice of all the private sector jobs (because you are a vet!)....

and THAT isn't enough for you?

you want MORE?

goddamned liberal conservatives......

whiny and demanding.....

(Smile) We cross child? EVERYONE who wore the uniform has protected you from having to learn a new language
Did I call even one of them an Assault Rifle? If so, which one? Be specific.
The state of CO does and you were talking about the CO assault weapon regulations which does nothing but ban some cosmetic accessories

Read closely. I'll type slowly. Colorado does NOT have any Assault Rifle regulations. Not a single one. We have have firearm regulations. And what you call comsmetic accessories has broken the AR-15 Cult sickness that we once had. It's only a small part of other changes we made to reduce the behavior to gun homicides in the state. It's a very long list of provable items that has a positive affect each year. Things like getting violent convicted criminals back into prison for trying to buy guns, preventing people from entering into your schools with guns, and more. These are provable and very effective. And it's not all done by just firearms regulations. It's also done by cooperation between Cops and Neighborhoods, education of homes around schools, etc.. Maybe you like your schools, movie houses and public assemblies shot to pieces but we'll pass.

It's distinction without a difference. The ban on cosmetic things like pistol grips or pic rails does nothing to change how the AR 15 operates. And isn't the operation what you piss and moan about all day?

To say that the "weapon of war" is no longer a "weapon of war" because you took off a pistol grip or replaced a folding stock is beyond stupid

They were trying to remove the Cult of the Military Weapons that was running rampant. Yes some were cosmetic. But the folding stock is not cosmetic, it's functional. And placing the pistol grip where the forward handgrip normally would go is also functional. Putting a handgrip where the trigger is is stupid but that was part of the cult. The mounts to mount all the military hardware was not cosmetic, it was functional. The lowering the number of shots in the mags were not cosmetic, that was functional. In the end, the ARs function as a "Sporting Rifle" was not affected one bit. But it's affect as a mass murder weapon was. And the primary affect was it was the cult weapon of choice for mass murder. Since you are affected by the sickness you have no idea what the illness is. But the rest of us are well aware it just got out of hand.

You bought the NRA sales pitch lock stock and barrel (pardon the pun). You didn't go out and murder people enmass. But some others bought into the same thing and did and would have continued. They are still out there. But the Cult is much lower today than it was before. Charles Manson was very proud of the NRA who were wildly successful and never spent a single day in prison or their converts.

Hey Dipshit I already told I don't own and AR IMO the 5.56 round is under powered and doesn't have the stopping power I want

But saying that the lack of a pistol grip makes a gun operate differently is just about one of the dumbest things you have ever said and that's saying something

I never said it was the brightest idea in the world. I also think it's a stupid idea. But remember, we were removing the Cult without removing the gun. Without all these ridiculous addons, all of a sudden they nutcases don't look nearly as sexy posing in their underwear while holding their favorite toy on Facebook and Youtube. If you are having trouble understanding this, close your NRA Hup Hup manual trying to sell you things and go fishing for a day without any interruptions, no cell, no computer, no Gun Mags, just a fishing rod, tackle box, fishing license and a six pack.
No. I’ve worked shit paying jobs that actually helped my fellow Americans.

No, you've been on welfare most of your life.

Did I have the taxpayer pay for all my food , shelter , healthcare ? No. How about you Mr. Vet?

Maybe instead of us thanking you, maybe you should be thanking us !

Maybe you should thank those who will do what you are too scared to do.
Give up years of your life to be at the call to go wherever and do whatever the country needs you to do

Why should he, you won't.

You don't know jack shit about me or what I have done do you?

Does it involve a Pink Chiffon Sun Dress and heavy makeup? If so, I don't think I really want to know.
In the end, the ARs function as a "Sporting Rifle" was not affected one bit. But it's affect as a mass murder weapon was. And the primary affect was it was the cult weapon of choice for mass murder.
To wit, the perfect illustration of the inanity of your post:

They were trying to remove the Cult of the Military Weapons that was running rampant. Yes some were cosmetic. But the folding stock is not cosmetic, it's functional. And placing the pistol grip where the forward handgrip normally would go is also functional. Putting a handgrip where the trigger is is stupid but that was part of the cult. The mounts to mount all the military hardware was not cosmetic, it was functional. The lowering the number of shots in the mags were not cosmetic, that was functional. In the end, the ARs function as a "Sporting Rifle" was not affected one bit. But it's affect as a mass murder weapon was. And the primary affect was it was the cult weapon of choice for mass murder. Since you are affected by the sickness you have no idea what the illness is. But the rest of us are well aware it just got out of hand.
You bought the NRA sales pitch lock stock and barrel (pardon the pun). You didn't go out and murder people enmass. But some others bought into the same thing and did and would have continued. They are still out there. But the Cult is much lower today than it was before. Charles Manson was very proud of the NRA who were wildly successful and never spent a single day in prison or their converts.
You can repeat this propaganda as frequently as you like, but it doesn't affect reality. .223 Remington/5.56×45mm NATO is the single most popular center fire rifle cartridge in the USA, and has been for a long time. The vast majority of rifles chambered for this cartridge are based on the AR15 action, with pistol grip, rails, and 30 round magazine. And there is no "Cult of the Military Weapons", that appears to be your personal fabrication.

Then you don't mind if we remove some of the Military features do you? Hate to break it to you, but that's the law here, not my personal fabrication. The alternative is for them to be banned completely. Would you rather have the alternative? Or would you rather just have some of the military features removed to break the cult status of the gun.

Try and answer what I have asked honestly without any pro-panda and name calling.

Then stop trying to cramp your interpretation of it down everyone else's throat. If you are tired of hearing me state the laws and the reasons behind them, I suggest you move to a place that has no firearm regulation laws. I hear Yemen has openings all the time.
They were trying to remove the Cult of the Military Weapons that was running rampant. Yes some were cosmetic. But the folding stock is not cosmetic, it's functional. And placing the pistol grip where the forward handgrip normally would go is also functional. Putting a handgrip where the trigger is is stupid but that was part of the cult. The mounts to mount all the military hardware was not cosmetic, it was functional. The lowering the number of shots in the mags were not cosmetic, that was functional. In the end, the ARs function as a "Sporting Rifle" was not affected one bit. But it's affect as a mass murder weapon was. And the primary affect was it was the cult weapon of choice for mass murder. Since you are affected by the sickness you have no idea what the illness is. But the rest of us are well aware it just got out of hand.
You bought the NRA sales pitch lock stock and barrel (pardon the pun). You didn't go out and murder people enmass. But some others bought into the same thing and did and would have continued. They are still out there. But the Cult is much lower today than it was before. Charles Manson was very proud of the NRA who were wildly successful and never spent a single day in prison or their converts.
You can repeat this propaganda as frequently as you like, but it doesn't affect reality. .223 Remington/5.56×45mm NATO is the single most popular center fire rifle cartridge in the USA, and has been for a long time. The vast majority of rifles chambered for this cartridge are based on the AR15 action, with pistol grip, rails, and 30 round magazine. And there is no "Cult of the Military Weapons", that appears to be your personal fabrication.

Then you don't mind if we remove some of the Military features do you? Hate to break it to you, but that's the law here, not my personal fabrication. The alternative is for them to be banned completely. Would you rather have the alternative? Or would you rather just have some of the military features removed to break the cult status of the gun.

Try and answer what I have asked honestly without any pro-panda and name calling.

Then stop trying to cramp your interpretation of it down everyone else's throat. If you are tired of hearing me state the laws and the reasons behind them, I suggest you move to a place that has no firearm regulation laws. I hear Yemen has openings all the time.

In the end, the ARs function as a "Sporting Rifle" was not affected one bit. But it's affect as a mass murder weapon was. And the primary affect was it was the cult weapon of choice for mass murder.
To wit, the perfect illustration of the inanity of your post:

View attachment 254743

Who are you trying to impress with this Both are the same and both were banned during that time. But the law was allowed to run out. It was a stupid law and we are just now starting to pass common sense laws even with your stupidity trying to prevent them. The harder you rant, the more you rant, the closer you get to getting back to the 1994 law. But if you would just behave your self and work with the rest of us, we can get more common sense laws that do not ban the ARs. So far, you are losing "Bigly".
They were trying to remove the Cult of the Military Weapons that was running rampant. Yes some were cosmetic. But the folding stock is not cosmetic, it's functional. And placing the pistol grip where the forward handgrip normally would go is also functional. Putting a handgrip where the trigger is is stupid but that was part of the cult. The mounts to mount all the military hardware was not cosmetic, it was functional. The lowering the number of shots in the mags were not cosmetic, that was functional. In the end, the ARs function as a "Sporting Rifle" was not affected one bit. But it's affect as a mass murder weapon was. And the primary affect was it was the cult weapon of choice for mass murder. Since you are affected by the sickness you have no idea what the illness is. But the rest of us are well aware it just got out of hand.
You bought the NRA sales pitch lock stock and barrel (pardon the pun). You didn't go out and murder people enmass. But some others bought into the same thing and did and would have continued. They are still out there. But the Cult is much lower today than it was before. Charles Manson was very proud of the NRA who were wildly successful and never spent a single day in prison or their converts.
You can repeat this propaganda as frequently as you like, but it doesn't affect reality. .223 Remington/5.56×45mm NATO is the single most popular center fire rifle cartridge in the USA, and has been for a long time. The vast majority of rifles chambered for this cartridge are based on the AR15 action, with pistol grip, rails, and 30 round magazine. And there is no "Cult of the Military Weapons", that appears to be your personal fabrication.

Then you don't mind if we remove some of the Military features do you? Hate to break it to you, but that's the law here, not my personal fabrication. The alternative is for them to be banned completely. Would you rather have the alternative? Or would you rather just have some of the military features removed to break the cult status of the gun.

Try and answer what I have asked honestly without any pro-panda and name calling.

Then stop trying to cramp your interpretation of it down everyone else's throat. If you are tired of hearing me state the laws and the reasons behind them, I suggest you move to a place that has no firearm regulation laws. I hear Yemen has openings all the time.


The letter of the law? According to the latest high court rulings I am just follow that. You are just taking 5 words and trying to use it for any and all situations. That only worked until 1851 when the Walker Colt was introduced and things became more complex than those 5 works could handle. Now, if you want to just use those 5 words, turn in all your modern weapons and only have flintlocks and single shot cap and ball guns. Meanwhile, the rest of us will continue in the 21st century.
Who are you trying to impress with this Both are the same and both were banned during that time.
The bottom rifle was not banned; its manufacture and sale was made legal by the removal of the flash hider and bayonet lug.
How do you not know this?
Given that, how did the ban affect the use of the AR15 as a weapon of "mass murder", as per your claim?
Who are you trying to impress with this Both are the same and both were banned during that time.
False. The bottom rifle was not banned; its manufacture and sale was made legal by the removal of the flash hider and bayonet lug.
How do you not know this?
Given that, how did the ban affect the use of the AR15 as a weapon of "mass murder", as per your claim?

Wrong, cupcake. Stop making shit up.
The letter of the law? According to the latest high court rulings I am just follow that.
You manufacture from whole cloth interpretations that do not exist and are not supported by rulings from the high court.

Hmm, Heller V, McDonald V just to name a couple. Young V to name another one. Now, how about you naming those that agree with you? That way I can research them and hand you your ass like I always do with you gunnutters who can't seem to be able to read.
You can repeat this propaganda as frequently as you like, but it doesn't affect reality. .223 Remington/5.56×45mm NATO is the single most popular center fire rifle cartridge in the USA, and has been for a long time. The vast majority of rifles chambered for this cartridge are based on the AR15 action, with pistol grip, rails, and 30 round magazine. And there is no "Cult of the Military Weapons", that appears to be your personal fabrication.

Then you don't mind if we remove some of the Military features do you? Hate to break it to you, but that's the law here, not my personal fabrication. The alternative is for them to be banned completely. Would you rather have the alternative? Or would you rather just have some of the military features removed to break the cult status of the gun.

Try and answer what I have asked honestly without any pro-panda and name calling.

Then stop trying to cramp your interpretation of it down everyone else's throat. If you are tired of hearing me state the laws and the reasons behind them, I suggest you move to a place that has no firearm regulation laws. I hear Yemen has openings all the time.


The letter of the law? According to the latest high court rulings I am just follow that. You are just taking 5 words and trying to use it for any and all situations. That only worked until 1851 when the Walker Colt was introduced and things became more complex than those 5 works could handle. Now, if you want to just use those 5 words, turn in all your modern weapons and only have flintlocks and single shot cap and ball guns. Meanwhile, the rest of us will continue in the 21st century.

and since you follow the courts interpretation and not the written constitution it is you that is wrong not me

this is the problem that arises when discussing it with someone that doesnt understand the original intent of the 2nd
Who are you trying to impress with this Both are the same and both were banned during that time.
False. The bottom rifle was not banned; its manufacture and sale was made legal by the removal of the flash hider and bayonet lug.
How do you not know this?
Given that, how did the ban affect the use of the AR15 as a weapon of "mass murder", as per your claim?
Wrong, cupcake. Stop making shit up.
Look at you, standing fast in your ignorance.
How is it you do not understand the legal and physical difference between pre- and post-ban ARs?
How is it you do not understand that under the 1994 law the lower rifle is not an 'assault weapon' and thus legal?
Given the fact the lower rifle was legal to manufacture and sell, how did the ban affect the use of the AR15 as a weapon of "mass murder", as per your claim?[
Guys, let's face reality: Daryl Hunt has virtually zero knowledge of firearms or firearm laws. At best he is simply a troll, at worst he has Marxist handlers stuffing his tiny brain with conspiracy theories of "gun cults".

He should be pitied, and any responses to him should made only for the sake of lurkers who might have an interest in facts.

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