Gun Control and Logic

No. I’ve worked shit paying jobs that actually helped my fellow Americans.

No, you've been on welfare most of your life.

Did I have the taxpayer pay for all my food , shelter , healthcare ? No. How about you Mr. Vet?

Maybe instead of us thanking you, maybe you should be thanking us !

LOL, you poor selfish little boi. It's ok though I know you've been a taker your entire life.

Let me guess . You are still glomming off the taxpayer ? Did we pay for your schooling ? Do we subsidize your mortgage ?

Come on. Let us know . That’s the least you can do .

Hey, watch it. I resemble that remark. And make sure you keep working so I can keep getting paid.

Lol! Hey that’s fine . At least you aren’t asking for everyone to kiss your ass .
No, you've been on welfare most of your life.

Did I have the taxpayer pay for all my food , shelter , healthcare ? No. How about you Mr. Vet?

Maybe instead of us thanking you, maybe you should be thanking us !

LOL, you poor selfish little boi. It's ok though I know you've been a taker your entire life.

Let me guess . You are still glomming off the taxpayer ? Did we pay for your schooling ? Do we subsidize your mortgage ?

Come on. Let us know . That’s the least you can do .

Hey, watch it. I resemble that remark. And make sure you keep working so I can keep getting paid.

Lol! Hey that’s fine . At least you aren’t asking for everyone to kiss your ass .

As fat as my ass is, it just might take all of you.
I earned the right with 5 (count them) 5 DD-214s and a permanent DD-2. And I can tell a fake when I see one. And you and he are fakes.
Interesting. Here's a link that might help you.

Doesn't help me one bit. All of mine were Honorable and I get all the goodies. Well, all of the goodies that are left, that is. They seem to be shrinking fast.
It’s basically a semi auto machine pistol. So if caliber, distance, and stopping power are the issue, then smgs are fine?

You brought up ONE weapon. You need to stick with that instead of trolling for generalizations. I gave a pretty accurate description of your one weapon after viewing one world class shooter operate it on a mixed range. Yes, he had a ball but he also missed a bunch due to a lot of factors. It might be extremely lethal if it were a full auto but as a semi auto with limited ammo, it's a plinker. It is too large to replace a handgun so it even fails there. You have to fill ALL of the features of the AR to be considered the equal of the AR because the AR fills ALL of the criteria that Stoner required it to fill. And nothing on the market today does a better job.
I didn’t bring it up. So a semi-auto SMG should be perfectly legal, like these...
View attachment 254470
View attachment 254471

I can just use Colorado Firearms Regs on this one.

9mms. The problem here is, these aren't any more powerful and more cumbersome than a Handgun. And they are actually less accurate if you are rushed. I can site shoot faster and I can spot shoot faster with a handgun than I can with any of the following. They may be legal but they really aren't good choices. I put them into the plinker category.

MP-5 legal with the proper mag

UMP-45 legal with the legal mag

PM-9 Legal if you remove the capability to use the forward pistol grip and use the proper mag and remove the ability to use a silencer. The problem is, removing the forward pistol grip throws the balance completely off.

28 or more Grains of Powder per Round. These two are designed to go out and reach out. They are both designed for crew weapons where you sometimes have to dismount and fire on targets further than 40 yds away. You may have to go to 50 or more yds.

MP-7 This is class as a pistol. It's round is a 4.6 X 30 which has enough power to penetrate many types of body armor. The rounds are fast, real fast and small. While not quite in the same class as the 556 nato, it's pretty danged close for such a small package. But due to the available equipment and mags, it's considered illegal in many States, not all. What keeps this out of the mass shooters hands is the cost. It's expensive, really expensive.

P-90 Not Legal as the P-90 since the P-90 is a full auto. But the PS-90 is the same gun in a Semi Auto. But you can't remove most of the features on it because they are built into the frame. It uses a 5.7X28mm which is just below the 556 Nato Round. It's slightly larger, slight slower but still has enough punch to do the job. The problem this one has is, it contains a huge amount of ammo. It's mag is a 50 round mag. Luckily, this puppy (see the pun?) is so expensive that the mass shooters will overlook it.

PPM90M1 Not legal. Exceeds Max Ammo with it's 64 round mag, Designed for close quarters only. The smallest mag is 32 rounds and it still exceeds the 15 round max by a large margin. This thing is designed for house to house fighting, not for home defense. And it's only found in Russia in their Military and, of course, Video Games. Good luck in getting one. Oh, it's like anything else, if you really, really want one and have enough money you can get one. But remember, it's a full auto, limited export item from Russia.

So I found only two of your guns that could do the job of the AR if there are no local laws against having them. But you had better have really deep pockets. So, what is your point on this one again?
They’re not all 9mm, they come pretty much in any ammo chambered by a handgun. They aren’t more “cumbersome”, and are way more accurate and easier to handle than a handgun. You’ve must have never shot anything besides a handgun if you believe that. If your characterization of these was correct, then there wouldn’t be any ARs, just handguns that chamber rifle rounds, as silly as a thought that might be.

And exactly how much money do you have? Are you pockets that deep? The plinkers you brought up are very expensive and most do only come in only 9mm because of the size. You can't change physics. I am retired Military and you know, I bet you say that to EVERY vet that kicks your ass. You are the embodiment of stupid and we can't fix stupid.
Da Fuq are you ranting about? We’re talking about your bizarre amorphous standards for gun control. I don’t care about your appeal to authority, other than the fact you should know stolen valor is a crime. A .45 or even a .40 are not “plinker”. Hell, I don’t even consider 9mm a “plinker”. A .22 is what I’d (and the rest of the friggen world) would consider a “plinker”. I also don’t understand your standard of how expensive a gun is? It’s not that hard to come up with a few grand to buy a mid-range model.
And once again we see that an assault weapon ban is only concerned with how a rifle looks.

Buy an AR 15 without a folding stock, without a pistol grip, flash suppressor, or any of a couple other doodads and it's 100% legal even in CO

Not quite. Some of those "Do Dads" will get it bounced. It's not the "Do Dads" that will get it bounced, it's the rails to mount them that will get it bounced.

It isn't the looks that makes it a weapon of war, it's the function. And the looks of the AR is because of it's functions. What Colorado did was to remove some of those functions. The end result? The Cult of the AR was ended. Today, the Gun Shops have many, many Bargain ARs to be had just sitting gathering dust on the shelves. Before the 2013 law, they were selling like hotcakes. In order for the Gun Shops to sell the ARs they had in stock, they had to remove the rails and mounts and fill in the mounting screws so they could not be used. Plus, they had to remove the other items on the ban list. Those same ARs on the shelves used to have all the goodies you seem to want. Sorry, they just ain't there. And the Gunnutter Cult pretty well went away. Along with it, the Mass Shootings went with it. After 3 something had to be done and that was just part of it. And we stopped being the Mass Shooting Capital of the World. We handed that off to Florida and Texas who can't seem to learn their lesson very well.

And not one of those things that define a so called "assault weapon" have anything to do with how it operates.

So the fuck what if there is a picatinny rail or a pistol grip as they have absolutely ZERO effect on how the rifle operates

Did I call even one of them an Assault Rifle? If so, which one? Be specific.
The state of CO does and you were talking about the CO assault weapon regulations which does nothing but ban some cosmetic accessories

Read closely. I'll type slowly. Colorado does NOT have any Assault Rifle regulations. Not a single one. We have have firearm regulations. And what you call comsmetic accessories has broken the AR-15 Cult sickness that we once had. It's only a small part of other changes we made to reduce the behavior to gun homicides in the state. It's a very long list of provable items that has a positive affect each year. Things like getting violent convicted criminals back into prison for trying to buy guns, preventing people from entering into your schools with guns, and more. These are provable and very effective. And it's not all done by just firearms regulations. It's also done by cooperation between Cops and Neighborhoods, education of homes around schools, etc.. Maybe you like your schools, movie houses and public assemblies shot to pieces but we'll pass.

It's distinction without a difference. The ban on cosmetic things like pistol grips or pic rails does nothing to change how the AR 15 operates. And isn't the operation what you piss and moan about all day?

To say that the "weapon of war" is no longer a "weapon of war" because you took off a pistol grip or replaced a folding stock is beyond stupid
Except the government isn’t explicitly prohibited from regulating cars like they are with guns.
Except you're 100% wrong, and the government can and does regulate guns. Try to confine your points to what the rest of us call "reality".
And you have no right to operate a motor vehicle on public roads it is a privilege which the state grants an you pay for. The state can revoke that privilege at any time for any reason.
You lose, I'm a veteran - and if you really are, you're a disgrace.
A veteran who hates most americans...maybe you fought for the wrong team...

As a Vet I can tell you that you should just say thank you. You haven't earned the "right" to question another man's service. You just one more black man on the down low pretending to be a tough guy.

Were you in Ww2 ?

Do you still wear diapers?

No .

But I’ll cut to the chase . If you weren’t in ww2 or you weren’t drafted , you didn’t “ serve “ anyone . You joined of your own free will and for your own benefit.
I suppose that means any soldier who ever drew a salary was in it for his own benefit right?
LOL, you're not a bright one kid.

I dint fall for the war machine propaganda.

You don't have it in you to do anything for anyone but you kid.

No. I’ve worked shit paying jobs that actually helped my fellow Americans.

No, you've been on welfare most of your life.

Did I have the taxpayer pay for all my food , shelter , healthcare ? No. How about you Mr. Vet?

Maybe instead of us thanking you, maybe you should be thanking us !

Maybe you should thank those who will do what you are too scared to do.
Give up years of your life to be at the call to go wherever and do whatever the country needs you to do
No .

But I’ll cut to the chase . If you weren’t in ww2 or you weren’t drafted , you didn’t “ serve “ anyone . You joined of your own free will and for your own benefit.
So, only if you are forced to do something, you are serving?

BEHOLD, the ignorant leftist mindset.

Force = Charity

The defense rests, your honor.
Not quite. Some of those "Do Dads" will get it bounced. It's not the "Do Dads" that will get it bounced, it's the rails to mount them that will get it bounced.

It isn't the looks that makes it a weapon of war, it's the function. And the looks of the AR is because of it's functions. What Colorado did was to remove some of those functions. The end result? The Cult of the AR was ended. Today, the Gun Shops have many, many Bargain ARs to be had just sitting gathering dust on the shelves. Before the 2013 law, they were selling like hotcakes. In order for the Gun Shops to sell the ARs they had in stock, they had to remove the rails and mounts and fill in the mounting screws so they could not be used. Plus, they had to remove the other items on the ban list. Those same ARs on the shelves used to have all the goodies you seem to want. Sorry, they just ain't there. And the Gunnutter Cult pretty well went away. Along with it, the Mass Shootings went with it. After 3 something had to be done and that was just part of it. And we stopped being the Mass Shooting Capital of the World. We handed that off to Florida and Texas who can't seem to learn their lesson very well.

And not one of those things that define a so called "assault weapon" have anything to do with how it operates.

So the fuck what if there is a picatinny rail or a pistol grip as they have absolutely ZERO effect on how the rifle operates

Did I call even one of them an Assault Rifle? If so, which one? Be specific.
The state of CO does and you were talking about the CO assault weapon regulations which does nothing but ban some cosmetic accessories

Read closely. I'll type slowly. Colorado does NOT have any Assault Rifle regulations. Not a single one. We have have firearm regulations. And what you call comsmetic accessories has broken the AR-15 Cult sickness that we once had. It's only a small part of other changes we made to reduce the behavior to gun homicides in the state. It's a very long list of provable items that has a positive affect each year. Things like getting violent convicted criminals back into prison for trying to buy guns, preventing people from entering into your schools with guns, and more. These are provable and very effective. And it's not all done by just firearms regulations. It's also done by cooperation between Cops and Neighborhoods, education of homes around schools, etc.. Maybe you like your schools, movie houses and public assemblies shot to pieces but we'll pass.

It's distinction without a difference. The ban on cosmetic things like pistol grips or pic rails does nothing to change how the AR 15 operates. And isn't the operation what you piss and moan about all day?

To say that the "weapon of war" is no longer a "weapon of war" because you took off a pistol grip or replaced a folding stock is beyond stupid

They were trying to remove the Cult of the Military Weapons that was running rampant. Yes some were cosmetic. But the folding stock is not cosmetic, it's functional. And placing the pistol grip where the forward handgrip normally would go is also functional. Putting a handgrip where the trigger is is stupid but that was part of the cult. The mounts to mount all the military hardware was not cosmetic, it was functional. The lowering the number of shots in the mags were not cosmetic, that was functional. In the end, the ARs function as a "Sporting Rifle" was not affected one bit. But it's affect as a mass murder weapon was. And the primary affect was it was the cult weapon of choice for mass murder. Since you are affected by the sickness you have no idea what the illness is. But the rest of us are well aware it just got out of hand.

You bought the NRA sales pitch lock stock and barrel (pardon the pun). You didn't go out and murder people enmass. But some others bought into the same thing and did and would have continued. They are still out there. But the Cult is much lower today than it was before. Charles Manson was very proud of the NRA who were wildly successful and never spent a single day in prison or their converts.

I dint fall for the war machine propaganda.

You don't have it in you to do anything for anyone but you kid.

No. I’ve worked shit paying jobs that actually helped my fellow Americans.

No, you've been on welfare most of your life.

Did I have the taxpayer pay for all my food , shelter , healthcare ? No. How about you Mr. Vet?

Maybe instead of us thanking you, maybe you should be thanking us !

Maybe you should thank those who will do what you are too scared to do.
Give up years of your life to be at the call to go wherever and do whatever the country needs you to do

Why should he, you won't.
Were you in Ww2 ?

Do you still wear diapers?

No .

But I’ll cut to the chase . If you weren’t in ww2 or you weren’t drafted , you didn’t “ serve “ anyone . You joined of your own free will and for your own benefit.

LOL, you're not a bright one kid.

I dint fall for the war machine propaganda.

You don't have it in you to do anything for anyone but you kid.

should liberal Americans thank vets for their service if the vets are conservatives who hate liberals and think they are treasonous traitors?

My butler does everything I pay him and ask him to do.

Should I kiss HIS arse, too?

We have a system;

we need some men and women to be soldiers

you volunteered to do the job

we paid you, paid for your training and education, paid for your clothes, food and weapons, pay you military retirement $ (if you stay in a mere 20 years), and YOU get first choice of all the private sector jobs (because you are a vet!)....

and THAT isn't enough for you?

you want MORE?

goddamned liberal conservatives......

whiny and demanding.....
Do you still wear diapers?

No .

But I’ll cut to the chase . If you weren’t in ww2 or you weren’t drafted , you didn’t “ serve “ anyone . You joined of your own free will and for your own benefit.

LOL, you're not a bright one kid.

I dint fall for the war machine propaganda.

You don't have it in you to do anything for anyone but you kid.

should liberal Americans thank vets for their service if the vets are conservatives who hate liberals and think they are treasonous traitors?

My butler does everything I pay him and ask him to do.

Should I kiss HIS arse, too?

We have a system;

we need some men and women to be soldiers

you volunteered to do the job

we paid you, paid for your training and education, paid for your clothes, food and weapons, pay you military retirement $ (if you stay in a mere 20 years), and YOU get first choice of all the private sector jobs (because you are a vet!)....

and THAT isn't enough for you?

you want MORE?

goddamned liberal conservatives......

whiny and demanding.....

Speaking for us Retired Military People, we don't ask for more. We never have. We demand what was promised to us in the first place and much of it was slowly not delivered. Oh ,yes, it was promised but where was it ever put into black and white? It wasn't. And even when it was, it slowly has been weakened year by year. The Retirement of the WWII Military Troop was very strong. My Father had a long list of entitlements. Mine don't come anywhere close to his. The Kids today that retire from the Military will have even less that we have. In fact, they even placed time limits on many of my promised benefits AFTER the fact. Then you scream and holler that I am fighting for those promised benefits.

I don't want you to do anything than live up to the original contracts made to us in the first place. And you can keep your "Thank you for Serving" to yourself. It's not done for my benefit, it's done for your benefit.
They were trying to remove the Cult of the Military Weapons that was running rampant. Yes some were cosmetic. But the folding stock is not cosmetic, it's functional. And placing the pistol grip where the forward handgrip normally would go is also functional. Putting a handgrip where the trigger is is stupid but that was part of the cult. The mounts to mount all the military hardware was not cosmetic, it was functional. The lowering the number of shots in the mags were not cosmetic, that was functional. In the end, the ARs function as a "Sporting Rifle" was not affected one bit. But it's affect as a mass murder weapon was. And the primary affect was it was the cult weapon of choice for mass murder. Since you are affected by the sickness you have no idea what the illness is. But the rest of us are well aware it just got out of hand.
You bought the NRA sales pitch lock stock and barrel (pardon the pun). You didn't go out and murder people enmass. But some others bought into the same thing and did and would have continued. They are still out there. But the Cult is much lower today than it was before. Charles Manson was very proud of the NRA who were wildly successful and never spent a single day in prison or their converts.
You can repeat this propaganda as frequently as you like, but it doesn't affect reality. .223 Remington/5.56×45mm NATO is the single most popular center fire rifle cartridge in the USA, and has been for a long time. The vast majority of rifles chambered for this cartridge are based on the AR15 action, with pistol grip, rails, and 30 round magazine. And there is no "Cult of the Military Weapons", that appears to be your personal fabrication.

I dint fall for the war machine propaganda.

You don't have it in you to do anything for anyone but you kid.

No. I’ve worked shit paying jobs that actually helped my fellow Americans.

No, you've been on welfare most of your life.

Did I have the taxpayer pay for all my food , shelter , healthcare ? No. How about you Mr. Vet?

Maybe instead of us thanking you, maybe you should be thanking us !

Maybe you should thank those who will do what you are too scared to do.
Give up years of your life to be at the call to go wherever and do whatever the country needs you to do

How is joining the military “serving “ the county? Yet , according to the cons ,if you work for then government you are some leech on the taxpayer .
And not one of those things that define a so called "assault weapon" have anything to do with how it operates.

So the fuck what if there is a picatinny rail or a pistol grip as they have absolutely ZERO effect on how the rifle operates

Did I call even one of them an Assault Rifle? If so, which one? Be specific.
The state of CO does and you were talking about the CO assault weapon regulations which does nothing but ban some cosmetic accessories

Read closely. I'll type slowly. Colorado does NOT have any Assault Rifle regulations. Not a single one. We have have firearm regulations. And what you call comsmetic accessories has broken the AR-15 Cult sickness that we once had. It's only a small part of other changes we made to reduce the behavior to gun homicides in the state. It's a very long list of provable items that has a positive affect each year. Things like getting violent convicted criminals back into prison for trying to buy guns, preventing people from entering into your schools with guns, and more. These are provable and very effective. And it's not all done by just firearms regulations. It's also done by cooperation between Cops and Neighborhoods, education of homes around schools, etc.. Maybe you like your schools, movie houses and public assemblies shot to pieces but we'll pass.

It's distinction without a difference. The ban on cosmetic things like pistol grips or pic rails does nothing to change how the AR 15 operates. And isn't the operation what you piss and moan about all day?

To say that the "weapon of war" is no longer a "weapon of war" because you took off a pistol grip or replaced a folding stock is beyond stupid

They were trying to remove the Cult of the Military Weapons that was running rampant. Yes some were cosmetic. But the folding stock is not cosmetic, it's functional. And placing the pistol grip where the forward handgrip normally would go is also functional. Putting a handgrip where the trigger is is stupid but that was part of the cult. The mounts to mount all the military hardware was not cosmetic, it was functional. The lowering the number of shots in the mags were not cosmetic, that was functional. In the end, the ARs function as a "Sporting Rifle" was not affected one bit. But it's affect as a mass murder weapon was. And the primary affect was it was the cult weapon of choice for mass murder. Since you are affected by the sickness you have no idea what the illness is. But the rest of us are well aware it just got out of hand.

You bought the NRA sales pitch lock stock and barrel (pardon the pun). You didn't go out and murder people enmass. But some others bought into the same thing and did and would have continued. They are still out there. But the Cult is much lower today than it was before. Charles Manson was very proud of the NRA who were wildly successful and never spent a single day in prison or their converts.

Hey Dipshit I already told I don't own and AR IMO the 5.56 round is under powered and doesn't have the stopping power I want

But saying that the lack of a pistol grip makes a gun operate differently is just about one of the dumbest things you have ever said and that's saying something

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