gun control - new poll

2nd amendment asshole.
An AWB does not violate the 2nd Amendment, asshole.
Yeah, it does.

Common use. See Heller.
We've had a federal AWB before.

So there you go.

Not unconstitutional.

Heller was not about an AWB. It was about handguns.

The first time an automatic weapon was banned was in the 1930s. To ban the fully automatic weapon.

It has sort of come back. If you have a ton of money to pay for the permits to have one but other than that, who has seen a full automatic weapon outside a museum or movie?

Bans work.

If we can ban fully automatic weapons we can ban the semi automatic weapons. There was a ban on the semi automatic ones and limits on how many bullets a magazine can hold for 10 years from the Clinton administration. The republicans of the bush boy administration let the law expire.
And Columbine Massacre still happened. San Bernardino which bans weapons, had a massacre. You idiots think that banning guns will solve the problem, but you wont close the border where drugs and guns come freely across. Until all the illegal guns are out of the hands of the criminals, I will continue to have mine. There are a few million others who feel the same. You lose.
Every OECD nation which has strict gun control has a tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of the gun homicide rate we do.

Face it, retard. Nationwide gun control works.

We've never tried it in earnest. Ever.

And we suffer at least 12,000 gun homicides a year because of it.
anything is an assault weapon, the left are far too stupid to even understand their own stupidity. They embrace stupidity.
there is no legal definition of assault weapon because everything is one.
It's not about math, fuckwit.

Here: If the Supremes decided that an abortion ban was legal, and 23 states banned abortion, would you then claim that abortion bans are unconstitutional because 27 states did not have abortion bans?

Are you starting to get how retarded you sound yet?

these asshats live in their own ilttle world in their own little heads - facts, logic, and reality is futile.
But it's you asshats that are treading on our world.

I'm not the asshat willing to trade gun legislation for border control legislation , Trump is

ya f'n dumbass ..
Interesting fantasy you have there.
An AWB does not violate the 2nd Amendment, asshole.
Yeah, it does.

Common use. See Heller.
We've had a federal AWB before.

So there you go.

Not unconstitutional.

Heller was not about an AWB. It was about handguns.

The first time an automatic weapon was banned was in the 1930s. To ban the fully automatic weapon.

It has sort of come back. If you have a ton of money to pay for the permits to have one but other than that, who has seen a full automatic weapon outside a museum or movie?

Bans work.

If we can ban fully automatic weapons we can ban the semi automatic weapons. There was a ban on the semi automatic ones and limits on how many bullets a magazine can hold for 10 years from the Clinton administration. The republicans of the bush boy administration let the law expire.
And Columbine Massacre still happened. San Bernardino which bans weapons, had a massacre. You idiots think that banning guns will solve the problem, but you wont close the border where drugs and guns come freely across. Until all the illegal guns are out of the hands of the criminals, I will continue to have mine. There are a few million others who feel the same. You lose.
Every OECD nation which has strict gun control has a tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of the gun homicide rate we do.

Face it, retard. Nationwide gun control works.

We've never tried it in earnest. Ever.

And we suffer at least 12,000 gun homicides a year because of it.
Face it retard, most of those homicides are black on black crime, yet never hear much about it, but if it is a white socialist shooting up a Walmart then all gun control whackos front and center. Natiionwide gun control, yeah, look how well that is down in Cuba, or Venezuela, or even Germany, with all those radical Muslims coming in with their illegal guns. Why is it in Gun Free Zones, the liberal who has a death wish, goes into those areas shooting up everyone? Because he knows there is no one who will stop him in the first 10 minutes. You are such a worthless individual that wants to give up your rights, and have the President still in office. You cant get dumber than a liberal.
there is no legal definition of assault weapon because everything is one.
It's not about math, fuckwit.

Here: If the Supremes decided that an abortion ban was legal, and 23 states banned abortion, would you then claim that abortion bans are unconstitutional because 27 states did not have abortion bans?

Are you starting to get how retarded you sound yet?

these asshats live in their own ilttle world in their own little heads - facts, logic, and reality is futile.
But it's you asshats that are treading on our world.

I'm not the asshat willing to trade gun legislation for border control legislation , Trump is

ya f'n dumbass ..
Interesting fantasy you have there.

President Trump said Wednesday that he supports “strong background checks” and called on lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to pass “red flag” laws, which would allow police to temporarily confiscate weapons.

It's not about math, fuckwit.

Here: If the Supremes decided that an abortion ban was legal, and 23 states banned abortion, would you then claim that abortion bans are unconstitutional because 27 states did not have abortion bans?

Are you starting to get how retarded you sound yet?

these asshats live in their own ilttle world in their own little heads - facts, logic, and reality is futile.
But it's you asshats that are treading on our world.

I'm not the asshat willing to trade gun legislation for border control legislation , Trump is

ya f'n dumbass ..
Interesting fantasy you have there.

President Trump said Wednesday that he supports “strong background checks” and called on lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to pass “red flag” laws, which would allow police to temporarily confiscate weapons.

and he's said a lot of things that made you leftist wig out
It's not about math, fuckwit.

Here: If the Supremes decided that an abortion ban was legal, and 23 states banned abortion, would you then claim that abortion bans are unconstitutional because 27 states did not have abortion bans?

Are you starting to get how retarded you sound yet?

these asshats live in their own ilttle world in their own little heads - facts, logic, and reality is futile.
But it's you asshats that are treading on our world.

I'm not the asshat willing to trade gun legislation for border control legislation , Trump is

ya f'n dumbass ..
Interesting fantasy you have there.

President Trump said Wednesday that he supports “strong background checks” and called on lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to pass “red flag” laws, which would allow police to temporarily confiscate weapons.

How much stronger of background checks can the FBI do, when they are out there spying on Presidential candidates? Maybe if they focused on bad guys like the Parkland school, or the two latest ones, they were warned about but did nothing, the FBI might have a little more respect from the rest of US.
An AWB does not violate the 2nd Amendment, asshole.
Yeah, it does.

Common use. See Heller.
We've had a federal AWB before.

So there you go.

Not unconstitutional.

Heller was not about an AWB. It was about handguns.

The first time an automatic weapon was banned was in the 1930s. To ban the fully automatic weapon.

It has sort of come back. If you have a ton of money to pay for the permits to have one but other than that, who has seen a full automatic weapon outside a museum or movie?

Bans work.

If we can ban fully automatic weapons we can ban the semi automatic weapons. There was a ban on the semi automatic ones and limits on how many bullets a magazine can hold for 10 years from the Clinton administration. The republicans of the bush boy administration let the law expire.
And Columbine Massacre still happened. San Bernardino which bans weapons, had a massacre. You idiots think that banning guns will solve the problem, but you wont close the border where drugs and guns come freely across. Until all the illegal guns are out of the hands of the criminals, I will continue to have mine. There are a few million others who feel the same. You lose.
Every OECD nation which has strict gun control has a tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of the gun homicide rate we do.

Face it, retard. Nationwide gun control works.

We've never tried it in earnest. Ever.

And we suffer at least 12,000 gun homicides a year because of it.
Throwing everybody in jail might "work" too.

Why haven't we tried that?

these asshats live in their own ilttle world in their own little heads - facts, logic, and reality is futile.
But it's you asshats that are treading on our world.

I'm not the asshat willing to trade gun legislation for border control legislation , Trump is

ya f'n dumbass ..
Interesting fantasy you have there.

President Trump said Wednesday that he supports “strong background checks” and called on lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to pass “red flag” laws, which would allow police to temporarily confiscate weapons.

and he's said a lot of things that made you leftist wig out


But it's you asshats that are treading on our world.

I'm not the asshat willing to trade gun legislation for border control legislation , Trump is

ya f'n dumbass ..
Interesting fantasy you have there.

President Trump said Wednesday that he supports “strong background checks” and called on lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to pass “red flag” laws, which would allow police to temporarily confiscate weapons.

and he's said a lot of things that made you leftist wig out


What makes you believe I'm wigging out? Trump plays you leftist everyday why is now any different?
Good for him!

Fuck the filthy Democrat's zeal to infringe upon our Constitutional rights.

I'm not the asshat willing to trade gun legislation for border control legislation , Trump is

ya f'n dumbass ..
Interesting fantasy you have there.

President Trump said Wednesday that he supports “strong background checks” and called on lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to pass “red flag” laws, which would allow police to temporarily confiscate weapons.

and he's said a lot of things that made you leftist wig out


What makes you believe I'm wigging out? Trump plays you leftist everyday why is now any different?

the constitution says one thing in one state and says another in your state - just for starters YOU MORON

I leave my Colt AR15 in the closet, my MAGA hat does way more damage to the left. :muahaha:
I have been wearing my black MAGA hat with old glory on it, and people come up and thank me for wearing it, but also they say it takes guts. I tell them why should I worry, I am protected by the 1st amendment and no one is going to prevent me from using it right? Are there people on this site who dont believe in the 1st amendment?

Interesting fantasy you have there.

President Trump said Wednesday that he supports “strong background checks” and called on lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to pass “red flag” laws, which would allow police to temporarily confiscate weapons.

and he's said a lot of things that made you leftist wig out


What makes you believe I'm wigging out? Trump plays you leftist everyday why is now any different?

the constitution says one thing in one state and says another in your state - just for starters YOU MORON

Bwaaaaahhhaaaaa...Finally the publicly educated moron shows his education level and IQ. Couldn't pass 3rd grade could ya.
Interesting fantasy you have there.

President Trump said Wednesday that he supports “strong background checks” and called on lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to pass “red flag” laws, which would allow police to temporarily confiscate weapons.

and he's said a lot of things that made you leftist wig out


What makes you believe I'm wigging out? Trump plays you leftist everyday why is now any different?

the constitution says one thing in one state and says another in your state - just for starters YOU MORON

No the 14th amendment section 1
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
I have been wearing my black MAGA hat with old glory on it, and people come up and thank me for wearing it, but also they say it takes guts. I tell them why should I worry, I am protected by the 1st amendment and no one is going to prevent me from using it right? Are there people on this site who dont believe in the 1st amendment?

View attachment 273434

What are the left going to do about it draw a cardboard sign? :auiqs.jpg: The left brought milkshakes to a crowbar fight :auiqs.jpg:
President Trump said Wednesday that he supports “strong background checks” and called on lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to pass “red flag” laws, which would allow police to temporarily confiscate weapons.

and he's said a lot of things that made you leftist wig out


What makes you believe I'm wigging out? Trump plays you leftist everyday why is now any different?

the constitution says one thing in one state and says another in your state - just for starters YOU MORON

No the 14th amendment section 1
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Without the 2nd amendment the other rights protected by our constitution arent worth a dime. Because if a government decides to act like Cuba or Venezuela, then the people have no rights, they are suppressed, then they riot as we are seeing time after time. But a liberal will never learn, unless you send them to those countries, but they wont go, because when they get there, they will find out their whole lives have been nothing but lies...
President Trump said Wednesday that he supports “strong background checks” and called on lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to pass “red flag” laws, which would allow police to temporarily confiscate weapons.

and he's said a lot of things that made you leftist wig out


What makes you believe I'm wigging out? Trump plays you leftist everyday why is now any different?

the constitution says one thing in one state and says another in your state - just for starters YOU MORON

No the 14th amendment section 1
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.



H eres the crux of the biscuit -

73 percent of all voters said they supported stricter gun control in general, a six-point jump from early last year, while only 27 percent oppose tightening gun laws.

now when mid terms roll around and Republican Congressmen want to keep their job, your 27% is left sitting in a corner scratching their ass - if Trump isnt lying and wants to keep his job too he supports the general public and their concern over gun legislation...

if the reality of politics is too deep for you get a 6th grader to help you figure it out.
and he's said a lot of things that made you leftist wig out


What makes you believe I'm wigging out? Trump plays you leftist everyday why is now any different?

the constitution says one thing in one state and says another in your state - just for starters YOU MORON

No the 14th amendment section 1
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.



H eres the crux of the biscuit -

73 percent of all voters said they supported stricter gun control in general, a six-point jump from early last year, while only 27 percent oppose tightening gun laws.

now when mid terms roll around and Republican Congressmen want to keep their job, your 27% is left sitting in a corner scratching their ass - if Trump isnt lying and wants to keep his job too he supports the general public and their concern over gun legislation...

if the reality of politics is too deep for you get a 6th grader to help you figure it out.
If I took a poll in Floor E Da near me, I would get 100% that they would want more law abiding citizens to have conceal carry permits and weapons, just so liberals like in Dayton and Walmart couldn't do much harm. Remember that the polls showed Hillary winning by a landslide, poll outcomes are what the pollsters want, not the truth.

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