gun control - new poll

2nd amendment asshole.
An AWB does not violate the 2nd Amendment, asshole.

YES, it most certainly does.

First of all, while no right is without restriction, the Bill of Rights, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th and 10th amendments prohibit any federal weapons laws at all.

Then there is the fact the founders wrote the constitution with citizen soldiers in mind. There is not supposed to even be a standing federal military at all, and they wanted all homes to have military grade weapons.

There also is no such thing as an assault weapon, and historically pistols, shotguns, and small rifles have all been assault weapons at different time. The modern definition of an assault weapon is full auto, and there are no full auto weapons available new and without extensive licenses and checks, so any so called assault weapon ban is a hoax intended to band something entirely different.

There are already 30 million or so firearms the proposed bans would impact, and none of those are going to be turned in.
So are you actually going to support an illegal civil war just to accomplish a feel good ban that won't improve a single thing?
Anyone intent on mass murder/suicide, is not going to be deterred in the least by an AWB.
The last federal AWB did not require anyone to turn in their existing guns. You have been jacked up by your propagandists with this bullshit "DERE CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ ZOMG!!!!" horseshit.

The last Assault Weapons Ban was totally ineffectual and stupid, and everyone bypassed it by turning the pistol grip into a thumb hole stock. No weapons were prevented from sale by the 1993 Clinton AWB.


There also were almost no ARs in public ownership back then because they were too expensive. So no one cared. Now they have come down in price as being about the least expensive. Now tens of millions of people care a great deal.
The last AWB was not the law of the land long enough to have a positive effect.

There are a shitload of assault weapons already out there. The last AWB did not ban the possession of existing assault weapons. So you could go to a gun show and still find assault rifles to buy.

It will take a long time for existing guns to fall into disuse/disrepair.

No, the last AWB was for over a decade. Bush allowed it to continue.
It had no positive effect because there was no legal basis for it, the courts kept ruling it was stupid and undefined, and that you can not legally pass ex post facto laws.
And no, it was not that you could find pre-ban weapons at gun shows, but that post ban weapons were easily changes with minor cosmetics, to avoid the ban. There is no legal basis for the ban, so it is easy to make any weapons elude the foolish list of restrictions in the ban.

The SKS in the image I posted is completely legal according to all AWBs ever proposed, because it does not have a pistol grip, has not flash suppressor or bayonet lug, etc.
It clearly was manufactured as an assault weapon, but there is no way to ban it unless you simply list it by name, and that would be illegal.
Trump is willing too -

Poll: Majority of Republicans Supports ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

blood pressure medicine sales must be over the top ........

Define Assault Weapon. To a Liberal, an assault weapon is literally anything that holds more than 6 bullets.

All the laws necessary to stop felons and crazy people from having weapons they shouldn't are already on the books.

Gun Free Zone Democrat Cities have the highest murder rates in the country.

America has 400 Million guns, yet despite it's population of 370 Million People, they rank 20th in gun homicide rankings which includes suicides and justifiable homicides by police defending themselves against Felons and Crazy People who somehow still get guns through The Black Market and other means.

Any gun control measure you pass is just smoke and mirrors, and political chest beating which accomplishes nothing.

You want less gun violence? Put The Paddle and God back in School. Preach Family, and Marriage, instead of Abortion and Promiscuity.
anything is an assault weapon, the left are far too stupid to even understand their own stupidity. They embrace stupidity.
It's not Constitutional that's why it's not in my state.
It if was unconstitutional, then ZERO states would have an AWB, retard.
There is a precedent in the courts going as far back as U.S. vs Miller 1939 and U.S. vs Lewis 1980 affirming what Miller ruled upon
Opinion of the Court
In order for a firearm to be protected by the second amendment, it must have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia, in common use of the time, and supplied by the citizen.
Again, seven states and the District of Columbia have an AWB.

QED. An AWB is not unconstitutional.

How much more can I dumb that down so even you get it?
but the other 43 states say otherwise.
No, the voters of the other 43 states say they don't want an AWB. For now.

What do you mean no? you said 7 states I said 43 states
California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Washington, D.C. (so much for the Heller argument) all ban the possession of assault weapons.

QED. An AWB does not violate the 2nd Amendment.
Until challenged.

Did you look at the link I provided? California has had their AWB for decades. Long before Heller.

Nice try. :lol:
Has California's AWB been challenged before the SCOTUS?

Nice try.

The NRA challenged California's law in federal court.

They lost.

Keep trying, loser. :lol:
The SCOTUS has not taken the case yet, because they usually wait for similar cases before granting cert.

You need to go back to law school. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

So a question was asked about the liberals
Why is it that a liberal will allow millions of illegals to break our laws by coming here from 1000s of miles away, and not arrest them, but as soon as a Dimwitocrap becomes president he wants to turn millions of legal gun owners into criminals and arrest them if they dont comply? I cant wait, when the riots start on the streets, there will be hell to pay.
It if was unconstitutional, then ZERO states would have an AWB, retard.
There is a precedent in the courts going as far back as U.S. vs Miller 1939 and U.S. vs Lewis 1980 affirming what Miller ruled upon
Opinion of the Court
In order for a firearm to be protected by the second amendment, it must have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia, in common use of the time, and supplied by the citizen.
Again, seven states and the District of Columbia have an AWB.

QED. An AWB is not unconstitutional.

How much more can I dumb that down so even you get it?
but the other 43 states say otherwise.
No, the voters of the other 43 states say they don't want an AWB. For now.

What do you mean no? you said 7 states I said 43 states
now you're asking a leftist to know math. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
It if was unconstitutional, then ZERO states would have an AWB, retard.
There is a precedent in the courts going as far back as U.S. vs Miller 1939 and U.S. vs Lewis 1980 affirming what Miller ruled upon
Opinion of the Court
In order for a firearm to be protected by the second amendment, it must have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia, in common use of the time, and supplied by the citizen.
Again, seven states and the District of Columbia have an AWB.

QED. An AWB is not unconstitutional.

How much more can I dumb that down so even you get it?
but the other 43 states say otherwise.
No, the voters of the other 43 states say they don't want an AWB. For now.

What do you mean no? you said 7 states I said 43 states
I'm sorry. I just can't dumb it down any further for you.
Trump is willing too -

Poll: Majority of Republicans Supports ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

blood pressure medicine sales must be over the top ........

Define Assault Weapon. To a Liberal, an assault weapon is literally anything that holds more than 6 bullets.

All the laws necessary to stop felons and crazy people from having weapons they shouldn't are already on the books.

Gun Free Zone Democrat Cities have the highest murder rates in the country.

America has 400 Million guns, yet despite it's population of 370 Million People, they rank 20th in gun homicide rankings which includes suicides and justifiable homicides by police defending themselves against Felons and Crazy People who somehow still get guns through The Black Market and other means.

Any gun control measure you pass is just smoke and mirrors, and political chest beating which accomplishes nothing.

You want less gun violence? Put The Paddle and God back in School. Preach Family, and Marriage, instead of Abortion and Promiscuity.
anything is an assault weapon, the left are far too stupid to even understand their own stupidity. They embrace stupidity.
there is no legal definition of assault weapon because everything is one.
If a law was unconstitutional, it would not be allowed in ANY state.

It is not possible to dumb that fact down any further for you retards.
Trump is willing too -

Poll: Majority of Republicans Supports ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

blood pressure medicine sales must be over the top ........

Okay I have a question. Which weapon below should be legal and which one will you want to ban?

View attachment 273401 View attachment 273402

I dont plan to buy anymore guns of any type. In fact I've given away 13 guns from the low end of my collection since Christmas, soooooooo


apparently, neither does Trump and the new wave of Republicans from the survey ..

deal with it princess -:abgg2q.jpg:
So you are the one who wants to ban all guns, this is what the reason why normal US citizens hate your fucking guts.

Yeah, its those types. They get sanctimonious on you and tell you how much they love guns while giving their own guns away and that you should follow their guiding example. Comprende?
Trump is willing too -

Poll: Majority of Republicans Supports ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

blood pressure medicine sales must be over the top ........

Define Assault Weapon. To a Liberal, an assault weapon is literally anything that holds more than 6 bullets.

All the laws necessary to stop felons and crazy people from having weapons they shouldn't are already on the books.

Gun Free Zone Democrat Cities have the highest murder rates in the country.

America has 400 Million guns, yet despite it's population of 370 Million People, they rank 20th in gun homicide rankings which includes suicides and justifiable homicides by police defending themselves against Felons and Crazy People who somehow still get guns through The Black Market and other means.

Any gun control measure you pass is just smoke and mirrors, and political chest beating which accomplishes nothing.

You want less gun violence? Put The Paddle and God back in School. Preach Family, and Marriage, instead of Abortion and Promiscuity.
anything is an assault weapon, the left are far too stupid to even understand their own stupidity. They embrace stupidity.
there is no legal definition of assault weapon because everything is one.
It's not about math, fuckwit.

Here: If the Supremes decided that an abortion ban was legal, and 23 states banned abortion, would you then claim that abortion bans are unconstitutional because 27 states did not have abortion bans?

Are you starting to get how retarded you sound yet?
If a law was unconstitutional, it would not be allowed in ANY state.

It is not possible to dumb that fact down any further for you retards.
I don't know how more dumbed down I can say this. A law can be unconstitutional for FUCKING DECADES until it is fully challenged and the SCOTUS makes a ruling.

Is that dumbed down enough for your?

If Trump falls for this trap you leftist will get the impeachment you so desire. So guess what I doubt Trump will do it.

he already said he would - just lube him up with a little border control, and he'll turn on you so fast your butt will suck wind -

stick around the show is just starting ...
How many times has he played you leftist? but if he does he knows not one anti trumper is going to support him and leftist will get the impeachment they want. You guys claim to be smart lol

Trump plays you RW morons a hell of a lot more than he does the left -

when voters start standing on Congressional Republican nut sacks wearing gun control boots, TRUMP WILL FOLD just like he always does.

its on the way ...........
And when the gun owners of America start putting our rifle buttstocks on the necks of you leftist gun grabber you're going to squeal like a little girl

bullshit just like that is why the country is running gun queasy right now - keep running your yap dumbass, then blame the Democrats.
Wow. I don't know why I am always caught off guard by how retarded the same people are.
California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Washington, D.C. (so much for the Heller argument) all ban the possession of assault weapons.

QED. An AWB does not violate the 2nd Amendment.
Until challenged.

Did you look at the link I provided? California has had their AWB for decades. Long before Heller.

Nice try. :lol:
Has California's AWB been challenged before the SCOTUS?

Nice try.

The NRA challenged California's law in federal court.

They lost.

Keep trying, loser. :lol:

Assault weapons are perfectly legal in California. They just have more restrictions.
First of all, they are perfectly legal if registered before 2001.
Roberti-Roos Assault Weapons Control Act of 1989
Unfortunately for current assault weapon owners, the deadline to register your weapon is far behind us. In fact, Penal Code 30510 PC (often referred to as the Roberti-Roos Assault Weapons Control Act of 1989) expired in 2001.

Currently, there is no legal way for an individual other than a member of the U.S military or a peace officer to own a registered assault weapon. Unless they owned and registered the assault weapon before the 2001 deadline. Those in possession of an assault weapon registered before 2001 can expect to experience restrictions on its use.

Assault weapons are illegal to purchase in California. Additionally, they may not pass to an heir upon death. If you inherit an assault weapon, you have 90 days to:

  1. Render the weapon inoperable,
  2. Sell the weapon to a licensed gun dealer,
  3. Obtain a permit from the California Department of Justice to possess an assault weapon, or
  4. Remove the weapon from the state altogether.

Second is that they can be sold new legally is they make a few cosmetic changes.
For example, while the AK series is specifically banned, the MAK brand which has a few cosmetic changes, is not.
Here is an MAK-90, which is perfectly legal in Callifornia.
If a law was unconstitutional, it would not be allowed in ANY state.

It is not possible to dumb that fact down any further for you retards.
I don't know how more dumbed down I can say this. A law can be unconstitutional for FUCKING DECADES until it is fully challenged and the SCOTUS makes a ruling.

Is that dumbed down enough for your?

Oh. So you think the NRA has been sitting around with their thumbs up their asses for decades while these laws were in effect?

Just how retarded are you?

The NRA has been challenging these laws over and over and over, and they keep losing over and over and over.

Try another tack. You've lost this one bigly.
If Trump falls for this trap you leftist will get the impeachment you so desire. So guess what I doubt Trump will do it.

he already said he would - just lube him up with a little border control, and he'll turn on you so fast your butt will suck wind -

stick around the show is just starting ...
How many times has he played you leftist? but if he does he knows not one anti trumper is going to support him and leftist will get the impeachment they want. You guys claim to be smart lol

Trump plays you RW morons a hell of a lot more than he does the left -

when voters start standing on Congressional Republican nut sacks wearing gun control boots, TRUMP WILL FOLD just like he always does.

its on the way ...........
And when the gun owners of America start putting our rifle buttstocks on the necks of you leftist gun grabber you're going to squeal like a little girl

bullshit just like that is why the country is running gun queasy right now - keep running your yap dumbass, the blame the Democrats.
You're pissing your pants because you think right wingers are mass shooters. Dude watch out when the real right wing has had enough you leftist asses are the grass and we on the right are the mowers.
If a law was unconstitutional, it would not be allowed in ANY state.

It is not possible to dumb that fact down any further for you retards.
I don't know how more dumbed down I can say this. A law can be unconstitutional for FUCKING DECADES until it is fully challenged and the SCOTUS makes a ruling.

Is that dumbed down enough for your?

Oh. So you think the NRA has been sitting around with their thumbs up their asses for decades while these laws were in effect?

Just how retarded are you?

The NRA has been challenging these laws over and over and over, and they keep losing over and over and over.

Try another tack. You've lost this one bigly.
Okay, you simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Thanks for confirming.


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