gun control - new poll

Trump is willing too -

Poll: Majority of Republicans Supports ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

blood pressure medicine sales must be over the top ........

Define Assault Weapon. To a Liberal, an assault weapon is literally anything that holds more than 6 bullets.

All the laws necessary to stop felons and crazy people from having weapons they shouldn't are already on the books.

Gun Free Zone Democrat Cities have the highest murder rates in the country.

America has 400 Million guns, yet despite it's population of 370 Million People, they rank 20th in gun homicide rankings which includes suicides and justifiable homicides by police defending themselves against Felons and Crazy People who somehow still get guns through The Black Market and other means.

Any gun control measure you pass is just smoke and mirrors, and political chest beating which accomplishes nothing.

You want less gun violence? Put The Paddle and God back in School. Preach Family, and Marriage, instead of Abortion and Promiscuity.
anything is an assault weapon, the left are far too stupid to even understand their own stupidity. They embrace stupidity.
there is no legal definition of assault weapon because everything is one.
It's not about math, fuckwit.

Here: If the Supremes decided that an abortion ban was legal, and 23 states banned abortion, would you then claim that abortion bans are unconstitutional because 27 states did not have abortion bans?

Are you starting to get how retarded you sound yet?
Now that makes no sense
Trump is willing too -

Poll: Majority of Republicans Supports ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

blood pressure medicine sales must be over the top ........

Define Assault Weapon. To a Liberal, an assault weapon is literally anything that holds more than 6 bullets.

All the laws necessary to stop felons and crazy people from having weapons they shouldn't are already on the books.

Gun Free Zone Democrat Cities have the highest murder rates in the country.

America has 400 Million guns, yet despite it's population of 370 Million People, they rank 20th in gun homicide rankings which includes suicides and justifiable homicides by police defending themselves against Felons and Crazy People who somehow still get guns through The Black Market and other means.

Any gun control measure you pass is just smoke and mirrors, and political chest beating which accomplishes nothing.

You want less gun violence? Put The Paddle and God back in School. Preach Family, and Marriage, instead of Abortion and Promiscuity.
anything is an assault weapon, the left are far too stupid to even understand their own stupidity. They embrace stupidity.
there is no legal definition of assault weapon because everything is one.
It's not about math, fuckwit.

Here: If the Supremes decided that an abortion ban was legal, and 23 states banned abortion, would you then claim that abortion bans are unconstitutional because 27 states did not have abortion bans?

Are you starting to get how retarded you sound yet?

That is because there is NO state that has an assault weapons ban, regardless of what they claim.
They just have some additional restrictions, licensing, cosmetic requirements, etc.
If White liberals are telling black folk “white nationalism” is on the rise, then WTF do they want to take their guns away from them to protect themselves??? Frederick Douglass knew better
If a law was unconstitutional, it would not be allowed in ANY state.

It is not possible to dumb that fact down any further for you retards.
I don't know how more dumbed down I can say this. A law can be unconstitutional for FUCKING DECADES until it is fully challenged and the SCOTUS makes a ruling.

Is that dumbed down enough for your?

Oh. So you think the NRA has been sitting around with their thumbs up their asses for decades while these laws were in effect?

Just how retarded are you?

The NRA has been challenging these laws over and over and over, and they keep losing over and over and over.

Try another tack. You've lost this one bigly.

No, in general the NRA has won.
The SCOTUS has rules that firearms are an individual right, and that military grade weapons can not be banned.
They also have prevented any ex post facto bans.
So there are no assault weapons bans, in any state, actually.
There are just some additional regulations, licensing, cosmetic changes, etc.
Trump is willing too -

Poll: Majority of Republicans Supports ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

blood pressure medicine sales must be over the top ........

Define Assault Weapon. To a Liberal, an assault weapon is literally anything that holds more than 6 bullets.

All the laws necessary to stop felons and crazy people from having weapons they shouldn't are already on the books.

Gun Free Zone Democrat Cities have the highest murder rates in the country.

America has 400 Million guns, yet despite it's population of 370 Million People, they rank 20th in gun homicide rankings which includes suicides and justifiable homicides by police defending themselves against Felons and Crazy People who somehow still get guns through The Black Market and other means.

Any gun control measure you pass is just smoke and mirrors, and political chest beating which accomplishes nothing.

You want less gun violence? Put The Paddle and God back in School. Preach Family, and Marriage, instead of Abortion and Promiscuity.
anything is an assault weapon, the left are far too stupid to even understand their own stupidity. They embrace stupidity.
there is no legal definition of assault weapon because everything is one.
It's not about math, fuckwit.

Here: If the Supremes decided that an abortion ban was legal, and 23 states banned abortion, would you then claim that abortion bans are unconstitutional because 27 states did not have abortion bans?

Are you starting to get how retarded you sound yet?

these asshats live in their own ilttle world in their own little heads - facts, logic, and reality is futile.
Liberals want to Ban Guns from law abiding citizens seeking to protect themselves from criminals, but Not Ban MS-13 or The Mexican Drug Cartels from coming across the border to kill us with guns Eric Holder sold them.

Dat's Wacist!
If Trump falls for this trap you leftist will get the impeachment you so desire. So guess what I doubt Trump will do it.

he already said he would - just lube him up with a little border control, and he'll turn on you so fast your butt will suck wind -

stick around the show is just starting ...
How many times has he played you leftist? but if he does he knows not one anti trumper is going to support him and leftist will get the impeachment they want. You guys claim to be smart lol

Trump plays you RW morons a hell of a lot more than he does the left -

when voters start standing on Congressional Republican nut sacks wearing gun control boots, TRUMP WILL FOLD just like he always does.

its on the way ...........
And when the gun owners of America start putting our rifle buttstocks on the necks of you leftist gun grabber you're going to squeal like a little girl

bullshit just like that is why the country is running gun queasy right now - keep running your yap dumbass, then blame the Democrats.
I’ve never seen a gun do anything. Ever! You?
Trump is willing too -

Poll: Majority of Republicans Supports ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

blood pressure medicine sales must be over the top ........

Define Assault Weapon. To a Liberal, an assault weapon is literally anything that holds more than 6 bullets.

All the laws necessary to stop felons and crazy people from having weapons they shouldn't are already on the books.

Gun Free Zone Democrat Cities have the highest murder rates in the country.

America has 400 Million guns, yet despite it's population of 370 Million People, they rank 20th in gun homicide rankings which includes suicides and justifiable homicides by police defending themselves against Felons and Crazy People who somehow still get guns through The Black Market and other means.

Any gun control measure you pass is just smoke and mirrors, and political chest beating which accomplishes nothing.

You want less gun violence? Put The Paddle and God back in School. Preach Family, and Marriage, instead of Abortion and Promiscuity.
anything is an assault weapon, the left are far too stupid to even understand their own stupidity. They embrace stupidity.
there is no legal definition of assault weapon because everything is one.
It's not about math, fuckwit.

Here: If the Supremes decided that an abortion ban was legal, and 23 states banned abortion, would you then claim that abortion bans are unconstitutional because 27 states did not have abortion bans?

Are you starting to get how retarded you sound yet?

these asshats live in their own ilttle world in their own little heads - facts, logic, and reality is futile.
You’re talking about yourself
he already said he would - just lube him up with a little border control, and he'll turn on you so fast your butt will suck wind -

stick around the show is just starting ...
How many times has he played you leftist? but if he does he knows not one anti trumper is going to support him and leftist will get the impeachment they want. You guys claim to be smart lol

Trump plays you RW morons a hell of a lot more than he does the left -

when voters start standing on Congressional Republican nut sacks wearing gun control boots, TRUMP WILL FOLD just like he always does.

its on the way ...........
And when the gun owners of America start putting our rifle buttstocks on the necks of you leftist gun grabber you're going to squeal like a little girl

bullshit just like that is why the country is running gun queasy right now - keep running your yap dumbass, then blame the Democrats.
I’ve never seen a gun do anything. Ever! You?
Well, the other night, I caught two of my guns trying to sneak out and go rob a pawn shop. I stopped them just in time.

How many times has he played you leftist? but if he does he knows not one anti trumper is going to support him and leftist will get the impeachment they want. You guys claim to be smart lol

Trump plays you RW morons a hell of a lot more than he does the left -

when voters start standing on Congressional Republican nut sacks wearing gun control boots, TRUMP WILL FOLD just like he always does.

its on the way ...........
And when the gun owners of America start putting our rifle buttstocks on the necks of you leftist gun grabber you're going to squeal like a little girl

bullshit just like that is why the country is running gun queasy right now - keep running your yap dumbass, then blame the Democrats.
I’ve never seen a gun do anything. Ever! You?
Well, the other night, I caught two of my guns trying to sneak out and go rob a pawn shop. I stopped them just in time.

I’m sure you were concerned
If a law was unconstitutional, it would not be allowed in ANY state.

It is not possible to dumb that fact down any further for you retards.
I don't know how more dumbed down I can say this. A law can be unconstitutional for FUCKING DECADES until it is fully challenged and the SCOTUS makes a ruling.

Is that dumbed down enough for your?

Oh. So you think the NRA has been sitting around with their thumbs up their asses for decades while these laws were in effect?

Just how retarded are you?

The NRA has been challenging these laws over and over and over, and they keep losing over and over and over.

Try another tack. You've lost this one bigly.

No, in general the NRA has won.
The SCOTUS has rules that firearms are an individual right, and that military grade weapons can not be banned.
They also have prevented any ex post facto bans.
So there are no assault weapons bans, in any state, actually.
There are just some additional regulations, licensing, cosmetic changes, etc.
Mcdonald vs city of Chicago
Trump plays you RW morons a hell of a lot more than he does the left -

when voters start standing on Congressional Republican nut sacks wearing gun control boots, TRUMP WILL FOLD just like he always does.

its on the way ...........
And when the gun owners of America start putting our rifle buttstocks on the necks of you leftist gun grabber you're going to squeal like a little girl

bullshit just like that is why the country is running gun queasy right now - keep running your yap dumbass, then blame the Democrats.
I’ve never seen a gun do anything. Ever! You?
Well, the other night, I caught two of my guns trying to sneak out and go rob a pawn shop. I stopped them just in time.

I’m sure you were concerned
We had a nice long talk. They were both grounded and sent to bed without dinner.

I think they learned their lesson.

Trump is willing too -

Poll: Majority of Republicans Supports ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

blood pressure medicine sales must be over the top ........

Define Assault Weapon. To a Liberal, an assault weapon is literally anything that holds more than 6 bullets.

All the laws necessary to stop felons and crazy people from having weapons they shouldn't are already on the books.

Gun Free Zone Democrat Cities have the highest murder rates in the country.

America has 400 Million guns, yet despite it's population of 370 Million People, they rank 20th in gun homicide rankings which includes suicides and justifiable homicides by police defending themselves against Felons and Crazy People who somehow still get guns through The Black Market and other means.

Any gun control measure you pass is just smoke and mirrors, and political chest beating which accomplishes nothing.

You want less gun violence? Put The Paddle and God back in School. Preach Family, and Marriage, instead of Abortion and Promiscuity.
anything is an assault weapon, the left are far too stupid to even understand their own stupidity. They embrace stupidity.
there is no legal definition of assault weapon because everything is one.
It's not about math, fuckwit.

Here: If the Supremes decided that an abortion ban was legal, and 23 states banned abortion, would you then claim that abortion bans are unconstitutional because 27 states did not have abortion bans?

Are you starting to get how retarded you sound yet?

these asshats live in their own ilttle world in their own little heads - facts, logic, and reality is futile.
But it's you asshats that are treading on our world.
If a law was unconstitutional, it would not be allowed in ANY state.

It is not possible to dumb that fact down any further for you retards.
I don't know how more dumbed down I can say this. A law can be unconstitutional for FUCKING DECADES until it is fully challenged and the SCOTUS makes a ruling.

Is that dumbed down enough for your?

Oh. So you think the NRA has been sitting around with their thumbs up their asses for decades while these laws were in effect?

Just how retarded are you?

The NRA has been challenging these laws over and over and over, and they keep losing over and over and over.

Try another tack. You've lost this one bigly.

No, in general the NRA has won.
The SCOTUS has rules that firearms are an individual right, and that military grade weapons can not be banned.
They also have prevented any ex post facto bans.
So there are no assault weapons bans, in any state, actually.
There are just some additional regulations, licensing, cosmetic changes, etc.
Mcdonald vs city of Chicago


McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U.S. 742 (2010), is a landmark[1] decision of the Supreme Court of the United States that found that the right of an individual to "keep and bear arms," as protected under the Second Amendment, is incorporated by either the Due Process Clause or Privileges or Immunities Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment against the states. The decision cleared up the uncertainty left in the wake of District of Columbia v. Heller as to the scope of gun rights in regard to the states.

Initially the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit had upheld a Chicago ordinance banning the possession of handguns as well as other gun regulations affecting rifles and shotguns, citing United States v. Cruikshank, Presser v. Illinois, and Miller v. Texas.[2] The petition for certiorari was filed by Alan Gura, the attorney who had successfully argued Heller, and Chicago-area attorney David G. Sigale.[3] The Second Amendment Foundation and the Illinois State Rifle Association sponsored the litigation on behalf of several Chicago residents, including retiree Otis McDonald.

The oral arguments took place on March 2, 2010.[4][5] On June 28, 2010, the Supreme Court, in a 5–4 decision, reversed the Seventh Circuit's decision, holding that the Second Amendment was incorporated under the Fourteenth Amendment thus protecting those rights from infringement by state and local governments.[6] It then remanded the case back to Seventh Circuit to resolve conflicts between certain Chicago gun restrictions and the Second Amendment.

McDonald v. City of Chicago - Wikipedia
Trump is willing too -

Poll: Majority of Republicans Supports ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

blood pressure medicine sales must be over the top ........

Okay I have a question. Which weapon below should be legal and which one will you want to ban?

View attachment 273401 View attachment 273402

It doesn't matter if it makes sense. The facts are people are going to support these bans as long as we do nothing else. They want to believe they have done something. No, it will make no difference but unless someone comes up with a different plan they are going to happen again.

And then without a better answer when those fail people are going to support even more restrictions.
Doing something to make you feel better? by disarming everyone.. You really are a fucking idiot..

Bite me. I'm simply stating what will happen. You have to make it personal because you know I'm right. You can discuss what is going to happen without supporting it.
By the way, isnt President Trump running this country and military? If we all gave up our guns, what is to stop him becoming a dictator? Or are you really that stupid?
Checks and balances.
2nd amendment asshole.
An AWB does not violate the 2nd Amendment, asshole.
Yeah, it does.

Common use. See Heller.
We've had a federal AWB before.

So there you go.

Not unconstitutional.

Heller was not about an AWB. It was about handguns.

The first time an automatic weapon was banned was in the 1930s. To ban the fully automatic weapon.

It has sort of come back. If you have a ton of money to pay for the permits to have one but other than that, who has seen a full automatic weapon outside a museum or movie?

Bans work.

If we can ban fully automatic weapons we can ban the semi automatic weapons. There was a ban on the semi automatic ones and limits on how many bullets a magazine can hold for 10 years from the Clinton administration. The republicans of the bush boy administration let the law expire.
Checks and balances.
2nd amendment asshole.
An AWB does not violate the 2nd Amendment, asshole.
Yeah, it does.

Common use. See Heller.
We've had a federal AWB before.

So there you go.

Not unconstitutional.

Heller was not about an AWB. It was about handguns.

The first time an automatic weapon was banned was in the 1930s. To ban the fully automatic weapon.

It has sort of come back. If you have a ton of money to pay for the permits to have one but other than that, who has seen a full automatic weapon outside a museum or movie?

Bans work.

If we can ban fully automatic weapons we can ban the semi automatic weapons. There was a ban on the semi automatic ones and limits on how many bullets a magazine can hold for 10 years from the Clinton administration. The republicans of the bush boy administration let the law expire.

There wasn't a ban. New ones were not being sold. The thing was you could buy 50 used ones or the parts to make a new one so nobody was really out anything.
Define Assault Weapon. To a Liberal, an assault weapon is literally anything that holds more than 6 bullets.

All the laws necessary to stop felons and crazy people from having weapons they shouldn't are already on the books.

Gun Free Zone Democrat Cities have the highest murder rates in the country.

America has 400 Million guns, yet despite it's population of 370 Million People, they rank 20th in gun homicide rankings which includes suicides and justifiable homicides by police defending themselves against Felons and Crazy People who somehow still get guns through The Black Market and other means.

Any gun control measure you pass is just smoke and mirrors, and political chest beating which accomplishes nothing.

You want less gun violence? Put The Paddle and God back in School. Preach Family, and Marriage, instead of Abortion and Promiscuity.
anything is an assault weapon, the left are far too stupid to even understand their own stupidity. They embrace stupidity.
there is no legal definition of assault weapon because everything is one.
It's not about math, fuckwit.

Here: If the Supremes decided that an abortion ban was legal, and 23 states banned abortion, would you then claim that abortion bans are unconstitutional because 27 states did not have abortion bans?

Are you starting to get how retarded you sound yet?

these asshats live in their own ilttle world in their own little heads - facts, logic, and reality is futile.
But it's you asshats that are treading on our world.

I'm not the asshat willing to trade gun legislation for border control legislation , Trump is

ya f'n dumbass ..
Checks and balances.
2nd amendment asshole.
An AWB does not violate the 2nd Amendment, asshole.
Yeah, it does.

Common use. See Heller.
We've had a federal AWB before.

So there you go.

Not unconstitutional.

Heller was not about an AWB. It was about handguns.

The first time an automatic weapon was banned was in the 1930s. To ban the fully automatic weapon.

It has sort of come back. If you have a ton of money to pay for the permits to have one but other than that, who has seen a full automatic weapon outside a museum or movie?

Bans work.

If we can ban fully automatic weapons we can ban the semi automatic weapons. There was a ban on the semi automatic ones and limits on how many bullets a magazine can hold for 10 years from the Clinton administration. The republicans of the bush boy administration let the law expire.
And Columbine Massacre still happened. San Bernardino which bans weapons, had a massacre. You idiots think that banning guns will solve the problem, but you wont close the border where drugs and guns come freely across. Until all the illegal guns are out of the hands of the criminals, I will continue to have mine. There are a few million others who feel the same. You lose.

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