Gun control works in Britain? Gun Crime up....

You mean "slaves" ?
To be fair we did transport a load of thieves and whores. maybe its in the genes ?
Sure just ignore serfdom and the crimes committed against entire populations under the guise of British imperialism.

You people don;t have any moral high ground to claim here

Firearm death rate in USA is 12.2 per million people per year.
Firearm death rate in UK is 0.23 per million people per year.
Suicides don;t count.

Suicide is a choice and any free person has the absolute right to decide to end his own life

0ver 2/3 of firearm related deaths in the US are suicides or IOW a person's choice
Almost all gun crime in the UK relates to conflicts between drug gangs. Normal law abiding people have no use whatsoever for handguns and or automatic rifles for "self defence". We have units of highly trained police officers who deal with any incidents involving firearms, thank you.
Just like in this country.

Except we have more cities where this occurs and we have local governments and law enforcement agencies that just do not give a shit if young male minorities kill each other.
The democrat party war on police has affected police forces around the country.....their reach is long......besides that, in many cities, the judges, prosecutors are democrats, who refuse at times to even charge criminals they actually catch on video...
Another ignorant generalization. Show one instance where the party leaders of democrats including Biden all got together as a national policy and want to defund the police. The GOP can’t even hold their own members accountable for their illegal and disgraceful actions. The GOP as a policy refuses to even hold corporations responsible for hiring illegals which is the biggest driving force for illegal immigration. Geesus, your own fking President was an admitted fraud and hire of illegals. Don’t talk about liberals and criminality. Your party is awash with it.
Suicides don;t count.

Suicide is a choice and any free person has the absolute right to decide to end his own life

0ver 2/3 of firearm related deaths in the US are suicides or IOW a person's choice
That’s a stupid remark. Why not go all the way and make it easier for teens
, one of the biggest group that do this, easier by selling guns to any 13 year old who was fat shamed.
Let’s just hand guns around to all potential suicide victims to make it easier. That’s what your saying.
That’s a stupid remark. Why not go all the way and make it easier for teens
, one of the biggest group that do this, easier by selling guns to any 13 year old who was fat shamed.
Let’s just hand guns around to all potential suicide victims to make it easier. That’s what your saying.
Guns are for adult use.

if a parent gives a minor unfettered access to a gun it's the parent's fault not the gun's.

Why is it you people insist that children are somehow allowed legal access to guns?
Guns are for adult use.

if a parent gives a minor unfettered access to a gun it's the parent's fault not the gun's.

Why is it you people insist that children are somehow allowed legal access to guns?
That’s why the gop is in favor of selling guns to anyone on the open market.

Get real. If someone isn’t getting shot, it’s a bad day for gun a holic conservatives.

ANY minor has legal access to BUYING a firearm from any legal buyer. Our gop legislative laws are a joke. Even the idiot 17 year old we just acquitted was too young to buy a gun but was legal to intimidate and shoot people.

Are you saying Suicide is a right for teens ? That’s your story ?
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That’s why the gop is in favor of selling guns to anyone on the open market.

Get real. If someone isn’t getting shot, it’s a bad day for gun a holic conservatives.
OK so tell me where anyone wants to sell guns to 13 year old children.
Gun crime in the UK is horrendous, our yearly figures are nearly up to a Saturday night figures in Chicago.
Americans don;t really care what you Brits do. The question is why do you all seem to care so much about what we do?
OK so tell me where anyone wants to sell guns to 13 year old children.
In any state or municipality that doesn’t require universal background checks. It’s all legal to NOT ask anyone their age or even require an ID in private sales. YOU can sell a gun to a felon or teen simply by not asking for an ID and claiming you were stupid. Leave it to republicans to reward stupidity and gifting to get away with aiding murder and suicides with teens and felons.
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In any state or municipality that doesn’t require universal background checks. It’s all legal to NOT ask anyone their age or even require an ID. YOU can sell a gun to a felon simply by not asking for an ID and claiming you were stupid. Leave it to republicans to reward stupidity and gifting to get away with murder and suicides with teens and felons.

Almost all states specifically prohibit sales to minors
Chicago is a city and UK is a country. Conservatives are really not that smart in geography are they ?
One city in the USA on one day beats the whole of the UK in one year. Did you not get that? You thick retard. You are so slow, stationary objects are flying past you.
Look at the threads and content in general. Come on, speed your brain up, you guys mouth froth over the UK.
I don't.

I just have to correct you people when you post stupid shit because you7 don;t know anything about this country

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