Gun control works in Britain? Gun Crime up....

Moron.....the only reason assholes like you want background checks on private sales is to next demand gun registration.....

We have all the laws we need to arrest felons with guns......that isn't problem. Our problem is the democrat party and losers like you releasing the felons with guns that we catch...the ones doing almost all of the shooting...

So sell your background checks to biden voters....the only ones too stupid to know what you are really after.
Trump Humper a little upset ?
Wrong. It only prohibits doing it Knowingly. You can hand a loaded weapon over to a 15 year old if you don’t ask for any proof showing it. How stupid do you think the world is to go for your gun a holic tripe.


States with weakest gun laws…more gun violence.
We want to keep assholes like you from arming teenagers with firearms to commit suicides.

This is a quote from the federal provisions On private sales or fiream transfers.
This paragraph exempts from being prohibited, anyone who doesn’t know or ask or require proof of eligibility. So anyone is exempt from these provisions if he DOES NOT ask for proof of eligibility.
That means anyone can easily avoid being a prohibited seller.


Yeah....shithead...they aren't a problem....but you need to pretend they are so you can get universal background checks......which you need to demand gun registration.....
States with weakest gun laws…more gun violence.

Wrong, shithead........notice they say "gun violence," not gun murder? There is a reason for that, because they use suicide by gun as a factor iin getting their you think this is the first time idiots like you have tried to use that lie in these forums....?
States with weakest gun laws…more gun violence.



States with weakest gun laws…more gun violence.

You are an idiot.
As the below charts show, Democratic areas (measured by the party that controls the congressional district) are far more likely to experience almost all forms of malicious gun violence than Republican areas. These charts exclude suicides, for which data are not available on a congressional district basis, so it only breaks down the fraction of gun violence that is accidental or confrontational.

A distinct pattern emerged: In Democratic regions of the country, which tend to be cities, people are more likely to be murdered with a gun than they are to shoot themselves to death.

In regions of the country won by Republicans, which tend to be rural areas and small towns, the opposite is true — people are more likely to shoot themselves to death than they are to be murdered with a gun.
In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.


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States with weakest gun laws…more gun violence.

Do you think you are the first anti-gun nut job to try this crap?

New Study Finds Firearms Laws Do Nothing to Prevent Homicides

But what jumps out at you when you read Fleegler’s article is that the decrease in fatalities that he documents relates almost exclusively to suicides. What his study really shows is that strict gun laws have little or no impact on gun homicides:

Compared with the quartile of states with the fewest laws, the quartile with the most laws had a lower firearm suicide rate (absolute rate difference, 6.25 deaths/100 000/y; IRR, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.48-0.83) and a lower firearm homicide rate (absolute rate difference, 0.40 deaths/100 000/y; IRR, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.38-0.95).

Do Gun Laws Stop Gun Crimes?
The same week Kristof's column came out, National Journal attracted major media attention with a showy piece of research and analysis headlined "The States With The Most Gun Laws See The Fewest Gun-Related Deaths." The subhead lamented: "But there's still little appetite to talk about more restrictions."

Critics quickly noted that the Journal's Libby Isenstein had included suicides among "gun-related deaths" and suicide-irrelevant policies such as stand-your-ground laws among its tally of "gun laws." That meant that high-suicide, low-homicide states such as Wyoming, Alaska, and Idaho were taken to task for their liberal carry-permit policies. Worse, several of the states with what the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence considers terribly lax gun laws were dropped from Isenstein's data set because their murder rates were too low!

Another of National Journal's mistakes is a common one in gun science: The paper didn't look at gun statistics in the context of overall violent crime, a much more relevant measure to the policy debate. After all, if less gun crime doesn't mean less crime overall—if criminals simply substitute other weapons or means when guns are less available—the benefit of the relevant gun laws is thrown into doubt. When Thomas Firey of the Cato Institute ran regressions of Isenstein's study with slightly different specifications and considering all violent crime, each of her effects either disappeared or reversed.
Another recent well-publicized study trying to assert a positive connection between gun laws and public safety was a 2013 JAMA Internal Medicine article by the Harvard pediatrics professor Eric W. Fleegler and his colleagues, called "Firearm Legislation and Firearm-Related Fatalities in the United States." It offered a mostly static comparison of the toughness of state gun laws (as rated by the gun control lobbyists at the Brady Center) with gun deaths from 2007 to 2010.

"States with strictest firearm laws have lowest rates of gun deaths," a Boston Globeheadline then announced. But once again, if you take the simple, obvious step of separating out suicides from murders, the correlations that buttress the supposed causations disappear. As John Hinderaker headlined his reaction at the Power Line blog, "New Study Finds Firearm Laws Do Nothing to Prevent Homicides."

Among other anomalies in Fleegler's research, Hinderaker pointed out that it didn't include Washington, D.C., with its strict gun laws and frequent homicides. If just one weak-gun-law state, Louisiana, were taken out of the equation, "the remaining nine lowest-regulation states have an average gun homicide rate of 2.8 per 100,000, which is 12.5% less than the average of the ten states with the strictest gun control laws," he found.

Public health researcher Garen Wintemute, who advocates stronger gun laws, assessed the spate of gun-law studies during an October interview with Slate and found it wanting: "There have been studies that have essentially toted up the number of laws various states have on the books and examined the association between the number of laws and rates of firearm death," said Wintemute, who is a medical doctor and researcher at the University of California, Davis. "That's really bad science, and it shouldn't inform policymaking."
Wintemute thinks the factor such studies don't adequately consider is the number of people in a state who have guns to begin with, which is generally not known or even well-estimated on levels smaller than national, though researchers have used proxies from subscribers to certain gun-related magazines and percentages of suicides committed with guns to make educated guesses. "Perhaps these laws decrease mortality by decreasing firearm ownership, in which case firearm ownership mediates the association," Wintemute wrote in a 2013 JAMA Internal Medicine paper. "But perhaps, and more plausibly, these laws are more readily enacted in states where the prevalence of firearm ownership is low—there will be less opposition to them—and firearm ownership confounds the association."

Would Cracking Down on Guns in the U.S. Really Reduce Violence? , by Robert VerBruggen, National Review

There is actually no simple correlation between states’ homicide rates and their gun-ownership rates or gun laws.
This has been shown numerous times, by different people, using different data sets.

A year ago, I took state gun-ownership levels reported by the Washington Post (based on a Centers for Disease Control survey) and compared them with murder rates from the FBI: no correlation.

The legal scholar Eugene Volokh has compared states’ gun laws (as rated by the anti-gun Brady Campaign) with their murder rates: no correlation.

David Freddoso of the Washington Examiner, a former National Review reporter, failed to find a correlation even between gun ownership in a state and gun murders specifically, an approach that sets aside the issue of whether gun availability has an effect on non-gun crime. (Guns can deter unarmed criminals, for instance, and criminals without guns may simply switch to other weapons.)

, I recently redid my analysis with a few tweaks. Instead of relying on a single year of survey data, I averaged three years. (The CDC survey, the best available for state-level numbers, included data on gun ownership only in 2001, 2002, and 2004. Those were the years I looked at.)

And instead of comparing CDC data with murder rates from a different agency, I relied on the CDC’s own estimates of death by assault in those years. Again: no correlation.


Left-leaning media outlets, from Mother Jones to National Journal, get around this absence of correlation by reporting numbers on “gun deaths” rather than gun homicides or homicides in general.

More than 60 percent of gun deaths nationally are suicides, and places with higher gun ownership typically see a higher percentage of their suicides committed with a gun.

Focusing on the number of gun deaths practically guarantees a finding that guns and violence go together. While it may be true that public policy should also seek to reduce suicide, it is homicide — often a dramatic mass killing — that usually prompts the media and politicians to call for gun control, and it is homicide that most influences people as they consider supporting measures to take away their fellow citizens’ access to guns.

There are large gaps among the states when it comes to homicide, with rates ranging all the way from about two to twelve per 100,000 in 2013, the most recent year of data available from the CDC. These disparities show that it’s not just guns that cause the United States to have, on average, a higher rate of homicide than other developed countries do. Not only is there no correlation between gun ownership and overall homicide within a state, but there is a strong correlation between gun homicide and non-gun homicide — suggesting that they spring from similar causes, and that some states are simply more violent than others. A closer look at demographic and geographic patterns provides some clues as to why this is.

Read more at: Would Cracking Down on Guns in the U.S. Really Reduce Violence? | National Review
Especially if they’re in gop states which most are

The 10 Most Dangerous Cities In America For 2021​

  1. St. Louis
  2. Springfield
  3. Memphis
  4. Little Rock
  5. Oakland
  6. Wichita
  7. New Orleans
  8. Chattanooga
  9. North Charleston
  10. Cleveland

Moron...if you click on those links it doesn't list them by how dangerous they are it just gives crime stats, you doofus.....and again, show me the republican mayors. of those cities......because all of them, just about, have democrat mayors and have had them for idiot....
Wrong. It only prohibits doing it Knowingly. You can hand a loaded weapon over to a 15 year old if you don’t ask for any proof showing it. How stupid do you think the world is to go for your gun a holic tripe.
That's not what it says

Maybe you should learn to read

in almost all states no 15 year old can buy a gun
States with weakest gun laws…more gun violence.

No it doesn’t. You are exempt from the provision by remaining stupid and ignorant of the buy eligibility. That should be easy for gun a. Holics.
Quote from Fed regs.
And is one of those above 5 categories people under 18?

No it is not.

Minors are covered in another section of the laws

Maybe you should read the whole thing and take note where is days transfer of a firearm to a juvenile is punishable by up to 1 year in prison and up to 10 years under special circumstances
Frankly, we don't. Unfortunately some posters on this board try to use the UK to demonstrate that gun control doesn't work. We disagree and feel obliged to comment accordingly

You can disagree all you want....facts are facts and they are stubborn.....

Police struggle to stop flood of firearms into UK

Police and border officials are struggling to stop a rising supply of illegal firearms being smuggled into Britain, a senior police chief has warned.

Chief constable Andy Cooke, the national police lead for serious and organised crime, said law enforcement had seen an increased supply of guns over the past year, and feared that it would continue in 2019

The Guardian has learned that the situation is so serious that the National Crime Agency has taken the rare step of using its legal powers to direct every single police force to step up the fight against illegal guns.

The NCA has used tasking powers to direct greater intelligence about firearms to be gathered by all 43 forces in England and Wales.

Another senior law enforcement official said that “new and clean” weapons were now being used in the majority of shootings, as opposed to guns once being so difficult to obtain that they would be “rented out” to be used in multiple crimes.

Cooke, the Merseyside chief constable, told the Guardian: “We in law enforcement expect the rise in new firearms to continue. We are doing all we can. We are not in a position to stop it anytime soon.

“Law enforcement is more joined up now than before, but the scale of the problem is such that despite a number of excellent firearms seizures, I expect the rise in supply to be a continuing issue.”

The increasing supply of guns belies problems with UK border security and innovations by organised crime gangs. Smugglers have increasingly found new ways and innovative routes to get guns past border defences.

Cooke said that the dynamics of the streets of British cities had changed and that criminals were more willing to use guns: “If they bring them in people will buy them. It’s a kudos thing for organised criminals.”

Simon Brough, head of firearms at the NCA, said: “The majority of guns being used are new, clean firearms ... which indicates a relatively fluid supply.”

He said shotguns were 40% of the total, with an increase in burglaries to try and steal them.

Handguns are the next biggest category, most often smuggled in from overseas, with ferry ports such as Dover being a popular entry point into the UK for organised crime groups:

“We’re doing a lot to fight back against it,” Brough said, adding that compared to other European countries, the availability in the UK was relatively lower.


Powerful automatic guns are being smuggled into Britain for use by organised crime gangs.

The National Crime Agency and police seized weapons in raids on the homes of previously untouchable “Mr Big”s after receiving intelligence from European detectives who broke an encrypted phone network used by drug dealers and gun traffickers.

Gangs bring rapid‑fire guns to Britain’s streets

Matt Perfect, the crime agency’s firearms threat lead, said that new Skorpion and G9A automatic pistols, which fire at a speed comparable to an AK47 assault rifle, were found.


Scotland Yard today said police are seizing more deadly automatic weapons from criminals in London as detectives revealed that an innocent bystander was gunned down with a suspected Skorpion sub-machine gun last month .

Rise in sub-machine guns on London streets
Frankly, we don't. Unfortunately some posters on this board try to use the UK to demonstrate that gun control doesn't work. We disagree and feel obliged to comment accordingly

Look....if the anti-gun extremists would stop pointing at your failed gun control policies as a reason to have more failed gun control over here, I wouldn't bother with your little island.....
And is one of those above 5 categories people under 18?

No it is not.

Minors are covered in another section of the laws

Maybe you should read the whole thing and take note where is days transfer of a firearm to a juvenile is punishable by up to 1 year in prison and up to 10 years under special circumstances
Kind of a ridiculous retort when there is NO FEDERAL LAW requiring a seller to verify the age of the buyer in private sales. You’re hilarious. Show us the federal regulation that REQUIRES A PRIVATE SELLER OF A FIREARM to verify the age of a buyer. SHOW US .

I can read. You seem to struggle. My post refers to all prior regulations……the private seller is inlet required to abide by them if he “knows” they is a violation, but no where, is he required to ask of seek proof dufus.

Thats where mandatory BGCs come in non reader.
Look....if the anti-gun extremists would stop pointing at your failed gun control policies as a reason to have more failed gun control over here, I wouldn't bother with your little island.....
There is non anti gun extremist. Only those two groups; those who prefer reasonable gun laws and gun a holics. The majority of every major demographic including gun owners and Republicans want universal background checks. Only those of you who want to arm criminals, kids and mentally incompetent, don’t.

Polling from Everytown and the gun control advocacy and research organization Giffords conducted after the 2020 election found that 93 percent of Americans want universal background checks — including “strong” support from 64 percent of Republicans and 67 percent of gun owners.
Kind of a ridiculous retort when there is NO FEDERAL LAW requiring a seller to verify the age of the buyer in private sales. You’re hilarious. Show us the federal regulation that REQUIRES A PRIVATE SELLER OF A FIREARM to verify the age of a buyer. SHOW US .

I can read. You seem to struggle. My post refers to all prior regulations……the private seller is inlet required to abide by them if he “knows” they is a violation, but no where, is he required to ask of seek proof dufus.

Thats where mandatory BGCs come in non reader.

Don't need to......private sellers who are straw buying for criminals are easily captured....are captured, all the time......the problem is that morons like you vote for democrats, who then release actual violent gun criminals over and over again.....

The only reason you push universal background checks is to then demand gun registration...which you need before you ban and confiscate guns.......
There is non anti gun extremist. Only those two groups; those who prefer reasonable gun laws and gun a holics. The majority of every major demographic including gun owners and Republicans want universal background checks. Only those of you who want to arm criminals, kids and mentally incompetent, don’t.

Polling from Everytown and the gun control advocacy and research organization Giffords conducted after the 2020 election found that 93 percent of Americans want universal background checks — including “strong” support from 64 percent of Republicans and 67 percent of gun owners.

Wrong.....the majority of people who answer dumb poll questions don't know the underlying issues involved with background checks or the reasons morons like you want them...

If those answering the polls knew the actual issues and why you guys want universal background checks, they wouldn't support them.
There is non anti gun extremist. Only those two groups; those who prefer reasonable gun laws and gun a holics. The majority of every major demographic including gun owners and Republicans want universal background checks. Only those of you who want to arm criminals, kids and mentally incompetent, don’t.

Polling from Everytown and the gun control advocacy and research organization Giffords conducted after the 2020 election found that 93 percent of Americans want universal background checks — including “strong” support from 64 percent of Republicans and 67 percent of gun owners.

Mentioning Everytown doesn't help you...............

Here....ask this question....

Do you support universal background checks even though they require you to register your guns with the government?

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