Gun deaths among U.S. children and teens rose 50% in two years between 2019 and 2021 during the Trump-Lightfoot administrations

Apparently they are now fudging

death from Murderous Fraud Vax


Gun Death - ie "need" for Hitler's gun control policies

because the FASCISTS behind both never stop lying...
i say Trump-Lightfoot because both sides are to blame. blood is on both sides' hands!

Totally outrageous and unacceptable.

And the guys are out in force today.....

Now the truth.....

73.6 million children in 2020 in the United States

Unintentional gun deaths by gun ages <1 to 14..........from the Centers for Disease Control...



Intentional gun murder ages <1-14.....


Intentional gun murder ages 15-19.....

(keeping in mind these are majority criminals, involved in gangs, drugs and other crime.....and when do you consider an 17,18, 19 year old a child?)


Unintentional motor vehicle deaths of children 2020.......

ages ....... <1-14




Application Dispatcher

Number of children in the U.S. 2021 | Statista


The National Gang Center (NGC), a function of the federal government, tells us that in recent years, between 35 and 41% of street gang members are under age 18. They also note that street gang recruitment begins at age 14, when the social effects of puberty take control (as well as early onset testosterone poisoning).

Ponder that: criminology separates teens from traditional children due to changing behaviors and capacities for risk. For guns, those demarcations should be enforced as well.

The CDC table above showed that for ages 0–14, guns were not a major risk. Hence, the inaccurate claim that “guns are the leading cause of death for children” includes teens, which means it has to include teenage street gang members.

Given what the NGC says about entry into street gangs (age 14), the percentages of gang members that are teens (minimum 35%), and that American street gangs are stupendously violent, you would expect to see gun homicides rise steeply in the teen years.

And it does. Factor in that street gangs are largely metropolitan and that gun play between black street gangs is the worst of gang violence, and the rest of this chart makes even more sense.

Guns Not Leading Cause of Child Deaths | Gun Facts


First of all, the number of firearm deaths for school-age children drops quite a bit when you do not include 18-year-olds.
Removing 18-year-olds would drop the gun death number to 28,559 — just slightly fewer than the total for the military and police.

In fact, 17- and 18-year-olds make up almost 56 percent of the gun deaths of school-age children. The numbers also drop significantly — 60 percent — if suicides are removed.
We are also wary when a single change in the data set — from age 18 to 17 — reduces the number enough that the statistic is no longer correct.

Biden’s startling statistic on school-age gun deaths

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i say Trump-Lightfoot because both sides are to blame. blood is on both sides' hands!

Totally outrageous and unacceptable.

No....the blood belongs entirely to the fact, Lightfoot refused help from Trump when he offered Federal put violent criminals in the Federal system where they would serve more time for violent crimes.....she turned him down.....

And it is the democrat party policies of 1) attacking the police to the point they can no longer stop violent criminals, and 2) releasing violent gun criminal felons, no matter how many felonies they have, over and over again ...........that have driven up the murder rates across the entire country.

Bragg, the guy lynching President Trump has lowere felonies in New York to misdemeanors...

The following

Statistically, there's nothing to Bragg about when examining the chief prosecutor's performance overall.

New York City's convictions plummeted while downgraded charges skyrocketed under Bragg's watch, according to a late November 2022 analysis by the New York Post. Since taking office in January 2021, Bragg's track record shows he had downgraded more than half of his felony cases—about 52%—to misdemeanors, compared to 39% in all of 2019, the analysis found based on data made publicly available by the Manhattan DA's office. In contrast, between the years 2013 and 2020, the percentage of criminal cases the DA's office downgraded never exceeded 40% under Bragg's predecessor, Cyrus Vance Jr.

Meanwhile, Bragg managed to lose almost half of his serious felony cases, winning a conviction just 51% of the time, which is down from a victory rate of 68% in 2019, right before the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted courts in New York and nationwide. By the end of last year, Bragg had declined to prosecute approximately 35% more felony cases than in 2019. Misdemeanor convictions had also taken a dramatic downward turn, falling to 29% at the time of the data analysis, from 68% in 2019.

Violence comes and goes, like everything else.

We are entering another era of civil unrest, because this is what the politicians have created........and want.

Politicians are at their most vulnerable and exposed when the country is happy and running well, with the people having the smallest percentages of violence and unrest.

In order for politicians to make their illegal money and gain more control, they have to create unrest, conflict, hate, inflation, recession, depression, civil war, and such. When the people are angry and destructive, this is when politicians have the most power and control, and can alot as much money as they want for their personal bank accounts, citing "needs" for things that never happen. Case in point........the Ukraine "war". A trillion dollars of AMERICANS money has been sent to Zelenskyy, the Ukraine "president", under the guise of needing supplies, ammo, and weapons.

And yet, I've seen NO evidence of any kind of ANY of OUR money helping the people of the Ukraine......only Zelenskyy keeping this money and laundering it for the DemonicRats.

I ALL of the demonic Democrat politicians in this country were executed, along with Zelenskyy and his entire administration..........I guarantee you 70% of the USA's problems would instantly go away.

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