Gun deaths in perspective.

Why is Britain trying to arm more of their previously unarmed police......if the country isn't getting more violent?
British police have always had guns. Not all of them but some. We have been under terrorist attack since the 70s . It's not new.

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And they are trying to arm more of them

Hundreds more armed police to be deployed on British streets to combat terror threat in wake of Paris and Brussels attacks
Why is Britain trying to arm more of their previously unarmed police......if the country isn't getting more violent?
British police have always had guns. Not all of them but some. We have been under terrorist attack since the 70s . It's not new.

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And they are trying to arm more of them

Hundreds more armed police to be deployed on British streets to combat terror threat in wake of Paris and Brussels attacks
There are some nutters out there.

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I have looked at that idea....that Europe had so little violence because of their history of peasants and the feudal system......vs. countries that did not have a feudal system......

Then....try looking at the effects of WW1 and created a huge belief in pacifism in the face of aggression....

And then.....just think.....Europe gave over 12 million people to the socialists in Germany who murdered them in gas chambers.......they had less interpersonal killing...but much more government controlled killing....
Europe has had pretty much constant war since Roman times. So I am not sure what point you are trying to make.
Regarding your ignorant remarks about the holocaust I cant form anything coherent to this gibberish. Germans were allowed to own guns and fuck all good it did them.
Millions of Germans were murdered whilst the US looked the other way. You would do well to stfu about the holocaust.

No...Germans were not allowed to own guns....nazi party members were allowed to own guns.....Jews and political enemies were disarmed using the gun registration lists created in the 1920s....the socialists used those lists from the 20s to disarm their victims...who gave up their guns because they trusted their government.....

Germans were murdered, because Europe did nothing....we had to save you...again.....

And the governments of Europe handed over their citizens to the socialists......and after the war they gave up their guns again.....having learned nothing from those 12 million people murdered.......
Jews were disarmed after Kristalnacht in 1938. However the majority of Germans wernt and they did fuck all before 1938 or after to stop the slaughter. I am not sure what they could have done really. You simplify a complex situation down to an idiot level.

Its hugely dishonest of you to cite this flimsy case in support of your primitive gun laws.
Perhaps you should consider the fate of the Syrians today. they are not really subject to any gun laws and are being slaughtered every day. Their right to bear arms is doing them fuck all good.


The enemies of the socialists were disarmed using the gun registration lists,created in the 1920s.....this helped the nazis...because when they targeted a victim, the victim was helpless.....their political opponents could not fight back.....and if you read about the fight in the Warsaw Ghetto, you would realize that several hundred thousand armed people, fighting back, could have slowed down the slaughter.....and if the other European countries hadn't disarmed their citizens, it would have been impossible for the socialists to hold all of that territory...

And then you have the Swiss......435,000 armed citizens. .because they were armed and ready to fight the Germans did not invade......I have posted on this before......the unarmed Europeans...invaded and murdered...the armed Swiss...left alone......

You don't should try harder.........

They were nazis not socialists.
One and the same. State above all.
They were nazis not socialists.

Keep your guns, using them against your families, against yourselves and occasionally against others. Other countries they don't have this issue. It makes you less civilised.
Ever star out there puts they US among the worst in crimes with mostly poor and third world country. Wake the he'll up , people are shaking their heads at this.
Kids are killing each others, guns all over, u tucking obsessed with guns and violence, have you ever stepped a foot in other countries that are almost gun free?
Mass shooting is an American tradition.
Waaaake up!!!

Where do you live? What country?
What would happen if the first thing when they get to the country, you don't sell them guns but help them 'integrate'.

The Islamic refugees have proven, time and again, they have no desire, nor will they ever assimilate into a Christian society.
And then you have the Swiss......435,000 armed citizens. .because they were armed and ready to fight the Germans did not invade......I have posted on this before......the unarmed Europeans...invaded and murdered...the armed Swiss...left alone......

You don't should try harder.........

Switzerland, like Sweden, rolled over and played dead. They reached an agreement with Germany that they not be invaded for which the Swiss made economic concessions. To this day, Switzerland still holds billions of dollars in gold stolen from the Jews of Germany. Germany was also allowed to use Swiss airspace while they fired on Allied planes.

Japan and the US are other issues. Many historical accounts say that from Hawaii, Japan was reluctant to invade the mainland because of all the weapons in the hands of civilians.
It is very sad that some Americans believe that guns will keep them safe. Do you guys even wonder why other countries don't have this epidemic of gun voilence, mass shootings? Do you ever visit other countries and see how safe it is.
I visited lot of countries the US is a mad house, gun violence is out of control abiding citizens or not its sickening. In the western hemesphere the US is number one in fatalities due to gun violence, it's embarrassing that it ranks among countries like Salvador, Brasil, iraq, and so forth.
Wake up people, the world is laughing at this.

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.




The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online
Most crimes are done by your "native" Americans. Over last few years the rates on crimes committed by immigrants on the other hand, has dropped notably though Trump won't tell you that.

Please edit your post to reflect the actual discussion. The discussion concerns ILLEGAL ALIENS, period. I realize that is impossible for you since those statistics do not exist.
It's a worthless article since all these countries have a different definition for a violent crime.

The main reason the crime levels jumped is because UK is going toward zero tolerance in violence like other civilized countries.

So, according to you, the United Kingdom's crime level jumped because they QUIT ALLOWING CRIMINAL VIOLENCE. In the past, the UK tolerated violent crime.

Really? How comforting!

As a disclaimer, I did NOT write the post for "Meane".
No...Europe prefers gas chambers and mass graves when they kill in the millions......when they murder unarmed men, women and children.....that is the example they have to show....

Not Europe, Nazi Germany. Not Germany, Nazi Germany.
It is very sad that some Americans believe that guns will keep them safe. Do you guys even wonder why other countries don't have this epidemic of gun voilence, mass shootings? Do you ever visit other countries and see how safe it is.
I visited lot of countries the US is a mad house, gun violence is out of control abiding citizens or not its sickening. In the western hemesphere the US is number one in fatalities due to gun violence, it's embarrassing that it ranks among countries like Salvador, Brasil, iraq, and so forth.
Wake up people, the world is laughing at this.

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.




The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online

For the fascists in the forum (Pommy) that works out to more than 400% greater crime in the UK than the USA.
In the UK 19 people were killed by guns in the last declared figures (2015) . There were 27 the year before and 30 the year before that.

There hasnt been a day this year that only 19 people have been killed by guns in the US. Or any year in living memory.

Gun control works.

The US has 55 million Hispanics and 42 million blacks.

Only about 3% of your 64 million are black, and you don't even have 200,000 Latinos in the U.K.

You don't have high murder rates or gun violence in your country because you've wisely kept minorities out. All of those scary statistics you see about violence and crime in the US are caused mainly by minorities. If the US had minority rates like the U.K., we would have the same crime rates. Gun ownership has nothing to do with it.[/QUO
In the UK 19 people were killed by guns in the last declared figures (2015) . There were 27 the year before and 30 the year before that.

There hasnt been a day this year that only 19 people have been killed by guns in the US. Or any year in living memory.

Gun control works.
It's rather simple. No guns, no mass shootings. Do the math.

It is rather simple, no guns no defense of freedom when someone decides to take it away. Idiot.
Defence of freedom? We don't defend our freedom with violence.
no, you let other people do that.
Freedom or security. You have to choose.
Its absolutely fundamental.

Your thread is fundamental FAIL.

Murder rate in England and Wales rises 11%
And it still equates to one night of gun death in the US. You can only dream of murder rates as low as ours,or the rest of civilised Europe really.

And your gun laws had nothing to do with it......why is it that your gun crime and murder rate are the same as they were before and after the ban...and are now going up? Your gun laws didn't change anything......but your social welfare system, which has created young males with impulse control problems...and your immigration policies....are now creating the violence you think you don't have...
You still haven't come up with an analysis about that. The proper statistics, reasons for them...someone's else's that is, not yours....:eusa_snooty: I don't buy this story about the new gun regulation being the reason for any notable change in crime rates.

yeah...I did......

Murder and homicide rates before and after gun bans - Crime Prevention Research Center

The stats to the image...

"Every place that has banned guns has seen crime rates go up." What are thise, exactly? Or is it just that we renew our definitions of violent crimes?
No...Europe prefers gas chambers and mass graves when they kill in the millions......when they murder unarmed men, women and children.....that is the example they have to show....

Not Europe, Nazi Germany. Not Germany, Nazi Germany.

The European countries conquered by the national socialists handed over their citizens to the nazis for death in gas chambers.....look at the total number handed over to the nazis.....
And it still equates to one night of gun death in the US. You can only dream of murder rates as low as ours,or the rest of civilised Europe really.

And your gun laws had nothing to do with it......why is it that your gun crime and murder rate are the same as they were before and after the ban...and are now going up? Your gun laws didn't change anything......but your social welfare system, which has created young males with impulse control problems...and your immigration policies....are now creating the violence you think you don't have...
You still haven't come up with an analysis about that. The proper statistics, reasons for them...someone's else's that is, not yours....:eusa_snooty: I don't buy this story about the new gun regulation being the reason for any notable change in crime rates.

yeah...I did......

Murder and homicide rates before and after gun bans - Crime Prevention Research Center

The stats to the image...

"Every place that has banned guns has seen crime rates go up." What are thise, exactly? Or is it just that we renew our definitions of violent crimes?

Britain.....Australia....the rest of Europe....they are experiencing more crime.....after they banned guns.....their criminals get guns when they want them and the only thing they haven't been doing is murdering people...and that is changing....

Tell me about your trips to Birmingham. I know it really well and visit at least once a week.

I found the train station really creepy with all the signs advising of pick pockets. Hotel people telling me not to walk in the subways alone because of the likelihood of muggings doesn't instill confidence.

Remember Tainted Pommy, crime and especially VIOLENT CRIME is vastly higher in the UK than in America. You might not get shot, but your chances of being the victim of a violent crime are far higher on your side of the pond.

I've been to Birmingham 5 times. We had a plant in Coventry and I would fly into Birmingham, then take the train to Coventry. Stayed at a nasty place called the Hyland since it was close to the plant.
There are no subways in Birmingham. There is no metro system either. of the spots with rising gun crime....

Tell us...why are they having gun raids in Britain....?

Rise in UK firearms trade may provide terrorists with weapons, say police

Hogan-Howe said there were more illegal guns on the streets and said the rise in shootings in the last three months was significant: “The fact that we’re seeing it across the country in the big cities probably indicates that we’re talking about more supply.” Nationally, there has been an increase of around 19% in firearms discharges since 2013-14, with London also experiencing roughly that level of increase.


Under the new initiative, the Met said, armed patrols will focus on gun crime hotspots across the capital, all of which have pockets of poverty where police and community relations have been strained. They are the boroughs of Newham, Hackney, Haringey, Brent, Lambeth and Southwark.

Scotland Yard said the new initiative, Operation Viper, will see armed officers accompanying officers on traffic stops as part of a suite of “suppression” measures. Hogan-Howe said more stop and search may also be used, as may so called “section 60” powers allowing stops without an officer needing reasonable suspicion. He said any such tactics would be used only if justified by intelligence.

Police say criminals want access to the guns without keeping them at an address that could be linked to them. In one case three Skorpion automatic weapons were found in south London by workmen. They had been concealed in a bag buried in the ground.

In another case, a loaded MAC-10 machine pistol, known as the “spray and pray” weapon, was found in the home of a mother and her children. She had been looking after it for someone else and was jailed for five years.
The EU has its own regulations in firearems and the member states cooperate by following certain common laws and sharing information of the guns illegally on sale in the country, illegally in country (in any case because some guns are simply prohibited since there is no proper usage of them) and most - if not all - EU countries require a strong process on applying for a licence, though some may admit a gun for self defence purposes in which case there needs to be evidence the person needs it for that purpose.

All this, as we all do the same, makes it much easier to affect on the amount of illegal guns, find out where they come from, and put an end to it. Of course some things, like freedom of movement, makes it easier for them to be smuggled. But there is no question all European countries are working on making them safer, which is more than could be said of the nothing US has done about their situation.

Except it isn't anymore......guns are flooding into Europe, and even going across the channel to Britain...

Your gun crime rates are going to go up.......and your people won't be able to defend themselves.....
Can you show me the flood?

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