Gun deaths now leading cause of death for children in America.

It is. But this I will not "discuss" with you now becauese it is not very important. Everyone knows what's a war weapon and what are other weapons - except he plays to be an idiot on whatever level of idiocy.
All bolt action rifles built today are directly descended from the K-98 Mauser, an actual weapon of war for more than a century. Even today custom Mausers built off of the same action first fielded in 1898 are among the most accurate rifles in the world.

On the other hand, no nation has ever issued a semi auto AR or AK platform rifle to their troops.

You need to spend a whole lot less time talking out of your ass.
Kill it with a CAR-15 - while you think the horned rabbit is a devilish demon.
Still showing the world your ass making a complete fool of yourself.

Well, I guess everyone has to be good at something and at least you've found your niche.
You have not to show to me continuously that you need weapons to survive a talk about senseful and strict weapon laws.
Our Rights are not limited by what you or anyone else sees as our needs.

We don't have to ask permission to exercise our rights.
You do know that television shows are not real life don't you?

I know. But I know also what this man said - and what he said makes a very big sense.

The Supreme Court has ruled that no police force has any legal obligation to come to the aid of any person who calls them for help.

Aha. And whatelse is the job of the police in the USA? Only to come to the aid of the members of the Supreme Court?

I happen to live quite far from any police stations and it would most likely take 30 minutes or more for any police to get to me if they come at all.

Hmm - means this now you need war weapons to defened whatever you like to think it is worth the death of an attacker? You live in fear. It is said fear is always a bad adviser and a bad companion.

So if the police have no legal obligation to protect the public, then who can I rely on besides myself?

I never said no one is responsible for the own life nor has no one the duty to protect the life of the own family and his friends and neighbors. But if you like to improve the quality of life of all people in the USA - specially also the quality of life of your children - then I think it is the best to make much more better and strict weapon laws and to create a strict control of such laws.
All bolt action rifles built today are directly descended from the K-98 Mauser, an actual weapon of war for more than a century. Even today custom Mausers built off of the same action first fielded in 1898 are among the most accurate rifles in the world.

On the other hand, no nation has ever issued a semi auto AR or AK platform rifle to their troops.

You need to spend a whole lot less time talking out of your ass.

If you will do suicide then I guess this will help someone not to have to become spontanously your murderer. To learn manners could also help a little.
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If you will do suicide then I guess this will help someone not to have to become spontanously your murderer. To learn manners could also help a little.
Stop talking out of your ass making a fool of yourself and perhaps you will have fewer fits of temper.
Since you have obviously no understanding of constitutional rights

In this special case you are right because you speak about a not really existing right. Buy a constitutional muzzle loader and not an unconstitutional 750-shots-per-minute-alien-monster.

And it's also totally clear that the people of the USA decide today how they like to live - independent from any piece of paper of any past. You can change your constitution whenever you like to do so.
Stop talking out of your ass making a fool of yourself and perhaps you will have fewer fits of temper.
q.e.d. You are a suicider - otherwise you would not speak in such an indifferent and aggressive provoking way with people from a foreign culture who don't share your opinion about your lifestyle - better to say the lifestyle you like to force everyone else to have to follow. In your case I would never give you any weapon license - not even a license for a penknife.
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In this special case you are right because you speak about a not really existing right. Buy a constitutional muzzle loader and not an unconstitutional 750-shots-per-minute-alien-monster.

And it's also totally clear that the people of the USA decide today how they like to live - independent from any piece of paper of any past. You can change your constitution whenever you like to do so.
The Constitution never limited us to muzzle loaders.

The obvious and stated intent of those who passed and ratified it knew full well firearms technology would advance over time.

What will never change is the need for the citizens to be equally well armed to whatever threat they might reasonably face when defending their homes, families, selves, communities, states and the nation if need be.

Changing our constitution is very difficult by design which is why so few Amendments have passed. You need roughly 2/3-3/4's of the people in each state supporting the proposed amendments.
Nobody gets off 750rds in a minute with any magazine loaded weapon even running one on full auto.

The cyclic rate has nothing to do with the actual rate of fire possible with any semi auto.

Stop talking out of your ass and making such a fool of yourself.
I know. But I know also what this man said - and what he said makes a very big sense.

Aha. And whatelse is the job of the police in the USA? Only to come to the aid of the members of the Supreme Court?

Hmm - means this now you need war weapons to defened whatever you like to think it is worth the death of an attacker? You live in fear. It is said fear is always a bad adviser and a bad companion.

I never said no one is responsible for the own life nor has no one the duty to protect the life of the own family and his friends and neighbors. But if you like to improve the quality of life of all people in the USA - specially also the quality of life of your children - then I think it is the best to make much more better and strict weapon laws and to create a strict control of such laws.
You are 100% wrong on every count.

The government cannot protect you, will not protect you and doesn't give a shit about you.

And as I have told you that whole "war weapon" thing is beyond stupid.

The fact of the matter is that the biggest threat to anyone's personal safety is other people. Luckily the people who will never commit any violent crimes outnumber those who will.
You live in fear. It is said fear is always a bad adviser and a bad companion.
People who are prepared for such eventualities have no reason to live in fear so we don't.

We simply understand that the day may come for all of us that we have to either submit or defend ourselves, families, or others and prepare for it.
The Constitution never limited us to muzzle loaders.

The obvious and stated intent of those who passed and ratified it knew full well firearms technology would advance over time.

What will never change is the need for the citizens to be equally well armed to whatever threat they might reasonably face when defending their homes, families, selves, communities, states and the nation if need be.

Changing our constitution is very difficult by design which is why so few Amendments have passed. You need roughly 2/3-3/4's of the people in each state supporting the proposed amendments.

Unimportant. You don't have to change your contitution. You problem started in the 1970ies of the 20th century about 200 years after your constitution had been written. You follow a wrong interpretation of your constitution, I guess.
People who are prepared for such eventualities have no reason to live in fear so we don't.

He lives in fear - wether this fear has a real background or not is another thing. And how weapons are able to help or able to be an additsolo risk is anoher theme.

You and god?

simply understand that the day may come for all of us that we have to either submit or defend ourselves, families, or others and prepare for it.

Unimportant. You don't have to change your contitution. You problem started in the 1970ies of the 20th century about 200 years after your constitution had been written. You follow a wrong interpretation of your constitution, I guess.
I'm following the original intent and construction of the 2nd. I therefore cannot be wrong.
He lives in fear - wether this fear has a real background or not is another thing. And how weapons are able to help or able to be an additsolo risk is anoher theme.

You and god?

The only person involved in this conversation showing fear is yourself.

If we lived in the country you imagine we'd have millions of shooting victims every month.

The nice thing about the fantasy world you live in is that it prevents us from having to put up with you in the US.
He lives in fear - wether this fear has a real background or not is another thing. And how weapons are able to help or able to be an additsolo risk is anoher theme.

You and god?

No I do not live in fear.

I am not afraid of guns, you are.

I have been safely handling firearms for over 30 years.

Unlike you I know that a firearm is nothing but a tool to be used and not feared.

Weapons are not something to be afraid of in fact the only reason humans have climbed to the top of the evolutionary ladder is because we used weapons.

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