Gun deaths now leading cause of death for children in America.

You are 100% wrong on every count.

You should learn to read and to understandd.

The government cannot protect you, will not protect you and doesn't give a shit about you.

What a nonsense. That's their job - if they don't do so I'll fire them.

And as I have told you that whole "war weapon" thing is beyond stupid.

It is not. Even many policemen in a perfect situation are helpless in case someone starts to fire with a war weapon. They had first to shoot someone down who carries such a weapon and had to ask him later why he did do so if they like to save every other life.

The fact of the matter is that the biggest threat to anyone's personal safety is other people.

The fact is life is always life endangering and weapons are always a risk. Also the own weapons.

Luckily the people who will never commit any violent crimes outnumber those who will.

It's normal never to have anytng to do with any form of crime.
You should learn to read and to understandd.

What a nonsense. That's their job - if they don't do so I'll fire them.

It is not. Even many policemen in a perfect situation are helpless in case someone starts to fire with a war weapon. They had first to shoot someone down who carries such a weapon and had to ask him later why he did do so if they like to save every other life.

The fact is life is always life endangering and weapons are always a risk. Also the own weapons.

It's normal never to have anytng to do with any form of crime.
Crime will always exist. Violent crime will always exist.

You deny that only because you have been lucky enough not to be the victim of as violent crime.

And I am not in danger from my own firearms. 30 plus years of experience with guns is the proof of that.
No I do not live in fear.

You live far from others with your family and have the fear to have to protect them with the help of weapons.

I am not afraid of guns, you are.

I have been safely handling firearms for over 30 years.

So what? Do you think this will be the same in the next 30 years? The day will come when others will have to hide your guns from you. The situation "in weapons I trust" is never stable.

Unlike you I know that a firearm is nothing but a tool to be used and not feared.

A weapon always has to be feared. That's the character of a weapon. Wether it helps or not helps in case of other fears is another theme.

Weapons are not something to be afraid of in fact the only reason humans have climbed to the top of the evolutionary ladder is because we used weapons.

... weapons for hunting. But also this idea is wrong. As animals we are dangerous "Hetzjäger" ... is the English word for this really "hunting hunters"? We don't need weapons nor other tools (except the tool fire on reason of biological problems). We do not even need our overwhelming intelligence for evolutionary fitness. And a gun is only a kind of sedan chair which minimizes evolutionary fitness. A weapon is only a part of this what Konrad Lorenz had called "Verhausschweinung des Menschen" - what means we make us on our own to our own evolutionary victims like we do with our domestical animals.
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You live far from others with your family and have the fear to have to protect them with the help of weapons.

So what? Do you think this will be the same in the next 30 years? The day will come when others will have to hide your guns from you. The situation "in weapons I trust" is never stable.

A weapon always has to be feared. That's the character of a weapon. Wether it helps or not helps in case of other fears is another theme.

... weapons for hunting. But also this idea is wrong. As animals we are dangerous "Hetzjäger" ... is the English word for this really "hunting hunters"? We don't need weapons nor other tools (except the tool fire on reason of biological problems). We do not even need our overwhelming intelligence for evolutionary fitness. And a gun is only a kind of sedan chair which minimizes evolutionary fitness.
I live far from a police station.

There are quite a few people who live near me.

And I have no reason to believe I will become less responsible with my firearms so yes the next 30 years will be no more a danger to me.

if you think weapons are not responsible for our position on the evolutionary ladder then why don't you walk into the jungle naked and try to survive without any weapons.

A firearm is the single best tool for self defense and no one is forcing you to own one and quite frankly I don't care if you do or not.

But it is not your business if I own firearms and the fact that you are a foreigner living in another country makes it even less of your business.
Crime will always exist.

Not in an anarchy.

Violent crime will always exist.

Violence will always exist.

You deny that only

I deny nohting in this context. I say the NRA is a criminal terror organisations which is a a reason why the USA suffers a lack of strict weapon laws what lets explode violent criminal energy all over the USA.

because you have been lucky enough not to be the victim of as violent crime.

And I am not in danger from my own firearms.

You are. Your family is. And also all others are.

30 plus years of experience with guns is the proof of that.

Do you drink from time to time a glas of beer?
I live far from a police station.

There are quite a few people who live near me.

And I have no reason to believe I will become less responsible with my firearms so yes the next 30 years will be no more a danger to me.

if you think weapons are not responsible for our position on the evolutionary ladder then why don't you walk into the jungle naked and try to survive without any weapons.

A firearm is the single best tool for self defense and no one is forcing you to own one and quite frankly I don't care if you do or not.

But it is not your business if I own firearms and the fact that you are a foreigner living in another country makes it even less of your business.
no comment
Not in an anarchy.

Violence will always exist.

I deny nohting in this context. I say the NRA is a criminal terror organisations which is a ain reason why the USA suffers a lack of strict weapon laws what lets explode violent criminal energy all over the USA.

You are. Your family is. And also all others are.

Do you drink from time to time a glas of beer?
You just illustrate your ignorance of what actually goes on in this country.

And I have never put anyone in danger with a firearm so I am not worried about it. And that is my choice and none of your business.
You just illustrate your ignorance of what actually goes on in this country.

And I have never put anyone in danger with a firearm so I am not worried about it. And that is my choice and none of your business.

What about to take a break when you are overstrained? To think needs time.
You are a suicider - otherwise you would not speak in such an indifferent and aggressive provoking way with people from a foreign culture who don't share your opinion about your lifestyle - better to say the lifestyle you like to force everyone else to have to follow.

Your ignorance about our culture, our Constitution, and our system of laws thereunder, is not an indictment against any of it; only of your own ignorance and of your hubris in presuming to tell us, from your position of ignorance, how to run our country.

In your case I would never give you any weapon license - not even a license for a penknife.

Fortunately, none of us need your permission to carry a penknife, or anything else.
Your ignorance about our culture, our Constitution, and our system of laws thereunder,

Let me say it this way: I'm not sure what dominates all "systems of justice". ¿Injustice? ... But that's not important for me. More important is the future. And I like to see a future without weapons because I like to travel to the stars. For me is the weapon fetishism in the USA more a kind of medical, psychological and social problem. An alcoholics should not drink - a weapon fetishist should not shoot - then everyone is easily able to live with such sicknesses.

is not an indictment against any of it; only of your own ignorance and of your hubris in presuming to tell us, from your position of ignorance, how to run our country.

I tell you how murdered souls will murder your country when your people don't give themselves strict weapon laws.

Fortunately, none of us need your permission to carry a penknife, or anything else.

Unfortunatelly you personally - and not any mystic "we"or "us" - needs no one to live and is able to kill everyone on not any reason to have to do so.
I'm retired so my entire life is a break

Hm - sounds in the English language somehow strange like "a broken life". Because your life is a break you fight for free war weapons for everyone without any rules because you and your family live in a high risk to be mass-murdered? Makes this sense?
You just illustrate your ignorance of what actually goes on in this country.

And I have never put anyone in danger with a firearm

You aer a liar now and you know this - or you are a damned good represser. Did you never point with a gun barrel at anything what lives - with or without intention? Weapons are dangerous - always. There is a reason why the bible says "Who takes the sword will die by the sword. "Sword" is by the way only another word for "war weapon".

so I am not worried about it.

In naivity let us die.

And that is my choice and none of your business.

Exactly. It's your responsibility what you do with your guns - not my responsibility. But I hate the murder of children in the USA much too much not to tell you how stupid it is what you do. And you could also murder friends of me or children of my friends.
Hm - sounds in the English language somehow strange like "a broken life". Because your life is a break you fight for free war weapons for everyone without any rules because you and your family live in a high risk to be mass-murdered? Makes this sense?

"War weapons" is a stupid term for firearms.

And it seems your English is lacking.

you asked and I quote

What about to take a break when you are overstrained?
So tell me what did you mean by the word "break" in that question?

I am not "overstrained" (sic) because I am retired

And the last thing I worry about is being a victim of a mass murder. Unlike you I do not live in fear of things that are unlikely to happen to me.

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