Gun free zone law disarmed Va Beach shooting victim lawyer says

Gun free means crooks welcome.

Stupid Moon Bats don't seem to understand that basic concept.
We do have people carrying guns that are not allowed to, but that doesn't mean giving everybody the ability makes it any better.

I think carrying a firearm is a serious responsibility; one that immature adults are not capable of handling. And we all know there are plenty of those out there. We see it with alcohol, we see it on the road every day; or at least I do, we see it with recreational narcotics.

I'm as anti-government as they get, but unregulated carry will lead to trouble in my opinion. It's kind of like voting. If we only allowed people knowledgeable of politics and news to vote, we would not end up with so many idiots running our country. The problem is we allow anybody to vote.

Immature people pass the tests and pay the fees already. The problem is any fee for the exercise of a Right is unConstitutional.....and test for the exercise of a Right is I have to disagree with you, we already have laws against using a gun irresponsibly.....a concealed carry class every 5 years for the permit isn't going to make irresponsible people more responsible. I just went through our 3 hour class to renew my permit.....2 hours of a slide show, and 10 rounds at 10, 21, 30 feet....... a total of 21 hits needed.....this is not going to keep irresponsible people from getting the permit..... and if you give the anti-gunners a chance, they will boost the requirements to the point that no one will be able to afford the time and money to get them.....

We have laws for irresponsible behavior, we don't need permits. Permits are the way they keep poor people from owning legal guns, the ones who need them the most in crime filled crap holes...

In Ohio, you don't need to take anymore classes to renew your license. Once every five years you go to the DMV and just renew it. The only inconvenience is they want a passport photograph for the license. Why a passport photograph only? I have no idea.

Some constitutional right do come with provisions. Saying one needs to pay for a right is the same argument used by leftist against Voter-Id's. The Constitution does not forbid felons from owning guns either, it's a provision of the right that was legislated. Nor are those rights removed from people with mental disorders. So if we really look at the Constitution in a literal way, everybody including murderers and crazy people have a right to own and carry firearms.

Some irresponsible people can get a CCW license, but yahoos generally don't want to go through the process to get it. Plus at least when irresponsible people do get a license, they had to learn the laws of carrying and the state in general. That's something they would not be forced to learn if we had legal conceal carry with no classes. They will be under the impression they have the legal right to shoot anybody.

You and I both understand the practice it takes to use a firearm safely. Without a license, people who never shot a gun in their lives will have the ability to carry one. I wouldn't want anybody near me who is shooting a gun with no experience behind them. If you don't have the money for a license, you certainly never had the money to buy ammo and pay the expensive fees to practice at a range. When you start adding up the stall fee, ammo, targets, you can walk out of a gun range with over a hundred dollar bill for an hour or so of shooting.

Saying one needs to pay for a right is the same argument used by leftist against Voter-Id's.

That is why voter ids are free.....and they will send someone to your home to get you the id if you are home bound.

What would you do when the anti-gunners make the requirements more extreme? Put more fees and paperwork on getting the permit and higher penalties for clerical errors on your part? Forgetting to renew?

That is the problem...the same as democrats putting Poll Taxes and Literacy tests on voting Rights, they do the same for 2nd amendment Rights....

A Right that can be blocked through the imposition of fees and taxes is no longer a Right.

Concealed carry only became constitutionally protected a few years ago. Before that, most states didn't allow concealed carry, and some not even open carry. If I remember correctly, it was your state that was forced to start a CCW program along with DC.

But that ruling didn't forbid states from requirements of having a CCW license. They were allowed to dictate their own standards and requirements. In states like New York, those standards are very extreme, and many people are denied the right to carry, so depending on where you live, we are already there.

The States are the biggest problem right now. They've been allowed to pass laws that are huge infringements on the Second Amendment. Imagine requiring having to buy a license, and pass requirements in order to exercise Free Speech? Corrupt courts have upheld the illegal laws. My state is Shall Issue, but I still have to apply, pass a background check and PAY A FEE. At some point I will move to a state with Constitutional Carry.

Yes, you hear of states doing that now, but no followup on suing the states. At least in my state, we have several pro-gun organizations that have taken various governments to court repeatedly, and many times won. But it all takes time.

I don't know about other states, but I'm sure most if not all of them have similar organizations like we have over here.

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