Gun free zone law disarmed Va Beach shooting victim lawyer says

Not really, but I'd have one in the chamber in case he acts out. It's better than being there like sitting ducks if some maniac came in and started shooting up the place with unarmed victims.
If I had my 10 year daughter with me, I wouldn’t prepare for a shootout

I’d go elsewhere

Smart move. Stay out of gun-free zones, and everything will likely be fine.
I go to gun free movies all the time

I wouldn’t if every asshole was armed to the gills

You have no idea if you are going to a gun-free movie. You are assuming you are.

Several years back I was at my grocery store and the checkout lines were long. Me and a few other people started talking and somehow our concealed carry law came up. The elderly lady behind me said how scared she was that somebody might be in that store at that moment armed. She did not support our new law.

I told her that she would never know if a person in the store was armed. She insisted she could. She said they have a certain look about them.

I asked her if I looked like one of those people who would carry a gun? She replied "No, you seem like too nice of a person for that!" I then opened up my jacket (I usually use a shoulder holster in the cold months) and exposed my gun. I just smiled at her.

Legal concealed carry holders have a lower crime conviction rate than police officers in our country. So those "assholes that are armed to the gills" are the safest people to be around in public.

Did she have much to say after you revealed that you had a gun?

She was a little shocked and her mouth formed an "O" but she was not offended or frightened. I was smiling at the time and she had already came to the conclusion I was friendly and harmless. But I probably gave her something to think about, because I told her if some maniac came into the store and started killing people, she'd be glad she was behind me.
I never heard of drug free school zones. We have restrictions on firearms near schools, ex-con sex offenders who move into an area are not allowed to live near schools, but no drug restrictions because selling drugs is already illegal no matter where you sell them.

The Alaska Supreme Court just ruled that "Sex Offender Lists" are UnConstitutional.
No I don’t
I don’t oppose people having guns for hunting, target shooting or self protection.

I do oppose efforts to bring guns into courts, airplanes, sporting events, places where alcohol is being know
Gun free zones

But as someone pointed out, there are guns in court rooms. Gun free zones where there are no guns, by law enforcement or any law abiding citizen is dangerous and a target for criminals. Criminals don't care if it is a gun free zone or not. That is fairly obvious.
Nobody is denying that someone wanting to enter a gun free zone to raise havoc will do so anyway

I care about the paranoid asshole with a gun and a temper. The guy who will get into a fight with someone at a sporting event, bar, public event

The guy who has a don’t fuk with me attitude and will escalate any conflict from a shouting match into gunplay

And how many times has that happened with a CCW holder? Don't get me wrong, it has. But when it comes to guns, those are the type of people you need to be least worried of.
You are moving the goalpost
Is every legal gun owner CCW licensed?

I am cool with CCW trained gun owners
There are still places I do not want them bringing their guns

I am more concerned with armed assholes who have a temper and a don’t fuk with me, I have a gun attitude

Anybody with that attitude is likely not licensed to carry. People who go through all the trouble to legally carry take it very seriously. It's why CCW holders are seldom involved using their guns for criminal activity. So there is little worry about people who are licensed to carry. Your much greater concern should be those who have a gun that are not.

She was a little shocked and her mouth formed an "O" but she was not offended or frightened. I was smiling at the time and she had already came to the conclusion I was friendly and harmless. But I probably gave her something to think about, because I told her if some maniac came into the store and started killing people, she'd be glad she was behind me.

Good story.
Little snowflakes have been taught all their lives in screwals to fear guns. She is a product of that indoctrination. Today we have millions and millions of them.
Do you think people should be allowed to bring weapons into a courtroom?

Big difference!
Everyone has to pass through a metal detector at the courthouse.

It is a gun free zone

So you're gonna double down on stupid....

Do you think people should be allowed to bring guns into a courtroom?
It is currently a gun free zone

You're just full of stupid question aren't you.....
I have no problem with CCW licenses. Why? Because then I'm assured idiots don't have firearms on them..

Really Ray?

Please explain how Laws stop "idiots" and criminals from committing crime...or carrying concealed guns?

Laws are for the LAW ABIDING ONLY. Remember that.

Also, since you're so "comfortable" with a government registration assigning your right to carry, what happens when radical Leftists eventually get power and they then use that registry to go after everyone registered to carry a gun? You can't see a potential problem can you?

Venezuelans regret gun ban, 'a declaration of war against an unarmed population'

Too many people sadly really believe that the USA is immune to tyranny. They haven't looked around lately.

It's like I said, I have no problem with anybody carrying a gun as long as they are not assholes. But I've seen assholes with guns. I don't want those people to have guns no more than assholes on the road that have drivers licenses.

In other words I think if we made it legal for everybody to conceal carry, the assholes would be carrying too, and that will lead to a lot of problems. Younger people tend to be more assholes than older people, and I foresee a new line of accidental shootings along the way. They think of guns as toys and wave them around. They could get shot and killed in the process of horsing around even if they didn't have any nefarious intent.

While licensing does not guarantee to get rid of all assholes, it really weeds a lot of them out in my opinion. So far, our program has been very successful the way we have it now. If it's not broke--don't fix it.
Do you think people should be allowed to bring weapons into a courtroom?

Big difference!
Everyone has to pass through a metal detector at the courthouse.

It is a gun free zone

You are extremely confused on this issue. I see why ou vote for Democrats. You exhibit just the kind of illogical thinking on which they prey.
I’m not confused
I am merely challenging those who propose eliminating gun free zones in all cases.
Do you encourage people to bring their guns to courthouses, airplanes, sporting events, bars, schools?

Tripling down on stupid....
She was a little shocked and her mouth formed an "O" but she was not offended or frightened. I was smiling at the time and she had already came to the conclusion I was friendly and harmless. But I probably gave her something to think about, because I told her if some maniac came into the store and started killing people, she'd be glad she was behind me.

Good story.
Little snowflakes have been taught all their lives in screwals to fear guns. She is a product of that indoctrination. Today we have millions and millions of them.

A lot of people have never been exposed to guns before. That's why they are scared of them. We see that in USMB gun discussions all the time. They call semi-automatic weapons, automatic weapons. They think the scarier looking the gun, the more damage it can do, they think it takes a lot of effort to switch magazines instead of just a second or two which is why they want high-cap magazines eliminated. You can always tell when you're talking to somebody that's never even seen a real gun outside of a police officer carrying one.

This was especially true with women. Most women didn't want anything to do with guns. In our state, the female CCW applicants outnumber the male applicants. When you go to the gun range today, you see just as many females shooting as men. 20 years ago, the females would just sit behind the glass and watch their men folk having fun.
Oh, you really believe they do that? What planet are you living on?

They are not stupid
If given a choice of selling drugs in a school zone with higher penalties....they will go elsewhere

So where are there higher penalties for selling drugs in a school zone? How is a school zone defined anyhow?

You are making your claims on assumption and not fact. Not long ago, some lib wrote an anti-gun piece making claim of all these shootings on school grounds. It turned out to be BS, but the only truth in his claim was that people were bringing guns onto school grounds where it was illegal to have them. He included suicides and people who were shot or busted with a gun during the summer when schools were closed. He included kids who brought guns to school and never used them.

So it does happen more often than you think. You have nothing to support your claim.

NRA nuts scream how gun free zones don’t work. Someone wanting to shoot up a school will ignore the signs and shoot anyway
Where gun and drug free zones do work is to encourage gang bangers, thugs and felons to keep their distance.
Why risk higher penalties by doing your illicit activities around a school?
It encourages them to take it elsewhere

Gang bangers can already be arrested if they are in possession of a the gun free zone is a redundant law. I see you didn't respond to my post....let me repost it...

You can have a law, that gun owners will support, that if you are a felon, with an illegal gun, in a school zone, you get punished twice....first, for having the illegal gun as a felon....the penalty should be 30 years in prison......second, as a felon with an illegal gun in a school additional 30 year penalty....

See, the bonus of those two things? You are not targeting normal people with your gun law......normal people can carry guns, legally, without fear of the law...while criminals get 60 years in prison......the best of both worlds especially since mass shooters will be less likely to attack school when parents and others may have guns to stop them.

And you know what? Every supporter of the 2nd Amendment would support those laws, and the double, 30 year sentence that goes with it..........

Normal people can then carry their legal guns with them, without fear of stupid gun free zone laws....and that would make those schools mass shooter free zones, because mass shooters target gun free zones. Knowing that parents and other people will have the option of having guns in the school when they visit, will keep mass shooters away.
You can’t arrest someone for carrying unless they are a convicted felon
Sorry, I don’t support people carrying their guns into school

Then you support making those schools targets for mass public shooters. If you haven't committed crimes to become a felon, then you aren't a criminal....and should be allowed to carry a gun for self defense, even onto school grounds......since gun free zones aren't going to stop actual killers in the first place.
No, because again, nobody is insuring everybody is gun free. It's just a sign they put up to inform you that legally carrying on the premisses is against the law. But criminals don't listen to laws. That's why they're criminals.

Criminals listen to laws
That is why drug dealers will do business outside a school zone to avoid heavier penalties
It is why they won’t carry in a school zone because of higher penalties.

Oh, you really believe they do that? What planet are you living on?

They are not stupid
If given a choice of selling drugs in a school zone with higher penalties....they will go elsewhere

You want the whole of America to be a gun-free zone. Others have nuance.

Guns will be very important in the coming civil war, they will be used to defeat bad guys like you.
No I don’t
I don’t oppose people having guns for hunting, target shooting or self protection.

I do oppose efforts to bring guns into courts, airplanes, sporting events, places where alcohol is being know
Gun free zones

I can see not allowing guns onto airplanes, as long as everyone gets scanned. We already have laws about places that serve alcohol, and the only other place might be courtrooms, but again, they have heavily armed security and metal detectors already......

See....I can agree on somethings as well as calling out BS on other things....
Oh, you really believe they do that? What planet are you living on?

They are not stupid
If given a choice of selling drugs in a school zone with higher penalties....they will go elsewhere

You want the whole of America to be a gun-free zone. Others have nuance.

Guns will be very important in the coming civil war, they will be used to defeat bad guys like you.
No I don’t
I don’t oppose people having guns for hunting, target shooting or self protection.

I do oppose efforts to bring guns into courts, airplanes, sporting events, places where alcohol is being know
Gun free zones

But as someone pointed out, there are guns in court rooms. Gun free zones where there are no guns, by law enforcement or any law abiding citizen is dangerous and a target for criminals. Criminals don't care if it is a gun free zone or not. That is fairly obvious.
Nobody is denying that someone wanting to enter a gun free zone to raise havoc will do so anyway

I care about the paranoid asshole with a gun and a temper. The guy who will get into a fight with someone at a sporting event, bar, public event

The guy who has a don’t fuk with me attitude and will escalate any conflict from a shouting match into gunplay

Those are the people already carrying guns illegally........and if they are willing to escalate a confilct into killing people, a gun free zone isn't going to stop them from carrying their gun with them again, you have no argument. And besides.....all you have to do is make a law that if you bring a gun into a school, and you draw that weapon for any reason but self defense, you go to again, you punish actual criminal behavior, without taking guns away from normal people.....
What are you talking about? Yes, if you are carrying a concealed gun without a license, that's a felony. You will be arrested, charged. and jailed until you post bond.

which is a shame. Think about it....

The intent of the 2nd amendment is to give the people the power to resist government tyranny. And here, we've GIVEN government to right to dictate how, when and who can carry a gun. Do you see the sad irony?

I would argue the government has no business and no right infringing on 2nd amendment rights EXCEPT in the case of criminals and the mentally ill.
Infringement has encroached so far now that we thank the government for "allowing" us to pay for a permit to carry a gun. pathetic.

You can carry without a license in our state, just open carry though. Here, you cannot conceal a gun unless you have a permit. Doing so is against the law.

I have no problem with CCW licenses. Why? Because then I'm assured idiots don't have firearms on them. I've seen enough punks behave badly and dangerously at the shooting range.

If I know that only CCW holders have the ability to legally carry a firearm, I'm assured they went through the same training I did. They had the 10 hour class, they had to pass a written test, and they had to pass the range test, they were electronically fingerprinted and their criminal history has been examined.

The legislatures in our state are moving to have non-license conceal carry, and I'm totally against that. If passed, I predict problems with assholes having guns on them.

I have no problem with CCW licenses.

We have to disagree on this point...this is where the anti-gunners make the fees for classes and the training requirements so heavy, that normal people, especially the poor, can't afford the time and money to get the training and the license......and owning and carrying a gun is a Right, not a privilege.....

The criminals are already carrying guns without any of those tests or fees.....and anyone who mishandles a gun in public can already be arrested for doing it.......

There are already a lot of states with Constitutional Carry and they have no more problems with their gun owners than the states with extreme requirements like my state, Illinois. Normal people who want to carry a gun for self defense already go out and get the training.....mandating the training gives too much power to the gun banners and is unConstitutional in the first place.
We need to get rid of gun free zones....

You walk into a movie theater with your 10 year old daughter and this guy is sitting there holding an AR15 and has a large duffle bag at his feet

Are you going to sit next to him?


If you watch the show on either Showtime or Starz...called "Active Shooter," where they talk to the survivors of mass public shootings, you would know that if people in that theater had their own guns, this guy wouldn't have been able to kill as many people as he did........he entered the theater from the exit, and shot over the heads of the people in the rows closest to him. Why did he do that? The court appointed psychiatrist, who was interviewed on the show, stated that he didn't want to have any personal connection with the victims.....this is what the killer stated. He wanted the killings to be impersonal, and those rows closest to him made it too personal, so he fired over their heads into the back rows. In fact, as he was walking out of the theater, he walked up to a girl hiding on the floor....he made eye contact with her, and that saved made a personal connection and he didn't shoot her. He asked the psychiatrist why the girl laughed when he looked at her......and was told it was laughter as a nervous reaction.

Had people in that gun free zone had their legal guns with them, they could have shot this guy and saved lives, especially if they had been in the first rows of the theater......but they left their guns at home......and he picked that theater out of all the theaters in the area, because it had a gun free zone policy.

If that theater was not gun-free, it's likely he wouldn't have went to that particular theater. He passed several theaters on the way to that one that had no gun restrictions.


We know from his notes and plans that he originally wanted to attack an airport....but was afraid of the armed the gun free status of the theater is what drew him to that theater.....dittos so many of the other mass shooters....who we know from interviews and notes, target gun free zones.
I never heard of drug free school zones. We have restrictions on firearms near schools, ex-con sex offenders who move into an area are not allowed to live near schools, but no drug restrictions because selling drugs is already illegal no matter where you sell them.

The Alaska Supreme Court just ruled that "Sex Offender Lists" are UnConstitutional.

I read that this morning. But that is Alaska. I don't think it will hold up to the Supreme Court if they push it that far and the court decides to hear the case.
But as someone pointed out, there are guns in court rooms. Gun free zones where there are no guns, by law enforcement or any law abiding citizen is dangerous and a target for criminals. Criminals don't care if it is a gun free zone or not. That is fairly obvious.
Nobody is denying that someone wanting to enter a gun free zone to raise havoc will do so anyway

I care about the paranoid asshole with a gun and a temper. The guy who will get into a fight with someone at a sporting event, bar, public event

The guy who has a don’t fuk with me attitude and will escalate any conflict from a shouting match into gunplay

And how many times has that happened with a CCW holder? Don't get me wrong, it has. But when it comes to guns, those are the type of people you need to be least worried of.
You are moving the goalpost
Is every legal gun owner CCW licensed?

I am cool with CCW trained gun owners
There are still places I do not want them bringing their guns

I am more concerned with armed assholes who have a temper and a don’t fuk with me, I have a gun attitude

Anybody with that attitude is likely not licensed to carry. People who go through all the trouble to legally carry take it very seriously. It's why CCW holders are seldom involved using their guns for criminal activity. So there is little worry about people who are licensed to carry. Your much greater concern should be those who have a gun that are not.


that is rude behavior......a rifle is something you use when expecting or going into a place where an attack is happening or likely to the store owners during the Rodney King and Ferguson Riots who had rifles....... a pistol on the hip is not an aggressive is a defensive one......the store would have the right to ask her to leave and put the rifle in her car....and she should comply as a good citizen.
What are you talking about? Yes, if you are carrying a concealed gun without a license, that's a felony. You will be arrested, charged. and jailed until you post bond.

which is a shame. Think about it....

The intent of the 2nd amendment is to give the people the power to resist government tyranny. And here, we've GIVEN government to right to dictate how, when and who can carry a gun. Do you see the sad irony?

I would argue the government has no business and no right infringing on 2nd amendment rights EXCEPT in the case of criminals and the mentally ill.
Infringement has encroached so far now that we thank the government for "allowing" us to pay for a permit to carry a gun. pathetic.

You can carry without a license in our state, just open carry though. Here, you cannot conceal a gun unless you have a permit. Doing so is against the law.

I have no problem with CCW licenses. Why? Because then I'm assured idiots don't have firearms on them. I've seen enough punks behave badly and dangerously at the shooting range.

If I know that only CCW holders have the ability to legally carry a firearm, I'm assured they went through the same training I did. They had the 10 hour class, they had to pass a written test, and they had to pass the range test, they were electronically fingerprinted and their criminal history has been examined.

The legislatures in our state are moving to have non-license conceal carry, and I'm totally against that. If passed, I predict problems with assholes having guns on them.

I have no problem with CCW licenses.

We have to disagree on this point...this is where the anti-gunners make the fees for classes and the training requirements so heavy, that normal people, especially the poor, can't afford the time and money to get the training and the license......and owning and carrying a gun is a Right, not a privilege.....

The criminals are already carrying guns without any of those tests or fees.....and anyone who mishandles a gun in public can already be arrested for doing it.......

There are already a lot of states with Constitutional Carry and they have no more problems with their gun owners than the states with extreme requirements like my state, Illinois. Normal people who want to carry a gun for self defense already go out and get the training.....mandating the training gives too much power to the gun banners and is unConstitutional in the first place.

We do have people carrying guns that are not allowed to, but that doesn't mean giving everybody the ability makes it any better.

I think carrying a firearm is a serious responsibility; one that immature adults are not capable of handling. And we all know there are plenty of those out there. We see it with alcohol, we see it on the road every day; or at least I do, we see it with recreational narcotics.

I'm as anti-government as they get, but unregulated carry will lead to trouble in my opinion. It's kind of like voting. If we only allowed people knowledgeable of politics and news to vote, we would not end up with so many idiots running our country. The problem is we allow anybody to vote.
Criminals listen to laws
That is why drug dealers will do business outside a school zone to avoid heavier penalties
It is why they won’t carry in a school zone because of higher penalties.

Oh, you really believe they do that? What planet are you living on?

They are not stupid
If given a choice of selling drugs in a school zone with higher penalties....they will go elsewhere

You want the whole of America to be a gun-free zone. Others have nuance.

Guns will be very important in the coming civil war, they will be used to defeat bad guys like you.
No I don’t
I don’t oppose people having guns for hunting, target shooting or self protection.

I do oppose efforts to bring guns into courts, airplanes, sporting events, places where alcohol is being know
Gun free zones

I can see not allowing guns onto airplanes, as long as everyone gets scanned. We already have laws about places that serve alcohol, and the only other place might be courtrooms, but again, they have heavily armed security and metal detectors already......

See....I can agree on somethings as well as calling out BS on other things....

We lifted our ban on public places and alcohol. Some outlets like Applebee's serve alcohol and that meant guns were not permitted in the restaurant. However it's still illegal to consume alcohol while carrying a gun.

Again, no problems that I'm aware of. There are people who go to establishments that serve alcohol and they don't touch a drop.

I used to be on a dart league years ago. For our home bar, I could walk. For away games, I had to drive, and because of my license, I never touched a drop; just went to those bars to play darts. For whatever reason I could never understand, the league used to send us to some very shady neighborhoods. I always took my gun with me, but kept in in the car instead of breaking the law and carrying inside of the bar.

You want the whole of America to be a gun-free zone. Others have nuance.

Guns will be very important in the coming civil war, they will be used to defeat bad guys like you.
But as someone pointed out, there are guns in court rooms. Gun free zones where there are no guns, by law enforcement or any law abiding citizen is dangerous and a target for criminals. Criminals don't care if it is a gun free zone or not. That is fairly obvious.
Nobody is denying that someone wanting to enter a gun free zone to raise havoc will do so anyway

I care about the paranoid asshole with a gun and a temper. The guy who will get into a fight with someone at a sporting event, bar, public event

The guy who has a don’t fuk with me attitude and will escalate any conflict from a shouting match into gunplay

And how many times has that happened with a CCW holder? Don't get me wrong, it has. But when it comes to guns, those are the type of people you need to be least worried of.
You are moving the goalpost
Is every legal gun owner CCW licensed?

I am cool with CCW trained gun owners
There are still places I do not want them bringing their guns

I am more concerned with armed assholes who have a temper and a don’t fuk with me, I have a gun attitude

Anybody with that attitude is likely not licensed to carry. People who go through all the trouble to legally carry take it very seriously. It's why CCW holders are seldom involved using their guns for criminal activity. So there is little worry about people who are licensed to carry. Your much greater concern should be those who have a gun that are not.


You would be a fool to try and rape that chick, wouldn't you?
Gun free zones are nothing more than zones that offer aid and comfort to the bad guys.

Just like background checks they do nothing to prevent any crime.
What are you talking about? Yes, if you are carrying a concealed gun without a license, that's a felony. You will be arrested, charged. and jailed until you post bond.

which is a shame. Think about it....

The intent of the 2nd amendment is to give the people the power to resist government tyranny. And here, we've GIVEN government to right to dictate how, when and who can carry a gun. Do you see the sad irony?

I would argue the government has no business and no right infringing on 2nd amendment rights EXCEPT in the case of criminals and the mentally ill.
Infringement has encroached so far now that we thank the government for "allowing" us to pay for a permit to carry a gun. pathetic.

You can carry without a license in our state, just open carry though. Here, you cannot conceal a gun unless you have a permit. Doing so is against the law.

I have no problem with CCW licenses. Why? Because then I'm assured idiots don't have firearms on them. I've seen enough punks behave badly and dangerously at the shooting range.

If I know that only CCW holders have the ability to legally carry a firearm, I'm assured they went through the same training I did. They had the 10 hour class, they had to pass a written test, and they had to pass the range test, they were electronically fingerprinted and their criminal history has been examined.

The legislatures in our state are moving to have non-license conceal carry, and I'm totally against that. If passed, I predict problems with assholes having guns on them.

I have no problem with CCW licenses.

We have to disagree on this point...this is where the anti-gunners make the fees for classes and the training requirements so heavy, that normal people, especially the poor, can't afford the time and money to get the training and the license......and owning and carrying a gun is a Right, not a privilege.....

The criminals are already carrying guns without any of those tests or fees.....and anyone who mishandles a gun in public can already be arrested for doing it.......

There are already a lot of states with Constitutional Carry and they have no more problems with their gun owners than the states with extreme requirements like my state, Illinois. Normal people who want to carry a gun for self defense already go out and get the training.....mandating the training gives too much power to the gun banners and is unConstitutional in the first place.

We do have people carrying guns that are not allowed to, but that doesn't mean giving everybody the ability makes it any better.

I think carrying a firearm is a serious responsibility; one that immature adults are not capable of handling. And we all know there are plenty of those out there. We see it with alcohol, we see it on the road every day; or at least I do, we see it with recreational narcotics.

I'm as anti-government as they get, but unregulated carry will lead to trouble in my opinion. It's kind of like voting. If we only allowed people knowledgeable of politics and news to vote, we would not end up with so many idiots running our country. The problem is we allow anybody to vote.

Immature people pass the tests and pay the fees already. The problem is any fee for the exercise of a Right is unConstitutional.....and test for the exercise of a Right is I have to disagree with you, we already have laws against using a gun irresponsibly.....a concealed carry class every 5 years for the permit isn't going to make irresponsible people more responsible. I just went through our 3 hour class to renew my permit.....2 hours of a slide show, and 10 rounds at 10, 21, 30 feet....... a total of 21 hits needed.....this is not going to keep irresponsible people from getting the permit..... and if you give the anti-gunners a chance, they will boost the requirements to the point that no one will be able to afford the time and money to get them.....

We have laws for irresponsible behavior, we don't need permits. Permits are the way they keep poor people from owning legal guns, the ones who need them the most in crime filled crap holes...

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