Gun Grabbers tell followers to call cops on gun owners....

It was an idiotic question, there's no way to answer it before I encountered an undefined scenario.

So there is no intelligent advice you can offer citizens as to when they should call the cops.

Thank you for that brilliance.
Don't call if you see someone carrying in an open carry state. Do call if someone is pointing the weapon or shooting at people. Does that help?

You just made the best case against open carry.
Huh? You are on LSD or something.

Open carry lets Farook and his wife walk into a public building, armed to the teeth, with the right not to be challenged in any way, until they start killing people.

Why would you want that?
You dumb motherfucker. It had nothing to do with OC. They shot the place up and you think they gave a shit about carry laws?

"Gun Grabbers tell followers to call cops on gun owners...."

There are no 'gun grabbers,' the notion is a ridiculous rightwing lie.

And gun owners who follow the law needn't worry about LEO showing up.

A few years ago we had a sheriff's deputy show up on our property pursuant to a complaint about 'unsupervised minors' with guns; it was a lie, of course – when they were minors I always supervised my sons at the shooting range at the back of our property.

The deputy and I talked for a few minutes and he left when he saw the 'complaint' was false.
When they were waving it around? Threatening someone with it? Committing a crime? I see people open carry constantly.I don't lose a wink of sleep or bat an eye. I think DAMN! that is awesome. Must be nice to be able to defend yourself in case someone tries to rob you or harm your family. I don't carry at all so I keep a metal police retractable baton in my door of my vehicle. The ones they use to bust windows out with. Wife has a VERY POWERFUL taser. I am not a pussy and worry if someone is going to shoot me or not because to CARRY a weapon 1.They must go through SOME kind of background check 2. They know there are PUSSIES around who will eventually call cops and cops will check the out and their shit better be in order when the cop runs their info.
Posing for a picture scares you eh? Damn libtards are scared of everything.

Some of us haven't forgotten how you RWnuts pissed yourselves over these guys:

You mean the terrorists threatening voters at a voting booth? Yeah that's illegal but SHOCKER when coon in chief was elected it was all dropped.

Are they brandishing guns? Are they even carrying guns?

When they were waving it around? Threatening someone with it? Committing a crime? I see people open carry constantly.I don't lose a wink of sleep or bat an eye. I think DAMN! that is awesome. Must be nice to be able to defend yourself in case someone tries to rob you or harm your family. I don't carry at all so I keep a metal police retractable baton in my door of my vehicle. The ones they use to bust windows out with. Wife has a VERY POWERFUL taser. I am not a pussy and worry if someone is going to shoot me or not because to CARRY a weapon 1.They must go through SOME kind of background check 2. They know there are PUSSIES around who will eventually call cops and cops will check the out and their shit better be in order when the cop runs their info.
Posing for a picture scares you eh? Damn libtards are scared of everything.

Some of us haven't forgotten how you RWnuts pissed yourselves over these guys:

You mean the terrorists threatening voters at a voting booth? Yeah that's illegal but SHOCKER when coon in chief was elected it was all dropped.

Very interesting. Open carry rights should not apply to the right of a black man to carry a stick.

Most unsurprising thing I've heard all day.
Is it hard being so dumb? Its called racial intimidation dumb ass. How would you feel with 2 members of the Klan standing there with nothing but clubs in their hands when people to vote? Hell I am not even allowed to wear a politicians sticker on my shirt when I vote much less stand their intimidating voters. Continue being dense you are pretty good at it. I feel sorry for someone so ignorant.

lol, I got the racism card out of him. Easily than pulling his last tooth.
Yep. Its obvious this one is one of the willfully ignorant.
Open carry lets Farook and his wife walk into a public building, armed to the teeth, with the right not to be challenged in any way, until they start killing people.

Why would you want that?

You confused dumbass! How come all you Libtards are confused all the time? Were you born that way or did you stick your head up your ass at a later time?

Where legal open carry allows the firearms to be shown. However, I do not know of any open carry law that allows the firearms to be used in a crime, do you?

Farook committed two crimes.

1. He open carried in a state that does not allow it.

2. He murdered people.

Do you understand the difference between the two? I don't think you do. Most Libtards have trouble understanding much of anything.
People who call the cops because people who act stupidly with guns are good citizens.

If open or concealed carry are legal, and the person in question has a legal right or permit for it, then calling the cops any time you see a gun is a frivolous waste of police resources.

So three guys carrying guns in an open carry state walk into a bank,

and the teller who hits the silent alarm is the villain?

lolol. What you hear on USMB...

People who call the cops because people who act stupidly with guns are good citizens.

If open or concealed carry are legal, and the person in question has a legal right or permit for it, then calling the cops any time you see a gun is a frivolous waste of police resources.

So three guys carrying guns in an open carry state walk into a bank,

and the teller who hits the silent alarm is the villain?

lolol. What you hear on USMB...

If they have the weapons holstered or slung properly, and are in an open carry state, they should know better.

You should know better.

Yes, because anyone with a gun is automatically just going to open up and start firing. I guess your chance of leaving a gun range is 50/50, at best....
People who call the cops because people who act stupidly with guns are good citizens.

If open or concealed carry are legal, and the person in question has a legal right or permit for it, then calling the cops any time you see a gun is a frivolous waste of police resources.

So three guys carrying guns in an open carry state walk into a bank,

and the teller who hits the silent alarm is the villain?

lolol. What you hear on USMB...

Banks are usually gun free zones, you can't carry in them open or concealed.

The gun free zones that the gun nuts want to prohibit? The gun free zones that the gun nuts say are magnets for mass shootings?
or holdups, like a bank? Why do you supposed banks are an easy target? Money and no guns. hmmmmmmmm...go figur
People who call the cops because people who act stupidly with guns are good citizens.

If open or concealed carry are legal, and the person in question has a legal right or permit for it, then calling the cops any time you see a gun is a frivolous waste of police resources.

So three guys carrying guns in an open carry state walk into a bank,

and the teller who hits the silent alarm is the villain?

lolol. What you hear on USMB...

Banks are usually gun free zones, you can't carry in them open or concealed.

The gun free zones that the gun nuts want to prohibit? The gun free zones that the gun nuts say are magnets for mass shootings?
or holdups, like a bank? Why do you supposed banks are an easy target? Money and no guns. hmmmmmmmm...go figur

Are you aware that gun free zones do not apply to armed security? A school can be a gun free zone and still have armed guards. As can a bank. The gun free part applies to nuts like you.
If 911 is abused there can be hefty fines. It will get expensive for the assholes if they keep it up.

So when would you call the cops when you saw a person with a gun?
Seen lots of them here, we are an open carry state. Never called the cops or peed my pants for that matter

That was not an answer, but since you're retarded, it's not surprising.
It was an idiotic question, there's no way to answer it before I encountered an undefined scenario.

So there is no intelligent advice you can offer citizens as to when they should call the cops.

Thank you for that brilliance.
There is a real simple answer, educate one's self. How does one know to stop a vehicle at a sign that says 'stop'?
If open or concealed carry are legal, and the person in question has a legal right or permit for it, then calling the cops any time you see a gun is a frivolous waste of police resources.

So three guys carrying guns in an open carry state walk into a bank,

and the teller who hits the silent alarm is the villain?

lolol. What you hear on USMB...

Banks are usually gun free zones, you can't carry in them open or concealed.

The gun free zones that the gun nuts want to prohibit? The gun free zones that the gun nuts say are magnets for mass shootings?
or holdups, like a bank? Why do you supposed banks are an easy target? Money and no guns. hmmmmmmmm...go figur

Are you aware that gun free zones do not apply to armed security? A school can be a gun free zone and still have armed guards. As can a bank. The gun free part applies to nuts like you.
How many armed guards are there generally in a bank? One? And the thief is not afraid of the one gun.
So three guys carrying guns in an open carry state walk into a bank,

and the teller who hits the silent alarm is the villain?

lolol. What you hear on USMB...

Banks are usually gun free zones, you can't carry in them open or concealed.

The gun free zones that the gun nuts want to prohibit? The gun free zones that the gun nuts say are magnets for mass shootings?
or holdups, like a bank? Why do you supposed banks are an easy target? Money and no guns. hmmmmmmmm...go figur

Are you aware that gun free zones do not apply to armed security? A school can be a gun free zone and still have armed guards. As can a bank. The gun free part applies to nuts like you.
How many armed guards are there generally in a bank? One? And the thief is not afraid of the one gun.

None of the banks I go to have armed guards…..
Banks are usually gun free zones, you can't carry in them open or concealed.

The gun free zones that the gun nuts want to prohibit? The gun free zones that the gun nuts say are magnets for mass shootings?
or holdups, like a bank? Why do you supposed banks are an easy target? Money and no guns. hmmmmmmmm...go figur

Are you aware that gun free zones do not apply to armed security? A school can be a gun free zone and still have armed guards. As can a bank. The gun free part applies to nuts like you.
How many armed guards are there generally in a bank? One? And the thief is not afraid of the one gun.

None of the banks I go to have armed guards…..
I hardly ever go to a bank. But the last one I was at didn't either. At least not posted out in the lobby area.

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